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  Time trials online mode
Posted by: Melg - 04-25-2020, 12:55 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests - Replies (44)


So over the past week I have been  learning -as best as I can since this is all very new to me- coding using the various tutorials in this forum and I have managed to make easy codes such as always win races offline and so on... You know what they say, we all have to start somewhere...

My final goal is to make a "time trials online" pack where you would race people with time trials conditions.
Right now I have trying to make a code that would make people start at the same xyz coordinates and more precisely the time trials position as defined in the KMP of the .szs files. To my understanding, the game uses a "start area" grid to position racers depending on their previous placement: this start area is 2000 game units wide and 5300 (or 4800 in narrow mode) game units long.

My idea was therefore to try to make this area have a size of 0,0 so that racers would start at the same spot (which would not be a problem with a no clip code). I have therefore tried to find where in static memory the positioning of racers is defined, to no avail. (using a read breakpoint on adresses that have a decimal value of 1000/2000 did not yield any results).

I was wondering if any of you guys could offer some help:
-is the direction I am going in the right one or will changing the size of the area to 0,0 straight up crash the game?
-if it is, does any of you guys know where in the memory I can find what I am looking for?

Thanks in advance.

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  Mega Cloud [JoshuaMK]
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 04-23-2020, 07:19 PM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - Replies (9)

Mega Cloud [JoshuaMK]

NOTE: Outdated by _tZ's code, which fixes item loss issues

Perfect replica performance wise as the code in CTGP, this makes you have Mega Mushroom effects when a Thunder Cloud strikes you.

C2579DCC 0000000C
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FFEE20 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800028
1C1B0248 819F0014
7D8C0214 398C00B4
806C000C 3D80809C
818CEFE4 7D8903A6
4E800421 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C2580630 0000000C
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FF3618 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800028
1C1B0248 819F0014
7D8C0214 398C00B4
806C000C 3D80809C
818C37EC 7D8903A6
4E800421 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C257FFB0 0000000C
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FF2678 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800028
1C1B0248 819F0014
7D8C0214 398C00B4
806C000C 3D80809C
818C284C 7D8903A6
4E800421 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C256E688 0000000C
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809B
83FF1C58 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800028
1C1B0248 819F0014
7D8C0214 398C00B4
806C000C 3D80809B
818C1E2C 7D8903A6
4E800421 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

Code Creator: JoshuaMK

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  Hello everyone!
Posted by: TimeRhyme - 04-18-2020, 02:10 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Hello everyone! I'm a SMK, MK64, MKSC, MKDS and MKWii time trialer. I recently got started into doing time trial runs of MKWii last year though I did some before then but I wasn't as motivated to do it back then like I am now. As for MK64, I used to play that all the time with my younger brother back in the late 90's and it's really interesting to find new shortcuts and glitches in some of my favorite games.

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  Draw Image To Screen [Star / Riidefi]
Posted by: Star - 04-17-2020, 06:22 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

Draw Image To Screen [Star / Riidefi]

This code draws an image to the television screen. The steps below illustrate how to use the code:
1) Call the Init function at the address that corresponds to your game's region (NTSC-U = 0x80218D20, PAL = 0x80218DC0, NTSC-J = 0x80218CE0, NTSC-K = 0x80219134) with a pointer to the TEX0 file data in r3.
2) Call the DrawImage function at the address that corresponds to your game's region (NTSC-U = 0x80218EC4, PAL = 0x80218F64, NTSC-J = 0x80218E84, NTSC-K = 0x802192D8) every frame that you wish to have your image drawn on. The arguments for the function are as follows: r4 is the x1 coordinate of the image, r5 is the y1 coordinate of the image, r6 is the x2 coordinate of the image, and r7 is the y2 coordinate of the image.
3) When you are finished drawing the image, call the DeleteImage function at the address that corresponds to your game's region (NTSC-U = 0x80219194, PAL = 0x80219234, NTSC-J = 0x80219154, NTSC-K = 0x802195A8).

