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  USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-07-2018, 12:01 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

USB Gecko Item Spy Offline [Bully]

NOTE: Outdated by Bully's newer version which can spy all players at once, no extra steps needed

You need USB Gecko or Aldelaro5's Live RAM Viewer!

How to use code:
This code is not like other item spy codes. It requires an extra step to be done, and you can only spy on one person at a time.

On your USB Gecko/RAM Viewer, go to Address 81700070. Before the race is loaded, you will see all zeros pretty much everywhere. Once you load a track, some random hex code is displayed, then a list of 12 memory addresses will be shown. However keep waiting until right before the countdown, the list of memory addresses will change very slightly and remain the same for the rest of the race. Those final addresses are the addresses for each players' item value (plus amount). First address is always yourself. Other 11 are the other CPUs.

For example let's say we want to spy ourself. Once the countdown has started, view the value listed at 81700070.

Let's say it's 8121B774. Visit that address on your RAM Viewer. It will display 00 00 00 14. That is the item value (no item). The next string is 00 00 00 00. That is item amount.

Hit a box, let's say you get triple mushrooms. 00 00 00 14 will change to 00 00 00 05. And the second string will change to 00 00 00 03 and decrease by 1 for every shroom you use.

C278FF00 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C2798F0C 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C2798578 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

C27872CC 00000004
1D9D0004 3D8C8170
3863008C 906C0070
3863FF74 8003008C
60000000 00000000

[Item Values]
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Thunder Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shells
11 = Triple Red Shells
12 = Triple Bananas
14 = No Item

Another interesting feature: Continuing from the example listed above, go down one row and look at the 3rd string when you get a Golden. It will read 10 00 00 00. Use the golden, the 1 will change to 0. Then further to the right, a hexadecimal countdown starts (beginning at 01 BE). This is the golden mushroom timer until you lose the golden. The moment that hex timer hits 00 00 is when your golden goes away.

Code created by: Bully

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  How to Install and Run Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine
Posted by: Vega - 06-05-2018, 11:40 PM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin - Replies (4)

How to Install and Run Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine

Intro & Requirements

Aldelaro5's Dolphin-memory-engine is program that hooks to the Dolphin Emulation and allows the live view of the game's memory with features to run various data searches/scans. It supports both Mem1 and Mem2. It is a MUST HAVE if you ever plan on creating your own ASM codes via Dolphin. Dolphin does come with it's own memory viewer, but it does not have live updates.

You will need to have a Developer Version of Dolphin already installed. 'Stable' versions will simply not work. Here is a guide on how to install Dolphin Dev Version - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=625

Installing & Running for Windows:

NOTE: For Windows 10 or later

Download the latest version (1.2.1) of Dolphin-memory-engine - https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-mem...-amd64.zip

Unzip the download. You will see an application called DolphinMemoryEngine.exe. This is the program.

Dolphin-memory-engine is meant to run with Dolphin in Debugger Mode. Launch Dolphin how you normally would. Once Dolphin has booted. Go to Options, then Configuration. Click on the Interface Tab. You should see a tickable box that says "Enable Debugging UI". Click in the box to checkmark it. Once it has been checkmarked. Close the Tab. You should see a myriad of new menus/items if this was your first time enabling the Debugger Mode.

Once Dolphin Debugger Mode has been enabled, launch your DolphinMemoryEngine.exe file. You should see something similar to this - http://mkwii.com/pics/screenshots/RAMViewer.png

The above pic is from an older version of the Engine, therefore you will see some slight differences.

At the top, the program should say it is hooked successfully. If not click the large Hook button. If it fails, restart both Dolphin & the Memory-engine, and try again. If the Memory-engine still fails to hook, scroll down to the Troubleshooting portion of the thread...

If the Memory-engine did get a successful hook, go ahead and launch your Game. Then within Dolphin-memory-engine, click View. Then click Memory Viewer. A new window will appear showing you the live view of the Game's RAM. Congratz!

Installing & Running for Linux (Ubuntu or Debian only)

For Linux installation you will need to build the Memory-engine from source. Must be on Ubuntu 22.04+ or Debian 12+.

1. Update, upgrade, etc etc...

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

The above command will update and upgrade everything for your Linux OS plus delete/wipe any unneeded cache and/or dependencies

If you had to preform any upgrades, be sure to reboot your computer - sudo reboot

2. Install Dependencies

If you already have Dolphin-emulator installed on your Debian or Ubuntu system (via built from source code), then you already have all the dependencies, proceed to next step. If not, view the Dolphin install guide HERE and install all the dependencies from steps 2.

