Make it to 10,000
Sosis is on hard drugs for the first time in five years. Poor Sosis. He was sober for a while... I wonder what got him into his addiction again
Me when ctwc
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Oh my
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
(12-01-2023, 12:18 PM)Cealgair Wrote: Tonight I dreamt that Ben Mullen (the NES Tetris player) had died. That was so oddly specific idk why that happened in my dream. Whatever. I've heard a superstition that if you dream of someone's death their life gets longer. So you're welcome Ben

I've seen him on the CTWC broadcast this weekend, he appeared to be alive and well
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Are you sure that wasn't just a nightmare?
He was doing a cringy sponsored bit with Alex Kerr and Jeff Moore, but I don't think it was a nightmare
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:

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