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  Controller Address & Button Values (X,Y,Z) Values
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:47 AM - Forum: Resources and References - Replies (5)

Controller Address & Button (X,Y,Z) Values


XXXX Values

1462 = First Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
199A = Second Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
1ED2 = Third Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
240A = Fourth Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
14C2 = First Classic Controller
19FA = Second Classic Controller
1F32 = Third Classic Controller
246A = Fourth Classic Controller
3E80 = GCN Controller - Port 1
3E8C = GCN Controller - Port 2
3E98 = GCN Controller - Port 3
3EA4 = GCN Controller - Port 4

57E2 = First Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
5D1A = Second Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
6252 = Third Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
678A = Fourth Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
5842 = First Classic Controller
5D7A = Second Classic Controller
62B2 = Third Classic Controller
67EA = Fourth Classic Controller
8200 = GCN Controller - Port 1
820C = GCN Controller - Port 2
8218 = GCN Controller - Port 3
8224 = GCN Controller - Port 4

5162 = First Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
569A = Second Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
5BD2 = Third Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
610A = Fourth Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
51C2 = First Classic Controller
56FA = Second Classic Controller
5C32 = Third Classic Controller
616A = Fourth Classic Controller
7B80 = GCN Controller - Port 1
7B8C = GCN Controller - Port 2
7B98 = GCN Controller - Port 3
7BA4 = GCN Controller - Port 4

37E2 = First Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
3D1A = Second Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
4252 = Third Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
478A = Fourth Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
3842 = First Classic Controller
3D7A = Second Classic Controller
42B2 = Third Classic Controller
47EA = Fourth Classic Controller
6200 = GCN Controller - Port 1
620C = GCN Controller - Port 2
6218 = GCN Controller - Port 3
6224 = GCN Controller - Port 4

Special X/Y/Z Values

24341474 BF735000 = Wii Mote Vertical
26341474 BF735000 = Wii Mote Sideways

243457F4 BF735000 = Wii Mote Vertical
263457F4 BF735000 = Wii Mote Sideways

24345174 BF735000 = Wii Mote Vertical
26345174 BF735000 = Wii Mote Sideways

243337F4 BF735000 = Wii Mote Vertical
263337F4 BF735000 = Wii Mote Sideways

YYYY Values

YYYY = 0000; = just that button(s) pressed
YYYY = FFFF - ZZZZ; = at least that button(s) pressed
Formula must be done in Hex.

ZZZZ Values (add together for pressed-at-same-time effect)

GCN Controller
0081 = Left
0082 = Right
0084 = Down
0088 = Up
0090 = Z
00A0 = R
00C0 = L
0180 = A
0280 = B
0480 = X
0880 = Y
1080 = Start

NOTE: If you are wanting to add the GCN Controller ZZZZ values together for 'pressed-at-same-time' effect,  use the Wavebird values, then add 0x80 (in hex) to the final result.

Wavebird (Wireless GCN)
0001 = Left
0002 = Right
0004 = Down
0008 = Up
0010 = Z
0020 = R
0040 = L
0100 = A
0200 = B
0400 = X
0800 = Y
1000 = Start

Wii Wheel/Nunchuck
0001 = Left
0002 = Right
0004 = Down
0008 = Up
0010 = +
0100 = 2
0200 = 1
0400 = B
0800 = A
1000 = -
2000 = Z
4000 = C
8000 = Home

Classic Controller
0001 = Up
0002 = Left
0004 = Z (Right)
0008 = X
0010 = A
0020 = Y
0040 = B
0080 = Z (Left)
0200 = R
0400 = +
0800 = Home
1000 = -
2000 = L
4000 = Down
8000 = Right

#The following is for ASM Code creators
GCN C Stick X /Y Axis
RMCE = 0x8034C204/5
RMCP = 0x80350584/5
RMCJ = 0x8034FF04/5
RMCK = 0x8033E584/5

Neutral = hovering around 0x80 (never stays exact due to nature of the stick)
Max Byte = 0xE0
Low Byte = 0x20

Max Top Left = 0xC7/0x3E
Max Top Right = 0xC7/0xC7
Max Bottom Left = 0x3E/0x3E
Max Bottom Right = 0x3E/0xC7