3. Download/Clone GitHub Repo

Open up a terminal and run the following commands.

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-memory-engine.git
cd dolphin-memory-engine

4. Preparing and Executing the Build

We must navigate to the Source directory that's within the cloned Repo.

cd $HOME/dolphin-memory-engine/Source

Run the following command...

mkdir build && cd build

Now run this command...

cmake ..

And finally run this...


The source code will now be built, takes just a few minutes. Once completed, your terminal should be auto directed into /home/yourusername/Dolphin-memory-engine-master/Source/build

If not, then cd into that location.

5. Booting Dolphin-memory-engine

Before we boot the engine, we must enable Dolphin's Debugging UI. Launch Dolphin in a new separate Terminal. Keep your other Terminal open. Once Dolphin has booted. Go to Options, then Configuration. Click on the Interface Tab. You should see a tickable box that says "Enable Debugging UI". Click in the box to checkmark it. Once it has been checkmarked. Close the Tab. You should see a myriad of new menus/items if this was your first time enabling the Debugger Mode.

Dolphin Debugger mode will now be enabled. Going back to your original terminal, run this command to boot the Memory-engine...


You should see something similar to this - http://mkwii.com/pics/screenshots/RAMViewer.png

The above pic is from an older version of the Engine, therefore you will see some slight differences.

At the top, the program should say it is hooked successfully. If not click the large Hook button. If it fails, restart both Dolphin & the Memory-engine, and try again. If the Memory-engine still fails to hook, scroll down to the Troubleshooting portion of the thread...

If the Memory-engine did get a successful hook, go ahead and launch your Game. Then within Dolphin-memory-engine, click View. Then click Memory Viewer. A new window will appear showing you the live view of the Game's RAM. Congratz!


If you can't get the program to hook or a certain range of addresses won't display, here are some tips:

Try using an older version of the memory engine - https://github.com/aldelaro5/Dolphin-mem...e/releases
(Each release comes with pre-compiled and source versions for both Windows and Linux).

For Linux users, you can try the AppImage if compiling from source didn't work.

If that doesn't work, you can try using an older version of Dolphin or try an old version of both the Memory Engine and Dolphin.

Here are some combinations that I or others have had success with..
Dolphin version 2407-68 w/ Memory Engine version 1.2.1
Dolphin version 20360 w/ Memory Engine version 0.9.0
Dolphin version 10886 w/ Memory Engine version 0.5.0
Dolphin version 10886 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 10413 w/ Memory Engine version 0.5.0
Dolphin version 10413 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8490 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8279 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0
Dolphin version 8029 w/ Memory Engine version 0.4.0

Note for Linux Users wanting older versions of Dolphin Dev: Unfortunately there is no database of older pre-compiled Linux-based Dev revisions. However, you can try one of the Beta versions that are present at the Downloads page (https://dolphin-emu.org/download/)

Before compiling the source of a different Dolphin, you need to remove your current version of Dolphin completely. Wherever you main Dolphin folder is, there is a build directory within. Open a terminal within that build directory. Run this command....

sudo cat install_manifest.txt | xargs -d '\n' rm

Command will take a minute or so. Dolphin is now uninstalled.

If you still have unresolved issues, you can try posting them here -> https://github.com/aldelaro5/dolphin-mem...ine/issues
It's possible that something is wrong with your Dolphin-Emu, it may help you to ask help on the dolphin forums - https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/

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  How to Install Dolphin Emulator
Posted by: Vega - 06-05-2018, 02:45 AM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin - Replies (6)

How to Install Dolphin Emulator

Intro & Requirements

Dolphin Emulator is software installed on your computer that emulates the Nintendo Wii and its games.

This tutorial will install the latest Developer Version of Dolphin onto your computer. There are what is known as 'Stable' versions for installation. However, those versions aren't stable at all, and they are very outdated.

Computer Requirements:
  • 8 GB RAM or higher
  • A "semi decent modern" Processor. Something such as a "standard" i5 that's no older than 5 years would be the ideal minimum. I'm not a processor guy, so cut me some slack. Basically, if you have a modern computer, you're good to go.

