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Change Character/Vehicle In Between Races/Battles Online[MrBean & Dea] |
Posted by: Dea00 - 07-25-2021, 06:11 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes
- Replies (2)
Change Character/Vehicle In Between Races/Battles Online[MrBean & Dea]
When you at the screen listing all players+VR/BR in the WW/Regional, press the START button (if GCN), or the PLUS button (if non GCN) to bring up the character/vehicle selection screen. Does NOT work in private rooms.
I didn't implement vehicle color for battle, so screen always shows blue team vehicle.
0462D7A4 4B9D3674
0462D834 4B9D3610
04000E18 7FE3FB78
04000E1C 3880006B
04000E20 48621635
04000E24 7FE3FB78
04000E28 3880006C
04000E2C 48621629
04000E30 7FE3FB78
04000E34 3880006D
04000E38 4862161D
04000E3C 7FE3FB78
04000E40 4862C968
04000E44 7FE3FB78
04000E48 3880006B
04000E4C 48621609
04000E50 7FE3FB78
04000E54 38800076
04000E58 486215FD
04000E5C 7FE3FB78
04000E60 3880006D
04000E64 486215F1
04000E68 7FE3FB78
04000E6C 4862C9CC
04000EB0 808B6918
04000EC0 80000EC4
04000EC4 3AA00001
04000EC8 3E808000
04000ECC 92B40EAC
04000ED0 3AA00000
04000ED4 3A800000
04000ED8 485BCE00
04839E48 60000000
C2622574 00000019
3EC08000 3A600000
82D60EAC 7C13B000
418200AC 3EC08000
82D60EA4 7C16F000
4082009C 3EC08000
83D60EA8 92760EAC
82760EA8 82D60EA0
82D60248 3AD6006C
92D3090C 92D30848
3CA00100 90B300D4
3E608000 82730EA0
82730000 2C130058
41820030 3E608000
82730EA0 827301E0
92D306F0 3E608000
82730EA0 827301BC
92D306C4 3A600000
3AC00000 48000030
3E608000 82730EA0
827301B8 92D306F0
3E608000 82730EA0
827301BC 92D306C4
3A600000 3AC00000
48000004 54C0103A
60000000 00000000
C262D81C 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301C0
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C262D8AC 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301E8
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C262287C 00000004
2C1D0000 40820014
3CA08000 80A50EA4
7CBD2B78 48000004
93A30354 00000000
045FD1A4 4BA03C74
045FD234 4BA03C10
04000E18 7FE3FB78
04000E1C 3880006B
04000E20 485F1035
04000E24 7FE3FB78
04000E28 3880006C
04000E2C 485F1029
04000E30 7FE3FB78
04000E34 3880006D
04000E38 485F101D
04000E3C 7FE3FB78
04000E40 485FC368
04000E44 7FE3FB78
04000E48 3880006B
04000E4C 485F1009
04000E50 7FE3FB78
04000E54 38800076
04000E58 485F0FFD
04000E5C 7FE3FB78
04000E60 3880006D
04000E64 485F0FF1
04000E68 7FE3FB78
04000E6C 485FC3CC
04000EB0 808B2EF0
04000EC0 80000EC4
04000EC4 3AA00001
04000EC8 3E808000
04000ECC 92B40EAC
04000ED0 3AA00000
04000ED4 3A800000
04000ED8 485B57DC
04851B34 60000000
C25F1F74 00000019
3EC08000 3A600000
82D60EAC 7C13B000
418200AC 3EC08000
82D60EA4 7C16F000
4082009C 3EC08000
83D60EA8 92760EAC
82760EA8 82D60EA0
82D60248 3AD6006C
92D3090C 92D30848
3CA00100 90B300D4
3E608000 82730EA0
82730000 2C130058
41820030 3E608000
82730EA0 827301E0
92D306F0 3E608000
82730EA0 827301BC
92D306C4 3A600000
3AC00000 48000030
3E608000 82730EA0
827301B8 92D306F0
3E608000 82730EA0
827301BC 92D306C4
3A600000 3AC00000
48000004 54C0103A
60000000 00000000
C25FD21C 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301C0
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C25FD2AC 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301E8
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C25F227C 00000004
2C1D0000 40820014