Following below is good for C stick activation in codes:
Greater than 0xC2 for Top and/or Right to be Activated
Less than 0x50 for Bottom and/or Left to be Activated


Analog Stick X/Y Axis
RMCE = 0x8034C202/3
RMCP = 0x80350582/3
RMCJ = 0x8034FF02/3
RMCK = 0x8033E582/3

Neutral = hovering around 0x80 (never stays exact due to nature of the stick)

Max Byte = 0xEA
Low Byte = 0x10

Max Top Left = 0xCD/0x30
Max Top Right = 0xCD/0xCD
Max Bottom Left = 0x30/0x30
Max Bottom Right = 0x30/0xCD

Following below is good for Analog stick activation in codes:
Greater than 0xC8 for Top and/or Right to be Activated
Less than 0x42 for Bottom and/or Left to be Activated

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  VR/BR Modifier [Volderbeek]
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:46 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

VR/BR Modifier [Volderbeek]

NOTE: Outdated by Xer's versions and also outdated by Vega's Perfect License Unlocker + VR/BR Modifier.

Also known as Hack VR/BR.

48000000 809B8F88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
3A00000Y 0000ZZZZ
1200000Y 0000ZZZZ
E0000000 80008000

48000000 809BD748
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
3A00000Y 0000ZZZZ
1200000Y 0000ZZZZ
E0000000 80008000

48000000 809BC7A8
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
3A00000Y 0000ZZZZ
1200000Y 0000ZZZZ
E0000000 80008000

48000000 809ABD88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
3A00000Y 0000ZZZZ
1200000Y 0000ZZZZ
E0000000 80008000

X Values
09050 = Top Left License
12440 = Top Right License
1B830 = Bottom Left License
24C20 = Bottom Right License

Y Values
0 = VR
8 = BR

Code creator: Volderbeek

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  Site History
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:43 AM - Forum: Site Advancement - No Replies

~Site History~

"The Beginning" Era

May 12, 2012:
Personal Website first started. Ran from home using a laptop. OS was Linux Mint Debian Edition (then later changed to Crunchbang at an unknown timer which was sometime before May 30th). Website contained links to a Forum, WW Top 10s, American Top 10s, and other misc info. There was no domain. Website could only be accessed via Public IP.

Aug 2013:
New computer was bought to replace laptop.

Sometime in Sep 2013 before the 9th:
IP-hosted website removed.

Sep 9, 2013:
MKWiiu.com domain purchased for 2 years.

"MKWiiU.com" Era

Sep 10, 2013:
SMF forums were installed, then the server was launched for access. The very first day of the MKWiiU.com forums. Forums first contained WW Top and American Top threads. The WW/American Top Tens forum threads were the most popular source at the time for those top tens.

Sep 12, 2013:
Banned/Pending Players thread created. The very first list/database within the MKW community to keep track of all TT cheaters.

Aug 2014:
American Top Ten thread exceeds 25,000 views.

Sep 2014:
WW Top Ten thread exceeds 50,000 views! Banner/Pending Players thread exceeds 15,000 views.

Oct 22, 2014:
Server hard drive took a dump and due to lack of desire and outdated backups, the forums were closed permanently. Fox and others had the info of the Top Tens stored on their own weebly website, now Fox's site became the most popular source.

"Disappeared" Era

Sep 9, 2015:
Domain expired, no attempt to renew. Possession of domain is lost sometime afterwards.

Early Sep 2016:
Desire to bring back 'the site' encouraged Vega to make a new test site using public IP. New server was bought and OS installed is BunsenLabs.

"MKWii.org HTML" Era

Sep 16, 2016:
Vega purchases MKWii.org. Domain was linked to public IP. By night time , DNS updated throughout the internet and the site was officially online.

Sep 20, 2016:
Pandemonium Memorial created

Early Oct 2016:
With Vega's disappointment of the WW/American Top Ten threads not being updated in a timely manner on mkboards.com, he made his own top tens on MKWii.org that were updated much more often and had missing times added.

Sometime after Early Oct 2016:
Downloads page containing many softmod programs/packages added to Home Page. It would only last a short time before being removed. Item Probability, Useful Links, Codes and Guides Pages added to Home Page.

