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Don't Hide Character When Using Bullet Bill [B_squo] |
Posted by: Vega - 10-21-2024, 05:27 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Don't Hide Character When Using Bullet Bill [B_squo]
When using the Bullet Bill, you character and vehicle won't hide, but the Bullet Bill will remain hidden.
The function 0x80590a9c (PAL) appears to be a "setVisible" kind of function, that will show or hide you player's vehicle / character, or Bullet Bill depending on the arguments you pass to it:
r4: isVehicleVisible
r5: isBulletVisible
r6: updateVisibility
r7: isMii
If updateVisibility is false, then the visibility will only update if players haven't vanished
0459B8B4 60000000
045b089c 60000000
0459b234 60000000
0458990c 60000000
Code creator: B_squo
Hide VR / BR Text [B_squo] |
Posted by: Vega - 10-21-2024, 05:24 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Hide VR / BR Text [B_squo]
0464c378 60000000
0464c434 60000000
0464acdc 60000000
0464acf0 60000000
0485d404 60000000
0485d424 60000000
04619064 60000000
04619120 60000000
0464e464 60000000
0464e478 60000000
0485ad74 60000000
0485ad94 60000000
0464b9e4 60000000
0464baa0 60000000
0464a348 60000000
0464a35c 60000000
0485ca70 60000000
0485ca90 60000000
0463a690 60000000
0463a74c 60000000
04638ff4 60000000
04639008 60000000
0484b7c4 60000000
0484b7e4 60000000
Code creator: B_squo
Statues/Posters/Signs Are Always/Never Mii Heads [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-21-2024, 12:53 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- No Replies
Statues/Posters Are Always/Never Mii Heads [Ro]
This code makes it so you can force if statues and posters will always have normal head or mii head. Posters and statues are separated, statues affect all tracks and some posters are shared with some tracks and some are individual courses, because of this there's two versions of the code, one that will force all statues and specific posters to be what you want and the other version you can force it on each individual track. You can remove specific lines or modify lines to remove specific tracks, everything will be referenced below.
Before filling the values, read the information below the code.
Code 1 (All statues and course specific posters)
045243D4 386000SS
0477CA78 380000LC
0477B86C 380000XX
0477BE0C 380000MH
04528848 386000SS
047739C4 380000LC
047727B8 380000XX
04772D58 380000MH
045281C8 386000SS
04773030 380000LC
04771E24 380000XX
047723C4 380000MH
0451686C 386000SS
04761D84 380000LC
04760B78 380000XX
04761118 380000MH
SS (Statues heads [Luigi Circuit, DK Summit, Daisy Circuit, Dry Dry Ruins, Block Plaza]):
00: Always normal statue heads
18: Always mii heads
LC (Luigi Circuit face signs):
00: Always Luigi head
01: Always mii head
XX (Toad Factory, Wario's Gold Mine, Koopa Cape face signs):
00: Always Toad/Wario/Koopa head
01: Always mii head
MH (Moonview Highway billboard poster):
00: Always Mario/Peach head
01: Always mii head
Remove line of specific track if you want it to have normal behavior (normal head when not mii, mii head when mii)
Code 2 (Course specific statues and posters/signs)
C25243D4 0000000A
8063000C 3D80809C
818C8F68 818C0B68
2C0C0008 40820008
386000LS 2C0C0006
40820008 386000SS
2C0C0009 40820008
386000DS 2C0C000E
40820008 386000RS
2C0C0021 40820008
386000BS 00000000
0477CA78 380000LC
C277B86C 00000007
80030100 3D80809C
818C8F68 818C0B68
2C0C0004 40820008
380000TF 2C0C0007
40820008 380000WG
2C0C000F 40820008
380000KC 00000000
0477BE0C 380000MH
C2528848 0000000A
8063000C 3D80809C
818CD728 818C0B68
2C0C0008 40820008
386000LS 2C0C0006
40820008 386000SS
2C0C0009 40820008
386000DS 2C0C000E
40820008 386000RS
2C0C0021 40820008
386000BS 00000000
047739C4 380000LC
C27727B8 00000007
80030100 3D80809C
818CD728 818C0B68
2C0C0004 40820008
380000TF 2C0C0007
40820008 380000WG
2C0C000F 40820008
380000KC 00000000
04772D58 380000MH
C25281C8 0000000A
8063000C 3D80809C
818CC788 818C0B68
2C0C0008 40820008
386000LS 2C0C0006
40820008 386000SS
2C0C0009 40820008
386000DS 2C0C000E
40820008 386000RS
2C0C0021 40820008
386000BS 00000000
04773030 380000LC
C2771E24 00000007
80030100 3D80809C
818CC788 818C0B68
2C0C0004 40820008
380000TF 2C0C0007
40820008 380000WG
