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Fix for BRSTM with Fewer Audio Tracks [stebler] |
Posted by: Kazuki - 09-08-2023, 10:01 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- Replies (1)
Fix for BRSTM with Fewer Audio Tracks [stebler]
This code prevents the bgm from stopping due to the low number of tracks in BRSTM.
Original code was written by stebler as a part of mkw-sp.
I ported it to gecko code.
It is recommended to use with this code.
NTSC-K is not tested.
c20a4f10 0000001e
7cac2b78 558c463e
718c0080 2c0c0080
40820014 3d807fff
618cffff 7ca56038
480000c4 9421ff80
7c0802a6 90010084
bc610008 48000021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 3d608000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
7ca55b78 3d80800a
618c4f10 7d8803a6
4e800021 9061fffc
b8610008 80010084
7c0803a6 38210080
8181ff7c 2c0c0000
4182000c 38600001
4e800020 3ca08000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
3d80800a 618c4f10
7d8803a6 4e800021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 9421ffe0
60000000 00000000
0409ebd0 38000000
c20a4fb0 0000001e
7cac2b78 558c463e
718c0080 2c0c0080
40820014 3d807fff
618cffff 7ca56038
480000c4 9421ff80
7c0802a6 90010084
bc610008 48000021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 3d608000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
7ca55b78 3d80800a
618c4fb0 7d8803a6
4e800021 9061fffc
b8610008 80010084
7c0803a6 38210080
8181ff7c 2c0c0000
4182000c 38600001
4e800020 3ca08000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
3d80800a 618c4fb0
7d8803a6 4e800021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 9421ffe0
60000000 00000000
0409ec70 38000000
c20a4ed0 0000001e
7cac2b78 558c463e
718c0080 2c0c0080
40820014 3d807fff
618cffff 7ca56038
480000c4 9421ff80
7c0802a6 90010084
bc610008 48000021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 3d608000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
7ca55b78 3d80800a
618c4ed0 7d8803a6
4e800021 9061fffc
b8610008 80010084
7c0803a6 38210080
8181ff7c 2c0c0000
4182000c 38600001
4e800020 3ca08000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
3d80800a 618c4ed0
7d8803a6 4e800021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 9421ffe0
60000000 00000000
0409EB90 38000000
c20a5010 0000001e
7cac2b78 558c463e
718c0080 2c0c0080
40820014 3d807fff
618cffff 7ca56038
480000c4 9421ff80
7c0802a6 90010084
bc610008 48000021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 3d608000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
7ca55b78 3d80800a
618c5010 7d8803a6
4e800021 9061fffc
b8610008 80010084
7c0803a6 38210080
8181ff7c 2c0c0000
4182000c 38600001
4e800020 3ca08000
9421ff80 7c0802a6
90010084 bc610008
3d80800a 618c5010
7d8803a6 4e800021
9061fffc b8610008
80010084 7c0803a6
38210080 8061ff7c
4e800020 9421ffe0
60000000 00000000
0409ecd0 38000000
Code: #Source
#First ASM
#inject at 0x800a4f10 (NTSC-U)
#inject at 0x800a4fb0 (PAL)
#inject at 0x800a4ed0 (NTSC-J)
#inject at 0x800a5010 (NTSC-K)
.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12
.macro pushStack
stwu sp, -0x80 (sp)
mflr r0
stw r0, 0x84 (sp)
stmw r3, 8 (sp)
.macro popStack
lmw r3, 8 (sp)
lwz r0, 0x84 (sp)
mtlr r0
addi sp, sp, 0x80
.set region, 'K'
.if (region == 'P')
.set nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo, 0x800a4fb0
.elseif (region == 'E')
.set nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo, 0x800a4f10
.elseif (region == 'J')
.set nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo, 0x800a4ed0
.elseif (region == 'K')
.set nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo, 0x800a5010
mr r12, r5
rlwinm r12, r12, 8, 24, 31
andi. r12, r12, 0x80
cmpwi r12, 0x80
bne not_default_behave
lis r12, 0x7FFF
ori r12, r12, 0xFFFF
and r5, r5, r12
b skip_all
bl strmTrackInfoReadHook
stw r3, -4 (sp)
lwz r3, -0x84 (sp)
lis r11, 0x8000
#r3 = this pointer (nw4r::snd::StrmFileReader)
#r4 = pointer to soundInfo
#r5 = trackId
or r5, r5, r11
call_link nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo
stw r3, -4 (sp)
lwz r12, -0x84 (sp)
cmpwi r12, 0
beq read_track_0
li r3, 1
lis r5, 0x8000
call_link nw4r__snd__StrmFileReader__readStrmTrackInfo
stw r3, -4 (sp)
lwz r3, -0x84 (sp)
stwu sp, -0x20 (sp) #default instruction
Code: #Source
#Second ASM
#fix STRM params alloc channel count for brsar to 0
#replace at 0x8009ebd0 (NTSC-U)
#replace at 0x8009ec70 (PAL)
#replace at 0x8009eb90 (NTSC-J)
#replace at 0x8009ecd0 (NTSC-K)
li r0, 0
Super Ultrawide MK-Wii Code possible? |
Posted by: Sonic552 - 08-23-2023, 01:04 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- No Replies
Hi there,
this code is for widescreen 21:9
2.35:1 animorphic widescreen [Davidevgen NTSC-U]
change the FFAD000 to change the screen appearance optional.