Feb 9, 2017:
Vega gives Diamond the WW Top Ten and American Top Ten times. Diamond creates WW Top Ten Thread on MKWPP forums then 3 days later, creates American Top Ten thread. Later that month, Vega removes the Top Tens from mkwii.org.

Spring 2017:
With the help of the Internet Wayback time machine, Vega was able to bring back the banned/ pending list and then update it to add new cheaters. List is used to help the MKWPP community. Useful Links, Codes, and Guides Pages are removed.

Summer 2017:
Server OS changed to Linux Mint (Ubuntu). Item Probability Page removed. Some time after Item Probability Page was removed, Boot2 Compatibility page gets added to Home Page.

"Transitional" Era

Sometime in Dec 2017 before the 30th:
Server OS changed to Debian 9. Item Probability, Useful Links, & Guides Pages re-added. 

Dec 30, 2017:
Since the time MKWii.org was created, it was a 'part-time' website. To change this, Vega purchased a VPS. Vega made a Debian 9 OS on the VPS. MKWii.org domain DNS name servers were changed to point to the VPS provider DNS manager.

Dec 31, 2017:
DNS records get fully updated throughout the internet, MKWii.org now up and running full time on VPS. Homepage gets it's first face-lift: Yoshi BG removed, MKW Logo added on top, and other minor changes. Site History page is added. MKW server installed and running!

Jan 1, 2018:
New Forums (mybb) get installed. Forum link kept hidden to allow time to finalize configuration.

Jan 2, 2018:
Forums made public. Useful Links, & Guides Pages removed (content moved to forum).

Jan 30, 2018:
Forums removed due to spam bots and low traffic. A dedicated server page (plus iso patching guide page) now used for info/faq of the mkwserver. Codes page has been re-added. Pages for info of Wiimm's Tools and command cheat sheets added. Ever since the very beginning of the 'site', it always ran on Apache. Site (including mkw server) now running on Nginx.

Feb 5, 2018:
Useful Links page re-added again for the 2nd time. A new Item Rules page is added. The Guides page has been re-added (2nd time). An all new MKWiiU Forums memorial added, contains some historic info and links to many PDF screenshots. Vega noticed the domain mkwiiu.com was back on the free market after being out of reach (due to owner-at-time inflated selling price) for nearly 2 1/2 years. Vega immediately purchases mkwiiu.com. MkwiiU.com temporarily configured to go to mkwii.org (with no URL redirects). Testing revealed standard URL redirects won't work because it causes the mkw server to spit out error codes 20100 & 94020.

Feb 8, 2018:
MKWiiU Memorial PDF links changed to a single zip archive link. Pae memorial changes from the pae.html file to an index.html in its sub directory named pae.

Feb 10, 2018
Favicon changed from Bullet Bill to Item Box. A separate NginX server block is configured for MKWiiU.com, it is now completely separate from mkwii.org (official revival for MKWiiU.com). A link to MKWii.org's MKWiiU memorial is added to MKWiiU.com.

Feb 11, 2018
MKWiiU.com memorial moved to MKWiiU.com site/server block. Link to MKWiiU.com now on Home Page.

"MKWii.org Forums" Era

Feb 14, 2018
Complete re-haul of the entire site. Everything removed. All new forums installed, configured at the root directory. Dark Blue Theme is chosen from the MyBB Forum settings.

Feb 15, 2018
Forums Logo updated from the MyBB default Logo to a Moonview Highway pic. Forum rankings implemented.

Feb 17, 2018
All Forum threads get content added to them. Forums are now 'complete'. Console/MKW chart, Banned MKWPP Players, Item Probability, Pae Memorial pages all stay as html-based. Links to them provided in respective threads. Pae Memorial page moved from /me/pae directory to /pae directory. Memorial Sub-Forum added (within 'The Basics' category), forum contains threads for Pae and MKWiiU.com Memorial hyper links.

Mar 17, 2018
HTTPS (SSL) connection now configured (not including mkwiiu.com & mkw server). All connections forced to use HTTPS.

Mar 29, 2018
Favicon added back.

