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No Items Mode [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 09-19-2019, 06:33 AM - Forum: Offline; Item
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No Items Mode [JoshuaMK]
When you hit the item box, the item roulette will work, but you will never get an item. If using offline, this also effects the CPUs.
0478F12C 60000000
04798138 60000000
047977A4 60000000
047864F8 60000000
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Disable CPU Driving [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 09-19-2019, 06:24 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (1)
Disable CPU Driving [JoshuaMK]
Compared to Hamster's version, this is far more useful as it is not confined to editing speed values when crossing the start/finish line. This code in contrast, works anytime, anywhere.
A great code if you want to explore in 1P VS without CPUs finishing the race on you.
04727510 60000000
047308C0 60000000
0472FF2C 60000000
0471EC68 60000000
With Act/Deactivator:
04727510 60000000
CC000000 00000000
04727510 4BFFBE5D
E0000000 80008000
047308C0 60000000
CC000000 00000000
047308C0 4BFF9CB1
E0000000 80008000
0472FF2C 60000000
CC000000 00000000
0472FF2C 4BFF9CB1
E0000000 80008000
0471EC68 60000000
CC000000 00000000
0471EC68 4BFF9CB1
E0000000 80008000
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Scalable Speed [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 09-19-2019, 06:10 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
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Scalable Speed (GCN) [JoshuaMK]
Like my Scalable Gravity code, this lets you freely scale your speed. Negative values have some interesting effects.
To control your speed simply tilt the c-stick up to increase speed, and tilt the c-stick down to decrease speed. I designed the controls to be compatible with most other codes.
C25743C8 00000011
D01D0020 3C608153
81430C00 280A0000
40A2000C 3CE03FC0
90E30C00 C0030C00
C03D0014 3D808034
618BC205 896B0000
618C3E80 A18C0000
718C0890 280C0890
41820024 2C0B00C0
41810014 2C0B0040
4181002C EC210028
48000024 EC21002A
4800001C 3CE042AB
38E73333 90FD0014
3CE042F0 90FD002C
4800000C D03D0014
D03D002C 00000000
C257AC2C 00000011
D01D0020 3C608153
81430C00 280A0000
40A2000C 3CE03FC0
90E30C00 C0030C00
C03D0014 3D808034
618BC205 896B0000
618C3E80 A18C0000
718C0890 280C0890
41820024 2C0B00C0
41810014 2C0B0040
4181002C EC210028
48000024 EC21002A
4800001C 3CE042AB
38E73333 90FD0014
3CE042F0 90FD002C
4800000C D03D0014
D03D002C 00000000
C257A5AC 00000011
D01D0020 3C608153
81430C00 280A0000
40A2000C 3CE03FC0
90E30C00 C0030C00
C03D0014 3D808034
618BC205 896B0000
618C3E80 A18C0000
718C0890 280C0890
41820024 2C0B00C0
41810014 2C0B0040
4181002C EC210028
48000024 EC21002A
4800001C 3CE042AB
38E73333 90FD0014
3CE042F0 90FD002C
4800000C D03D0014
D03D002C 00000000
C2568C84 00000011
D01D0020 3C608153
81430C00 280A0000
40A2000C 3CE03FC0
90E30C00 C0030C00
C03D0014 3D808034
618BC205 896B0000
618C3E80 A18C0000
718C0890 280C0890
41820024 2C0B00C0
41810014 2C0B0040
4181002C EC210028
48000024 EC21002A
4800001C 3CE042AB
38E73333 90FD0014
3CE042F0 90FD002C
4800000C D03D0014
D03D002C 00000000
#Inject > 805743C8#
#r11 = C-Stick Vertical Axis
#r12 = Controller Button Value
#r0 = L+R+Z Logical AND
#r3 = Mem81 Address
#r7 = Value Set
#r10 = Flag
#f0 = Original Instruction, Value to be Added
#f1 = Value to be Added to
#f5 = Value to be Added to
stfs f0, 0x0020 (r29)
lis r3, 0x8153
lwz r10, 0x0C00 (r3)
cmplwi r10, 0
bne+ already_set_values
lis r7, 0x3FC0
stw r7, 0x0C00 (r3)
lfs f0, 0x0C00 (r3)
lfs f1, 0x0014 (r29)
lis r12, 0x8034
ori r11, r12, 0xC205
lbz r11, 0 (r11)
ori r12, r12, 0x3E80
lhz r12, 0 (r12)
andi. r12, r12, 0x0890
cmplwi r12, 0x0890
beq reset
cmpwi r11, 0xC0
bgt grow_speed
cmpwi r11, 0x40
bgt the_end
fsubs f1, f1, f0
b the_end
fadds f1, f1, f0
b the_end
lis r7, 0x42AB
addi r7, r7, 0x3333
stw r7, 0x0014 (r29)
lis r7, 0x42F0
stw r7, 0x002C (r29)
b past_end
stfs f1, 0x0014 (r29)
stfs f1, 0x002C (r29)
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Code Contributors: Volderbeek (Speed Address)
RAM Dump [Vega] |
Posted by: Vega - 09-17-2019, 12:57 AM - Forum: Misc/Other
- Replies (8)
RAM Dump [Vega]
This code will make a RAM Dump for you (Mem80 - 81 only) and dump the contents to your Wii's NAND.
