Make it to 10,000
basically they randomize all encounters and starters. recently they also started randomizing moves, types, damage, items, item locations, and pp used for moves
[Image: unknown.png]
thats actually interesting, any links?
I used to watch loz randos all the time
Reply here you go vega
[Image: unknown.png]
Heres another one: #1~
I want to preface this video by stating that I will not be releasing the vulnerability. This video is for informational purposes only, and will demonstrate what it is capable of. The other player in this video consented to having it run on their game. This is a security vulnerability that allows you to run arbitrary code on another client's game. It was discovered by XeR back in 2016. He used it as a form of anti-cheat, where he could see what you were using. Fast-forward to present day, I discovered this vulnerability independently.
So I accidentally clicked on the green circle next to my name and it took me to the members online page. I had no idea you could do that.
I did
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.
Guess I'm just a n00b then
yes you are Smile
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.

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