Apr 15, 2018
Pae memorial html page (/pae) removed. All memorial content transferred to its thread in the Memorial sub forum.

Apr 29, 2018
MKWPP Banned/Frozen players list html page removed. All content transferred to its thread in the Time Trials sub forum.

Jun 16, 2018
Discord Server for website created w/ help from Star.

Jul 1, 2018
Vega purchases the domain nintendowifi.org.

Sep 5, 2018
MKW Server temporarily shutdown for domain name changes. A second VPS is bought for the sole purpose of the MKW Server.

Sep 6, 2018
MKW Server files moved to the second VPS. MKW Server domain changed to nintendowifi.org. VPS launched. MKW Server can now be reached with a simple cheat code.

Feb 2, 2019
Dark Blue Theme of Forum removed for Default MyBB Theme. Moonview Highway pic replaced with Peach Gardens pic.

Feb 3, 2019
Avatar Post display size increased to match the max dimensions of user's Avatar upload size

May 10, 2019
Vega purchases MKWii.com domain. MKWii.com domain is setup with a simple html page.

"MKWii.com" Era

May 12, 2019
The forums has the domain changed from MKWii.org to MKWii.com. New SSL certificate issued for MKWii.com.

May 13, 2019
MKWii.org domain gets a simple HTML index page providing a link to the MKWii.com forums. The old MKWii.org forum logo is removed and replaced with an all new MKWii.com forum logo.

Jul 19, 2019
Vega decides to shutdown the Nintendowifi.org MKW server.

Jul 28, 2019
The forums undergo major shifting/re-organization. Codes forum is split into sub-forums based on code type.

Aug 18, 2019
All codes in the forums now follow Gecko format.

Sep 9, 2019
Optional Dark Theme added.

Feb 5, 2020
MKWiiU.com domain expires, Vega does not renew it.

Feb 9, 2020
The MKWiiU.com memorial thread on the forum gets updated with content that was previously on the MKWiiU.com domain site.

May 10, 2020
The Dark Theme is now the default theme. Blue Headers and Links changed to Orange. Blue Username colors for Normal Users changed to White. An all new logo is put in, meant to match the new theme colors (orange, black, grey, white). Favicon switched back to the old Bullet Bill one to match the new logo.

May 31, 2021
VPS used solely for hosting the MKWii.org html site is destroyed. MKWii.org domain is parked.

Sep 16, 2021
MKWii.org domain expired, no attempt to renew. Possession of domain is lost sometime afterwards.

Oct 4, 2021
Vega gets the MarioKartWii.com domain after winning it on a dropcatch.com auction.

Oct 5, 2021
Temporary memorial page (with some humor included) placed at MarioKartWii.com domain.

"MarioKartWii.com" Era

Oct 6, 2021
Forums now reside at the MarioKartWii.com domain. MKWii.com redirects to MarioKartWii.com. Any visit to to a www domain redirects to a non-www domain. Item Box favicon added back replacing Bullet Bill once again.

Oct 7, 2021
All new site Banner/logo (Waltress Site Banner! lol), and the orange colors of the forum theme have been changed to a light/medium blue.

Jun 24, 2022
Waltress Site Banner removed. Regular Banner (simply previous Banner w/o Waltress pics included) replaces it.

Jun 27, 2022
New version of Waltress Site Banner added.

Feb 14, 2023
Forums are now 5 years old.

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  Remove NIN Flag From Expert Staff Ghosts Only [Bully]
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:42 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

Remove NIN Flag From Expert Staff Ghosts Only [Bully]

NOTE: Outdated by Remove NIN Flag From Staff Ghosts (removes NIN flag from all ghosts)

045CCD30 60000000

045E2B0C 60000000

045E23E8 60000000

045D0CA8 60000000

Codes creator: Bully

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  How to decrypt and recrypt NDEV Wads
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:41 AM - Forum: HBC & General Wii Softmodding - No Replies

How to decrypt and recrypt NDEV Wads

NDEV wads are encrypted with the 'NDEV Common Key'. They cannot install on a retail Wii. However you can decrypt the Wad and then recrypt it with the standard Wii Common Key. Thus allowing you to install said wads on a retail Wii.

