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  Final Time Registered [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:47 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Final Time Registered [Bully]

Time will display the moment you finish the TT and will be saved on your Top 5. It will also be saved on the
bottom right of the track on the time scroll screen. Anything under 5 minutes will save to the ghost data.
Ghost data will not corrupt, will still replay correctly.

0452FD4C 38A0MMMM
0452FD54 380000SS
0452FD5C 38A0IIII

04534894 38A0MMMM
0453489C 380000SS
045348A4 38A0IIII

04538D5C 38A0MMMM
04538D64 380000SS
04538D6C 38A0IIII

045228EC 38A0MMMM
045228F4 380000SS
045228FC 38A0IIII

MMMM = Minutes value converted to Hex
SS = Seconds value converted to Hex
IIII = Milliseconds value converted to Hex


NOTE (seconds): If you put FF fo Hex, you will not get a -1 (like with the Time Display Modifier).
When you cross the line in your TT, the seconds will show 99, but the moment you view the Top 5,
it will show 255 (FF = 255 in Hex).

Once you exit and go to the Time Scroll Menu, the time will show 255
in the seconds. But if you bring up the ghost preview screen, it will show 127 for the seconds.

If you restart the game and go back to your time scroll. The time scroll will permanently change the value
of the seconds from 255 to 127 to match the ghost preview data. Also the Top 5 screen will
permanently change the seconds from 255 to 127.


NOTE (for milliseconds): If you put FFFF for Hex, you will not get a -1 (like with the Time Display Modifier).
When you cross the line in your TT, the milliseconds will show 999, but the moment you view the Top 5,
it will show 655 (the first six digits of 65535, it will always show the first 3 digits of any decimal
value over 999). 

Once you exit and go to the Time Scroll Menu, the time will show 65535
in the milliseconds. But if you bring up the ghost preview screen, it will show 1023 for the milliseconds.

If you restart the game and go back to your time scroll. The time scroll will permanently change the value
of the milliseconds from 65535 to 1023 to match the ghost preview data. Also the Top 5 screen will
permanently change the milliseonds from 655 to 102.


99.999 after TT, 255.65 in Top 5. 255.65535 in Time Scroll. 127.1023 in Ghost Preview
(After Wii reset). 127.10 in Top 5. 127.1023 in Time Scroll & Ghost Preview.

FINAL NOTE: Minutes must be less than 5 for these special notes to take effect!!!

Code created by: Bully

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  Entered Top 5 Time Modifier [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:45 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Entered Top 5 Time Modifier [Bully]

This code will effect the info entered in the Top 5 and the time displayed on the bottom right of the time scroll screen.

04543B38 38A000MM
04543B48 3800SSSS
04543B50 3800IIII

04549074 38A000MM
04549084 3800SSSS
0454908C 3800IIII

045489F4 38A000MM
04548A04 3800SSSS
04548A0C 3800IIII

045370CC 38A000MM
045370DC 3800SSSS
045370E4 3800IIII

MMMM = Minutes value converted to Hex
SS = Seconds value converted to Hex
IIII = Milliseconds value converted to Hex

Code created by: Bully

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  Entered Top 5 Character/Vehicle Modifier [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:44 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Entered Top 5 Character/Vehicle Modifier [Bully]

This code will effect your Top 5.

04543B60 380000KK
04543B68 380000VV

0454909C 380000KK
045490A4 380000VV

04548A1C 380000KK
04548A24 380000VV

045370F4 380000KK
045370FC 380000VV

KK = Character
VV = Vehicle

KK Values:
00 = Mario
01 = Baby Peach
02 = Waluigi
03 = Bowser
04 = Baby Daisy
05 = Dry Bones
06 = Baby Mario
07 = Luigi
08 = Toad
09 = Donkey Kong
0A = Yoshi
0B = Wario
0C = Baby Luigi
0D = Toadette
0E = Koopa
0F = Daisy
10 = Peach
11 = Birdo
12 = Diddy Kong
13 = King Boo
14 = Bowser Jr.
15 = Dry Bowser
16 = Funky Kong
17 = Rosalina
18 = S Mii AM
19 = S Mii AF
1A = S Mii BM
1B = S Mii BF
1C = S Mii CM
1D = S Mii CF
1E = M Mii AM
1F = M Mii AF
20 = M Mii BM
21 = M Mii BF
22 = M Mii CM
23 = M Mii CF
24 = L Mii AM
25 = L Mii AF
26 = L Mii BM
27 = L Mii BF
28 = L Mii CM
29 = L Mii CF
2A = M Mii
2B = S Mii
2C = L Mii