Installing For Windows:

NOTE: For Windows 10 or later

The development versions require the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 to be installed.  Link - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help...-downloads

Go to the Download page of the Dolphin website - https://dolphin-emu.org/download/

Scroll down to Development Versions. The version listed at top is the most recent. Click on the blue Windows x64 button to download. The download package will be in 7z format, you will need some third party archiver/extractor (such as WinRAR). Extract the download. You will see an application named Dolphin.exe. This is the application you would run to launch Dolphin. 

Launch the exe file. Dolphin should boot. If Dolphin fails to boot, you will need to use Google or search on the Dolphin Forums (https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/) to remedy the problem as it can be a result of various issues. You could try one of the Beta Versions instead that were present at the very top of the Dolphin Download page. These versions are released every fews months and are more stable than the Development versions.

Dolphin will now boot. If you have a directory where your Games (ISO's/WBFS's) are located and you don't see a list appear on Dolphin. Double click anywhere in the large open area. Then a prompt will appear. Navigate and select the Directory of where your Games are located. Your Games will now appear. Double click on the desired Game to launch it.

Your Game should run at 60fps. Be warned that sometimes in the first minute or so, there may be some hiccups and what not. This is normal. But after a few minutes max, everything should run smooth. If not, or you game can't run at 60fps at all, you will need to seek help on the Dolphin Forums (https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/)

Installing For Linux (Ubuntu or Debian only)

For Linux installations of Dev versions of Dolphin, Dolphin must be built from source.

NOTICE: For Ubuntu, you must be on version 22.04 or later. For Debian, you must be on Debian 12 or later.

The information on this thread is from this Dolphin wiki page. Link - https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/w...-for-Linux

Refer to that wiki page if you are stuck on a step.

Let's begin.

1. Update, Upgrade, etc, etc.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

The above command will update and upgrade everything for your Linux OS plus delete/wipe any unneeded cache and/or dependencies

If you had to perform any upgrades, be sure to reboot your computer - sudo reboot

2. Install the Necessary Dependencies

sudo apt update

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake ffmpeg libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libevdev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libpangocairo-1.0-0 qt6-base-private-dev libqt6svg6-dev libbluetooth-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

sudo apt install libudev-dev libsystemd-dev || sudo apt install libeudev-dev #distros without systemd like AntiX must use eudev instead

The above command may take about 10+ minutes to complete depending on your Internet connection.

3. Download the Github Repo

This will install the Dolphin's Github Repo as the directory 'dolphin" in your Home directory. Adjust the cd terminal command if you wish to have the Repo installed elsewhere.

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin
cd dolphin

At this point you are in the dolphin directory. Do NOT close your terminal.

4. Add necessary submodules

git -c submodule."Externals/Qt".update=none \
-c submodule."Externals/FFmpeg-bin".update=none \
-c submodule."Externals/libadrenotools".update=none \
submodule update --init --recursive \
&& git pull --recurse-submodules

The above will take about 5+ minutes depending on your Processor Speed

5. Build & Install Dolphin

This will build dolphin globablly so any User on your Linux system can launch it.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

After 10+ minutes of time for the compilation, you will be prompted for your password. Type in your password and press Enter! Dolphin will now be installed. The installation may take some minutes.

6. Booting Dolphin

At this point Dolphin has been installed. Let's launch Dolphin.

cd $HOME

Dolphin Emulator will launch. If not, try rebooting your computer/laptop and try again. If it still fails, post your issue on the Dolphin Forums (https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/).

Congratz. If you have a directory where your Games (ISO's/WBFS's) are located and you don't see a list appear on Dolphin. Double click anywhere in the large open area. Then a prompt will appear. Navigate and select the Directory of where your Games are located. Your Games will now appear. Double click on the desired Game to launch it.

Your Game should run at 60fps. Be warned that sometimes in the first minute or so, there may be some hiccups and what not. This is normal. But after a few minutes max, everything should run smooth. If not, or you game can't run at 60fps at all, you will need to seek help on the Dolphin Forums (https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/)

7. Future Use and Other Notes

Please do NOT change the location or names of the folders/directories of where your Dolphin files are stored. This can cause Dolphin to break.

Please also note that even though it's possible to upgrade Dolphin by re-cloning the GitHub repo and what not, if you have your Dolphin working 100%, then i do NOT recommend upgrading unless it is needed to fix an issue/bug. It's a pain in the rear end to get this thing installed and working 100%, let's not risk it.