06218D20 00000718
9421FFF0 7C0802A6
4CC63182 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
3BFF925C 93C10008
7C7E1B78 387F004E
4BF897E9 387F009D
4CC63182 4BF897DD
387F00EC 4CC63182
4BF897D1 387F013B
4CC63182 4BF897C5
387F004E 4CC63182
4BF897B9 3C608022
80039438 2C000000
40820050 80ADA358
38600060 38800020
80A50024 480106F5
2C030000 7C7F1B78
40820010 3C608022
38639400 48000429
2C1F0000 41820014
7FE3FB78 7FC4F378
48000029 7C7F1B78
3C608022 93E39438
80010014 83E1000C
83C10008 7C0803A6
38210010 4E800020
9421FFE0 7C0802A6
90010024 93E1001C
3FE08022 3BFF923C
93C10018 7C9E2378
93A10014 7C7D1B78
80A40000 3C05ABBB
28005830 41820014
3C608022 3863925C
3863018A 480003A9
80BE0020 7FA3EB78
801E0010 54A6063E
A09E001C A0BE001E
7CFE0214 48000045
C03F0000 387D0020
C05F0004 FC600890
C09F0008 FCA00890
C0DF000C 4BF81C39
83E1001C 7FA3EB78
83C10018 83A10014
80010024 7C0803A6
38210020 4E800020
7C892378 7CA82B78
7CC03378 7CE43B78
7D254B78 7D064378
7C070378 39000000
39200000 39400000
4BF57898 3C608022
80639438 2C030000
4D820020 48000008
4E800020 9421FF80
7C0802A6 3D208022
90010084 3C004330
C029923C 3D008022
DBE10078 FC400890
C0C8924C DBC10070
FCA00890 BF410058
3FE08022 90010038
7C7A1B78 C89F9254
7C9B2378 90010040
7CBC2B78 7CDD3378
7CFE3B78 814D93C8
814A0044 814A0000
A06A0004 A00A0006
9061003C 90010044
C8610038 C8010040
EFE32028 EFC02028
FC60F890 FC80F090
38600000 FC00F01E
38800000 D8210048
D8010050 80A1004C
80010054 54A5043E
5406043E 4BF5A3FD
387A0020 38800001
4BF59FDD 38610008
4BF80CBD 38610008
38800000 4BF5A0B9
38600000 4BF5A1B9
38600001 4BF574E9
38600002 38800001
38A00000 38C00003
4BF59705 38600001
4BF5974D 38600000
4BF58AB1 38600000
4BF56329 4BF54BA1
38600000 38800009
38A00000 38C00004
38E00000 4BF54BBD
38600009 38800001
4BF542ED 38600000
3880000D 38A00001
38C00001 38E00000
4BF54B99 3860000D
38800001 4BF542C9
38600001 4BF554C1
38600001 4BF591BD
38600004 38800000
38A00000 38C00000
38E00000 39000000
39200002 4BF57465
7F43D378 38800000
4BF57E15 38600000
38800001 38A00004
38C0003C 38E00000
3900007D 4BF55249
38600000 38800000
38A00000 38C000FF
4BF59005 38600000
38800001 4BF58AF9
38600080 38800000
38A00004 4BF55F8D
9361003C 3C80CC01
C85F9254 38600000
C8010038 93810044
38000001 EC201028
C8010040 D0248000
EC201028 93A1003C
D0248000 C8010038
98648000 EC201028
93810044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
93A1003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
9361003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98048000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
98648000 98048000
CBE10078 CBC10070
BB410058 80010084
7C0803A6 38210080
4E800020 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
807F9438 2C030000
41820018 808DA358
80840024 48010645
38000000 901F9438
80010014 83E1000C
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 9421FEF0
7C0802A6 3CA08022
4CC63182 90010114
7C661B78 38610010
38A5925C 38800100
4BDF7BD9 3C80FF01
3804FFFF 9001000C
90010008 3861000C
38810008 38A10010
4BF8BBFD 80010114
7C0803A6 38210110
4E800020 00000000
43E40000 44180000
BF800000 3F800000
00000000 43300000
00000000 5B447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E5D0A0A 25730A0A
42792053 74617220
26205269 69646566
690A4275 696C643A
20417072 20313220
32303230 2030303A
30303A30 30202845
29002D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D0A
003C3C20 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 3E3E0A00
3C3C2020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20204279
20537461 72202620
52696964 65666920
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
2020203E 3E0A003C
3C202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202042
75696C64 3A204170
72203132 20323032
30203030 3A30303A
30302028 45292020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20203E3E 0A00496E
76616C69 64205445
58302066 696C6520
6D616769 63202100
4661696C 65642074
6F20616C 6C6F6361
7465206D 656D6F72
79206672 6F6D2074
68652022 45474753
79737465 6D222068
65617020 21000000

