Make it to 10,000
Technically USB Loader GX just needs to copy or dump the disk's contents, it shouldn't be limited by the Wii Hardware & or Software
Yeah, that was my thought too. Surely if you can boot Korean discs on a PAL wii through USBLoaderGX you can dump them through it also?
Let us know how it goes
Oh wow
drafting, in my mario kart wii? its more likely than you think
Somebody make a NetBSD port for the Wii.
What does the mom of the exponentials say?

They grow up so fast!
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Am I right in thinking that by installing a Korean system menu on a PAL Wii you can run Korean discs from the disc channel?
To run the Korean Official Disc from the Disc Channel without any IOS or piiloader mods., yes you would need the Korean system menu installed. You would also need IOS46 as Korean MKWii does NOT run on IOS36.
I can’t believe this year is basically over

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