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Thunder Cloud Effect Modi...
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Remove HUD [Bully]
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12-20-2024, 09:17 PM
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Position Jumper Code
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[Request] A small code, a...
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request code to add extra button on options like relief |
Posted by: Warwick92xD - 12-12-2024, 10:19 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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new button in vs mode offline will active item rain, 12 player, 16 player, 20 player, 24 players mode like ctpg-
button item activate only green shells in game, only bombs in game, only mushrrom in game, only banana and fake itembox ingame.
button activated relief. to chosse 2 or 3 or 4 diferect character autoamtic game change your character you select before every one lap or two laps
a buton to activate a mode relief but every lap in game you change of character like chocobo racing mode.
Request code |
Posted by: Warwick92xD - 12-12-2024, 10:06 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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change character betwenn races offline vs mode
or relief character options you select 3 diferent in menu and game changes automatic of character you choose every 2 races or one offline and online
change golden mushroom/blooper for triple bomb/triple fake box
extra items slots to create new effect or clone items with diferent animations??
slow- you shot a clock that reduces speed for short time only player front you
anti whelie and drift- send and effect magic that stops drift and whelie oponnets front you for a time
gravity- reduces all your stats of kart or bike for a time
blackhole- send you to fall boundory
mistery item- you get a random effect item
steal- player stole an item from another player or cpu and they lose it
ice- or stop time - frozen enemy a time into iceberg like the ice efeect when you respawn sherbet or a clock that stops your move
tornado- short a storm that sends enemy fly to back behind oposite to feather
mini- short hammer like chocobo racing that reduce size without do damage
reflect. like chocobo racing, if you get an item damage dont affect to you and the item affect the player that send you
barrier- only protect you of one item animation
firebal, like chocobo racing short a firebal that atacks each player or cpu front you
ultima- like pow but chocobo racing effect send all players fly behind withput damage
teleport- changes position with other player or cpu front you taking his chekpoint like yours or you take the same place of the player cpu front you or for the first place without damage
double- after you used this spell the next item you get will be two of the same to used it only that time
float, you can evade road items and falls for a short time
revenge- when you take damage of a item after you get damage you receive the same item to use it
poison. you get spin out 3 times after every 20 seconds
vanish. you get invicible for time people cant see you in the road and map
mirage- you get a double copy of you like naruto in a distance front you or behind like a ghost mode
+ character can have his own abilities like chocobo gp/racing or his own items like mk double dash, only one time for a race after one minute of game or after character take second lap.
like peach rosalina visual menu skins
every 2 kart and 2 bike on menu in the same slot you can saw 4 diferent character models.for example
bowser dry bowser, blastoise, dry blatoise, the slot have 8 karts and bikes in the same menu
MKWii real-time statistics and graphs [Gecko Codes/Python/InfluxDB/Grafana] |
Posted by: GlitchyThing - 12-07-2024, 01:28 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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Hey there,
As one of my side-projects, I'm trying to generate some real-time stats out of MKWii.
Here's what I've got already :
I'm using Dolphin breakpoints to write to a logfile, then a Python script read that file and sends events to an InfluxDB instance, and a Grafana is configured to graph those events.
I mainly used the breakpoints and cheat codes in https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?...2#pid12692
For now, those events are sent and stored into the database :
- Player position change
- Course start
- Course end (when the last human runner crosses the line, or when the 11th runner crosses it if a human is 12th)
- Lap end (when the first human runner crosses the line - not shown in the video)
- Lightning used (only that a lightning was used, doesn't include the user which used it - not shown in the video)
I also plan to push those events to InfluxDB :
- Every runner position change (including humans but also CPUs)
- Every runner character and kart/moto selection
- When an item is used (including which item was used and which runner used it)
- When a runner is hit by an item (including which item it was)
- When a runner finish its race (when it crosses the line, different from already stored "Course end")
I'm learning Wii PPC Assembly in order to create Gecko Codes that are necessary to write in static RAM whenever such an event occurs. I would be really glad if someone could point me to some RAM addresses they know to help me out.
What do you think of such an idea ? Do you have any piece of clue for me ? Is there anything I could have done better ?
Thanks a lot.
Anti Lag/Late Start Online [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 11-29-2024, 11:08 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item
- Replies (5)
Anti Lag/Late Start Online [Ro]
This code helps avoid lag or late starts in online races by starting the countdown as soon as all players are ready (When everyone sends the READY event).
Normally, the countdown can only start once the starting camera is finished. So, if you load in late, you'll send the "READY" event before the camera is done. The countdown will start for everyone else, but yours will be delayed until the camera finishes, causing you to start later than everyone else.
This code lets the countdown start as soon as everyone is ready, even if the camera isn’t done yet.
It’s a remake of MrBean’s (I believe) code from CTGP-R, and it works exactly the same. The code is safe and doesn’t cause any issues.
C252E8E8 00000004
819E8F68 818C0B70
2C0C0007 41800008
38600001 2C030000
60000000 00000000
C2533430 00000004
819E28D8 818C0B70
2C0C0007 41800008
38600001 2C030000
60000000 00000000
C2532DB0 00000004
819EC788 818C0B70
2C0C0007 41800008
38600001 2C030000
60000000 00000000
C2521488 00000004
819E4298 818C0B70
2C0C0007 41800008
38600001 2C030000
60000000 00000000
Code creator: Ro
Code credits: davidevgen (Address), MrBean35000vr ? (original code)
Cannon Always Kaboom [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 11-24-2024, 02:46 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Cannon Always Kaboom [Ro]
Remake from likely my first "code", I believe the name was "Crazy Cannon Animation". This code forces all cannons (including RR StarRing) to always be doing the fire animation and sound
046BB540 3BC00001
046C0014 3BC00001
046BF680 3BC00001
046AE3BC 3BC00001
Code creator: Ro