Top 10 Most Influential Codes of All Time (post your list)
In this thread, post what you think are the Top Ten Most Influential/Impactful Cheat Codes of all time in Mario Kart Wii History. The following are to be "external" cheat codes. I'm not including features of a service or modpack unless it has also been released as a gecko cheat code.

Here's my list...

1. Advanced Live Replay [WhatIsLoaf]

For the past 5 years, this has easily been the number 1 used code in MKWii. Almost every TT recording uses this. Released in 2020 to replace the ancient Live Replay by mdmwii. Mdmwii's original GCN Live Replay still holds a special place in our hearts.

2. Pretty Speedometer [Stebler]

The most commonly used speedometer in TT recordings ever since this was released in 2021. Due to the impact from this code, it's pretty much required for any TT recorder to use this exact code or something similiar for a graphical game-look-alike speedometer. Also this code has allowed many Coders/Devs to mock up edits of it to display various other info (XYZ coordinates, checkpoints, airtime, and other debug type info)

3. Remote Code Execution aka RCE [Star]

We all know this one HAS to be on the list somewhere. I rank it 3rd. Wouldn't arge with you if you had it as 1st. This was the first publicly released RCE code for mkwii (rumors are XeR had an RCE back in the day). Once Star released this (2019), it became the most talked about code in the community. And in 2020 it was upgraded by Star to be able to "hack" the user while keeping their console up and running.

Every MKW Server, Service, Software, Modpack, etc immediately had to update their packages with Anti RCE codes and what not. Because of this RCE, its stnadard protocol to have full Anti RCE into any MKW software that you release and maintain. 3 different Anti-RCE codes were immediately created in response to this RCE, and then many more codes/patches soon followed.

4. Custom Time Trial Rankings [WhatIsLoaf]

Almost every TT video that uses Advanced Live Replay will include some view of a Top Ten at the start of the video. And which code are they using???? This code! Released in 2020 by Loaf one month prior to his Advanced Live Replay. Both codes have changed TT recording forever.

5. Ultimate License Unlocker [mdmwii]

This classic old school ULU is still used more than any other unlock code to this day. And I don't think it will change anytime soon. Respect to the Bill Russell of MKW Coding! Released in 2009.

6. Enhanced Ghost Replay [MrBean]

Still used in some TT recordings. Released in 2016, this still has major usage and impact in the game. It's still a key/main feature in CTGP after all these years.

7. Force Room CC [XeR]

The MUST have code if you want to force 150cc in your private rooms. Seems like every Modpack nowadays implements this code (usually for 150cc). Has been one of the biggest QoL (Quality of Life) codes ever released. Released sometime before 2018.

8. Unlock Everything without Save [tZ aka acaruso]

Released in 2020, more and more ppl are using this over ULU since this unlocks everytihing wtiout any permanent edits to the data save. Most "modpacks" include this code for quick unlocks. Pretty much, if you make a modpack, you have to add this in.

9. Custom Exception Handler [Star & Rii]

This code is in software such as MKW-SP and various modpacks. Because of this code, it allows software/modpack creators to instantly slap this on and get helpful debug output. It also aided in huge amounts to the developement of MKW-SP. WIth various regular users able to record their screens and give back crucial debug info to coders and devs. Underrated code imo in regards to its impact to the MKW Community.

10. Change Character+Vehicle in between Online Races [MrBean]

A key feature of CTGP and since CTGP has been the go-to software for a majority of online play for around 10 years now, I'd figure this should be somewhere in the top 10.

Honorable Mentions~

No Disconnect [Bully]
Still impactful since it's used quite a bit for online code testing as it allows the testers to not have to worry about DC's. Wouldn't argue with you if you had this in the top 10.

Host Always Wins Track Vote [Star]
Included in many mod packs. Huge QoL type code. Wouldn't argue with you if you had it in your Top 10.

MSG Editor [WhatIsLoaf]
Yes impactful, but I don't think its top 10 worthy. Used in quite a bit of TTs, but not "in most" as with something like the Custom Time Trial Rankings Code.

A Step Above God [Star]
Didn't make the list because while yes it was jaw dropping amazing, it didn't really have much effect since it was quickly patched on Wiimmfi and never made its way into competitive play. Would make the list if it was released during the OG WFC days.

Frameskip [Wiimmfi Team]
Been around since 2022 and has helped tons of users with laggy Dolphin setups. But it was never released as an "external" cheat code. Has always been part of the Wiimmfi payload and was eventually extracted out of the payload and posted here. It's not really used as a standalone cheat code. Hence why I don't think it should be in the top 10.

Faster Menu Nav [east]
Amazing QoL code that doesn't get mentioned a lot. Just ran out of spots in the Top 10.

Always Show FC on Wifi menu [Sponge]
This isnt in the Top 10 because it was released just last year. Sure enough, I assume it will soon be in almost any MKW modpack/service/whatever. So so useful and simple.
I'd put Impervious and Lightning/POW delimiter somewhere here
Why am I bumping this old thread? Well a lot has changed since August 2019 and decided I would update my personal list of the Top 10 Most Influential Codes of All Time. Only 2 codes from the old list were able to make it on the new list.

I would like to see your own Top 10 List. So many codes out there, I could be forgetting about something obvious. View the OP to see the updated list.

Here's what got removed and the reason why....


Live Replay; GCN (mdmwii)
Nobody uses this anymore ever since Loaf's live replay was released nearly 5 years ago. Completely vanished. As if it never existed.

Shared Item Code (Guru)
Simply has no impact on the community since "obscure cheating/FTW" hacking is not a thing nowadays and hasnt been for years now. Basically these types of codes are just dead.

Speedometer [mdmwii]
Nobody has used the original speedometer (or any speedometer that sits witin the Timer itself) for years now. Simply dead. No impact anymore.

Invisible Code [XeR]
Can't use this on Wimmfi or some other custom WFC server w/o getting banned pretty much right away. Lost its aura. Simply dead-dead

Drop Item Hack [mdmwii]
FTL Hacking died the moment nin WFC died, and that was almost 11 years ago. Imo, anything FTL related can't be put into the Top 10 anymore.

God Code [Xer]
Same reason as with the Shared Item Code.

Draggable Blueshells [MrBean]
Same reason as with the Drop Item Hack.

No Disconnect [Bully]
Ran out of the spots in the Top 10 tbh.

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