This code is only useful if you don't have Dolphin to do a RAM Dump.
How to Use the Code:
Whenever you want to initiate the RAM Dump, just press your activator. The game will freeze/stall for around 25-30 full seconds (be patient). Afterwards, you will be returned to the Wii Main Menu.
Launch HBC, use an app such as WiiXplorer. There will be a new directory created at the root of NAND, and it will be named after your game's Game ID. There should be a total of 128 files in the directory (000 - 127). The files will have no specific file extension. Copy paste the directory to your SD/USB, and back them up on your computer. Once you have them backed up on your computer, delete the directory off of your NAND.
Use a Hex Editor (such as HxD) to append all the files in order. Once completed, you will have an entire Mem80-81 RAM Dump. Congratz!
It's recommended to only run this code a few times for whatever Wii you are using this on (do whatever Dumps you need and be done with it). Using this code numerous times can cause premature wear to the Wii's NAND.
C20095F4 00000030
3EC08000 3F96FFFD
3B600080 3EA00003
80960000 4800000D
2F585858 58000000
7C6802A6 90830001
BBC30000 BFC10008
3F408016 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 63599DD4
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C03FF97 4182000C
2C030000 41800110
3BA0FFFF 4800000D
2F253033 64000000
7C8802A6 7C972378
3BBD0001 7FA5EB78
7EE4BB78 3861000D
3D808001 618C0ECC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000C8
38610008 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 6359ABD4
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000A0
38610008 38800002
6359ADBC 7F2803A6
4E800021 2C030000
41800084 7C781B78
3F9C0003 7F84E378
2C1D0000 40A20048
38800020 80ADA358
80A50024 3D808022
618C9490 7D8803A6
4E800021 38E3FFFC
3896FFFC 3CA0C000
54A5843E 84C40004
94C70004 34A5FFFF
4082FFF4 7C641B78
7F03C378 7EA5AB78
6359B220 7F2803A6
4E800021 7C03A800
40820014 7F03C378
6359B2E4 7F2803A6
4E800021 377BFFFF
4082FF10 3D80801A
618C87B8 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C2009634 00000030
3EC08000 3F96FFFD
3B600080 3EA00003
80960000 4800000D
2F585858 58000000
7C6802A6 90830001
BBC30000 BFC10008
3F408016 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 63599E74
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C03FF97 4182000C
2C030000 41800110
3BA0FFFF 4800000D
2F253033 64000000
7C8802A6 7C972378
3BBD0001 7FA5EB78
7EE4BB78 3861000D
3D808001 618C1A2C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000C8
38610008 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 6359AC74
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000A0
38610008 38800002
6359AE5C 7F2803A6
4E800021 2C030000
41800084 7C781B78
3F9C0003 7F84E378
2C1D0000 40A20048
38800020 80ADA360
80A50024 3D808022
618C9814 7D8803A6
4E800021 38E3FFFC
3896FFFC 3CA0C000
54A5843E 84C40004
94C70004 34A5FFFF
4082FFF4 7C641B78
7F03C378 7EA5AB78
6359B2C0 7F2803A6
4E800021 7C03A800
40820014 7F03C378
6359B384 7F2803A6
4E800021 377BFFFF
4082FF10 3D80801A
618C8858 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C2009590 00000030
3EC08000 3F96FFFD
3B600080 3EA00003
80960000 4800000D
2F585858 58000000
7C6802A6 90830001
BBC30000 BFC10008
3F408016 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 63599D94
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C03FF97 4182000C
2C030000 41800110
3BA0FFFF 4800000D
2F253033 64000000
7C8802A6 7C972378
3BBD0001 7FA5EB78
7EE4BB78 3861000D
3D808001 618C1950
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000C8
38610008 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 6359AB94
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000A0
38610008 38800002
6359AD7C 7F2803A6
4E800021 2C030000
41800084 7C781B78
3F9C0003 7F84E378
2C1D0000 40A20048
38800020 80ADA360
80A50024 3D808022
618C9734 7D8803A6
4E800021 38E3FFFC
3896FFFC 3CA0C000
54A5843E 84C40004
94C70004 34A5FFFF
4082FFF4 7C641B78
7F03C378 7EA5AB78
6359B1E0 7F2803A6
4E800021 7C03A800
40820014 7F03C378
6359B2A4 7F2803A6
4E800021 377BFFFF
4082FF10 3D80801A
