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(Request) Multiplayer MultiCamera Swap |
Posted by: WaluigiisFluffy - 02-23-2025, 09:57 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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I am working on a offline version of Hide and seek for mkwii.
Very recently I made a thread for a very similar purpose to this one, and my query was answered. However, that's when I realized that I actually needed something else.
This is the code (NTSC-U, p2 -, p3 -, and p4 - activators)
C25971F8 00000011
889D009C 48000015
199A0001 1ED20002
240A0003 00000000
7D8802A6 894C0003
2C0A0000 41820050
7C0A2000 40820020
3D608034 A14C0000
7D6B522E 716B1000
40820014 39600000
997D03D0 398C0004
2C0B0000 40820018
899D03D1 698C0001
999D03D1 39600001
997D03D0 899D03D1
718C0001 41820008
38800000 00000000
lbz r4, 0x9C(r29)
bl controllerAddr_playerID
.long 0x199A0001
.long 0x1ED20002
.long 0x240A0003
.long 0
mflr r12
lbz r10, 3 (r12)
cmpwi r10, 0
beq isTargetP1Cam
cmpw r10, r4
bne nextTableAddr
lis r11, 0x8034
lhz r10, 0 (r12)
lhzx r11, r11, r10
andi. r11, r11, 0x1000
bne isPressing
li r11, 0
stb r11, 0x3D0 (r29)
addi r12, r12, 0x4
b isEndOfTable
lbz r11, 0x3D0 (r29)
cmpwi r11, 0
bne isTargetP1Cam
lbz r12, 0x3D1 (r29)
xori r12, r12, 1
stb r12, 0x3D1 (r29)
li r11, 1
stb r11, 0x3D0 (r29)
lbz r12, 0x3D1 (r29)
andi. r12, r12, 1
beq end
li r4, 0
So this was great and all until I realized that P1 has nowhere to hide. So if (regardless of how you play,) p1 is ever not it, they can't hide like everyone else.
I am going to change (and further complicate) my request.
I would like a code where everyone can change to all cameras and eliminate themselves from the 3p highlight reel.
So all the activators involved would be four for each player: one to change to each camera. Or one for each player to cycle through the cameras.
It would be good to have it in all regions, with switchable button activators, so anyone can use it with any buttons.
For a visual example:
No codes activated:
| | |
| 1 | 2 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
P2 switches to P1:
| | |
| 1 | 1 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
P2 switches back:
| | |
| 1 | 2 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
P2 and P4 switch to P1:
| | |
| 1 | 1 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 1 |
| | |
Even something like this could happen:
| | |
| 4 | 3 |
| | |
| | |
| 2 | 1 |
| | |
So these all need to be able to happen:
| | |
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 | 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 |
| | |
| | |
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 | 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 |
| | |
If this is possible this would be AMAZING!
Kaizo CPU Mod [B_squo] |
Posted by: Vega - 02-23-2025, 01:09 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes
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Kaizo CPU Mod [B_squo]
Video demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCOathdibVU
Quote from B_squo~
Quote:This is my own take at a "impossible CPUs"-type of mod. This features CPUs instantly throwing random items towards the player, plus them always following the player if near enough to them, even if they have to exit their usual paths.
This code hasn't been tested very much, only on Dolphin...
You should be able to combine this with other CPU-related codes, (such as codes that change the CPU's speed) to achieve even crazier results.
I recommend using an item delimiter code such as this one for the best experience: https ://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=259
=== Code ===
04731ffc 4bffd805
04731cb0 4bffdb51
02731fea 000000d4
02731c9e 000000d4
0472fb7c 38600001
0472fb80 4e800020
0472fcd8 60000000
C272FDAC 00000004
38600006 3C808074
6084B7F4 7C8903A6
4E800421 7C641B78
60000000 00000000
0472fdb4 60000000
0472fed0 60000000
04726ed4 38800000
048c98fc 462BE000
04726f70 4800000c
04727220 60000000
04727228 60000000
04727e44 48018d81
04727af8 480190cd
02727e32 000000d4
02727ae6 000000d4
04740f40 38600001
04740f44 4e800020
0474109c 60000000
C2741170 00000004
38600006 3C808073
6084b928 7C8903A6
4E800421 7C641B78
60000000 00000000
04741178 60000000
04741294 60000000
0473cf3c 38800000
048c67cc 462BE000
0473cfd8 4800000c
0473d288 60000000
0473d290 60000000
Alternative version. Just like above, except that you can choose what item CPUs will throw. XX is the item ID (see "Item Box number" here: https ://wiki.tockdom.com/wiki/List_of_Identifiers#Items)
04731ffc 4bffd805
04731cb0 4bffdb51
02731fea 000000d4
02731c9e 000000d4
0472fb7c 38600001
0472fb80 4e800020
0472fcd8 60000000
0472fda4 38600001
0072fdb7 000000XX
0472fed0 60000000
04726ed4 38800000
048c98fc 462BE000
04726f70 4800000c
04727220 60000000
04727228 60000000
04727e44 48018d81
04727af8 480190cd
02727e32 000000d4
02727ae6 000000d4
04740f40 38600001
04740f44 4e800020
0474109c 60000000
04741168 38600001
0074117b 000000XX
04741178 60000000
0473cf3c 38800000
048c67cc 462BE000
0473cfd8 4800000c
0473d288 60000000
0473d290 60000000
=== Documentation ===
This code switches the regular CPU race "control" by the one used in the N64 DK's Jungle Parkway competition, which allow them to equip an item without touching item boxes, nor requiring any item hack.