048B053C 3FAAD000
Credited to Davidevgen
I want to know if the code can be edited to get a 32:9 code for (3840x1080)
I have no clue how to code myself. Anyways how big of a task is it?
How to change the text of credits |
Posted by: Zack - 08-12-2023, 03:58 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (3)
So i've been working on a Mario Kart Wii mod for a while and wanted to know how to change the text of the credits. (The one with the Staff Roll B music)
I know how to change the text normally for like the menus and stuff, but not this one.
Could someone please help!
EDIT: I know StaffRoll.bmg exists, I just don't know where
Skip Ghost Selection Screen [Gabriela_] |
Posted by: Gabriela_ - 08-10-2023, 08:16 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle
- No Replies
Skip Ghost Selection Screen [Gabriela_]
Considering most distributions don't support ghosts that screen becomes unnecessary for them. This code skips the screen and just shows start game confirmation instead.
028409FE 0000001F
04840A00 42800015
02825F9E 0000001F
04825FA0 42800015
0284006A 0000001F
0484006C 42800015
0282EDBE 0000001F
0482EDC0 42800015
Code created by: Gabriela_
Show Minimap Topography [Mu1hwu] |
Posted by: Mu1hwu - 08-05-2023, 11:54 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- Replies (2)
Show Minimap Topography [Mu1hwu]
Shows hidden topography on the Minimap.
00384CD8 00000000
00389060 00000000
003889E0 00000000
00377080 00000000
Code creator: Mu1hwu
Code credits: Ro (Console Support)
Show Item Boxes on Minimap [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 08-04-2023, 08:19 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
- No Replies
Show Item Boxes on Minimap [Ro]
This code will show item boxes on minimap as a dot. If an item box is destroyed, the icon will disappear until the item box respawns. You can also choose what color the icon will be. Unfortunately, there are two catches to this code: It will not affect moving item boxes (can only target one object at time, to be worked on a future version of the code) and the other one is that you MUST use the "Show Battle Map Icons" code by CLF78 (I did not include it in my code to not take any credits and to make sure people are aware of his code. "Show Battle Map Icons" code by CLF78: https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1840
This code can be modified to target any object of choice, this includes moving objects: Icons of the moving object will move on the minimap. It is possible that I will work on a v2 of this code where it affects all item boxes (both stationary and moving boxes) - 80887CDC call NTSC-U for reference.
I released a version of this code that shows EVERY object on the minimap: https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2211
Any region other than NTSC-U is untested!
04887C1C 48000024
04887C48 3AE00065
04887C44 3AA0000X
0488C04C 48000024
0488C078 3AE00065
0488C074 3AA0000X
0488B6B8 48000024
0488B6E4 3AE00065
0488B6E0 3AA0000X
0487A40C 48000024
0487A438 3AE00065
0487A434 3AA0000X
Icon Color (X Value):
1: Yellow
2: Blue
3: Red
4: Black
5: Grey
6: Dark Blue
7: Cyan (Recommended color)
8: Pink
Code Creator: Ro
Code Credits: CLF78 (Show Battle Map Icons)
Three In One Item Max Probability Code [Unnamed] |
Posted by: Unnamed - 08-04-2023, 06:52 AM - Forum: Online; Item
- No Replies
Three In One Item Max Probability Code [Unnamed]
This code increases the probability of getting an item of your choice to the highest value that the game allows. Also, you can change the behavior of the code by changing certain instructions. Here is an overview of the different modifications:
For the "Perfect Item Code": leave the code as it is. With this you will only get the item if it is allowed in the position for the current In-Race room size.