06218DC0 00000718
9421FFF0 7C0802A6
4CC63182 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
3BFF92FC 93C10008
7C7E1B78 387F004E
4BF897E9 387F009D
4CC63182 4BF897DD
387F00EC 4CC63182
4BF897D1 387F013B
4CC63182 4BF897C5
387F004E 4CC63182
4BF897B9 3C608022
800394D8 2C000000
40820050 80ADA360
38600060 38800020
80A50024 480109D9
2C030000 7C7F1B78
40820010 3C608022
386394A0 48000429
2C1F0000 41820014
7FE3FB78 7FC4F378
48000029 7C7F1B78
3C608022 93E394D8
80010014 83E1000C
83C10008 7C0803A6
38210010 4E800020
9421FFE0 7C0802A6
90010024 93E1001C
3FE08022 3BFF92DC
93C10018 7C9E2378
93A10014 7C7D1B78
80A40000 3C05ABBB
28005830 41820014
3C608022 386392FC
3863018A 480003A9
80BE0020 7FA3EB78
801E0010 54A6063E
A09E001C A0BE001E
7CFE0214 48000045
C03F0000 387D0020
C05F0004 FC600890
C09F0008 FCA00890
C0DF000C 4BF81C39
83E1001C 7FA3EB78
83C10018 83A10014
80010024 7C0803A6
38210020 4E800020
7C892378 7CA82B78
7CC03378 7CE43B78
7D254B78 7D064378
7C070378 39000000
39200000 39400000
4BF57898 3C608022
806394D8 2C030000
4D820020 48000008
4E800020 9421FF80
7C0802A6 3D208022
90010084 3C004330
C02992DC 3D008022
DBE10078 FC400890
C0C892EC DBC10070
FCA00890 BF410058
3FE08022 90010038
7C7A1B78 C89F92F4
7C9B2378 90010040
7CBC2B78 7CDD3378
7CFE3B78 814D93C8
814A0044 814A0000
A06A0004 A00A0006
9061003C 90010044
C8610038 C8010040
EFE32028 EFC02028
FC60F890 FC80F090
38600000 FC00F01E
38800000 D8210048
D8010050 80A1004C
80010054 54A5043E
5406043E 4BF5A3FD
387A0020 38800001
4BF59FDD 38610008
4BF80CBD 38610008
38800000 4BF5A0B9
38600000 4BF5A1B9
38600001 4BF574E9
38600002 38800001
38A00000 38C00003
4BF59705 38600001
4BF5974D 38600000
4BF58AB1 38600000
4BF56329 4BF54BA1
38600000 38800009
38A00000 38C00004
38E00000 4BF54BBD
38600009 38800001
4BF542ED 38600000
3880000D 38A00001
38C00001 38E00000
4BF54B99 3860000D
38800001 4BF542C9
38600001 4BF554C1
38600001 4BF591BD
38600004 38800000
38A00000 38C00000
38E00000 39000000
39200002 4BF57465
7F43D378 38800000
4BF57E15 38600000
38800001 38A00004
38C0003C 38E00000
3900007D 4BF55249
38600000 38800000
38A00000 38C000FF
4BF59005 38600000
38800001 4BF58AF9
38600080 38800000
38A00004 4BF55F8D
9361003C 3C80CC01
C85F92F4 38600000
C8010038 93810044
38000001 EC201028
C8010040 D0248000
EC201028 93A1003C
D0248000 C8010038
98648000 EC201028
93810044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
93A1003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
9361003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98048000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
98648000 98048000
CBE10078 CBC10070
BB410058 80010084
7C0803A6 38210080
4E800020 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
807F94D8 2C030000
41820018 808DA360
80840024 48010929
38000000 901F94D8
80010014 83E1000C
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 9421FEF0
7C0802A6 3CA08022
4CC63182 90010114
7C661B78 38610010
38A592FC 38800100
4BDF8699 3C80FF01
3804FFFF 9001000C
90010008 3861000C
38810008 38A10010
4BF8BBFD 80010114
7C0803A6 38210110
4E800020 00000000
43E40000 44180000
BF800000 3F800000
00000000 43300000
00000000 5B447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E5D0A0A 25730A0A
42792053 74617220
26205269 69646566
690A4275 696C643A
20417072 20313220
32303230 2030303A
30303A30 30202850
29002D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D0A
003C3C20 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 3E3E0A00
3C3C2020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20204279
20537461 72202620
52696964 65666920
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
2020203E 3E0A003C
3C202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202042
75696C64 3A204170
72203132 20323032
30203030 3A30303A
30302028 50292020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20203E3E 0A00496E
76616C69 64205445
58302066 696C6520
6D616769 63202100
4661696C 65642074
6F20616C 6C6F6361
7465206D 656D6F72
79206672 6F6D2074
68652022 45474753
79737465 6D222068
65617020 21000000

