Make it to 10,000
I was worried nobody wanted to play
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Rye bread is something I played with today
(05-12-2022, 07:43 AM)Cealgair Wrote: Shall we play a game?

The first one to type a capital letter 'r' in this thread loses. Signatures don't count obviously

(05-19-2022, 04:04 AM)Fifty Wrote: Rye bread is something I played with today

Well that was a short game
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
That was a bump.
Cealgair made a little bump, little bump, little bump
Cealgair made a little bump and no one cared at all
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Oh look another bump!
How well-known is the leaning tower of Pisa outside Italy?
My username is in Scottish Gaelic. If you speak that language, please tell me how to pronounce it properly.

The best source I've got so far is this:
Fifty and Cealgair are the new versions of WhatIsLoaf and FzeroWii
Yep, I eat loafs of Rye bread while playing F-Zero on the Wii. I've probably done that 50 times now. Some people call me a hypocrite for that, I don't know why
Now we just need a new version of Vega, shitty admin

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