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All Items Can Land v2 [MrBean, CLF78] |
Posted by: CLF78 - 01-04-2021, 03:19 PM - Forum: Online; Item
- Replies (6)
Today i was looking at the code and realized it could be improved quite a bit. So here's my new version, which is 11 lines smaller than the original.
Quote:This code lets every item (except the Thundercloud) land on the floor when dropped. They will activate when a racer drives over them, and their effects will be identical to if the user actually fired the item themselves.
06001600 0000008C
38E00008 48000028
38E0000B 48000020
38E0000C 48000018
38E0000D 48000010
38E00004 48000008
38E0000F 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
3C60809C 8063EE20
80630014 1C980248
7C632214 80830090
38840001 90830090
3C80809B 6084EEB0
1CE7001C 7C84382E
2C040000 4182000C
7C8903A6 4E800421
3860FFFF 80010014
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 00000000
0479D6B8 60000000
0478DD24 38600000
08787EE4 39800001
20030004 FFE00000
048B0D80 80001600
048B0D98 80001608
088B0DB0 80001610
2003000C 00000008
06001600 0000008C
38E00008 48000028
38E0000B 48000020
38E0000C 48000018
38E0000D 48000010
38E00004 48000008
38E0000F 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
3C60809C 80633618
80630014 1C980248
7C632214 80830090
38840001 90830090
3C80809C 608436B8
1CE7001C 7C84382E
2C040000 4182000C
7C8903A6 4E800421
3860FFFF 80010014
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 00000000
047A66C4 60000000
04796D30 38600000
08790EF0 39800001
20030004 FFE00000
048B54B8 80001600
048B54D0 80001608
088B54E8 80001610
2003000C 00000008
06001600 0000008C
38E00008 48000028
38E0000B 48000020
38E0000C 48000018
38E0000D 48000010
38E00004 48000008
38E0000F 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
3C60809C 80632678
80630014 1C980248
7C632214 80830090
38840001 90830090
3C80809C 60842718
1CE7001C 7C84382E
2C040000 4182000C
7C8903A6 4E800421
3860FFFF 80010014
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 00000000
047A5D30 60000000
0479639C 38600000
0879055C 39800001
20030004 FFE00000
048B4618 80001600
048B4630 80001608
088B4648 80001610
2003000C 00000008
06001600 0000008C
38E00008 48000028
38E0000B 48000020
38E0000C 48000018
38E0000D 48000010
38E00004 48000008
38E0000F 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
3C60809B 80631C58
80630014 1C980248
7C632214 80830090
38840001 90830090
3C808089 60843E78
1CE7001C 7C84382E
2C040000 4182000C
7C8903A6 4E800421
3860FFFF 80010014
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 00000000
04794A84 60000000
047850F0 38600000
0877F2B0 39800001
20030004 FFE00000
048A3930 80001600
048A3948 80001608
088A3960 80001610
2003000C 00000008
Source (ASM only):
Code: .set REGION, ''
.if (REGION == 'P')
.set ItemHolder, 0x809C3618
.set ItemStructs, 0x809C36B8
.elseif (REGION == 'U')
.set ItemHolder, 0x809BEE20
.set ItemStructs, 0x809BEEB0
.elseif (REGION == 'J')
.set ItemHolder, 0x809C2678
.set ItemStructs, 0x809C2718
.elseif (REGION == 'K')
.set ItemHolder, 0x809B1C58
.set ItemStructs, 0x80893E78
# Shock
li r7, 0x8
b begin
# Mega
li r7, 0xB
b begin
# Blooper
li r7, 0xC
b begin
li r7, 0xD
b begin
# Golden Mushroom
li r7, 0x4
b begin
# Bullet Bill
li r7, 0xF
# Push stack and save LR
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
# Get ItemHolder for current player id
lis r3, ItemHolder@ha
lwz r3, ItemHolder@l(r3)
lwz r3, 0x14(r3)
mulli r4, r24, 0x248
add r3, r3, r4
# Add 1 to player's item amount
lwz r4, 0x90(r3)
addi r4, r4, 1
stw r4, 0x90(r3)
# Run the correct function
lis r4, ItemStructs@h
ori r4, r4, ItemStructs@l
mulli r7, r7, 0x1C
lwzx r4, r4, r7
cmpwi r4, 0
beq- return
mtctr r4
# Pop stack and return
li r3, -0x1
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
Code creator: MrBean
Code contributor: CLF78 (edited and shortened the code)
Full Input Range (GCN controller) [stebler] |
Posted by: stebler - 01-04-2021, 11:17 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (2)
Full Input Range (GCN controller) [stebler]
You may want to pair this code with the Change Saved Controller code set to wii wheel.
