Make it to 10,000
1,6648907832 €
(yes, in Italy we use the comma instead of the point)
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
1,000,000 Argentine pesos
NaN nothings
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
(01-01-1970, 12:22 AM)Cealgair Wrote: 1,6648907832 €
(yes, in Italy we use the comma instead of the point)

Yeah, and it's pretty dumb. But hey, at least you don't have to deal with the imperial system in the three countries left that have it, or the UK's driver seats
(04-12-2024, 04:40 PM)Fifty Wrote:
(01-01-1970, 12:22 AM)Cealgair Wrote: 1,6648907832 €
(yes, in Italy we use the comma instead of the point)

Yeah, and it's pretty dumb. But hey, at least you don't have to deal with the imperial system in the three countries left that have it, or the UK's driver seats

I mean it's not inherently dumb but it makes cooperating with software somewhat frustrating, because some things were not localized and so they only accept a point, while others were localized in such a way that they only accept a comma. It's not the worst thing ever but it's annoying.

So yea this and the British driver seats (and the date format and the plug outlets etc etc etc) are just things that are different across borders, and that difference is what makes them inconvenient.

The imperial/US system of measurements, though, is on another level of dumb. Like it's not just inconvenient because it's different from the metric/SI system, it's inherently worse
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:

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