06218CE0 00000718
9421FFF0 7C0802A6
4CC63182 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
3BFF921C 93C10008
7C7E1B78 387F004E
4BF897E9 387F009D
4CC63182 4BF897DD
387F00EC 4CC63182
4BF897D1 387F013B
4CC63182 4BF897C5
387F004E 4CC63182
4BF897B9 3C608022
800393F8 2C000000
40820050 80ADA360
38600060 38800020
80A50024 480109D9
2C030000 7C7F1B78
40820010 3C608022
386393C0 48000429
2C1F0000 41820014
7FE3FB78 7FC4F378
48000029 7C7F1B78
3C608022 93E393F8
80010014 83E1000C
83C10008 7C0803A6
38210010 4E800020
9421FFE0 7C0802A6
90010024 93E1001C
3FE08022 3BFF91FC
93C10018 7C9E2378
93A10014 7C7D1B78
80A40000 3C05ABBB
28005830 41820014
3C608022 3863921C
3863018A 480003A9
80BE0020 7FA3EB78
801E0010 54A6063E
A09E001C A0BE001E
7CFE0214 48000045
C03F0000 387D0020
C05F0004 FC600890
C09F0008 FCA00890
C0DF000C 4BF81C39
83E1001C 7FA3EB78
83C10018 83A10014
80010024 7C0803A6
38210020 4E800020
7C892378 7CA82B78
7CC03378 7CE43B78
7D254B78 7D064378
7C070378 39000000
39200000 39400000
4BF57898 3C608022
806393F8 2C030000
4D820020 48000008
4E800020 9421FF80
7C0802A6 3D208022
90010084 3C004330
C02991FC 3D008022
DBE10078 FC400890
C0C8920C DBC10070
FCA00890 BF410058
3FE08022 90010038
7C7A1B78 C89F9214
7C9B2378 90010040
7CBC2B78 7CDD3378
7CFE3B78 814D93C8
814A0044 814A0000
A06A0004 A00A0006
9061003C 90010044
C8610038 C8010040
EFE32028 EFC02028
FC60F890 FC80F090
38600000 FC00F01E
38800000 D8210048
D8010050 80A1004C
80010054 54A5043E
5406043E 4BF5A3FD
387A0020 38800001
4BF59FDD 38610008
4BF80CBD 38610008
38800000 4BF5A0B9
38600000 4BF5A1B9
38600001 4BF574E9
38600002 38800001
38A00000 38C00003
4BF59705 38600001
4BF5974D 38600000
4BF58AB1 38600000
4BF56329 4BF54BA1
38600000 38800009
38A00000 38C00004
38E00000 4BF54BBD
38600009 38800001
4BF542ED 38600000
3880000D 38A00001
38C00001 38E00000
4BF54B99 3860000D
38800001 4BF542C9
38600001 4BF554C1
38600001 4BF591BD
38600004 38800000
38A00000 38C00000
38E00000 39000000
39200002 4BF57465
7F43D378 38800000
4BF57E15 38600000
38800001 38A00004
38C0003C 38E00000
3900007D 4BF55249
38600000 38800000
38A00000 38C000FF
4BF59005 38600000
38800001 4BF58AF9
38600080 38800000
38A00004 4BF55F8D
9361003C 3C80CC01
C85F9214 38600000
C8010038 93810044
38000001 EC201028
C8010040 D0248000
EC201028 93A1003C
D0248000 C8010038
98648000 EC201028
93810044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
93A1003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
9361003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98048000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
98648000 98048000
CBE10078 CBC10070
BB410058 80010084
7C0803A6 38210080
4E800020 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
807F93F8 2C030000
41820018 808DA360
80840024 48010929
38000000 901F93F8
80010014 83E1000C
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 9421FEF0
7C0802A6 3CA08022
4CC63182 90010114
7C661B78 38610010
38A5921C 38800100
4BDF869D 3C80FF01
3804FFFF 9001000C
90010008 3861000C
38810008 38A10010
4BF8BBFD 80010114
7C0803A6 38210110
4E800020 00000000
43E40000 44180000
BF800000 3F800000
00000000 43300000
00000000 5B447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E5D0A0A 25730A0A
42792053 74617220
26205269 69646566
690A4275 696C643A
20417072 20313220
32303230 2030303A
30303A30 3020284A
29002D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D0A
003C3C20 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 3E3E0A00
3C3C2020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20204279
20537461 72202620
52696964 65666920
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
2020203E 3E0A003C
3C202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202042
75696C64 3A204170
72203132 20323032
30203030 3A30303A
30302028 4A292020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20203E3E 0A00496E
76616C69 64205445
58302066 696C6520
6D616769 63202100
4661696C 65642074
6F20616C 6C6F6361
7465206D 656D6F72
79206672 6F6D2074
68652022 45474753
79737465 6D222068
65617020 21000000