You will need a Windows computer as ShowMiiWads doesn't work in Wine or Mono.

1. You will need ShowMiiWads. Go https://code.google.com/archive/p/showmiiwads/downloads
2. Download the version for your computer architecture. (x64 is for 64bit computers). NOTE to Linux Wine Emulation users: Download the 32bit version only!
3. Make a folder called ShowMiiWads and move the download file into that folder
4. Extract/unzip the download.
5. Use a hex editor to create a .bin file using the NDEV common key.
6. Name the .bin file to common-key.bin. Move the .bin file into the ShowMiiWads folder
7. Launch ShowMiiWads
8. Go to File, Open Folder, and select the folder of your NDEV wad.
9. ShowMiiWads will paste some information of the wad. If you see Chinese language in any of the information,
you are not using the NDEV common-key. Make sure you're using the correct key.
10. Select the wad to highlight it in blue, right click on it, and click Extract, To Folder and select a new empty folder
11. The NDEV file will be decrypted into a subdirectory of the new folder. The subdirectory name is the name of the wad you decrypted.
12. Right click on the highlighted file again, and click Remove All Folders. Close ShowMiiWads
13. Remove the NDEV common key from the ShowMiiWads working directory
14. Relaunch ShowMiiWads, click Tools, then click Create Common Key.
15. Do what the screen says, type 45e and click OK. A normal Wii Common Key is now created in the working directory.
16. Go to Tools, Pack Wad. Select the folder where your decrypted files were made at when you extracted the file on step 6.
17. A screen will appear allowing you to edit the name of the new wad before saving. You can also select a new folder to save the file to.
By default, the showmiiwads working directory is selected. Name the file as you please, click Save.
18. Close ShowMiiWads. Go to the new folder where your new encrypted wad is. It will be there.
19. Congratz, you just remade an NDEV file to be able to install on a normal Wii.

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  Replace MKW Save Game
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:40 AM - Forum: Other - No Replies

Replace MKW Save Game

NOTE: A save game must already exist on the Wii beforehand.

1. Download Savegame Manager GX (Use google to find multiple sources for download link); also be sure it is the one for the Wii, NOT the Wii U.
2. Add the Savegame Manager GX to your apps folder of SD card/USB stick. Make a folder called savegames on the root of your SD/USB.
3. Launch HBC, launch Savegame Manager GX
4. Go to Wii, extract the savegame, do not compress
5. Save the savegame to the savegames folder. The savegame will save into a newly created sub-directory within the savegames folder. The sub-directory folder will have the name
of a very long number.
6. Folder number format:

XX Values:
45 = RMCE = American data save
4a = RMCJ = Japan/Taiwan data save
4b = RMCK = Korean data save
50 = RMCP = Euro/Oceania data save

Do not rename the folder or else Savegame manager will not recognize it.

7. Once done move SD/USB to other Wii where you are replacing the savegame.
8. That Wii must already have a save game made
9. Launch Savegame Manager GX
10. Click SD card, click the savegames folder
11. Click the Mario Kart logo
12. Click Install then OK
13. Once done, exit back to Wii Menu
14. Launch MKWii, congratz

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  Patch Region VS/Battle Slot in ISO/WBFS
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:40 AM - Forum: Other - No Replies

Patch Region VS/Battle Slot in ISO/WBFS

Guide is designed for use in Linux. Guide assumes you are somewhat familiar with WIT & SZS Tools. Please note that this doesn't change the line color underneath your name on WiFi. This also works for WBFS files.

