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Max GCN Analog/C Stick Values in RAM?? |
Posted by: Vega - 08-25-2019, 12:47 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (7)
Maybe you know this one Joshua since you have made a code using the analog stick...
On Dolphin, I use the keyboard. I don't have a GCN to USB adapter, maybe one day I will get one..
Whenever you press any key for a directional input of Analog Stick or C stick, the corresponding byte value goes from 0x80 to 0x00/FF (depending on which direction). A long time ago I remember trying to make a quick code to read something like... cmpwi rX, 0xFF. But the code would never work, it was a just a quick test on an already working code. I'm guessing the byte output is slightly off because a keyboard is being used?
So my question is, (on a real wii console with a real GCN), does this value ever reach the far limit of 0x00/FF? If not, what is the far limit?
Drop Items on Command [Fishguy] |
Posted by: Vega - 08-24-2019, 12:11 AM - Forum: Online; Item
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Drop Items on Command [Fishguy]
Regardless of what item is in your inventory, press your activator to drop the item on the floor.
SS = How fast the item shoots out.
Example SS Values:
0F = Slow
08 = Medium
04 = Fast
01 = Insanely Fast
0479093C 7C630214
C279093C 00000010
9421FFB0 BDC10008
7C0F0378 7C701B78
7C912378 3E408000
62521500 82520004
7C1B9000 4082003C
807E0014 7C630214
82430010 3A520001
92430010 2C1200SS
41800020 3A400000
92430010 3880000C
3E408078 6252FA24
7E4903A6 4E800421
7DE07B78 7E038378
7E248B78 B9C10008
38210050 7C630214
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C252BA08 00000003
3EC08000 62D61500
93B60004 9BBF0B84
60000000 00000000
04799948 7C630214
C2799948 00000010
9421FFB0 BDC10008
7C0F0378 7C701B78
7C912378 3E408000
62521500 82520004
7C1B9000 4082003C
807E0014 7C630214
82430010 3A520001
92430010 2C1200SS
41800020 3A400000
92430010 3880000C
3E408079 62528A30
7E4903A6 4E800421
7DE07B78 7E038378
7E248B78 B9C10008
38210050 7C630214
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C2530550 00000003
3EC08000 62D61500
93B60004 9BBF0B84
60000000 00000000
04798FB4 7C630214
C2798FB4 00000010
9421FFB0 BDC10008
7C0F0378 7C701B78
7C912378 3E408000
62521500 82520004
7C1B9000 4082003C
807E0014 7C630214
82430010 3A520001
92430010 2C1200SS
41800020 3A400000
92430010 3880000C
3E408079 6252809C
7E4903A6 4E800421
7DE07B78 7E038378
7E248B78 B9C10008
38210050 7C630214
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C252FED0 00000003
3EC08000 62D61500
93B60004 9BBF0B84
60000000 00000000
04787D08 7C630214
C2787D08 00000010
9421FFB0 BDC10008
7C0F0378 7C701B78
7C912378 3E408000
62521500 82520004
7C1B9000 4082003C
807E0014 7C630214
82430010 3A520001
92430010 2C1200SS
41800020 3A400000
92430010 3880000C
3E408078 62526DF0
7E4903A6 4E800421
7DE07B78 7E038378
7E248B78 B9C10008
38210050 7C630214
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C251E5A8 00000003
3EC08000 62D61500
93B60004 9BBF0B84
60000000 00000000
Code creator: Fishguy
No Team Invincibility [Geeh] |
Posted by: Vega - 08-23-2019, 11:18 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (7)
No Team Invincibility [Geeh]
Works for both Team VS and Battle.
0452BA24 38E00000
0453056C 38E00000
0452FEEC 38E00000
0451E5C4 38E00000
Code creator: Geeh
Convert Hex Integer to 32 bit Float (ASM) |
Posted by: Vega - 08-22-2019, 09:35 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion
- Replies (5)
Here's a little snippet of PPC ASM I made that will convert your Hex integer to a IEEE-754 32 bit standard Float
The integer can only be a byte or halfword, and it must NOT be negative.
Implementing negatives (neg. halfs and bytes) shouldn't be that difficult. However, adding the ability to do words too, may be a bit of a pain.