06219134 00000718
9421FFF0 7C0802A6
4CC63182 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
3BFF9670 93C10008
7C7E1B78 387F004E
4BF897D1 387F009D
4CC63182 4BF897C5
387F00EC 4CC63182
4BF897B9 387F013B
4CC63182 4BF897AD
387F004E 4CC63182
4BF897A1 3C608022
8003984C 2C000000
40820050 80ADA380
38600060 38800020
80A50024 480109D9
2C030000 7C7F1B78
40820010 3C608022
38639814 48000429
2C1F0000 41820014
7FE3FB78 7FC4F378
48000029 7C7F1B78
3C608022 93E3984C
80010014 83E1000C
83C10008 7C0803A6
38210010 4E800020
9421FFE0 7C0802A6
90010024 93E1001C
3FE08022 3BFF9650
93C10018 7C9E2378
93A10014 7C7D1B78
80A40000 3C05ABBB
28005830 41820014
3C608022 38639670
3863018A 480003A9
80BE0020 7FA3EB78
801E0010 54A6063E
A09E001C A0BE001E
7CFE0214 48000045
C03F0000 387D0020
C05F0004 FC600890
C09F0008 FCA00890
C0DF000C 4BF81C21
83E1001C 7FA3EB78
83C10018 83A10014
80010024 7C0803A6
38210020 4E800020
7C892378 7CA82B78
7CC03378 7CE43B78
7D254B78 7D064378
7C070378 39000000
39200000 39400000
4BF575C0 3C608022
8063984C 2C030000
4D820020 48000008
4E800020 9421FF80
7C0802A6 3D208022
90010084 3C004330
C0299650 3D008022
DBE10078 FC400890
C0C89660 DBC10070
FCA00890 BF410058
3FE08022 90010038
7C7A1B78 C89F9668
7C9B2378 90010040
7CBC2B78 7CDD3378
7CFE3B78 814D93E8
814A0044 814A0000
A06A0004 A00A0006
9061003C 90010044
C8610038 C8010040
EFE32028 EFC02028
FC60F890 FC80F090
4BF5A0D5 FC20F81E
38600000 FC00F01E
38800000 D8210048
D8010050 80A1004C
80010054 54A5043E
5406043E 4BF5A125
387A0020 38800001
4BF59D05 38610008
4BF80CA5 38610008
38800000 4BF59DE1
38600000 4BF59EE1
38600001 4BF57211
38600002 38800001
38A00000 38C00003
4BF5942D 38600001
4BF59475 38600000
4BF587D9 38600000
4BF56051 4BF548C9
38600000 38800009
38A00000 38C00004
38E00000 4BF548E5
38600009 38800001
4BF54015 38600000
3880000D 38A00001
38C00001 38E00000
4BF548C1 3860000D
38800001 4BF53FF1
38600001 4BF551E9
38600001 4BF58EE5
38600004 38800000
38A00000 38C00000
38E00000 39000000
39200002 4BF5718D
7F43D378 38800000
4BF57B3D 38600000
38800001 38A00004
38C0003C 38E00000
