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I've lived in Kansas City for a few years... I hope the Kansas City Chiefs lose the Super Bowl.
Is Kansas City the city that's not in Kansas?
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
There's a Kansas City in Missouri (but not Missouri City) and a Kansas City in Kansas. Generally when people talk about Kansas City, it's almost always the one in Missouri, including the Chiefs
In my opinion, the obsession of sports by the majority of the population is a sign of a declining empire.
Agreed. I only watched like 15 minutes of the Super Bowl.

To anyone living in Kansas City right now - I'm sure you've already heard all of the screaming and fireworks, if they haven't ended yet. I remember when the KC Chiefs won the Super Bowl in was absurd. Fireworks until 1am. Couldn't imagine being that obsessed with football
Here in Italy there's a sort of similar obsession with the other kind of football (the one you call soccer), I remember as a kid everyone on the streets going crazy when Italy won the world cup. I also remember when Italy won Euro 2020 (in 2021) and people were amassing on the streets with little to no respect for the fact that there was a freaking pandemic going on (a few folks already got the first dose of the vaccine at that point, but still)

That being said while I don't care for football (either kind) I still do follow other sports
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Makes sense. Only two sports I have any interest in is golf and tennis, and those aren't even close to being on the same level as hyped up as football or basketball. Kinda refreshing
Dang it just when you think you have it ready, a new bug is found

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