3CA08000 80A50EA4
7CBD2B78 48000004
93A30354 00000000
PAL (Untested):
0462E058 4B9D2DC0
0462E0E8 4B9D2D5C
04000E18 7FE3FB78
04000E1C 3880006B
04000E20 48621EE9
04000E24 7FE3FB78
04000E28 3880006C
04000E2C 48621EDD
04000E30 7FE3FB78
04000E34 3880006D
04000E38 48621ED1
04000E3C 7FE3FB78
04000E40 4862D21C
04000E44 7FE3FB78
04000E48 3880006B
04000E4C 48621EBD
04000E50 7FE3FB78
04000E54 38800076
04000E58 48621EB1
04000E5C 7FE3FB78
04000E60 3880006D
04000E64 48621EA5
04000E68 7FE3FB78
04000E6C 4862D280
04000EB0 808B77B8
04000EC0 80000EC4
04000EC4 3AA00001
04000EC8 3E808000
04000ECC 92B40EAC
04000ED0 3AA00000
04000ED4 3A800000
04000ED8 485BD480
0483A7DC 60000000
C2622E28 00000019
3EC08000 3A600000
82D60EAC 7C13B000
418200AC 3EC08000
82D60EA4 7C16F000
4082009C 3EC08000
83D60EA8 92760EAC
82760EA8 82D60EA0
82D60248 3AD6006C
92D3090C 92D30848
3CA00100 90B300D4
3E608000 82730EA0
82730000 2C130058
41820030 3E608000
82730EA0 827301E0
92D306F0 3E608000
82730EA0 827301BC
92D306C4 3A600000
3AC00000 48000030
3E608000 82730EA0
827301B8 92D306F0
3E608000 82730EA0
827301BC 92D306C4
3A600000 3AC00000
48000004 54C0103A
60000000 00000000
C262E0D0 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301C0
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C262E160 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301E8
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C2623130 00000004
2C1D0000 40820014
3CA08000 80A50EA4
7CBD2B78 48000004
93A30354 00000000
NTSC-K (Untested):
0461C450 4B9E49C8
0461C4E0 4B9E4964
04000E18 7FE3FB78
04000E1C 3880006B
04000E20 486102E1
04000E24 7FE3FB78
04000E28 3880006C
04000E2C 486102D5
04000E30 7FE3FB78
04000E34 3880006D
04000E38 486102C9
04000E3C 7FE3FB78
04000E40 4861B614
04000E44 7FE3FB78
04000E48 3880006B
04000E4C 486102B5
04000E50 7FE3FB78
04000E54 38800076
04000E58 486102A9
04000E5C 7FE3FB78
04000E60 3880006D
04000E64 4861029D
04000E68 7FE3FB78
04000E6C 4861B678
04000EB0 808A5C30
04000EC0 80000EC4
04000EC4 3AA00001
04000EC8 3E808000
04000ECC 92B40EAC
04000ED0 3AA00000
04000ED4 3A800000
04000ED8 485AB4D8
04828B9C 60000000
C2611220 00000019
3EC08000 3A600000
82D60EAC 7C13B000
418200AC 3EC08000
82D60EA4 7C16F000
4082009C 3EC08000
83D60EA8 92760EAC
82760EA8 82D60EA0
82D60248 3AD6006C
92D3090C 92D30848
3CA00100 90B300D4
3E608000 82730EA0
82730000 2C130058
41820030 3E608000
82730EA0 827301E0
92D306F0 3E608000
82730EA0 827301BC
92D306C4 3A600000
3AC00000 48000030
3E608000 82730EA0
827301B8 92D306F0
3E608000 82730EA0
827301BC 92D306C4
3A600000 3AC00000
48000004 54C0103A
60000000 00000000
C261C4C8 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301C0
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C261C558 0000000A
7FE3FB78 3E808000
90740EA0 826301E8
92740EA4 826301B4
92740EA8 8263024C
82730024 82730008
3A400EB0 7E949214
929301BC 82730224
3E808000 92740EB4
3E600000 3E800000
3A400000 60000000
C2611528 00000004
2C1D0000 40820014
3CA08000 80A50EA4
7CBD2B78 48000004
93A30354 00000000
MrBean for his original Change Character/Vehicle In Between Races Online code
True Velocity Meter [Vega] |
Posted by: Vega - 07-23-2021, 12:52 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle
- Replies (3)
True Velocity Meter [Vega]
This will display your velocity (factoring in force, collisions, gravity, engine speed, etc) in the milliseconds section of your timer. Will only work in Solo TT's.