For the ocarina cheat code version of this, go to this thread - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=59

1. Make a copy of your ISO, rename it whatever helps you know its a copy ready for editing.
2. Open a terminal & cd to the location of your copied ISO
3. wit extract ExampleTest.iso /home/yourusername/Test (do not create Test folder beforehand or else WIT will show an error, the wit command will create the folder for you)
4. StaticR.rel is now located in /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/files/rel/StaticR.rel (you will not have a DATA folder if your ISO/WBFS is fully scrubbed)
5. cd /home/username/Test/DATA/files/rel/StaticR.rel
6. wstrt analyze StaticR.rel
7. No patches should be present, original version of StaticR.rel should be found
8. wstrt patch StaticR.rel --region X
X Values:
0 = Japan
1 = Americas
2 = Europe
3 = Oceania
4 = Taiwan
5 = South Korea
6 = China
9. wstrt analyze StaticR.rel
10. Two items should be listed - Version patch found and Battle patch found
11. cd /home/yourusername
12. wit copy ./Test /home/yourusername/ExampleDone.iso
13. add ISO to USB, congratz

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  How to make GCT files
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:39 AM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin - No Replies

How to make GCT files


A GCT (Gecko Code Type) file is a small file that contains your cheat codes and it resides on your USB or SD device. The GCT file has a 'header', then the cheat codes, and ends off with a 'final terminator'. There are multiple online and offline tools that will allow you to make GCT files by simply including what cheat codes you want to play with.

Regardless of what method you use, you need to adjust some settings on whatever application you use to launch MKWii. On your application, find the setting that is something along the lines of Ocarina/Cheats/SD Cheats, etc. Turn that setting ON. Then find the setting that says 'Hooktype'. If you are using Riivolution, that NEEDS to be set to 'GXDraw'. If not, you do NOT need to change the Hooktype setting, leave it on Default (default may be listed as VBI).


Online GCT Maker created by WhatIsLoaf

Link: https://mkwii.com/gct/

1. Fill in the Game ID field in the small left hand box.

RMCE01 = For American MKWii
RMCP01 = For European/Australian (PAL) MKWii
RMCJ01 = For Japanese MKWii
RMCK01 = For Korean MKWii

2. Put the code contents in the large right hand box.
3. For the title, you can name this whatever you want.
4. Click the 'Add Code' button.
5. The code is added. The code title is now displayed in the large left hand box.
6. Add more codes if desired. You can also copy paste all your codes at once and putting them all under one code title instead of adding one code at a time.
7. When all codes have been added, click the 'Download GCT' button. A .gct file will be downloaded with the name that was provided in the Game ID box.

Side notes:
1. To edit any added code, simply click on the code title that's in the large left hand box. Edit what you need to edit. Click the 'Edit Code' button to save the changes.
2. To delete any added code, simply click on the red x icon that's next to the code title.

OFFLINE METHOD (Ocarina Computer Program)

NOTE to Linux Users: Ocarina works 100% in Wine emulation.

Download HERE, extract/unzip the download. You will see a file called codemanager.exe. Run that file to launch Ocarina. Alternatively, there's also a codemanager1.2.exe file which has an extra option keeping track of amount of lines of code.

Also, here's a sha256 checksum to the Ocarina.zip download for Linux users if desired - HERE

To make a GCT file with one code
1. Launch Ocarina.
2. There is a box at the top left underneath Game ID. Enter in the Game ID. For example, we will put in RMCE01 (for american MKW)
3. On the lefthand bottom side, click the "Add a code/comment/category" button. A prompt will appear. Now enter in a name for your code and click OK. This can be any name you want, just make a name to let you know what the code is for. For example, we will enter in "Code1".
4. Code1 will now be listed on the large left hand box. click on Code1 to highlight it
5. Once highlighted, click in the large box labeled as "Code contents". Put in the actual code in that box.
6. Now click the "Store Modifications" button on the bottom right. A prompt will appear saying Data Stored, click OK
7. A blank checkbox is now next to Code1 in the large lefthand box. Click inside the blank checkbox to checkmark it
8. The box is now checkmarked and the word Code1 is highlighted again
9. Click "Export to GCT" button at the very bottom
10. A prompt will appear saying " Codes have been modified.... ... before export?" Click Yes
11. To keep things simple we will click the very top option Store to File. And then browse to the destination you want to store the GCT. Name it the Game ID then ".gct" for the file extrension: Since the game ID we entered earlier was RMCE01, we will name our gct RMCE01.gct. Click Save, GCT file now completed. If you want, you can change the drive letter on the drop down menu (if using Windows) and choose the drive letter where your SD/USB is located. Ocaaina is already configured to find the codes folder and save the GCT there). If you want to save to SD/USB in Linux, choose store to file and find your codes folder within your SD/USB within your /media/yourusername directory.