Normally, this control only allows CPUs to throw single bananas when near enough the player, and at certain semi-random intervals. This code modifies that so that the item equipped by the CPU is randomized every frame, and to remove the delay in-between each item throw.
As for the "CPUs following the exact path of the player" part, it was made by forcing the game into calling the function responsible for following the player when they have a Mega Mushroom or Thundercloud, with a modified, larger radius.
Collection of Codes with explanation:
Code: When initializing the match, create the N64 DK's Jungle Parkway competition CPU control instead of the race one. This is done for both the race control and the battle control.
04731ffc 4bffd805
04731cb0 4bffdb51
02731fea 000000d4
02731c9e 000000d4
Makes the "isNearPlayer" function associated to the N64 DKJP competition CPU control always return true, in order to allow CPUs to throw items no matter where they are.
0472fb7c 38600001
0472fb80 4e800020
Remove the delay time in between item throws
0472fcd8 60000000
0472fed0 60000000
Small function that randomizes the item given to the player from items ID 0 to 6. The hook overwrites a call to a "item limit not reached" function, which we won't need for the mod.
C272FDAC 00000004
38600006 3C808074
6084B7F4 7C8903A6
4E800421 7C641B78
60000000 00000000
0472fdb4 60000000
Inject at 0x8072fdac (PAL)
.set rand, 0x8074b7f4 # (PAL)
li r3, 0x06
lis r4, rand@h
ori r4, r4, rand@l
mtctr r4
mr r4, r3 # r4 is the item ID argument in the "set item to player" function
Force always calling the "CPU follows player" function
04727220 60000000
04727228 60000000
CPUs will only follow player 0 (the first human player)
04726ed4 38800000
Set the XZ size of the CPU follow radius. If the player is inside the radius limited by the CPU's position and this value, then the CPU will start chasing the human player.
048c98fc 462BE000
Ignore Y component of the CPU follow radius
04726f70 4800000c
CPUs Always Pass Through Course Objects [B_squo] |
Posted by: Vega - 02-21-2025, 07:39 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
CPUs Always Pass Through Course Objects [B_squo]
04730934 60000000
0473094C 64000100
04727584 60000000
0472759C 64000100
0472ffa0 60000000
0472ffb8 64000100
0471ecdc 60000000
0471ecf4 64000100
Code creator: B_squo
Luck Wheelie Bot -Online- [Vega] |
Posted by: Vega - 02-17-2025, 06:55 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item
- No Replies
Luck Wheelie Bot -Online- [Vega]
For Online only. Works for all controllers. If you are wanting an Offline version, go HERE.
This code will always perform a perfect luck wheelie for you.
NOTE: This code uses memory address 0x80000FC8. Make sure no other codes you have equipped are using that address.
Video demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EftAdEgtp1o
C2589514 00000004
2C050000 40820010
3D808000 39600001
996C0FC8 9421FFF0
60000000 00000000
C25887C8 00000005
3D808000 896C0FC8
2C0B0000 41820010
39600000 38600001
996C0FC8 2C030001
60000000 00000000
C2582CF0 00000004
2C050000 40820010
3D808000 39600001
996C0FC8 9421FFF0
60000000 00000000
C2581FA4 00000005
3D808000 896C0FC8
2C0B0000 41820010
39600000 38600001
996C0FC8 2C030001
60000000 00000000
C2588E94 00000004
2C050000 40820010
3D808000 39600001
996C0FC8 9421FFF0
60000000 00000000
C2588148 00000005
3D808000 896C0FC8
2C0B0000 41820010
39600000 38600001
996C0FC8 2C030001
60000000 00000000
C257756C 00000004
2C050000 40820010
3D808000 39600001
996C0FC8 9421FFF0
60000000 00000000
C2576820 00000005
3D808000 896C0FC8
2C0B0000 41820010
39600000 38600001
996C0FC8 2C030001
60000000 00000000
Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Stebler (player.h)
First ASM:
Code: #Summary: Once OnlineOnlyCancelWheelie Func gets called, make sure it was due to a timeout, and then write special flag to EVA for other code to check
#Hook Addr's
#PAL 80589514
#NTSC-U 80582CF0
#NTSC-J 80588E94
#NTSC-K 8057756C
#Check r5 status (not an ARG but its intact from Parent func)
#r5 is 0 when wheelie was dropped via timeout
#r5 is 1 when wheelie was dropped via no accel-button or from drift/hop
#r5 is ptr if hit item/object
cmpwi r5, 0
bne- og_instruction
#Write LW Bot flag to EVA
lis r12, 0x8000
li r11, 1
stb r11, 0xFC8 (r12)
#OG Instruction
stwu sp, -0x0010 (sp)
Second ASM Source:
Code: #Summary: Check special flag in EVA. If high, tell game to start another wheelie.