C2690444 00000008
2C190000 41820034
C1BA0804 FDA0681C
3D603B80 7D6B6378
3D80807F 956CD9F8
7C00606C 7C0004AC
7C0067AC 4C00012C
3B390001 00000000
C26948CC 00000008
2C190000 41820034
C1BA0804 FDA0681C
3D603B80 7D6B6378
3D808080 956C84F8
7C00606C 7C0004AC
7C0067AC 4C00012C
3B390001 00000000
C2693F38 00000008
2C190000 41820034
C1BA0804 FDA0681C
3D603B80 7D6B6378
3D80807F 956C7B64
7C00606C 7C0004AC
7C0067AC 4C00012C
3B390001 00000000
C2682C74 00000008
2C190000 41820034
C1BA0804 FDA0681C
3D603B80 7D6B6378
3D80807E 956C68B8
7C00606C 7C0004AC
7C0067AC 4C00012C
3B390001 00000000
Code creator: Vega
Code Credits: JoshuaMK (Millisecond Display Mod)
Code: #Address Ports
#NTSC-U = 80690444
#PAL = 806948CC
#NTSC-J = 80693F38
#NTSC-K = 80682C74
#Compilation Region Setting
.set region, ''
#Region Dependent Addresses
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set millmod, 0x807ED9F8
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set millmod, 0x807F84F8
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set millmod, 0x807F7B64
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set millmod, 0x807E68B8
.else # Invalid Region
#Velocity is most updated (r26 correct address) when r25 is 1 (can only be 0 or 1 before default instruction)
cmpwi r25, 0
beq- default_instruction
#Get Velocity
lfs f13, 0x0804 (r26)
#Convert float w/ standard rounding, place conversion into a GPR; no need for fabs, value is always positive
fctiw f13, f13
stfd f13, -0x8 (sp)
lwz r12, -0x4 (sp)
#Modify millisecond value of timer
lis r11, 0x3B80 #Upper bits of new instruction
or r11, r11, r12
lis r12, millmod@ha #Use ha in macro to adjust for possible signed offset values in the following store instruction
stwu r11, millmod@l (r12) #Use stwu for upcoming cache instructions
#Update cache
dcbst 0, r12 #Adjust cache for new instruction
icbi 0, r12
#Default Instruction
addi r25, r25, 1
Rapid Fire/Hop [Vega] |
Posted by: Vega - 07-18-2021, 10:34 PM - Forum: Misc/Other
- Replies (1)
Rapid Fire/Hop [Vega]
This code will allow you to configure a button to use to implement Rapid Fire or Rapid Hop. It works for all controllers.
Also the code is gives you the ability of when to initiate the Rapid Fire/Hop and when to not. Thus, to fire items / hop normally, just use w/e button on your controller that is normally required for Item Usage/Hopping.
View the button map below on how to fill out values for the code. If configuring a button for Rapid Fire, it cannot be the same button that is used for Item Usage. If configuring a button for Rapid Hop, it cannot be the same button that is used for Hopping (i.e. R button for GCN).
W values (needed for PAL code only):
4 = Non-GCN controller (Wheel, chuck, classic)
5 = GCN
XXXX values = Controller Address
ZZZZ values = Button for RF
Thread containing XXXX and ZZZZ values -> https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=44
Important: If filling a ZZZZ value for GCN, used the Wavebird ZZZZ values!