Code credits: _tZ for the clamping function address.
061ae678 00000044
38600001 2c1f0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9f19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fe301d6
38600001 2c1e0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9e19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fc301d6
4800001c 00000000
061ae5d8 00000044
38600001 2c1f0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9f19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fe301d6
38600001 2c1e0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9e19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fc301d6
4800001c 00000000
061ae598 00000044
38600001 2c1f0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9f19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fe301d6
38600001 2c1e0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9e19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fc301d6
4800001c 00000000
061ae9d4 00000044
38600001 2c1f0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9f19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fe301d6
38600001 2c1e0000
40800008 3860ffff
7c9e19d6 7c002000
40800008 7fc301d6
4800001c 00000000
Source code:
Code: # replace at 801ae678 (PAL)
# replace at 801ae5d8 (NTSC-U)
# replace at 801ae598 (NTSC-J)
# replace at 801ae9d4 (NTSC-K)
li r3, 1
cmpwi r31, 0
bge x_positive
li r3, -1
mullw r4, r31, r3
cmpw r0, r4
bge x_in_square
mullw r31, r3, r0
li r3, 1
cmpwi r30, 0
bge y_positive
li r3, -1
mullw r4, r30, r3
cmpw r0, r4
bge y_in_square
mullw r30, r3, r0
b 0x1c
Change Saved Controller [stebler] |
Posted by: stebler - 01-04-2021, 11:01 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
Change Saved Controller [stebler]
Values for X: 0 for wheel, 1 for nunchuk, 2 for classic, 3 for GCN.
0451c9c4 3860000X
04518550 3860000X
0451c344 3860000X
0450a9e4 3860000X
Source code:
Code: # replace at 8051c9c4 (PAL)
# replace at 80518550 (NTSC-U)
# replace at 8051c344 (NTSC-J)
# replace at 8050a9e4 (NTSC-K)
li r3, X
Disable Item Poof [CLF78] |
Posted by: CLF78 - 01-03-2021, 08:25 PM - Forum: Offline; Item
- Replies (8)
This code prevents items from being removed due to being in gameplay for too long.
Unlike RoGamer's version, in this one the game will still poof an item if: - The item is thrown into a fall boundary
- The item is thrown into a cannon
- The item cannot land
0478D5B4 60000000
047965C0 60000000
04795C2C 60000000
04784980 60000000
Code created by: CLF78
Graphical Speedometer [SwareJonge] |
Posted by: SwareJonge - 01-02-2021, 10:27 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle
- Replies (2)
Graphical Speedometer [SwareJonge]
Shows a Speedometer at the bottom left of the screen.
047E1CC8 4B81F7E8
060014B0 00000080
9421FF80 BC410008
C0230024 3D80802A
398C2D38 806C0344
A0830004 A0A30008
800C0340 481B95B1
480208B9 2C000000
41820040 480206ED
2C030000 41820034
3860000C 388000D8
38A00001 FC200A10
4CC63242 48000011
25332E30 66206B6D
2F680000 7CC802A6
480208D9 480208B5
B8410008 38210080
C0030080 487E07A0
047EB574 4B815F3C
060014B0 00000080
9421FF80 BC410008
C0230024 3D80802A
398C70B8 806C0344
A0830004 A0A30008
800C0340 481B9651
48020959 2C000000
41820040 4802078D
2C030000 41820034
38600009 388000DC
38A00001 FC200A10
4CC63242 48000011
25332E30 66206B6D
2F680000 7CC802A6
48020979 48020955
B8410008 38210080
C0030080 487EA04C
047EABE0 4B8168D0
060014B0 00000080
9421FF80 BC410008
C0230024 3D80802A
398C6A38 806C0344
A0830004 A0A30008
800C0340 481B9571
48020879 2C000000
41820040 480206AD
2C030000 41820034
3860000C 388000D8
38A00001 FC200A10
4CC63242 48000011
25332E30 66206B6D
2F680000 7CC802A6
48020899 48020875
B8410008 38210080
C0030080 487E96B8
047D9934 4B827B7C
060014b0 00000080
9421FF80 BC410008
C0230024 3D808029
398C50B8 806C0344
A0830004 A0A30008
800C0340 481B99AD
480209B9 2C000000
41820040 480207ED
2C030000 41820034
3860000C 388000D8
38A00001 FC200A10
4CC63242 48000011
25332E30 66206B6D
2F680000 7CC802A6
480209D9 480209B5
B8410008 38210080
C0030080 487D840C
Code Creator: SwareJonge
Code: .set region, ''
.set codePosition, 0x800014B0
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set instructionAddress, 0x807E1CC8
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_IsActive, 0x80021BD0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021DD0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA84
.set r28thing, 0x802A2d38
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set instructionAddress, 0x807eb574
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021e30
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_IsActive, 0x80021c70
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021E70
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAB24