VV Values:
00 = Standard Kart S
01 = Standard Kart M
02 = Standard Kart L
03 = Booster Seat
04 = Classic Dragster
05 = Offroader
06 = Mini Beast
07 = Wild Wing
08 = Flame Flyer
09 = Cheep Charger
0A = Super Blooper
0B = Piranha Prowler
0C = Tiny Titan
0D = Daytripper
0E = Jetsetter
0F = Blue Falcon
10 = Sprinter
11 = Honeycoupe
12 = Standard Bike S
13 = Standard Bike M
14 = Standard Bike L
15 = Bullet Bike
16 = Mach Bike
17 = Flame Runner
18 = Bit Bike
19 = Sugarscoot
1A = Wario Bike
1B = Quacker
1C = Zip Zip
1D = Shooting Star
1E = Magikruiser
1F = Sneakster
20 = Spear
21 = Jet Bubble
22 = Dolphin Dasher
23 = Phantom

Code created by: Bully

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  Enable 255 Minute Amount for Ghost Preview [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:41 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Enable 255 Minute Amount for Ghost Preview [Bully]

Use this code to allow values beyond 99 minutes to appear on the Display TT Modifer Ghost Preview Code.

This code does NOT effect your ghost data. Only temporarily effects the ghost preview screen.

045CCC88 60000000

045E2A64 60000000

045E2340 60000000

045D0C00 60000000

Code created by: Bully

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  Display Wii Wheel Icon on Ghost Preview [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:40 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Display Wii Wheel Icon on Ghost Preview [Bully]

Displays all ghosts as if the time was done with Wii Wheel. Does NOT effect actual ghost data.

045CCE48 38000000

045E2C24 38000000

045E2500 38000000

045D0DC0 38000000

Code created by: Bully

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  Display TT Modifier on Ghost Preview [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:38 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Display TT Modifier on Ghost Preview [Bully]

This code does NOT effect your ghost data. Only temporarily effects the ghost preview screen.

045CCC7C 386000MM
045CCCC8 3800IIII

045E2A58 386000MM
045E2A88 3800SSSS
045E2AA4 3800IIII

045E2334 386000MM
045E2364 3800SSSS
045E2380 3800IIII

045D0BF4 386000MM
045D0C24 3800SSSS
045D0C40 3800IIII

MM = Minutes value converted to Hex
SSSS = Seconds value converted to Hex
IIII = Milliseconds value converted to Hex

Max for Minutes is 99, even if you put in a larger Hex value. You will
need the Enable 255 Minutes Display Ghost Preview Code.

Enable 255 Minutes Code can be found HERE

You can place in negative values to display. Just use a decimal to Hex (32bit) converter.

FBBF = -1089 
7FFF = 32767
FFFF = -1

Code created by: Bully

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  Display Nintendo Flag for all Ghosts [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:36 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Display Nintendo Flag for all Ghosts [Bully]

All ghosts will temporarily be displayed with the Nintendo Flag. Does NOT effect actual ghost data.

045CCD30 4800000C

045E2B0C 4800000C

045E23E8 4800000C

045D0CA8 4800000C

Code created by: Bully

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  Character/Vehicle Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:34 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Character/Vehicle Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]

Change the character and vehicle that is displayed on ghost data. Does NOT effect actual ghost data.

045CCDE4 386000KK
045CCE2C 38C000VV

045E2BC0 386000KK
045E2C08 38C000VV

045E249C 386000KK
045E24E4 38C000VV

045D0D5C 386000KK
045D0DA4 38C000VV

KK = Character
VV = Vehicle

KK values:
00 = Mario
01 = Baby Peach
02 = Waluigi
03 = Bowser
04 = Baby Daisy
05 = Dry Bones
06 = Baby Mario
07 = Luigi
08 = Toad
09 = Donkey Kong
0A = Yoshi
0B = Wario
0C = Baby Luigi
0D = Toadette
0E = Koopa
0F = Daisy
10 = Peach
11 = Birdo
12 = Diddy Kong
13 = King Boo
14 = Bowser Jr.
15 = Dry Bowser
16 = Funky Kong
17 = Rosalina
18 = S Mii AM
19 = S Mii AF
1A = S Mii BM
1B = S Mii BF
1C = S Mii CM
1D = S Mii CF
1E = M Mii AM
1F = M Mii AF
20 = M Mii BM
21 = M Mii BF
22 = M Mii CM
23 = M Mii CF
24 = L Mii AM
25 = L Mii AF
26 = L Mii BM
27 = L Mii BF
28 = L Mii CM
29 = L Mii CF
2A = M Mii
2B = S Mii
2C = L Mii