To add more than 1 code for a GCT file
1. Follow steps 1 - 6 from guide above to add your first code
2. Click the add a code/comment/category button to add a 2nd code name
3. The new code name will be in bold font, but you will notice the code contents are being displayed for the first code you made earlier. To fix this, click on the new code name to highlight it. The prompt for "the codes have changed, do you want to store them... ...." will appear. Click Yes. Code contents box is now empty and ready for codes.
4. Type/Paste in your 2nd code in the contents box. Click Store Modifications and OK.
5. Do this process over and over til you have all the codes you want.
6. Now checkmark all the code name boxes. The 'codes have changed' prompt will appear again. Click Yes.
7. Click Export to GCT. Choose your desired option and save GCT. Congratz
8. Please note if you saved the file directly to SD/USB (regardless of what storing option is used), you may be notified to exit Ocarina when you attempt to unmount/eject the SD/USB. Exit ocarina.

NOTES about naming the GCT file:
When you name the GCT file before saving it after export, it must match your Game ID. There our four different Game ID's for MKWii because there are four different regions/versions of MKWii. Here is a list of those Game IDs, choose the one that matches the region/version of MKWii that you are using...

RMCE01.gct = For American MKWii
RMCP01.gct = For European/Australian (PAL) MKWii
RMCJ01.gct = For Japanese MKWii
RMCK01.gct = For Korean MKWii

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  Guide to perma patch ISO with GCT File
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:39 AM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin - Replies (3)

Guide to perma patch ISO with GCT File

Please note that this guide is designed for Linux. You can still do this on Windows but you need to change the path to directories accordingly.

Guide assumes a GCT file has already been made. Guide also assumes you are somewhat familiar with WIT & SZS Tools. This also works for WBFS files.

1. Make a copy of your ISO, rename it whatever helps you know its a copy ready for editing.
2. Open a terminal & cd to the location of your copied ISO
3. wit extract ExampleTest.iso /home/yourusername/Test (do not create Test folder beforehand or else WIT will show an error, the wit command will create the folder for you)
4. Main.dol is located in /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys/main.dol (you will not have a DATA folder if your ISO/WBFS is fully scrubbed)
5. Take your gct file and place it in the /sys directory alongside the main.dol
6. cd /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys
7. wstrt analyze main.dol
8. No patches should be present, original version of main.dol should be found
9. wstrt patch main.dol --add-section nameofgctfile.gct
10. wstrt analyze main.dol
11. Three items should be listed - VBI Hook address, Section T1 modified, and Additional section T2
12. Move the gct file out of the /sys directory and back to wherever you had it before
13. cd /home/yourusername
14. wit copy ./Test /home/yourusername/ExampleDone.iso
15. add ISO to USB, congratz

-Ocarina must be OFF or GCT file will not work
-Having a separate standard GCT file in your codes folder while ocarina is ON will also render the GCT file within the main.dol useless.

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  Guide to "Victory Live Replay" for TT Video Recording
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:39 AM - Forum: Other - No Replies

1. Whatever character is used in the TT you plan on recording, be sure you have that character unlocked. Same goes with the vehicle and track.
2. Complete a TT on said track fast enough to unlock the expert staff ghost.
3. Edit your ISO to replace the expert staff ghost with the TT ghost you plan on recording. Guide to replace expert staff ghost - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=31
4. Make a GCT file with the Live Replay Code. Link to Code - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1035
5. Race against the Expert Staff Ghost (you will copy it moves), wait for at least a split second then pause.
6. Exit back to the course selection screen (don't go back to main menu).
7. Now instead of choosing to race the expert ghost, choose Solo Race.
8. Now the character will race with live replay code as if it was a Live TT.
9. Once the character finishes the race, it will make an actual Victory result/celebration along with the 3lap/flap times flashing in red because you beat the temporary PR that was set earlier to initially unlock the expert staff ghost from Step 3.
10. Congratz! Some notes....
- This obviously won't work if the recorded TT is slower than temp PR used to unlock expert staff ghost.
- Flap won't flash red if the temp PR had a better flap time.

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