R Value is rate of rapid fire/hop (in frames)
2 = Lowest amount possible (fastest it can be)
T Values:
4 = Rapid Fire
8 = Rapid Hop
NOTE: This code makes use of memory addresses 0x80000FCC thru 0x80000FCF. Make sure no other codes you have equipped are using those addresses.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMU1NX4m804
C251CE8C 00000007
3D808000 816C0FCC
280B000R 41800020
3D608034 A16BXXXX
716BZZZZ 41A20010
6000000T 39600000
916C0FCC B01E002C
60000000 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D808000 816C0FCC
396B0001 916C0FCC
4E800020 00000000
C2521300 00000007
3D808000 816C0FCC
280B000R 41800020
3D60803W A16BXXXX
716BZZZZ 41A20010
6000000T 39600000
916C0FCC B01E002C
60000000 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D808000 816C0FCC
396B0001 916C0FCC
4E800020 00000000
C2520C80 00000007
3D808000 816C0FCC
280B000R 41800020
3D608034 A16BXXXX
716BZZZZ 41A20010
6000000T 39600000
916C0FCC B01E002C
60000000 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D808000 816C0FCC
396B0001 916C0FCC
4E800020 00000000
C250F324 00000007
3D808000 816C0FCC
280B000R 41800020
3D608033 A16BXXXX
716BZZZZ 41A20010
6000000T 39600000
916C0FCC B01E002C
60000000 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D808000 816C0FCC
396B0001 916C0FCC
4E800020 00000000
Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Seeky (Timed Auto Usage & Input State structure)
1st ASM (C2)
#NTSC-U = 8051CE8C
#PAL = 80521300
#NTSC-J = 80520C80
#NTSC-K = 8050F324
#Check Frame Count
lis r12, 0x8000
lwz r11, 0x0FCC (r12)
cmplwi r11, 2 #2 used for compilation purposes, adjust this to your needs
blt- default_instruction
#Get Controller Button Halfword
lis r11, 0x8033 #NTSC-K GCN used for compilation purposes, adjust this to your needs
lhz r11, 0x6200 (r11)
#Check if desired button for RF/RH has at least been pressed
andi. r11, r11, 0x0800 #GCN Y button used for compilation purposes, adjust this to your needs
beq+ default_instruction
#RF/RH Button pressed+held, initiate Rapid Fire/Hop. Flip Item Usage/Hop bit high.
ori r0, r0, 0x0004 #RF used for compilation, adjust this to 0x0008 if doing RH
#Start cooldown period
li r11, 0
stw r11, 0x0FCC (r12)
#Default Instruction
sth r0, 0x002C (r30) #Default instruction; Store the word containing Item Usage/Hop bits to memory
2nd ASM (C0)
lis r12, 0x8000 #Set EVA Upper
lwz r11, 0x0FCC (r12) #Get Frame Count
addi r11, r11, 1 #Increment Frame Count
stw r11, 0x0FCC (r12) #Update Frame Count
Luck Wheelie Bot [Vega] |
Posted by: Vega - 07-17-2021, 09:00 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
Luck Wheelie Bot [Vega]
Always get a luck wheelie, no controller input required. It's entirely automated. Works offline only.