VV Values:
00 = Standard Kart S
01 = Standard Kart M
02 = Standard Kart L
03 = Booster Seat
04 = Classic Dragster
05 = Offroader
06 = Mini Beast
07 = Wild Wing
08 = Flame Flyer
09 = Cheep Charger
0A = Super Blooper
0B = Piranha Prowler
0C = Tiny Titan
0D = Daytripper
0E = Jetsetter
0F = Blue Falcon
10 = Sprinter
11 = Honeycoupe
12 = Standard Bike S
13 = Standard Bike M
14 = Standard Bike L
15 = Bullet Bike
16 = Mach Bike
17 = Flame Runner
18 = Bit Bike
19 = Sugarscoot
1A = Wario Bike
1B = Quacker
1C = Zip Zip
1D = Shooting Star
1E = Magikruiser
1F = Sneakster
20 = Spear
21 = Jet Bubble
22 = Dolphin Dasher
23 = Phantom

Code created by: Bully

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  Country Flag Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:32 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Country Flag Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]

Temporarily changes the country flag that is displayed for all ghosts. Will not remove the Nintendo flag
from the staff ghosts.

045CCD68 3C00XX00

045E2B44 3C00XX00

045E2420 3C00XX00

045D0CE0 3C00XX00

XX = Country Code converted to Hex

XX Values:
Japan Region
Japan: 01

American Region
Anguilla: 08
Antigua and Barbuda: 09
Argentina: 0A
Aruba: 0B
Bahamas: 0C
Barbados: 0D
Belize: 0E
Bolivia: 0F
Brazil: 10
British Virgin Islands: 11
Canada: 12
Cayman Islands: 13
Chile: 14
Colombia: 15
Costa Rica: 16
Dominica: 17
Dominican Republic: 18
Ecuador: 19
El Salvador: 1A
French Guiana: 1B
Grenada: 1C
Guadeloupe: 1D
Guatemala: 1E
Guyana: 1F
Haiti: 20
Honduras: 21
Jamaica: 22
Martinique: 23
Mexico: 24
Montserrat: 25
Netherlands Antilles: 26
Nicaragua: 27
Panama: 28
Paraguay: 29
Peru: 2A
St. Kitts and Nevis: 2B
St. Lucia: 2C
St. Vincent & the Grenadines: 2D
Suriname: 2E
Trinidad and Tobago: 2F
Turks and Caicos Islands: 30
United States: 31
Uruguay: 32
U.S. Virgin Islands: 33
Venezuela: 34

PAL (Europe & Oceania) Region
Albania: 40
Australia: 41
Austria: 42
Belgium: 43
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 44
Bostwana: 45
Bulgaria: 46
Croatia: 47
Cyprus: 48
Czech Republic: 49
Denmark: 4A
Estonia: 4B
Finland: 4C
France: 4D
Germany: 4E
Greece: 4F
Hungary: 50
Iceland: 51
Ireland: 52
Italy 53
Latvia: 54
Lesotho: 55
Lichtenstein: 56
Lithuania: 57
Luxembourg: 58
F.Y.R. of Macedonia: 59
Malta: 5A
Montenegro: 5B
Mozambique: 5C
Namibia: 5D
Netherlands: 5E
New Zealand: 5F
Norway: 60
Poland: 61
Portugal: 62
Romania: 63
Russia: 64
Serbia: 65
Slovakia: 66
Slovenia: 67
South Africa: 68
Spain: 69
Swaziland: 6A
Sweden: 6B
Switzerland: 6C
Turkey: 6D
United Kingdom: 6E
Zambia: 6F
Zimbabwe: 70

Unused Region (Other African countries)
Azerbaijan: 71
Mauritania: 72
Mali: 73
Niger: 74
Chad: 75
Sudan: 76
Eritrea: 77
Dijibouti: 78
Somalia: 79

Taiwan Region:
Taiwan: 80

South Korea Region:
South Korea: 88

Unused Region: (Hong Kong and Macao)
Hong Kong: 90
Macao: 91

Unused Region: (Some Southeast Asia countries)
Indonesia: 98
Singapore: 99
Thailand: 9A
Phillipines: 9B
Malyasia: 9C

China Region:
China: A0

Unused Region: (Middle East and some neighboring countries)
U.A.E.: A8
India: A9
Egpyt: AA
Oman: AB
Qatar: AC
Kuwait: AD
Saudi Arabia: AE
Syria: AF
Bahrain: B0
Jordan: B1

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  Disable Time Registering [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 03-05-2018, 01:30 AM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Disable Time Registering [Bully]

Ghost Data will still be overwritten/saved, but Top 5 will not be affected nor the Time Scroll.

04543B58 38000000

04549094 38000000

04548A14 38000000

045370EC 38000000

Code created by: Bully

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