#Hook Addr's
#PAL 805887C8
#NTSC-U 80581FA4
#NTSC-J 80588148
#NTSC-K 80576820
#Check LW Bot flag in EVA
lis r12, 0x8000
lbz r11, 0xFC8 (r12)
cmpwi r11, 0
beq- og_instruction
#Set r3 to 1 to tell game to do wheelie. Clear LW Bot flag.
li r11, 0
li r3, 1
stb r11, 0xFC8 (r12)
#Original Instruction
cmpwi r3, 1
(Request) Multiplayer Individual Camera Swap |
Posted by: WaluigiisFluffy - 02-16-2025, 09:31 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (7)
I have been working on an offline version of hide and seek for a while and someone suggested to me (as a solution for screencheating) to use a button activator that swaps P2's camera to P1's if P1 is seeker.
Before code is activated:
(This is onscreen BTW)
| | |
| 1 | 2 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
P2 activates code:
| | |
| 1 | 1 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
P2 deactivates code:
| | |
| 1 | 2 |
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4/H |
| | |
So I need a code with addresses for p2, p3, p4, the highlight reel (for 3 player), that are switched to P1's camera. So after everyone has activated their codes:
| | |
| 1 | 1 |
| | |
| | |
| 1 | 1 |
| | |
(I went with the text pictures because it was just easier to explain with)
Print brlyt names |
Posted by: 456 - 02-15-2025, 03:05 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- No Replies
Print brlyt names
0407B37C 38000128
C25CDDC8 00000013
9421FF80 BC610008
4800000D 00250063
00000000 7E6802A6
3E808000 62941498
3AB5FF8C 80D50004
2C060000 4082000C
3AB5FFEC 48000014
88D5FFE0 2C060000
41820008 3AB5FFEC
7E659B78 7E83A378
88D50000 2C060000
41820024 4CC63182
3D808001 618C7814
7D8903A6 4E800421
3A940002 3AB50001
4BFFFFD0 B8610008
38210080 3C608000
60631498 90610020
60000000 00000000
0407B2DC 38000128
C25C12A8 00000013
9421FF80 BC610008
4800000D 00250063
00000000 7E6802A6
3E808000 62941498
3AB5FF8C 80D50004
2C060000 4082000C
3AB5FFEC 48000014
88D5FFE0 2C060000
41820008 3AB5FFEC
7E659B78 7E83A378
88D50000 2C060000
41820024 4CC63182
3D808001 618C6CB4
7D8903A6 4E800421
3A940002 3AB50001
4BFFFFD0 B8610008
38210080 3C608000
60631498 90610020
60000000 00000000
0407B29C 38000128
C25CD6A4 00000013
9421FF80 BC610008
4800000D 00250063
00000000 7E6802A6
3E808000 62941498
3AB5FF8C 80D50004
2C060000 4082000C
3AB5FFEC 48000014
88D5FFE0 2C060000
41820008 3AB5FFEC
7E659B78 7E83A378
88D50000 2C060000
41820024 4CC63182
3D808001 618C7738
7D8903A6 4E800421
3A940002 3AB50001
4BFFFFD0 B8610008
38210080 3C608000
60631498 90610020
60000000 00000000
0407B3DC 38000128
C25BBD88 00000013
9421FF80 BC610008
4800000D 00250063
00000000 7E6802A6
3E808000 62941498
3AB5FF8C 80D50004
2C060000 4082000C
3AB5FFEC 48000014
88D5FFE0 2C060000
41820008 3AB5FFEC
7E659B78 7E83A378
88D50000 2C060000
41820024 4CC63182
3D808001 618C787C
7D8903A6 4E800421
3A940002 3AB50001
4BFFFFD0 B8610008
38210080 3C608000
60631498 90610020
60000000 00000000
Code credits:_tZ(Print BMG IDs), Diamond(Extended BMG String Length)
Adding/Replacing Sounds on Specific Slots |
Posted by: PlayersPurity - 02-11-2025, 10:52 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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For a long time now, I have been wondering if it would be possible to replace sounds such as boost pad, cannon and item roulette/get and add them for a specific course slot such as Coconut Mall. Similarly to tracks like GCN Waluigi Stadium, where you can hear the audience cheer whenever you go off a boost pad ramp, half-pipe or do a trick and this isn't even done by KCL flags in my acknowledge.
Wondering if this could be achieved with a help of a code or something, would be really cool for tracks like DS Waluigi Pinball.