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  Cheep Charger/Wild Wing/Super Blooper Wings Flap In Air [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 10-26-2024, 03:31 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Cheep Charger/Wild Wing/Super Blooper Wings Flap In Air/Cannon [Ro]

This code will make the wings from Cheep Charger, Wild Wing and Super Blooper (hands) flap when in cannon or air like how the Biddybuggy does in MK8/D (inspiration). For reference, the wing flap animation normally happens when you boost, and now also happens in the air with this code (actually, for Cheep Charger and Super Blooper, they do the flap animation in cannon normally, with exception of Wild Wing, so this code changes Wild Wing to flap in cannon too). 

If you prefer the wings to open and not flap (gliding anim) in the air (like how it normally happens when in cannon) instead of flap, change 38800004 2C080009 to 38800006 2C080009 and 40820008 38800006 to 40820008 38800004 - and if you also prefer the Wild Wing to have the normal cannon animation (open and not flap (gliding anim) instead of flap, remove second C2 hook code [Delete from C2XXXXXX 00000004 to 38800004 00000000])

C25677D0 00000015
9421FF80 BC610008
7C7F1B78 38A00000
38C00001 83A30000
811D0000 81080004
2C080007 41820014
2C080009 4182000C
2C08000A 40820064
819D0004 816C001C
2C0B0014 41810030
818C000C 758CC800
41820048 8183007C
806C0028 38800009
3D808089 C04C002C
3D808055 618C3304
48000020 7FE3FB78
38800004 2C080009
40820008 38800006
3D808056 618C7BF8
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
7C7D1B78 00000000
C257E4AC 00000004
38800000 81830000
818C0000 818C0004
2C0C0007 40820008
38800004 00000000

C256C620 00000015
9421FF80 BC610008
7C7F1B78 38A00000
38C00001 83A30000
811D0000 81080004
2C080007 41820014
2C080009 4182000C
2C08000A 40820064
819D0004 816C001C
2C0B0014 41810030
818C000C 758CC800
41820048 8183007C
806C0028 38800009
3D808089 C04C63CC
3D808055 618C7684
48000020 7FE3FB78
38800004 2C080009
40820008 38800006
3D808056 618CCA48
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
7C7D1B78 00000000
C2584CD0 00000004
38800000 81830000
818C0000 818C0004
2C0C0007 40820008
38800004 00000000

C256BFA0 00000015
9421FF80 BC610008
7C7F1B78 38A00000
38C00001 83A30000
811D0000 81080004
2C080007 41820014
2C080009 4182000C
2C08000A 40820064
819D0004 816C001C
2C0B0014 41810030
818C000C 758CC800
41820048 8183007C
806C0028 38800009
3D808089 C04C5A10
3D808055 618C7004
48000020 7FE3FB78
38800004 2C080009
40820008 38800006
3D808056 618CC3C8
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
7C7D1B78 00000000
C2584650 00000004
38800000 81830000
818C0000 818C0004
2C0C0007 40820008
38800004 00000000

C255A678 00000015
9421FF80 BC610008
7C7F1B78 38A00000
38C00001 83A30000
811D0000 81080004
2C080007 41820014
2C080009 4182000C
2C08000A 40820064
819D0004 816C001C
2C0B0014 41810030
818C000C 758CC800
41820048 8183007C
806C0028 38800009
3D808088 C04C4CF4
3D808054 618C56DC
48000020 7FE3FB78
38800004 2C080009
40820008 38800006
3D808055 618CAAA0
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
7C7D1B78 00000000
C2572D28 00000004
38800000 81830000
818C0000 818C0004
2C0C0007 40820008
38800004 00000000

Code creator: Ro

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  Item Usage Allowed in Any State [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 10-25-2024, 10:14 PM - Forum: Online; Item - No Replies

Item Usage Allowed in Any State [Ro]

This code will allow you to use items in any state, example, while in cannon, damage, out of bounds, battle respawn/disconnect shrink or any other states that prevents item usage.