2C0C000F 40820008
380000KC 00000000
047723C4 380000MH
C251686C 0000000A
8063000C 3D80809B
818CBD68 818C0B68
2C0C0008 40820008
386000LS 2C0C0006
40820008 386000SS
2C0C0009 40820008
386000DS 2C0C000E
40820008 386000RS
2C0C0021 40820008
386000BS 00000000
04761D84 380000LC
C2760B78 00000007
80030100 3D80809B
818CBD68 818C0B68
2C0C0004 40820008
380000TF 2C0C0007
40820008 380000WG
2C0C000F 40820008
380000KC 00000000
04761118 380000MH
LS (Luigi Circuit statue), SS (DK Summit statue), DS (Daisy Circuit statues), RS (Dry Dry Ruins sphynx), BS (Block Plaza statues):
00: Always normal statue heads
18: Always mii heads
LC (Luigi Circuit face signs):
00: Always Luigi head
01: Always mii head
TF (Toad Factory face sign):
00: Always Toad head
01: Always mii head
WG (Wario's Gold Mine face sign):
00: Always Wario head
01: Always mii head
KC (Koopa Cape face sign):
00: Always Koopa head
01: Always mii head
MH (Moonview Highway billboard poster):
00: Always Mario/Peach head
01: Always mii head
If you want specific statues/posters to behave normally (normal head when not mii, mii head when mii), replace these lines:
Luigi Circuit statue: 2C0C0008 40820008 to 2C0C0008 48000008
DK Summit statue: 40820008 386000SS to 48000008 386000SS
Daisy Circuit statues: 2C0C0009 40820008 to 2C0C0009 48000008
Dry Dry Ruins sphynx: 40820008 386000RS to 48000008 386000RS
Block Plaza statues: 2C0C0021 40820008 to 2C0C0021 48000008
Luigi Circuit or Moonview Highway posters: Remove line that ends with LC or MH
Toad Factory face sign: 2C0C0004 40820008 to 2C0C0004 48000008
Wario's Gold Mine face sign: 40820008 380000WG to 48000008 380000WG
Koopa Cape face sign: 2C0C000F 40820008 to 2C0C000F 48000008
Code creator: Ro
Show Kart Statuses on Minimap [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-20-2024, 12:58 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- Replies (5)
Show Kart Statuses on Minimap [Ro]
This code will show kart statuses on minimap like the recent Mario Kart titles. The statuses that are included are: Star, Mega, Bullet, Shocked, Inked and Crushed.
How each status show on the minimap:
Star: Character icon will have a blinking red/blue outline (similar to Need for Speed cop icon blinking colors)
Mega: Character icon will be bigger
Bullet: Character icon will have a black outline
Shocked: Character icon will be smaller
Inked: Character icon will be black
Crushed: Character icon will be squished
Source code will be included for modification and because it's a huge code. If you want to remove a specific status and don't want to modify source, instructions for modifying compiled ASM code are at the end of this post.
C27E2018 00000025
3D40809C 818AD110
818C0020 2804000B
4081000C 808A8F68
88840B84 1D640004
7D8C5A14 818C0000
818C0000 818C0004
48000009 3E19999A
7D2802A6 815C01B8
C00A0044 C0290000
811C01BC 813C01C0
C0490044 80EC000C
70E08000 4182000C
EC00082A EC42082A
70E00080 4182000C
EC000828 EC420828
74E01000 41820008
EC000028 D00A0044
D0480044 D0490044
74E00001 41820014
EC000828 EC420828
EC000828 EC420828
D00A0048 D0480048
D0490048 816C0008
75608000 40820014
74E01800 40820034
80030B90 48000058
89430050 394A0001
2C0A000A 41800008
39400000 99430050
2C0A0005 3BE00002
41800008 3BE00001
38000002 819C01BC
39600001 996C00BB
819C01C0 39600005
996C00BB 3D80807E
618C2114 7D8903A6
4E800420 00000000
C27EB8C4 00000025
3D40809C 818A18F8
818C0020 2804000B
4081000C 808AD728
88840B84 1D640004
7D8C5A14 818C0000
818C0000 818C0004
48000009 3E19999A
7D2802A6 815C01B8
C00A0044 C0290000
811C01BC 813C01C0
C0490044 80EC000C
70E08000 4182000C
EC00082A EC42082A
70E00080 4182000C
EC000828 EC420828
74E01000 41820008
EC000028 D00A0044
D0480044 D0490044
74E00001 41820014
EC000828 EC420828
EC000828 EC420828
D00A0048 D0480048
D0490048 816C0008
75608000 40820014
74E01800 40820034
80030B90 48000058
89430050 394A0001
2C0A000A 41800008
39400000 99430050
2C0A0005 3BE00002
41800008 3BE00001
38000002 819C01BC
39600001 996C00BB
819C01C0 39600005
996C00BB 3D80807E
618CB9C0 7D8903A6
4E800420 00000000
C27EAF30 00000025
3D40809C 818A0958
818C0020 2804000B
4081000C 808AC788
88840B84 1D640004
7D8C5A14 818C0000
818C0000 818C0004
48000009 3E19999A
7D2802A6 815C01B8
C00A0044 C0290000
811C01BC 813C01C0
C0490044 80EC000C