NOTE: This code makes use of memory addresses 0x80000FC8 thru 0x80000FCF. Make sure no other codes you have equipped are using those addresses.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNDeJNrnLYs
C2581BA0 00000005
74858000 3CA08000
38800000 40A20008
38800001 98850FC8
93A50FCC 80A30000
60000000 00000000
C2581FA4 00000005
3D808000 816C0FCC
7C0BE800 40820014
898C0FC8 2C0C0001
40820008 38600001
2C030001 00000000
C25883C4 00000005
74858000 3CA08000
38800000 40A20008
38800001 98850FC8
93A50FCC 80A30000
60000000 00000000
C25887C8 00000005
3D808000 816C0FCC
7C0BE800 40820014
898C0FC8 2C0C0001
40820008 38600001
2C030001 00000000
C2587D44 00000005
74858000 3CA08000
38800000 40A20008
38800001 98850FC8
93A50FCC 80A30000
60000000 00000000
C2588148 00000005
3D808000 816C0FCC
7C0BE800 40820014
898C0FC8 2C0C0001
40820008 38600001
2C030001 00000000
C257641C 00000005
74858000 3CA08000
38800000 40A20008
38800001 98850FC8
93A50FCC 80A30000
60000000 00000000
C2576820 00000005
3D808000 816C0FCC
7C0BE800 40820014
898C0FC8 2C0C0001
40820008 38600001
2C030001 00000000
Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Stebler (player.h mkw-structure GitHub)
1st ASM
#NTSC-U = 80581BA0
#PAL = 805883C4
#NTSC-J = 80587D44
#NTSC-K = 8057641C
#r4 and r5 safe for use
#r29 = Pointer to some structure, this r29 value must be matched in other ASM so we know we are calling a new wheelie on the correct player. This should fix the VS Race issues where other ppls/CPUs wheelies effected your own, lul.
andis. r5, r4, 0x8000 #Check if r4 was a pointer or if it was the byte size wheelie timer value. If it's the timer value byte, we know to continue the wheelie
lis r5, 0x8000 #Set EVA Upper
li r4, 0 #Preset Status Flag to 0
bne+ end_code
li r4, 1 #Need to initiate an LW, set status flag to 1
stb r4, 0x0FC8 (r5) #Update Status Flag in EVA
stw r29, 0x0FCC (r5) #Store Structure Pointer
lwz r5, 0 (r3) #Default Instruction
2nd ASM
#NTSC-U = 80581FA4
#PAL = 805887C8
#NTSC-J = 80588148
#NTSC-K = 80576820
lis r12, 0x8000 #Set EVA Upper
lwz r11, 0x0FCC (r12) #Load Structure Pointer (r29 from other ASM)
cmpw r11, r29 #r29 my 1st ASM and this ASM must be a match. If not, skip code.
bne- default_instruction
lbz r12, 0x0FC8 (r12) #Load Status Flag
cmpwi r12, 1 #Check if Flag is 1
bne- default_instruction
li r3, 1 #Setting this to 1 will tell the game to call the Start Wheelie function (shortly after a series of other small checks such as checking if the player is making contact with the ground)
cmpwi r3, 1
Force WW Battle Type [1superchip] |
Posted by: 1superchip - 07-10-2021, 07:53 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item
- No Replies
Force WW Battle Type [1superchip]
This code allows the user to force the battle type of Worldwides and Regionals, only works when the user is the host.
C2659A70 00000003
64008000 6C00X000
90010008 807F0000
60000000 00000000
C26619AC 00000003
64008000 6C00X000
90010008 807F0000
60000000 00000000
C2661018 00000003
64008000 6C00X000
90010008 807F0000
60000000 00000000
C264FCC4 00000003
64008000 6C00X000
90010008 807F0000
60000000 00000000
X Values:
0 = Balloon Battle
8 = Coin Runners
#r0 is the battleFlags, need to store that to (r1 + 0x8)
.set battleType, X # set X to 0x8000 for coin runners and 0x0000 for balloon battle
oris r0, r0, 0x8000 # set bit
xoris r0, r0, battleType # clear bit
stw r0, 0x8 (r1) #store r0 to stack
lwz r3, 0 (r31) #default instruction
Code Creator: 1superchip
Code Credits: Seeky (documentation)
Faster Points Increase [CLF78] |
Posted by: CLF78 - 07-10-2021, 06:29 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
This codes makes it so the score after each race increments much faster than it normally would, especially if the amount of received points is big. This "feature" was previously exclusive to online races, but becomes available everywhere with this code.
007EB1CF 00000001
007F57F7 00000001
007F4E63 00000001
007E3BB7 00000001
Code created by: CLF78