618C8778 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C200973C 00000030
3EC08000 3F96FFFD
3B600080 3EA00003
80960000 4800000D
2F585858 58000000
7C6802A6 90830001
BBC30000 BFC10008
3F408016 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 63599F10
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C03FF97 4182000C
2C030000 41800110
3BA0FFFF 4800000D
2F253033 64000000
7C8802A6 7C972378
3BBD0001 7FA5EB78
7EE4BB78 3861000D
3D808001 618C1A94
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000C8
38610008 38800000
38A00003 38C00003
38E00003 6359AD10
7F2803A6 4E800021
2C030000 418000A0
38610008 38800002
6359AEF8 7F2803A6
4E800021 2C030000
41800084 7C781B78
3F9C0003 7F84E378
2C1D0000 40A20048
38800020 80ADA380
80A50024 3D808022
618C9B88 7D8803A6
4E800021 38E3FFFC
3896FFFC 3CA0C000
54A5843E 84C40004
94C70004 34A5FFFF
4082FFF4 7C641B78
7F03C378 7EA5AB78
6359B35C 7F2803A6
4E800021 7C03A800
40820014 7F03C378
6359B420 7F2803A6
4E800021 377BFFFF
4082FF10 3D80801A
618C8BB4 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Megazig (ISFS Functions, Return to Menu function), RiiDefi (Egg Alloc function)
# Compilation Region Setting #
.set region, '' #Fill in E, P, J, or K within the quotes for your region when Compiling! Lowercase letters can also be used.
# Macros & Variables #
.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12
.macro call_isfs address
ori r25, r26, \address@l
mtlr r25
.macro call_nolink address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set sprintf, 0x80010ECC
.set ISFS_CreateDir, 0x9DD4
.set ISFS_CreateFile, 0xABD4
.set ISFS_Open, 0xADBC
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB220
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB2E4
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229490
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A87B8
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set sprintf, 0x80011A2C
.set ISFS_CreateDir, 0x9E74
.set ISFS_CreateFile, 0xAC74
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAE5C
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB2C0
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB384
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229814
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8858
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set sprintf, 0x80011950
.set ISFS_CreateDir, 0x9D94
.set ISFS_CreateFile, 0xAB94
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAD7C
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB1E0
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB2A4
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229734
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8778
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set sprintf, 0x80011A94
.set ISFS_CreateDir, 0x9F10
.set ISFS_CreateFile, 0xAD10
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAEF8
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB35C
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB420
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229B88
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8BB4
.else # Invalid Region
# Register Notes #
#Code ends in blr, no need to save anything
# r31 = file name within directory-file name string (for sprintf formatting)
# r30 = used in the lmw & stmw instructions
# r29 = file name incrementer
# r28 = Write address (r4 arg) for ISFS_Write
# r27 = Mega Loop Counter
# r26 = 0x8016 for ISFS calls
# r25 = For ISFS Macros
# r24 = fd for ISFS_Close
# r23 - Backup r4 sprintf arg
# r22 - 0x80000000
# r21 - 0x30000
# r1 + 8 = Start of file pathway string
# r1 + 0xD = File Name within file pathway string
# Load Game ID, Setup ISFS_Write r4's arg for later, Set Mega Loop Counter #
lis r22, 0x8000
addis r28, r22, -3 #Sets r28 as 0x7FFD0000
li r27, 0x80 #128 total files
#0x817FFFFF - 0x80000000 (then plus 1) = 0x1800000. 0x1800000 / 0x80 = 0x30000
#0x80 is the mega loop counter
#0x30000 is ISFS_Write Amount
lis r21, 3 #This amount will be used multiple times later
lwz r4, 0x0 (r22)
# Make incomplete file path, Store to Stack #
bl make_dir
