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CPU Control Cycler [Ro]
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09-14-2024, 04:42 PM
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09-14-2024, 03:00 PM
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Code request: Bullet Bill...
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09-10-2024, 05:43 PM
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09-10-2024, 12:41 AM
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Changing Textures of a Si...
Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
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09-09-2024, 10:24 AM
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CPU Bot (Online) v1.5 [ma...
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09-06-2024, 09:19 AM
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Forum: Time Trials & Battle
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09-02-2024, 05:49 PM
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09-02-2024, 01:55 PM
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Change Mii Shirt Color In...
Forum: Online Non-Item
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08-29-2024, 11:39 PM
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Tongue Don't be shy! Introduce yourself!
Posted by: Vega - 02-14-2018, 11:57 PM - Forum: Introductions - No Replies

In this Forum, feel free to make a thread to introduce yourself!  Tongue

Please note that old Hello threads that go inactive for a long time will be locked.

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Star About Roles & Forum Rankings
Posted by: Vega - 02-14-2018, 11:56 PM - Forum: Site Advancement - No Replies

About Roles & Forum Rankings

NOTE: All roles (including Admin & Mods) are unable to view Invisible Users. This means everyone (except said User) can see that an Invisible User is logged in, but will not be able to know which User it is. Anybody can adjust their Visibility settings in the User CP. This was done to respect your Privacy.


Admin (Vega) [Image: waluigi.png]
Description: The administrator and founder of the forums.

Moderator (JoshuaMK) [Image: toad.png]
Description: Moderator #1

Moderator (Seeky) [Image: kingboo.png]
Description: Moderator #2

Special Members:

Star [Image: rosalina.png]
Description: Special role for Star

This has the exact same privileges of the Coder / Dev role below, but the user (Star) can change his role title to anything at any time.


Coder / Dev
Description: For Coders and Developers, so they can bypass the approval system in the Codes Forum.

Some privileges about Coder/Devs:
- User Title = Coder / Dev
- 30 post count limit per day
- Can undo poll votes
- Can do +2/-2 for reputation
- Daily reputation that can be given increased from 5 to 6

Registered Users (Image icon varies on post count)
Description: For all normal users.

Some notes about Registered Users:
- 20 post count limit per day
- Cannot change user name
- Cannot set custom role title

All notes except the 20 count limit also applies to the Coder/Dev role.

Banned Users (no image icon)
Description: Denied forum access.

Post Count Icons (icons apply to both Coder/Devs and Registered Users)

1280 - [Image: shock.png]

640 - [Image: bill.png]

320 - [Image: mkwstar.png]

160 - [Image: mega.png]

80 -  [Image: blue.png]

40 -  [Image: shroom.png]

20 -  [Image: red.png]

10 - [Image: green.png]

0 - [Image: nana.png]

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Exclamation Forum Rules, CoC, Banning
Posted by: Vega - 02-14-2018, 11:56 PM - Forum: Site Advancement - No Replies

Forum Rules, CoC, Banning

I. Warnings & Bans

When a user violates a rule they will receive either receive a Warning, Temp Ban, or Perma Ban. This depends on the severity of the violation and which admin/mod is handing out the Warning or Ban. There is no rigid guideline here. It's completely up to the specific admin/mod handling the violation (except for obvious ones such as a User violating COPPA which results in a Perma ban)

II. Spam

Please avoid spamming. It's fine to double post IF NEEDED. 'Low-level' spam will most likely be met with a Warning. However if the user's account appears to be created for the sole purpose of spam, then the resulting consequence will most likely be a Perma Ban.

III. Content & Downloads

No graphical, sexual or illegal content of any kind. Do NOT post any download links that violate US Copyright Laws! That includes, but is not limited to, downloads of any games, or parts of games. If you post a thread that allows content to be downloaded, be certain you are complying with US Copyright Laws. Simple honest mistakes with downloads will most likely be met with a Warning. However, blatantly posting graphical, sexual and/or illegal content will most likely result in a Perma Ban.

IV. COPPA Compliance

COPPA is a law passed in the US in 2000. If you claim you are under 13 years of age, your account will be Perma Banned. Nobody is allowed to have an account if they are under 13 years of age.

V. Code of Conduct

Insulting/threatening others shall be prohibited. This will include PMs as well. The user receiving the insults/threads from another user via PM must provide some sort of evidence such as a screenshot. Punishment varies greatly here due to nuance.