Here's a link to learn how to apply Cheat Codes - https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1138
Here's a link to install your own NAND (for Online play requirements) - https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=735

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  Copy Mii [Anarion]
Posted by: Vega - 06-04-2018, 02:50 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item - No Replies

Copy Mii [Anarion]

Go online. Go to a Mii and your Friend Roster and press your activator. The Mii to now copied to your save data. You can also do this for a Mii that pops up on the globe in a room/WW race. Exit WiFi and change Miis on any license to the one that is copied. Go back online and the Mii and will be visible to others like any old Mii. The VVVV values determine which one of your Miis will be replaced. See below for instructions on how to fill out the VVVV values. Please keep in mind that the Mii is temporarily yours until you turn off the game/Wii. When you reboot, the license will have no Mii and you will be forced to assign a Mii, and your old Mii that was replaced will be back.

C20C6D38 00000003
3CA08000 7C18C800
40820008 93C51808
A09E0000 00000000
48000000 80381F18
DE000000 90909100
58010000 00000010
DE000000 90909100
5A010000 00000004
9A00380F 0000VVVV
E0000000 80008000

C20C6DD8 00000003
3CA08000 7C18C800
40820008 93C51808
A09E0000 00000000
48000000 80386298
DE000000 90909100
58010000 00000010
DE000000 90909100
5A010000 00000004
9A00380F 0000VVVV
E0000000 80008000

C20C6CF8 00000003
3CA08000 7C18C800
40820008 93C51808
A09E0000 00000000
48000000 80385C18
DE000000 90909100
58010000 00000010
DE000000 90909100
5A010000 00000004
9A00380F 0000VVVV
E0000000 80008000

C20C6E38 00000003
3CA08000 7C18C800
40820008 93C51808
A09E0000 00000000
48000000 803742B8
DE000000 90909100
58010000 00000010
DE000000 90909100
5A010000 00000004
9A00380F 0000VVVV
E0000000 80008000

VVVV = Your Mii that will be replaced

To fill in the VVVV values, an equation with what is known as the Mii ID is required.

Mii ID Values:
00 = 1st Mii
4A = 2nd Mii
94 = 3nd Mii
etc.. etc..

This is in order of how your Miis are listed when you are choosing a Mii for a license. So if you want your 8th Mii replaced, do this equation (7 x 4A). That result (VVVV Value) would be 0206. Everything is done in Hex, never in decimal.

Here's another example (more in detail) - 13th Mii replaced. You would first convert that to Hex, which would be D. Then do a minus 1 (in hex), and that would be C. Thus, the equation would be (C x 4A), which would be a VVVV value of 0378.

Code created by: Anarion

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  Can Never Connect Online [mdmwii]
Posted by: Vega - 06-04-2018, 02:45 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item - Replies (5)

Can Never Connect Online [mdmwii]

You will be attempting to connect online forever.

C21D0DB0 00000003
3A6000FC 9A640005
3A600000 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000

C21D0E50 00000003
3A6000FC 9A640005
3A600000 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000

C21D0D70 00000003
3A6000FC 9A640005
3A600000 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000

C21D11AC 00000003
3A6000FC 9A640005
3A600000 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000

Code created by: mdmwii

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  Floating Point Converter
Posted by: Vega - 06-03-2018, 11:50 PM - Forum: Resources and References - Replies (1)

Here's the page I use to help with value conversions when dealing with Floating Points


Find the box that says - Hexadecimal Representation. It will have a value of 0x00000000

If you enter in 0x3F800000, you will see the top field labeled - Decimal change from 0 to 1.

So let's say you are editing a floating point code that deals with speed and the default speed value is 100kmh. If you want double the speed, enter in 2 for the Decimal value at the top. You will see the bottom result change to 0x40000000. Therefore your floating point value to enter in for the code would be 40000000 to get 200kmh speed.

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  Sparkle Code [PinkyandtheBrain66]
Posted by: Vega - 06-03-2018, 11:45 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - Replies (2)

Sparkle Code [PinkyandtheBrain66]

Character will have the Star-like sparkle illuminating around them.

0469089C 38000064
CC000000 00000000
0469089C 88030046
E0000000 80008000

04694D24 38000064
CC000000 00000000
04694D24 88030046
E0000000 80008000

04694390 38000064
CC000000 00000000
04694390 88030046
E0000000 80008000

046830CC 38000064
CC000000 00000000
046830CC 88030046
E0000000 80008000

Code created by: PinkyandtheBrain66

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  Satellite Camera [mdmwii]
Posted by: Vega - 06-03-2018, 11:31 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Satellite Camera [mdmwii]

Code gives you a birdeye's type camera view. Press and HOLD your activator to turn on code. Once activator is released, camera view goes back to normal.

