Address for checking if player is grounded
Check this out:

Although this is a single bit, so you're gonna have to clear all the other ones to check. Here's a sample ASM (feel free to change the registers)

# NTSC-U Addresses
.set PlayerHolder, 0x809BD110
.set Racedata, 0x809B8F68

# Change this to whatever Exception Vector address you want
.set IsPlayerOnGround, 0x80001500

# Check gamemode == TT
lis r3, Racedata@ha
lwz r3, Racedata@l(r3)
lwz r3, 0xB70(r3)
cmpwi r3, 2
bne+ end

# Get PlayerHolder->players->player[0]->playerSub1c->bitfield0
lis r3, PlayerHolder@ha
lwz r3, PlayerHolder@l(r3)
lwz r3, 0x20(r3)
lwz r3, 0(r3)
lwz r3, 0x20(r3)
lwz r3, 0x4(r3)

# Get bit
rlwinm r3, r3, 14, 31, 31

# Store it
lis r4, IsPlayerOnGround@ha
stb r3, IsPlayerOnGround@l(r4)

# Return

Messages In This Thread
RE: Address for checking if player is grounded - by CLF78 - 03-24-2021, 02:06 PM

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