0478E9BC 38000000
0678EC04 0000000C
38A00000 38C00000
38800000 00000000
0478ED44 38600000
0478EE14 38600000
0478EF74 38000000

047979C8 38000000
06797B7C 0000000C
38A00000 38C00000
38800000 00000000
04797D50 38600000
04797D4C 38600000
04797F80 38000000

04797034 38000000
067971E8 0000000C
38A00000 38C00000
38800000 00000000
047973BC 38600000
047973B8 38600000
047975EC 38000000

04785D88 38000000
06785F3C 0000000C
38A00000 38C00000
38800000 00000000
04786110 38600000
0478610C 38600000
04786340 38000000

Code creator: Ro

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  Rainbow Mii Glasses [Skullface]
Posted by: Skullface - 10-25-2024, 12:06 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Rainbow Mii Glasses [Skullface]

NOTE: This code uses memory addresses 0x800009C0 thru 0x800009C2.

C20C15C8 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C15CC 88CC0001
040C15D0 88AC0002
040C15D4 380000FF

C20C1668 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C166C 88CC0001
040C1670 88AC0002
040C1674 380000FF

C20C1588 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C158C 88CC0001
040C1590 88AC0002
040C1594 380000FF

C20C16C8 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C16CC 88CC0001
040C16D0 88AC0002
040C16D4 380000FF

Code Creator: Skullface

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  Rainbow Mii Eyes [Skullface]
Posted by: Skullface - 10-25-2024, 12:04 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Rainbow Mii Eyes [Skullface]

NOTE: This code uses memory addresses 0x800009C0 thru 0x800009C2.

C20C3CFC 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C3D04 88CC0001
040C3D08 88AC0002
040C3D0C 380000FF

C20C3D9C 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C3DA4 88CC0001
040C3DA8 88AC0002
040C3DAC 380000FF

C20C3CBC 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C3CC4 88CC0001
040C3CC8 88AC0002
040C3CCC 380000FF

C20C3DFC 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C3E04 88CC0001
040C3E08 88AC0002
040C3E0C 380000FF

Code Creator: Skullface

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  Rainbow Mii Hair [Skullface]
Posted by: Skullface - 10-25-2024, 12:03 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Rainbow Mii Hair [Skullface]

NOTE: This code uses memory addresses 0x800009C0 thru 0x800009C2.

C20C1174 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C1178 88CC0001
040C117C 88AC0002
040C1180 380000FF

C20C1214 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C1218 88CC0001
040C121C 88AC0002
040C1220 380000FF

C20C1134 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C1138 88CC0001
040C113C 88AC0002
040C1140 380000FF

C20C1274 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
88EC0000 00000000
040C1278 88CC0001
040C127C 88AC0002
040C1280 380000FF

Code Creator: Skullface

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  Rainbow Particles [Skullface]
Posted by: Skullface - 10-25-2024, 12:00 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Rainbow Particles [Skullface]

NOTE: This code uses memory addresses 0x800009C0 thru 0x800009C3. Make sure no other codes in your GCT/Cheat-Manager are using those addresses.

C2032464 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403247C 880C0001
04032494 880C0002
040324A4 380000FF
C20324B0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040324BC 880C0001
040324C8 880C0002
040324D4 380000FF
C20324E0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040324E8 880C0001
040324F0 880C0002
040324F8 380000FF
C2032500 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
04032508 880C0001
04032510 880C0002
04032518 380000FF

C2032504 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403251C 880C0001
04032534 880C0002
04032544 380000FF
C2032550 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403255C 880C0001
04032568 880C0002
04032574 380000FF
C2032580 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
04032588 880C0001
04032590 880C0002
04032598 380000FF
C20325A0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040325A8 880C0001
040325B0 880C0002
040325B8 380000FF