For the "Selective Item Max Probability": Change "2C000000" to "4C421182". This will give you the item even if it is not allowed in the position for the current In-Race room size.
For the "Positional Selective Item Max Probability": Change "2C000000" to "4C421182" and "4C421242" to "2C0C00PP". You will only get the item if you are in the position you have previously set in the code. Again, you will receive the item even if it is not allowed in the position for the current In-Race room size.
If your item is not available or you are not allowed to get it (Mega in Mega, or Triple Items in Triple Items), this address will not be called and the code will not work. Therefore it follows all item rules. In addition, I included a check of the ItemBoxSetting to make sure the code will not execute on special probability tables (like leafpiles or woodboxes).
NOTE: This code makes use of the adresses 0x8167000C to 0x8167000D. Make sure no other codes in your GCT are using those adresses.
C27AC9F4 00000003
3E408167 9892000C
98B2000D 7D124378
60000000 00000000
C27ACDDC 00000007
3D808167 896C000C
898C000D 2C0B0000
40820020 2C1500II
40A20018 4C421242
40A20010 2C000000
41820008 38007D00
7ED60214 00000000
E0000000 00000000
047ACDDC 7ED60214
E0000000 80008000
C27BB454 00000003
3E408167 9892000C
98B2000D 7D124378
60000000 00000000
C27BB83C 00000007
3D808167 896C000C
898C000D 2C0B0000
40820020 2C1500II
40A20018 4C421242
40A20010 2C000000
41820008 38007D00
7ED60214 00000000
E0000000 00000000
047BB83C 7ED60214
E0000000 80008000
C27BAAC0 00000003
3E408167 9892000C
98B2000D 7D124378
60000000 00000000
C27BAEA8 00000007
3D808167 896C000C
898C000D 2C0B0000
40820020 2C1500II
40A20018 4C421242
40A20010 2C000000
41820008 38007D00
7ED60214 00000000
E0000000 00000000
047BAEA8 7ED60214
E0000000 80008000
C27A9814 00000003
3E408167 9892000C
98B2000D 7D124378
60000000 00000000
C27A9BFC 00000007
3D808167 896C000C
898C000D 2C0B0000
40820020 2C1500II
40A20018 4C421242
40A20010 2C000000
41820008 38007D00
7ED60214 00000000
E0000000 00000000
047A9BFC 7ED60214
E0000000 80008000
XXXX = Controller Adress
YYYY/ZZZZ = Activator for Code
VVVV/WWWW = Deactivator
PP = Position to execute code (only in "Positional Selective Item Max Probability" modification)
II = Item to maximize Probability
II Values:
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shell
11 = Triple Red Shell
12 = Triple Banana
14 = Nothing
########## Store ItemBoxSetting and Position to Memory ##############
## Inject at ##########################
## NTSC-U: 807AC9F4
## PAL: 807BB454
## NTSC-J: 807BAAC0
## NTSC-K: 807A9814
lis r18, 0x8167 # r18 gets overwritten by default instruction.
stb r4, 0xC (r18) # store ItemBoxSetting to Memory
stb r5, 0xD (r18) # store Position to Memory
mr r18,r8 # default Instruction
############ Compare Variables, Max Out Probability ################
## Inject at ##########################
## PAL: 807BB83C
## NTSC-J: 807BAEA8
## NTSC-K: 807A9BFC
lis r12, 0x8167
lbz r11,0xC(r12) # Load ItemBoxSetting into r11
lbz r12,0xD(r12) # Load the Position into r12
############### Register Overview ###############
### r0 = Probability of current Item
### r11 = ItemBoxSetting
### r12 = Position
### r21 = Current Item
cmpwi r11,0 ## most important, compare the ItemBoxSetting to 0
bne- skip_max_out ## if not equal, we have a special item probability table, skip code
cmpwi r21, II ## then, compare current Item to the Item we want to max out the probability
bne+ skip_max_out ## if not equal, skip code
crset cr0 + eq ## either set the equal bit of cr0 (always equal) or compare the Position to the one we want to execute the code. Depends on modification.
bne+ skip_max_out ## if not equal, skip code
cmpwi r0,0 ## either compare the Probability of current Item to 0 or clear the equal bit of cr0 (never equal). Depends on modification.
beq- skip_max_out ## if equal, skip code
li r0,32000 ## Max out the Probability for this Item
add r22,r22,r0 ## Default Instruction, add the previous summed up Probability to the current one.
Code Creator: Unnamed