VI. Privacy

This seems to be the biggest issue in the entire Mario Kart Wii community. Do not post other people's personal/private information unless you have their full consent. The term personal/private has some subjectivity, so let's apply some common sense here. Something such as a person's favorite color is not 'personal/private' under this rule. Something such as a person's Tax ID Number definitely is.

Violating this rule will result in a Perma Ban. Personal/private information includes (but is not limited to) last names, middle names, irl pictures/videos, links to irl social media accounts, government ID number(s), addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and location of residence. Information posted by a Forum Member that may not be conclusive to whether or not it's personal/private will result in a Warning. After the Warning, if said Forum Member posts that same in-question information again, this will result be a Perma Ban.

Also no 'half-leaks'. Basically half-leaks are leaking a hint or clue that can reveal (with average intelligence) something that is personal/private to a user.

VII. 'Gutting' Your Own Posts/Threads

No 'gutting' your own posts/threads. What does this mean? Well if a user submits posts and/or threads with content that is considered to be of valuable information, then later edits those posts to remove said content, then this is considered an attempt to wipe important MKWii history. This action will most likely result in a Perma Ban.

VIII. Reputation

The forums include a feature to give 'reputation/rep' to users. A user with higher rep is considered to be trustworthy while users with lower (negative rep) are not considered to be trustworthy. Therefore, this rep system is somewhat important and shouldn't be manipulated. 

Thus, any user downgrading another user's reputation for illegitimate purposes will most likely receive a Warning or Temp Ban.

IX. Discussing About Bans, Appealing Bans

It is NOT allowed to discuss any ban(s) here on the site unless it's via PM's. Doesn't matter if it's about your ban, somebody else's ban, a group ban, or any combination thereof. If you feel your Ban is 'unjust', PM me. You also have the option to PM me over discord - vega8365.

X. Bypassing Bans

Any user helping another user bypass a Ban will most likely receive a Perma Ban.

XI. Sub-Forums and/or Threads (by the Admin) w/ Extra Rules

Some sub-forums or threads that were created by the Admin (me), may have additional rules to follow. For example, the 'Make it to 1000' thread has a rule against double posting regardless of the reason. Be sure to read a thread's original post for additional rules. If an entire sub-forum has additional rules; there will be a sticky thread provided. Be sure to read that sticky thread. Violating any additional rules most likely result in a Warning.

XII. Discord Server

The rules are not just limited to these forums. They also apply to the MKWii.com's Discord Server.

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Wink Welcome to MarioKartWii.com!
Posted by: Vega - 02-14-2018, 11:55 PM - Forum: Welcome to MarioKartWii.com! - No Replies

~Welcome to MarioKartWii.com!!~

Hello there! Nice of you to drop by! My name is Vega, I am the admin and founder of these forums.

IMPORTANT: Read the following two links first! They are the site's disclaimer and rules.

https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1000 (Disclaimer)
https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=3 (Rules)

Who we are:
We are a small slice of the Mario Kart Wii community that loves to create codes, work on codes, use codes, etc. We also focus a little bit on other types of Hacking such as general Wii modding, Textures, CT's, etc.

Clearing the air:
To avoid any confusion, this forum is not and never was affiliated with the "original" MarioKartWii.com forums that ceased operation sometime in September 2016. I (Vega) acquired the MarioKartWii.com domain from an auction site on October 6, 2021. The next day, all the forum and web server configuration was updated to use the MarioKartWii.com domain name.

Why these forums were made:
During February 2018, I had a site (basic html web pages) that had some general Mario Kart Wii information. I loved using codes whenever I played Mario Kart Wii. At that time, every MKWii codes site was dead or quite frankly, they were a joke full of non-working/fake codes. On Feb 14, 2018 I decided to open these forums and begin adding (plus testing) all codes I could find across the web.

About some of the members here:
Some of us are what we call "ASM Code Creators". We have some decent knowledge of the Wii's CPU Assembly Language (PowerPC). With that knowledge plus various debugging tools/programs, we can create codes to allow us to modify Mario Kart Wii's gameplay. If you've stopped by here to learn how to become a Code Creator, we have tons and tons of info to help achieve your coding goals.

About Registration:
Registration is a bit awkward (to prevent bots). Here is a guide on how to register a forum account - https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1802

Our site mascot (Waltress)

[Image: waltress.jpg]

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Information Announcements/Updates
Posted by: Vega - 02-14-2018, 11:54 PM - Forum: Site Advancement - Replies (73)

With the very first thread & post, I would like to announce the official beginning of these forums!


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