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Instant Acceleration/Reverse [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 04:08 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
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Instant Acceleration/Reverse [Ro]
This code will make you instantly accelerate and reverse. You cannot brake with this, instead, you'll instantly go backwards. Recommended to use with Instant Stop. NOTE: 3D804600 is the speed. Change it accordingly if you use speed hack.
0657502C 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B890 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B210 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
065698E8 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
Code creator: Ro
Small Items If Shocked [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 03:38 AM - Forum: Online; Item
- Replies (4)
Small Items If Shocked [Ro]
This code will make you throw/drop small items if shocked. Code has a filter for you to pick who to affect. Be aware, this code is VISIBLE ONLINE, meaning that OTHERS WILL SEE YOUR SMALL ITEMS!
C278D2B8 0000000C
3D60809C 818B8F68
816BD110 816B0020
898C0B84 7C1B6000
7D6B6214 816B0000
816B0000 816B0004
818B0014 718C0002
718C0080 41820014
819F0004 2C0C000E
41820008 60000400
3C60808A 00000000
C27962C4 0000000C
3D60809C 818BD728
816B18F8 816B0020
898C0B84 7C1B6000
7D6B6214 816B0000
816B0000 816B0004
818B0014 718C0002
718C0080 41820014
819F0004 2C0C000E
41820008 60000400
3C60808A 00000000
C2795930 0000000C
3D60809C 818BC788
816B0958 816B0020
898C0B84 7C1B6000
7D6B6214 816B0000
816B0000 816B0004
818B0014 718C0002
718C0080 41820014
819F0004 2C0C000E
41820008 60000400
3C60808A 00000000
C2784684 0000000C
3D60809B 816BBD68
816BFF38 816B0020
898C0B84 7C1B6000
7D6B6214 816B0000
816B0000 816B0004
818B0014 718C0002
718C0080 41820014
819F0004 2C0C000E
41820008 60000400
3C608089 00000000
XXXXXXXX (Who to affect part 1):
40820040 Affect only you
41820020 Affect only others
60000000 Affect everyone
YYYYYYYY (Who to affect part 2):
41820020 Affect only you
40820020 Affect only others
60000000 Affect everyone
Code creator: Ro
Force Specific Character Stats [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 03:00 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
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Force Specific Character Stats [Ro]
This code will force specific character stats, for example, you can play as any medium weight character with Daisy's stats. You can also play with any character stats regardless of weight, for example, Funky Kong stats on small weight characters. The code was designed so you can pick what character stat you want for each weight, also comes with a filter for you to pick who to affect. If you know ASM, you can modify the code to replace a specific character with another character stat, but for this current code, it will force a specific character stat for EVERY CHARACTER, however, you can choose THREE different stats FOR EACH WEIGHT, regardless if that character is from that weight.
C258B948 00000007
3C80809C 80848F68
88840B84 7C1C2000
XXXXXXXX 80830008
2C040001 3BE000SS
41800010 3BE000MM
41820008 3BE000LL
1C9F018C 00000000
C259216C 00000007
3C80809C 8084D728
88840B84 7C1C2000
XXXXXXXX 80830008
2C040001 3BE000SS
41800010 3BE000MM
41820008 3BE000LL
1C9F018C 00000000
C2591AEC 00000007
3C80809C 8084C788
88840B84 7C1C2000
XXXXXXXX 80830008
2C040001 3BE000SS
41800010 3BE000MM
41820008 3BE000LL
1C9F018C 00000000
C25801C4 00000007
3C80809B 8084BD68
88840B84 7C1C2000
XXXXXXXX 80830008
2C040001 3BE000SS
41800010 3BE000MM
41820008 3BE000LL
1C9F018C 00000000
XXXXXXXX (Who to affect):
40820020 Affect only you
41820020 Affect others only
60000000 Affect everyone
SS: Small Weight
MM: Medium Weight
LL: Large Weight
Replace SS/MM/LL with desired character ID for each weight, example: Small Weight (Baby Characters) have Daisy stats: SS to 0F. Mario for all medium: MM to 00 etc.
Code creator: Ro
Boost Particle Color Modifier [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 02:38 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Boost Particle Color Modifier [Ro]
This code changes the boost particle color to any of your preference. The code can be modified to affect other particles, all you need to do is experiment with the compare IDs.
C2032414 00000005
7C0802A6 2C1F0008
40820018 48000009
RRGGBB00 7D8802A6
816C0000 91640000
60000000 00000000
C20324B4 00000005
7C0802A6 2C1F0008
40820018 48000009
RRGGBB00 7D8802A6
816C0000 91640000
60000000 00000000
C20323D4 00000005
7C0802A6 2C1F0008
40820018 48000009
RRGGBB00 7D8802A6
816C0000 91640000
60000000 00000000
C2032514 00000005
7C0802A6 2C1F0008
40820018 48000009
RRGGBB00 7D8802A6
816C0000 91640000
60000000 00000000
RRGGBB (Color to select):
RR is Red
GG is Green
BB is Blue
Example of pink: FF00FF (255, 0, 255)
Code creator: Ro
Normal Speed While Shocked/Crushed [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 02:33 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (1)
Normal Speed While Shocked/Crushed [Ro]
You won't drive slower when shocked or crushed, you'll drive the normal speed. Code has a filter for you to pick who to affect.
Updated on October 19th, 2024: Apparently the previous version only affected crush, so code has been reworked to affect shock too (Placeboo, how did I not notice it?!)
C2575570 00000003
81840014 718C0002
819D000C 00000000
C257BDD4 00000003
81840014 718C0002
819D000C 00000000
C257B754 00000003
81840014 718C0002
819D000C 00000000
C2569E2C 00000003
81840014 718C0002
819D000C 00000000
XXXXXXXX (Who to affect):
41820008 Affect only you
40820008 Affect only others
60000000 Affect everyone
Code creator: Ro
Drive on Water & Lava [Unnamed, Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 10-13-2024, 02:31 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
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Drive on Water & Lava [Unnamed, Ro]
This is a modification of Unnamed's KCL Flag Modifier code that allows you to drive on water and lava. Unfortunately, I couldn't filter items out so they can land on water/lava. Had to compare each collision type because masking had issues with other flags.
C27B1FE4 00000006
A096000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38800042 00000000
C27B242C 00000006
A016000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38000042 00000000
C27C0A44 00000006
A096000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38800042 00000000
C27C0E8C 00000006
A016000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38000042 00000000
C27C00B0 00000006
A096000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38800042 00000000
C27C04F8 00000006
A016000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38000042 00000000
C27AEE04 00000006
A096000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38800042 00000000
C27AF24C 00000006
A016000E 8996000F
2C0C0030 4182001C
2C0C0050 41820014
2C0C005A 4182000C
2C0C0070 40820008
38000042 00000000
Code creator: Unnamed (Edited by Ro for driving on water and lava)
Crushed Time Modifier [B_squo] |
Posted by: Vega - 10-11-2024, 12:16 AM - Forum: Offline Non-Item
- Replies (1)
Crushed Time Modifier [B_squo]
# Sets how long Mega Mushroom, Thwomps, etc, crushes last.
# X values are in frames
0457a6d4 3BE0XXXX
04580F38 3BE0XXXX
045808b8 3BE0XXXX
0456ef90 3BE0XXXX
Code creator: B_squo