.string "/XXXX\0\0"
mflr r3
stw r4, 0x1 (r3) #Fill in Game ID Ascii for String
# Store Pathway to Stack #
lmw r30, 0x0 (r3)
stmw r30, 0x8 (r1)
# Set ISFS Macro Prefix #
lis r26, 0x8016
# Create the Directory #
li r4, 0
li r5, 3
li r6, 3
li r7, 3
call_isfs ISFS_CreateDir
cmpwi r3, -105
beq- dir_already_exists
cmpwi r3, 0
blt- big_error
li r29, -1
# Create File Name, Append it to File Pathway String #
bl the_integer
.string "/%03d\0\0"
mflr r4
mr r23, r4
# Mega Loop #
# SprintF Setup Then Call #
addi r29, r29, 1 #Increment File Name
mr r5, r29 #Move updated file name to r5's sprintf arg
mr r4, r23 #Place in Sprintf r4 arg
addi r3, r1, 0xD #This will point right after '/RMCX'
call_link sprintf
cmpwi r3, 0
blt- __error
# Create New File Based off new Name #
addi r3, r1, 8
li r4, 0
li r5, 3
li r6, 3
li r7, 3
call_isfs ISFS_CreateFile
cmpwi r3, 0
blt- __error
# Open the newly created File with Write Permissions #
addi r3, r1, 8
li r4, 2
call_isfs ISFS_Open
cmpwi r3, 0
blt- __error
# Write the File (Dump current 0x30000 bytes of Mem80) #
#r3 already set from fd return
mr r24, r3 #Backup fd for ISFS_Close
addis r28, r28, 3 #ISFS_Write mem location r4 arg incrementer
mr r4, r28
# File Checks #
#For some reason the Wii Console (Dolphin not an issue) doesn't like to use ISFS_Write r4 Arg of 0x80000000
#Subroutine will have customized r3, r4 return values suited for ISFS_Write
cmpwi r29, 0
bne+ start_isfs_write
# Fix for 000 #
li r4, 0x20
.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e')
lwz r5, -0x5CA8(r13)
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p')
lwz r5, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j')
lwz r5, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k')
lwz r5, -0x5C80(r13)
lwz r5, 0x0024 (r5)
call_link Egg_Alloc
addi r7, r3, -4 #Set Storing Address
addi r4, r22, -4 #Set Loading Address, r22 is 0x80000000 for note
lis r5, 0xC000
srwi r5, r5, 16 #0xC000 words which is 0x30000 bytes
lwzu r6, 0x4 (r4)
stwu r6, 0x4 (r7)
subic. r5, r5, 1
bne+ silly_loop
mr r4, r3 #Put Heap pointer in r4 for ISFS_Write arg
mr r3, r24 #Put fd back into r3 due to it being lost when Egg_Alloc was called
mr r5, r21 #Set r5 arg for ISFS_Write
call_isfs ISFS_Write
cmpw r3, r21
bne- __error
# Close File #
mr r3, r24
call_isfs ISFS_Close
# Decrement Mega Loop #
subic. r27, r27, 1
bne+ mega_loop
# Return to Wii Menu #
call_nolink Wii_Menu
Disable Tricking [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 09-16-2019, 11:19 PM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes
- No Replies
Disable tricking [JoshuaMK]
NOTE: Outdated by Seeky's single line Configurable Always Trick Code
0456F348 28050000
0456F34C 4080005C
0456F364 2C007FFF
04575BAC 28050000
04575BB0 4080005C
04575BC8 2C007FFF
0457552C 28050000
04575530 4080005C
04575548 2C007FFF
04563C04 28050000
04563C08 4080005C
04563C20 2C007FFF
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Always have boost flames [JoshuaMK] |
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 09-16-2019, 06:20 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- No Replies
Always have boost flames [JoshuaMK]
Doesn't take effect until you have already boosted.
046976DC 38000001
0469BB64 38000001
0469B1D0 38000001
04689F0C 38000001
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
A from-scratch handwritten HBC application |
Posted by: Vega - 09-01-2019, 08:27 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion
- No Replies
This is my first HBC application I have made.
I decided to learn a little bit about Elf files and their structure. This HBC app is made 100% via ASM, every byte of the file is accounted for. This wasn't tough to do per say, but I have never seen anyone make an HBC app in this fashion. Nothing is required other than the ability to compile the source to Raw byte code and using a Hex Editor to make the binary (.elf) file. You don't need devkit, libraries, linkers, c files, etc.
All this app does is light the disc drive up... forever. Til you turn off the Wii by holding the power button down.