3900007D 4BF54F71
38600000 38800000
38A00000 38C000FF
4BF58D2D 38600000
38800001 4BF58821
38600080 38800000
38A00004 4BF55CB5
9361003C 3C80CC01
C85F9668 38600000
C8010038 93810044
38000001 EC201028
C8010040 D0248000
EC201028 93A1003C
D0248000 C8010038
98648000 EC201028
93810044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
93A1003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98648000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
9361003C C8010038
98048000 EC201028
93C10044 C8010040
98048000 EC001028
D0248000 D0048000
98648000 98048000
CBE10078 CBC10070
BB410058 80010084
7C0803A6 38210080
4E800020 9421FFF0
7C0802A6 90010014
93E1000C 3FE08022
807F984C 2C030000
41820018 808DA380
80840024 48010929
38000000 901F984C
80010014 83E1000C
7C0803A6 38210010
4E800020 9421FEF0
7C0802A6 3CA08022
4CC63182 90010114
7C661B78 38610010
38A59670 38800100
4BDF838D 3C80FF01
3804FFFF 9001000C
90010008 3861000C
38810008 38A10010
4BF8BBE5 80010114
7C0803A6 38210110
4E800020 00000000
43E40000 44180000
BF800000 3F800000
00000000 43300000
00000000 5B447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E5D0A0A 25730A0A
42792053 74617220
26205269 69646566
690A4275 696C643A
20417072 20313220
32303230 2030303A
30303A30 3020284B
29002D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D0A
003C3C20 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20447261
7720496D 61676520
546F2053 63726565
6E202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 3E3E0A00
3C3C2020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20204279
20537461 72202620
52696964 65666920
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
2020203E 3E0A003C
3C202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202042
75696C64 3A204170
72203132 20323032
30203030 3A30303A
30302028 4B292020
20202020 20202020
20202020 20202020
20203E3E 0A00496E
76616C69 64205445
58302066 696C6520
6D616769 63202100
4661696C 65642074
6F20616C 6C6F6361
7465206D 656D6F72
79206672 6F6D2074
68652022 45474753
79737465 6D222068
65617020 21000000