C2032424 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403243C 880C0001
04032454 880C0002
04032464 380000FF
C2032470 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403247C 880C0001
04032488 880C0002
04032494 380000FF
C20324A0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040324A8 880C0001
040324B0 880C0002
040324B8 380000FF
C20324C0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040324C8 880C0001
040324D0 880C0002
040324D8 380000FF

C2032564 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
0403257C 880C0001
04032594 880C0002
040325A4 380000FF
C20325B0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040325BC 880C0001
040325C8 880C0002
040325D4 380000FF
C20325E0 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
040325E8 880C0001
040325F0 880C0002
040325F8 380000FF
C2032600 00000002
3D808000 618C09C0
880C0000 00000000
04032608 880C0001
04032610 880C0002
04032618 380000FF

Code Creator: Skullface

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  REQUEST: display flag country in game
Posted by: KarmaAK - 10-25-2024, 02:31 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests - No Replies

Hi! i wonder if its possible to make a code for replace the star ranking and put the country flag instead!

So like it show the flag next to the mii and same in the result screen.

i saw a screenshot long time ago but i didn't find it back so i was wondering if a code was already existing or not.

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  CPUs/Online Players Have High Detail Particles [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 10-25-2024, 12:44 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - Replies (1)

CPUs/Online Players Have High Detail Particles [Ro]

CPUs/Online Players will have the same particles the local player has (high detail).

0468A00C 38600001

0468E494 38600001

0468DB00 38600001

0467C83C 38600001

Code creator: Ro

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  Anti Freeze from Bullet Bill/Blue Shell (Battle/No Item Routes) [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 10-24-2024, 12:42 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Anti Freeze from Bullet Bill/Blue Shell (Battle/No Item Routes) [Ro, Leseratte]

This code will prevent the game from freezing if a Bullet Bill is used in a course that has no item routes (example: Battle stages).
I remade this code because the one found in Wiimmfi payload (made by Leseratte) has two problematic issues: Respawning too much (you and CPUs) offline (in Battle/course with no item routes) cause the game to lag very badly, dropping FPS down to around 10FPS. And also another problem which I must explain first, apparently Blue Shells crash the game in VS if the course has no item routes, but only when it's flying around the course and not flying to target - Leseratte's code fixes the crash but causes the game to lag VERY badly, dropping FPS down to 1 FPS. This can be exploited on Wiimmfi (and NewWFC for hackers that use Leseratte's code) by sending Blue Shells with invalid route IDs, causing the game to even lower than 1 FPS depending on how many blues are in play.

My version of the code prevents the game from freezing from Bullets and Blues if item routes aren't present and does not cause any of the issues mentioned above.

C25108C8 00000002
2C0400FF 4D820020
80630018 00000000
047AAA84 60000000

C2514D3C 00000002
2C0400FF 4D820020
80630018 00000000
047B94E4 60000000

C25146BC 00000002
2C0400FF 4D820020
80630018 00000000
047B8B50 60000000

C2502D5C 00000002
2C0400FF 4D820020
80630018 00000000
047A78A4 60000000

Code creator: Ro, Leseratte

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  Fancy MSPT Antifreeze [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 10-23-2024, 11:52 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - Replies (1)

Fancy MSPT Antifreeze [Ro, MrBean]

The following code prevents the game from crashing if a track does not have valid MSPT entries. Useful to play VS tracks in battle mode and mission mode.
My version of the code is fancier than Bean's (in my opinilon) because it's way shorter and instead of teleporting you to 0,0,0, it teleports you to the start point instead!

C25146B8 00000004
81830040 818C0000
2C0C0000 4082000C
81830008 91830040
80630040 00000000

C2518B2C 00000004
81830040 818C0000
2C0C0000 4082000C
81830008 91830040
80630040 00000000

C25184AC 00000004
81830040 818C0000
2C0C0000 4082000C
81830008 91830040
80630040 00000000

C2506B4C 00000004
81830040 818C0000
2C0C0000 4082000C
81830008 91830040
80630040 00000000

Code creator: Ro, MrBean

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