.set r28thing, 0x802a70b8
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set instructionAddress, 0x807EABE0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D50
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_IsActive, 0x80021B90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021D90
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA44
.set r28thing, 0x802A6A38
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set instructionAddress, 0x807D9934
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_IsActive, 0x80021CD0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021ED0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAE80
.set r28thing, 0x802950B8
.else # Invalid Region
.macro push_stack size, registers
stwu r1, \size(r1)
stmw \registers, 8(r1)
.macro pop_stack registers, size
lmw \registers, 8(r1)
addi r1, r1, \size
# 04 Write
#b (0x800014B0 - instructionAddress) # branch to the 06 code
# 06 Write
# Function Prologue...
push_stack -128, r2
lfs f1, 0x0024 (r3) #Load the Speed Float from Pointer into Float Register 1
lis r12,r28thing@h
addi r12, r12, r28thing@l
lwz r3, 0x344(r12)
lhz r4, 0x4(r3) # width
lhz r5, 0x8(r3) # height
lwz r0, 0x340(r12)
bl -((codePosition + 0x24) - VIGetNextFrameBuffer)
bl -((codePosition + 0x28) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb)
cmpwi r0, 0x0
beq the_end
bl -((codePosition + 0x34) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_IsActive)
cmpwi r3, 0x0 # If r3 and r0 equal 0, branch to the end, don't draw
beq the_end
li r3, 0xC
li r4, 0xD8
li r5, 0x1
fabs f1, f1 #Handle negative values
crset 4*cr1+eq #Set the Condition Register before the Float Arg is used in DirectPrint Printf
bl branch_link_write_printf_statement
.string "%3.0f km/h\0"
mflr r6 # Store the pointer to the String into r6
bl -((codePosition + 0x68) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf)
bl -((codePosition + 0x6C) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache)
# Function Epilogue...
pop_stack r2, 128
lfs f0, 0x80(r3) # (original instruction)
b -((codePosition + 0x7C) - (instructionAddress+4)) # branch back
Draw Text To Screen [SwareJonge] |
Posted by: SwareJonge - 01-02-2021, 03:29 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- Replies (10)
Draw Text To Screen [SwareJonge]
This code displays text on screen
04009680 4BFF7E30
060014B0 00000054
9421FF80 BC610008
3CA0802A 80A573FC
A0850004 A0A50008
481B965D 48020965
38600000 388000DC
38A00001 4800000D
54657374 00000000
7CC802A6 480209A5
48020981 B8610008
38210080 81830000
48008184 00000000
04009640 4BFF7E70
060014B0 00000054
9421FF80 BC610008
3CA0802A 80A5307C
A0850004 A0A50008
481B95BD 480208C5
38600000 388000DC
38A00001 4800000D
54657374 00000000
7CC802A6 48020905
480208E1 B8610008
38210080 81830000
48008144 00000000
040095DC 4BFF7ED4
060014B0 00000054
9421FF80 BC610008
3CA0802A 80A56D7C
A0850004 A0A50008
481B957D 48020885
38600000 388000DC
38A00001 4800000D
54657374 00000000
7CC802A6 480208C5
480208A1 B8610008
38210080 81830000
480080E0 00000000
04009788 4BFF7D28
060014B0 00000054
9421FF80 BC610008
3CA08029 80A553FC
A0850004 A0A50008
481B99B9 480209C5
38600000 388000DC
38A00001 4800000D
54657374 00000000
7CC802A6 48020A05
480209E1 B8610008
38210080 81830000
4800828C 00000000
Code Creator: SwareJonge
Code Credits: Star, Riidefi(Orignal Draw Text to Screen Code), Vega(Improvements to source)
Code: .set region, ''
.set codePosition, 0x800014B0 # change this to the address you want to write this function to
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set drawDebugBar, 0x80009640
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021DD0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA84
.set r28thing, 0x802A307C
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set drawDebugBar, 0x80009680
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021e30
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021E70
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAB24
.set r28thing, 0x802A73FC
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set drawDebugBar, 0x800095DC
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D50
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021D90
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA44
.set r28thing, 0x802A6D7C
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set drawDebugBar, 0x80009788
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021ED0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAE80
.set r28thing, 0x802953FC
.else # Invalid Region
.macro push_stack size, registers
stwu r1, \size(r1)
stmw \registers, 8(r1)
.macro pop_stack registers, size
lmw \registers, 8(r1)