70E08000 4182000C
EC00082A EC42082A
70E00080 4182000C
EC000828 EC420828
74E01000 41820008
EC000028 D00A0044
D0480044 D0490044
74E00001 41820014
EC000828 EC420828
EC000828 EC420828
D00A0048 D0480048
D0490048 816C0008
75608000 40820014
74E01800 40820034
80030B90 48000058
89430050 394A0001
2C0A000A 41800008
39400000 99430050
2C0A0005 3BE00002
41800008 3BE00001
38000002 819C01BC
39600001 996C00BB
819C01C0 39600005
996C00BB 3D80807E
618CB02C 7D8903A6
4E800420 00000000
C27D9C84 00000025
3D40809B 818AFF38
818C0020 2804000B
4081000C 808ABD68
88840B84 1D640004
7D8C5A14 818C0000
818C0000 818C0004
48000009 3E19999A
7D2802A6 815C01B8
C00A0044 C0290000
811C01BC 813C01C0
C0490044 80EC000C
70E08000 4182000C
EC00082A EC42082A
70E00080 4182000C
EC000828 EC420828
74E01000 41820008
EC000028 D00A0044
D0480044 D0490044
74E00001 41820014
EC000828 EC420828
EC000828 EC420828
D00A0048 D0480048
D0490048 816C0008
75608000 40820014
74E01800 40820034
80030B90 48000058
89430050 394A0001
2C0A000A 41800008
39400000 99430050
2C0A0005 3BE00002
41800008 3BE00001
38000002 819C01BC
39600001 996C00BB
819C01C0 39600005
996C00BB 3D80807D
618C9D80 7D8903A6
4E800420 00000000
If you want to remove specific statuses from the compiled ASM code, replace these lines:
Star: 75608000 40820014 to 75608000 60000000
Mega: 70E08000 4182000C to 70E08000 4800000C
Bullet: 74E01800 40820034 to 74E01000 40820034
Shocked: 70E00080 4182000C to 70E00080 4800000C
Inked: 74E01000 41820008 to 74E01000 48000008 (No black icon but keep outline) AND ALSO 74E01800 40820034 to 74E00800 40820034 (No outline) - Be aware that this second line is also where the Bullet is handled, so if you don't want neither of them, change 40820034 to 60000000
Crushed: 74E00001 41820014 to 74E00001 48000014
Code: .set region, '' #Plug in e,p,j,k for compilation region
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e')
.set ptr_raceData, 0x809B8F68
.set ptr_playerBase, 0x809BD110
.set addr_pastBattleOutlineCode, 0x807E2114
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p')
.set ptr_raceData, 0x809BD728
.set ptr_playerBase, 0x809C18F8
.set addr_pastBattleOutlineCode, 0x807EB9C0
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j')
.set ptr_raceData, 0x809BC788
.set ptr_playerBase, 0x809C18F8
.set addr_pastBattleOutlineCode, 0x807EB02C
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k')
.set ptr_raceData, 0x809ABD68
.set ptr_playerBase, 0x809AFF38
.set addr_pastBattleOutlineCode, 0x807D9D80
lis r10, ptr_playerBase@ha
lwz r12, ptr_playerBase@l (r10)
lwz r12, 0x20 (r12)
cmplwi r4, 0xB
ble skipGetMasterSlot
lwz r4, ptr_raceData@l (r10)
lbz r4, 0xB84 (r4)
mulli r11, r4, 4
add r12, r12, r11
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lwz r12, 4 (r12)
bl iconSizeDifference
.long 0x3E19999A
mflr r9
lwz r10, 0x1B8 (r28)
lfs f0, 0x44 (r10)
lfs f1, 0 (r9)
lwz r8, 0x1BC (r28)
lwz r9, 0x1C0 (r28)
lfs f2, 0x44 (r9)
lwz r7, 0xC (r12)
andi. r0, r7, 0x8000
beq isThunder
fadds f0, f0, f1
fadds f2, f2, f1
andi. r0, r7, 0x80
beq isGesso
fsubs f0, f0, f1
fsubs f2, f2, f1
andis. r0, r7, 0x1000
beq storeMinimapIconXSizes
fsubs f0, f0, f0
stfs f0, 0x44 (r10)
stfs f2, 0x44 (r8)
stfs f2, 0x44 (r9)
andis. r0, r7, 0x1
beq storeMinimapIconYSizes
fsubs f0, f0, f1
fsubs f2, f2, f1
fsubs f0, f0, f1
fsubs f2, f2, f1
stfs f0, 0x48 (r10)
stfs f2, 0x48 (r8)
stfs f2, 0x48 (r9)
lwz r11, 0x8 (r12)
andis. r0, r11, 0x8000
bne outlineStarAnimation
andis. r0, r7, 0x1800
bne applyOutlines
lwz r0, 0xB90 (r3)
b end
lbz r10, 0x50 (r3)
addi r10, r10, 1
cmpwi r10, 10
blt storeTimer
li r10, 0
stb r10, 0x50 (r3)
cmpwi r10, 5
li r31, 2
blt applyOutlines
li r31, 1
li r0, 2
lwz r12, 0x1BC (r28)
li r11, 1
stb r11, 0xBB (r12)
lwz r12, 0x1C0 (r28)
li r11, 5
stb r11, 0xBB (r12)
lis r12, addr_pastBattleOutlineCode@ha
ori r12, r12, addr_pastBattleOutlineCode@l
mtctr r12
Code creator: Ro
MKDS Star Character Animation [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-19-2024, 05:59 PM - Forum: Offline; Item
- Replies (3)
MKDS Star Character Animation [Ro]
This code will make the character do the 1st place win animation in star like MKDS. I created another version of the code ages ago but it sucked, didn't work properly and was poorly coded. This new version is way better.