- Due to this being a standalone code, only one image can be drawn at a time.

Code Creators: Star, Riidefi
Code Credits: Treeki

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Posted by: catlol - 04-17-2020, 08:05 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

name's cat
got bored 
soft-modded my wii
now im here
 Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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  Particle summon [Mewmaster99]
Posted by: Mewmaster99 - 04-16-2020, 10:44 PM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - Replies (2)

Particle summon [Mewmaster99]

The landing on the ground particle effect is continually played after you land on the ground once

0458E018 60000000

needs porting

needs porting

needs porting

Code Creator: Mewmaster99
Code Contributors: Fishguy (flatten toggle code)

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  Never Lose Coins [1superchip]
Posted by: 1superchip - 04-14-2020, 02:35 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - Replies (3)

Never Lose Coins [1superchip]

This code will cause coins never to be lost in coin runners.

04534F48 4E800020
04876008 4E800020

04539A90 4E800020
04882D60 4E800020

04539410 4E800020
048823CC 4E800020

04527AE8 4E800020
04871120 4E800020

Code Creator: 1superchip

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Star GeckoLoader - Wii/GCN Code loader!
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 04-12-2020, 04:53 AM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - Replies (12)

GeckoLoader v7.1.0

What is it?
GeckoLoader is a C++ written gecko code allocator for Wii/GCN games

How does it work?
It reallocates the memory in the target game to give reliable room for many codes

Where can I download it?

riidefi(Taught me C, and helped me debug any issues)
Wiimm and Leseratte(Basic idea)

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  Mii Heads On Minimap [JoshuaMK]
Posted by: JoshuaMK - 04-09-2020, 09:54 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - Replies (7)

Mii Heads On Minimap [JoshuaMK]

C27E18B8 00000006
2C03002A 40800024
2C060000 41820018
3D80809C 818CD918
818C0028 2C0C0000
41820008 3860002C
2C030018 00000000

C27EB164 00000006
2C03002A 40800024
2C060000 41820018
3D80809C 818C20D8
818C0028 2C0C0000
41820008 3860002C
2C030018 00000000

C27EA7D0 00000006
2C03002A 40800024
2C060000 41820018
3D80809C 818C1138
818C0028 2C0C0000
41820008 3860002C
2C030018 00000000

C27D9524 00000006
2C03002A 40800024
2C060000 41820018
3D80809B 818C0718
818C0028 2C0C0000
41820008 3860002C
2C030018 00000000

Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Code Contributors: Bully (Address)

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  speedometer help
Posted by: _tZ - 04-07-2020, 06:38 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests - Replies (21)

So, over the past couple of weeks, I've been working on a new version of the speedometer that hijacks a brlyt instead of drawing directly into the frame buffer. This works fine, but there are a few problems.

1. It hijacks the minimap brlyt, meaning that this happens.
[Image: uhoh.png]
2. All of the offsets i used for the proof of concept code are hardcoded, which means any other edits to the brlyt will make the speedometer not work.
3. There's a limit to 999 speed since I used picture panes instead of a text pane.

I've been trying to work on a new one that doesn't replace an existing brlyt, but I've ran into a pretty big roadblock there, too. I've figured out how to get other UI elements to load, and they work fine, but when I restart the time trial or exit course, the game crashes.

The function that generated the HUD elements to load is 0x80857CC0 PAL.
I don't remember what r3 does but r4 controls which hud elements show up.

Here's an example:
Most of the "i dunno" ones I'm just too lazy to figure out.
In time trials, r4 is set to 0b1000101101110.

1 - i think this is the "unable to save ghost" text that shows up after 6 minutes
0 - i dunno
0 - i dunno
0 - i dunno
1 - ghost time difference
0 - points in battle mode
1 - item roulette
1 - lap counter
0 - i dunno
1 - minimap
1 - countdown
1 - timer
0 - i dunno

Most of these if you try to replace or disable them the game just crashes, but I have had success replacing the points in battle mode. This means that the speedometer would have to be disabled in battle mode, but honestly who plays battle mode anymore lol
If we could figure out how to create new, completely different HUD elements, that would be even amazing and wonderful, but in my two attempts I have yet to have success. I also don't know how to get the files to load from anything other than Race.szs.

If we can figure this out, that would be amazing! We don't need to use the ugly white text on black background that only appears on every other frame! (You need a file with the brlyts, brctrs, etc. in it though)

I can't think of an interesting way to convince people to help with this, but I really hope this gets figured out!

edit 1: im pretty sure it only works in time trials when you arent racing a ghost)
and another important function is 0x805c2c60, InitializeOnScreenObject

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