This is written to be as a subroutine (via a function call), you will need to add LR storage plus stack pushing and popping.
Args: r3 = Integer to convert
Return Value: r3 = the Float, or -1 for error
Raw ASM:
5464001F 40A20030
38A0001F 38C0007F
7C640034 7CE42850
7D263A14 5529B810
20870017 7C632030
5463027E 7D231B78
48000008 3860FFFF
# Check For Negative Value, and Check if Halfword/Byte wasn't Used #
clrrwi. r4, r3, 16
bne+ skip_conversion #Not doing words or negative values
# Set Static Register Values #
li r5, 31 #Used for formula to calculate amount to add to the Bias
li r6, 127 #This is the IEEE 754 Bias Standard
# Start Conversion, Count Leading Zeros, Give Variable of Bias Equation #
cntlzw r4, r3 #Count the leading zeros til first 1
subf r7, r4, r5 #This will give us the amount to add to the Bias
# Calculate Final Bias, Store Bias to Bits 1 thru 8 #
add r9, r6, r7 #Add to bias
slwi r9, r9, 23 #Shift the Bias over to bits 1 thru 8, bit 0 is reserved
# Calculate where to Store Fraction Bits at Beginning of Mantissa #
subfic r4, r7, 23 #This will give amount of left-hand shift to place fraction bits at beginning of mantissa
slw r3, r3, r4 #Execute the shift
clrlwi r3, r3, 9 #Get rid of possible '1' bit that is left in bit 8's spot
# Final Step, Insert the Mantissa Bits #
or r3, r9, r3 #Place Mantissa bits with all other bits now. Use logical OR to not erase all of our progress
b the_end
li r3, -1
Custom Laps (Full) |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 08-22-2019, 06:38 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (5)
So far I have everything "done", except for a functionality I plan to add once the code is finished, and this ONE issue I came across last night.
It seems that when a race is over 10 laps long, the game will crash when it tries to pull up the lap times at the end of the race. I went to find the cause of the crash, and it seems to be a failed pointer that pulls a value from invalid RAM.
Normally in a situation like this, it is just an unsafe register, but the fact that 10 or less laps DOES work tells me that this isn't the case. My best guess is that either I'm missing a bit of code that needs to overwritten like with other patches I came across, or in the worst case, It is hard coded to only allow up to 10 laps. (A lot like MrBean being limited to 4 ghosts for the Multighost Comparison code)
So with all that said, here is the code itself.
Custom Laps (Full) [JoshuaMK]
Laps set to anything lower than 1 will set the lap counter to 3 automatically to prevent game crashes. If laps are set higher than 8, then the code will print the lap info to the bottom left of the screen during races. Playing in 2P will have it always print the lap info. Playing in 3P-4P doesn't print lap info since game lag causes flickering to become unbearable.
C0000000 00000004
3D808000 3960XXXX
2C0B0000 41810008
39600003 B16C05B0
4E800020 00000000
C200A3F0 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA358 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009640 0000001A
9421FF70 D8210008
BC610010 3D808140
3D608000 886B06FF
A10B05B0 896C1799
280B0000 41820098
816C17A2 A8EB0025
28030002 41A00028
41810084 A92B00E7
48000035 4C617020
50312C20 25642050
322C2025 64000000
4800001C 2C080008
4081005C 48000011
4C617020 25642F25
64000000 7CC802A6
28030002 41800014
3860003C 3880006F
38A00001 48000010
38600009 388000DC
38A00001 3D808002
618C1DF0 7D8803A6
4E800021 3D808002
618C1DD0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610010
C8210008 38210090
81830000 00000000
C252DD68 00000002
3D808000 A00C05B0
B0040B8D 00000000
C25309C0 00000004
A87E0023 3D808140
816C17A2 280B0000
40820008 93CC17A2
60000000 00000000
C27120F8 00000007
4800002D 00000000
00000000 00000000
3F800000 40000000
40400000 40800000
40A00000 40C00000
40E00000 7CA802A6
38800003 00000000
C2791674 00000002
3D808140 8B84F0B0
9B8C1799 00000000
C283B9BC 00000002
3D808000 80030124
980C06FF 00000000
0652DD6C 00000010
A0A40B8D 3805FFFF
60000000 28007FFE
0652EB70 00000014
60000000 A0640B8D
3803FFFF 60000000
28007FFE 00000000