C2597FDC 00000007
3E408000 3E204496
92321584 C3721584
3A20ZZZZ 3E408034
A252XXXX 7E528838
7C128800 40820008
EC42D82A D0430004
60000000 00000000

C25A3014 00000007
3E408000 3E204496
92321584 C3721584
3A20ZZZZ 3E40rrrr
A252XXXX 7E528838
7C128800 40820008
EC42D82A D0430004
60000000 00000000

C25A2994 00000007
3E408000 3E204496
92321584 C3721584
3A20ZZZZ 3E408034
A252XXXX 7E528838
7C128800 40820008
EC42D82A D0430004
60000000 00000000

C259106C 00000007
3E408000 3E204496
92321584 C3721584
3A20ZZZZ 3E408033
A252XXXX 7E528838
7C128800 40820008
EC42D82A D0430004
60000000 00000000

rrrr Values (for PAL code only):
8034 = Wheel, Chuck, Classic
8035 = GCN

XXXX = Controller Address
ZZZZ = Button Activator

Code created by: mdmwii

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  Faster Menu Navigation [Spaghetti Noppers]
Posted by: Vega - 06-03-2018, 01:33 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

Faster Menu Navigation [Spaghetti Noppers]

NOTE: Outdated by east's version. East's version works everywhere.

Offline only. Also known as No Time To Waste. If used online, you will be stuck forever at the course selection screen once voting has taken place.

045DD370 380500FF

04601C50 380500FF

046013C4 380500FF

045F0070 380500FF

Code created by: Spaghetti Noppers Group

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  Time Trial Record Resetter [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 06-03-2018, 01:20 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Time Trial Record Resetter [Bully]

This code allows you to wipe a desired amount of ghost data from your license.

At the time scroll/track selection screen. Choose a track that is one selection away from the target track (times you want to delete). For example, let's say you want to delete your rSGB times, be either on rSL on rDS. Press and HOLD down your activator. While holding the activator, move up/down to select your target track, then RELEASE the activator. You will see the target track now have a time of 00:00.000. Move away from the target track and reselect it. Time for it is now blank.

Now select your target track to get to the ghost preview screen. You will notice that the old ghost data is still present. This will be stored until you race the track again to set a new PR.

If you also want to delete your fast lap of said track, then follow this --- At the ghost preview screen, press any option. Once the "OK" prompt appears, press and HOLD your activator. While holding your activator, press A on the OK prompt. Once the game goes to black screen (for brief loading period), RELEASE your activator. Simply race the track and finish, you will now set a new fast lap record.

04825D68 A0030050
0485AF50 A0030050
C2825D68 00000006
38000000 39800000
7C6B1B78 2C0C000T
41820018 900B0050
900B0054 396B0C80
398C0001 4BFFFFE8
60000000 00000000
C285AF50 00000002
38000000 90030050
90030054 00000000
E0000000 80008000

048407C8 A0030050
0485D5E0 A0030050
C28407C8 00000006
38000000 39800000
7C6B1B78 2C0C000T
41820018 900B0050
900B0054 396B0C80
398C0001 4BFFFFE8
60000000 00000000
C285D5E0 00000002
38000000 90030050
90030054 00000000
E0000000 80008000

0483FE34 A0030050
0485CC4C A0030050
C283FE34 00000006
38000000 39800000
7C6B1B78 2C0C000T
41820018 900B0050
900B0054 396B0C80
398C0001 4BFFFFE8
60000000 00000000
C285CC4C 00000002
38000000 90030050
90030054 00000000
E0000000 80008000

0482EB88 A0030050
0484B9A0 A0030050
C282EB88 00000006
38000000 39800000
7C6B1B78 2C0C000T
41820018 900B0050
900B0054 396B0C80
398C0001 4BFFFFE8
60000000 00000000
C284B9A0 00000002
38000000 90030050
90030054 00000000
E0000000 80008000

T Values: Anything from 1 - 5

T Values are the amount of times that will be wiped from the top 5. Starting at 1st moving downard.

Note: If setting the T value to something such as 1, it will delete just the 1st place time on the top 5. So if you set a new PR afterwards, there will be a blank time for 2nd place. Set another PR, the blank time moves down accordingly.

Code created by: Bully

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