addi r1, r1, \size
# 04 Write
#b 0x800014B0 - drawDebugBar # branch to the 06 code
# 06 Write
# Function Prologue...
push_stack -128, r3
lis r5, r28thing@ha
lwz r5, r28thing@l(r5)
lhz r4, 0x4(r5) # width
lhz r5, 0x8(r5) # height
bl -((codePosition + 0x18) - VIGetNextFrameBuffer)
bl -((codePosition + 0x1C) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb)
li r3, 0 # X coordinate of text start
li r4, 220 # Y coordinate of text start
li r5, 1 # Wrap text
bl branch_link_write_printf_statement
.string "Test\0\0\0"
mflr r6 # Store the pointer to the String into r6
bl -((codePosition + 0x3C) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf)
bl -((codePosition + 0x40) - nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache)
# Function Epilogue...
pop_stack r3, 128
lwz r12, 0(r3) # original instruction
b -((codePosition + 0x50) - (drawDebugBar+4)) # branch back
Same Code but in C2 format:
Code: # Address Ports:
# PAL: 0x80009680
# NTSC-U: 0x80009640
# NTSC-J: 0x800095DC
# NTSC-K: 0x80009788
.set region, ''
.set codePosition, 0x800014B0
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021DD0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA84
.set r28thing, 0x802A307C
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021e30
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021E70
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAB24
.set r28thing, 0x802A73FC
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021D50
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021D90
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAA44
.set r28thing, 0x802A6D7C
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb, 0x80021E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x80021EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x80021ED0
.set VIGetNextFrameBuffer, 0x801BAE80
.set r28thing, 0x802953FC
.else # Invalid Region
.macro call_nw4r register, address
ori \register, r31, \address@l
mtctr \register
.macro push_stack size, registers
stwu r1, \size(r1)
stmw \registers, 8(r1)
.macro pop_stack registers, size
lmw \registers, 8(r1)
addi r1, r1, \size
# Function Prologue...
push_stack -128, r3
lis r31, 0x8002
# region bound instruction for the pointer to the next framebuffer
.if (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
lwz r3, -0x6040(r13)
lwz r3, -0x6060(r13)
lis r5, r28thing@ha
lwz r5, r28thing@l(r5)
lhz r4, 0x4(r5) # width
lhz r5, 0x8(r5) # height
call_nw4r r12, nw4r_db_DirectPrint_ChangeXfb
li r3, 0 # X coordinate of text start
li r4, 220 # Y coordinate of text start
li r5, 1 # Wrap text
bl branch_link_write_printf_statement
.string "Test\0\0\0"
mflr r6 # Store the pointer to the String into r6
call_nw4r r12, nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf
call_nw4r r12, nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache
# Function Epilogue...
pop_stack r3, 128
lwz r12, 0(r3) # original instruction
Mushroom Boost Modifier [1superchip] |
Posted by: 1superchip - 12-30-2020, 09:20 PM - Forum: Offline; Item
- No Replies
Mushroom Boost Modifier [1superchip]
This code modifies how long a boost from a mushroom lasts.
028B1268 0000XXXX
028B5B28 0000XXXX
028B4C88 0000XXXX
028A3FA0 0000XXXX
XXXX Values:
0x0168 = 4x as long
0x00B4 = 2x as long
0x005A = Default
0x002D = 1/2 as long
0x0000 = No boost
Code Creator: 1superchip