06530074 00000024
60000000 A0850B8D
3804FFFF 60000000
28007FFE 40810008
38800003 A07D0025
7C802378 00000000
0652F808 00000014
60000000 A0A60B8D
3805FFFF 60000000
28007FFE 00000000
0452FEB0 A8830023
0452FEB8 B0A30023
0452FECC A8030025
04530110 A81D0023
04530114 B01D0025
04530684 A87A0023
04530690 B01A0023
0471F8E0 281D7FFF
0471F910 3BA07FFF
#Inject > 8052DD68#
lis r12, 0x8000
lhz r0, 0x05B0 (r12) #load new lap amount
sth r0, 0x0B8D (r4)
#C0 Type Inject#
lis r12, 0x8000
li r11, X #new lap amount
cmpwi r11, 0
bgt valid #if greater than 0 don't reset to 3
li r11, 3
sth r11, 0x05B0 (r12)
#Inject > 8083b9bc#
lis r12, 0x8000
lwz r0, 0x0124 (r3)
stb r0, 0x06FF (r12) #Store number of players to memory
#Inject > 805309C0#
lhz r3, 0x0023 (r30)
lis r12, 0x8140
lwz r11, 0x17a2 (r12)
cmplwi r11, 0
bne normal_code
stw r30, 0x17a2 (r12) #Grab P1 Address (I will add logic for P2 address later)
I know it's not all the ASM, but I hadn't documented it yet. Just throw each segment of code into PyiiASMH and turn it into readable ASM.
Top 10 Most Influential Codes of All Time (post your list) |
Posted by: Vega - 08-21-2019, 07:35 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion
- Replies (2)
In this thread, post what you think are the Top Ten Most Influential/Impactful Cheat Codes of all time in Mario Kart Wii History. The following are to be "external" cheat codes. I'm not including features of a service or modpack unless it has also been released as a gecko cheat code.
Here's my list...
1. Advanced Live Replay [WhatIsLoaf]
For the past 5 years, this has easily been the number 1 used code in MKWii. Almost every TT recording uses this. Released in 2020 to replace the ancient Live Replay by mdmwii. Mdmwii's original GCN Live Replay still holds a special place in our hearts.
2. Pretty Speedometer [Stebler]
The most commonly used speedometer in TT recordings ever since this was released in 2021. Due to the impact from this code, it's pretty much required for any TT recorder to use this exact code or something similiar for a graphical game-look-alike speedometer. Also this code has allowed many Coders/Devs to mock up edits of it to display various other info (XYZ coordinates, checkpoints, airtime, and other debug type info)
3. Remote Code Execution aka RCE [Star]
We all know this one HAS to be on the list somewhere. I rank it 3rd. Wouldn't arge with you if you had it as 1st. This was the first publicly released RCE code for mkwii (rumors are XeR had an RCE back in the day). Once Star released this (2019), it became the most talked about code in the community. And in 2020 it was upgraded by Star to be able to "hack" the user while keeping their console up and running.
Every MKW Server, Service, Software, Modpack, etc immediately had to update their packages with Anti RCE codes and what not. Because of this RCE, its stnadard protocol to have full Anti RCE into any MKW software that you release and maintain. 3 different Anti-RCE codes were immediately created in response to this RCE, and then many more codes/patches soon followed.
4. Custom Time Trial Rankings [WhatIsLoaf]
Almost every TT video that uses Advanced Live Replay will include some view of a Top Ten at the start of the video. And which code are they using???? This code! Released in 2020 by Loaf one month prior to his Advanced Live Replay. Both codes have changed TT recording forever.
5. Ultimate License Unlocker [mdmwii]
This classic old school ULU is still used more than any other unlock code to this day. And I don't think it will change anytime soon. Respect to the Bill Russell of MKW Coding! Released in 2009.
6. Enhanced Ghost Replay [MrBean]
Still used in some TT recordings. Released in 2016, this still has major usage and impact in the game. It's still a key/main feature in CTGP after all these years.
7. Force Room CC [XeR]
The MUST have code if you want to force 150cc in your private rooms. Seems like every Modpack nowadays implements this code (usually for 150cc). Has been one of the biggest QoL (Quality of Life) codes ever released. Released sometime before 2018.