C27BE87C 00000005
A01F00F6 819F0000
818C0004 818C0008
758C8000 4182000C
38000008 B01F00F6
60000000 00000000
C27CD2DC 00000005
A01F00F6 819F0000
818C0004 818C0008
758C8000 4182000C
38000008 B01F00F6
60000000 00000000
C27CC948 00000005
A01F00F6 819F0000
818C0004 818C0008
758C8000 4182000C
38000008 B01F00F6
60000000 00000000
C27BB69C 00000005
A01F00F6 819F0000
818C0004 818C0008
758C8000 4182000C
38000008 B01F00F6
60000000 00000000
Code creator: Ro
Moving Road Doesn't Move You [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-19-2024, 05:47 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
Moving Road Doesn't Move You [Ro]
When standing in a moving road, it won't move you. Moving roads are Toad's Factory conveyor belts, Coconut Mall escalators and Koopa Cape last turn waterfall. Be aware that they will still behave as normal (You will gain speed from them). This is actually in the game; when in a star (and mega I suppose), these objects won't move you. Code has a filter to pick who to affect.
C2591608 00000003
80A3000C 81830014
38A00000 00000000
C2591344 00000003
80040008 81840014
3C008000 00000000
C2597E2C 00000003
80A3000C 81830014
38A00000 00000000
C2597B68 00000003
80040008 81840014
3C008000 00000000
C25977AC 00000003
80A3000C 81830014
38A00000 00000000
C25974E8 00000003
80040008 81840014
3C008000 00000000
C2585E84 00000003
80A3000C 81830014
38A00000 00000000
C2585BC0 00000003
80040008 81840014
3C008000 00000000
XXXXXXXX (Who to affect):
41820008 Affect only you
41820008 Affect only others
60000000 Affect everyone
Code creator: Ro
Grow Loop [Ro, JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 05:44 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (2)
Grow Loop [Ro, JoshuaMK]
This code is known as Grow Loop. It increases your kart size quickly then once it's big, it gets small and regrows, repeately. It's a silly code but it's a cool effect. Code has filter to pick who to affect.
C257AFE0 00000006
80040008 81840014
A1830160 398C0008
2C0C4040 41800008
39803F00 B1830160
60000000 00000000
C2581844 00000006
80040008 81840014
A1830160 398C0008
2C0C4040 41800008
39803F00 B1830160
60000000 00000000
C25811C4 00000006
80040008 81840014
A1830160 398C0008
2C0C4040 41800008
39803F00 B1830160
60000000 00000000
C256F89C 00000006
80040008 81840014
A1830160 398C0008
2C0C4040 41800008
39803F00 B1830160
60000000 00000000
XXXXXXXX (Who to affect):
4182001C Affect only you
4082001C Affect only others
600000000 Affect everyone
Code creator: Ro, JoshuaMK
Clear Items / Item Reset v2 [Ro, Fishguy6564] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 05:28 AM - Forum: Online; Item
- No Replies
Clear Items / Item Reset v2 [Ro, Fishguy6564]
This code will clear all items in play. This version also clears TCs, Bloopers and hacked items that can't be cleared (Everlasting Items, Cute Items etc).
04796740 48000018
0479DAB0 4800000C
0479F74C 48000018
047A6ABC 4800000C
0479EDB8 48000018
047A6128 4800000C
0478DB0C 48000018
04794E7C 4800000C
Code creator: Ro