8. Unlock Everything without Save [tZ aka acaruso]
Released in 2020, more and more ppl are using this over ULU since this unlocks everytihing wtiout any permanent edits to the data save. Most "modpacks" include this code for quick unlocks. Pretty much, if you make a modpack, you have to add this in.
9. Custom Exception Handler [Star & Rii]
This code is in software such as MKW-SP and various modpacks. Because of this code, it allows software/modpack creators to instantly slap this on and get helpful debug output. It also aided in huge amounts to the developement of MKW-SP. WIth various regular users able to record their screens and give back crucial debug info to coders and devs. Underrated code imo in regards to its impact to the MKW Community.
10. Change Character+Vehicle in between Online Races [MrBean]
A key feature of CTGP and since CTGP has been the go-to software for a majority of online play for around 10 years now, I'd figure this should be somewhere in the top 10.
Honorable Mentions~
No Disconnect [Bully]
Still impactful since it's used quite a bit for online code testing as it allows the testers to not have to worry about DC's. Wouldn't argue with you if you had this in the top 10.
Host Always Wins Track Vote [Star]
Included in many mod packs. Huge QoL type code. Wouldn't argue with you if you had it in your Top 10.
MSG Editor [WhatIsLoaf]
Yes impactful, but I don't think its top 10 worthy. Used in quite a bit of TTs, but not "in most" as with something like the Custom Time Trial Rankings Code.
A Step Above God [Star]
Didn't make the list because while yes it was jaw dropping amazing, it didn't really have much effect since it was quickly patched on Wiimmfi and never made its way into competitive play. Would make the list if it was released during the OG WFC days.
Frameskip [Wiimmfi Team]
Been around since 2022 and has helped tons of users with laggy Dolphin setups. But it was never released as an "external" cheat code. Has always been part of the Wiimmfi payload and was eventually extracted out of the payload and posted here. It's not really used as a standalone cheat code. Hence why I don't think it should be in the top 10.
Faster Menu Nav [east]
Amazing QoL code that doesn't get mentioned a lot. Just ran out of spots in the Top 10.
Always Show FC on Wifi menu [Sponge]
This isnt in the Top 10 because it was released just last year. Sure enough, I assume it will soon be in almost any MKW modpack/service/whatever. So so useful and simple.
Custom Laps Mini [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 08-20-2019, 04:31 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- No Replies
Custom Laps Mini [JoshuaMK]
This code works completely, positions and all. Just fill in X using the guide below and you are good to go!
C252DD68 00000002
3800000X 98040B8D
60000000 00000000
C271F920 00000007
4800002D 00000000
00000000 00000000
3F800000 40000000
40400000 40800000
40A00000 40C00000
40E00000 7CA802A6
38800003 00000000
0452EB70 60000000
0452F808 60000000
04530074 60000000
0471F8E0 281D0009
0471F910 3BA00009
C25328B0 00000002
3800000X 98040B8D
60000000 00000000
C2723D50 00000007
4800002D 00000000
00000000 00000000
3F800000 40000000
40400000 40800000
40A00000 40C00000
40E00000 7CA802A6
38800003 00000000
045336B8 60000000
04534350 60000000
04534BBC 60000000
04723D10 281D0009
04723D40 3BA00009
C2532230 00000002
3800000X 98040B8D
60000000 00000000
C27233BC 00000007
4800002D 00000000
00000000 00000000
3F800000 40000000
40400000 40800000
40A00000 40C00000
40E00000 7CA802A6
38800003 00000000
04533038 60000000
04533CD0 60000000
0453453C 60000000
0472337C 281D0009
047233AC 3BA00009
C2520908 00000002
3800000X 98040B8D
60000000 00000000
C27120F8 00000007
4800002D 00000000
00000000 00000000
3F800000 40000000
40400000 40800000
40A00000 40C00000
40E00000 7CA802A6
38800003 00000000
04521710 60000000
045223A8 60000000
04522C14 60000000
047120B8 281D0009
047120E8 3BA00009
X = Number of Laps (Can be anything from 1 to 9)
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Code Contributors: MrBean (Based off his Lap Modifier Code)