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  Artemis (PPC Instruction Simulator)
Posted by: Vega - 03-20-2024, 02:27 AM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - Replies (2)


Created by Vega

Version: 0.0-r059

What is Artemis?
Artemis is a bare-bones PowerPC 32-bit Instruction Simulator written in ARM64 Assembly.

Why the name Artemis?
Artemis is one of Daysha's cats. He is Waltress's brother.

Why write this in ARM64 Assembly?
Needed a project in ARM64 to work on after learning the language.

What can Artemis do right now?
Source does compile but it will most likely fault since current revision is untested. At the moment, Artemis can execute basic instructions in physical memory. IBAT translation works in theory. DBAT translation and Page Tables are not implemented yet. Cache is sort of implemented but won't work since MEI protocol isn't built yet. Effects from most items such as HIDx SPR settings are not working yet. Anything FPSCR related won't work either.

What do I need to run Artemis?
QEMU installed on a Linux Machine. Read the README.md for the rest.

What are the goals of Artemis?
The goal is to accurately simulate every Broadway instruction and register. Please note that this is *not* meant to replace Dolphin or even emulate a Wii.

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  Finding breakpoint for "Course Overview" cutscene
Posted by: seanmcnally - 03-17-2024, 12:09 AM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - Replies (5)

Trying to find a good insertion point for an event that doesn't really have any numbers associated with it, and isn't really triggered by anything other than normal game function - the opening "course overview" cutscene that plays at the beginning of each race.  The eventual idea is that I want to prevent the player from being able to skip this cutscene.  I'm guessing I can either nop out the function that skips it, or maybe find a way of preventing input while the scene is active.

The trouble is I'm unsure how to find the insertion point for something like this.  It's not an item, it doesn't really have to do with regular gameplay.  I tried putting a breakpoint on my controller to see if I could maybe figure out how the instruction is being executed when you skip the cutscene, but nothing I tried seemed to provide anything that made sense.  How would I go about finding the right insertion point?

Any tips greatly appreciated, thank you!

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  Condition box on Dolphin’s Breakpoint menu?
Posted by: seanmcnally - 03-16-2024, 02:59 AM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - Replies (6)

Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I haven’t been able to find any documentation on this. What exactly does the “condition” box do inside Dolphin’s breakpoint menu?[Image: 38df161860813b8846201.jpg]

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  Stop Time [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-13-2024, 07:48 AM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes - No Replies

Stop Time [Ro]

This code will "stop time" with a press of a button, quite literally. In other words, when this code is enabled, "everything" will "freeze", EXCEPT YOU - Items, CPUs, objects, timer,, UI animations and other elements will completely freeze/stop, EXCEPT FOR YOUR KART! You will be able to control your kart and throw stationary items while everything is frozen, since CPUs will be frozen you can abuse them by placing items in front of them or hitting or bumping them then unfreezing time, all actions done while frozen will be done after unfreezing. It is hard to explain, it is better to watch the demonstration video of the code by clicking here (poor showcase video). Press the set activator, the code will enable, press it again, the code will disable.

Unfortunately, this code is incomplete, there are elements I wanted to implement that I couldn't find or had issues and I have no more time or interest to look into these. These elements are:

Freeze FIB Anim (One that freezes it at the current rotation rather than forcing a specific one)
Freeze Character Anim That is In Play (Freezing character animation while one is playing, for CPUs)
Freeze Object Animation (Some objects are still animated, even though they are frozen)
Freeze Course Texture Animation (Found but instead of freezing it was currently, breaks it as if there was no anim present)
Freeze Explosion (So explosions are frozen during stop)
Better Freeze Items (Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like this game has a main calc function that handles multiple item stuff, including the explosion as well, so it's done in a bad way)
Freeze Kart Animation (Karts are still animated during stop)
No Engine Sound (One that changes live. Actually forgot to look into this)

This code is a recreation of Fosfour5933's Mario Kart 7 Stop Item Hack. I also made my own version of this code in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe just like how I did here for Wii, which is awesome and I could find all elements I wanted (pretty much like Fosfour's code), unlike here in Mario Kart Wii (but I didn't have enough interest and time to look into it all, so instead of fully abandoning it, I'm releasing as how it is). This may or may not be my last MKW code. Thank you for everything.

Credits to JoshuaMK for Kill Lakitu address, 1superchip for Remote Object Freeze address and Vega for POW Check address.

04530DBC 4E800020
04589870 2C030001
0458989C 2C030001
0460B39C 4E800020
04678700 4E800020
046898E0 38600000
04701934 4E800020
0471A290 4E800020
04790870 48000010
047960E8 480003A4
04796494 48000038
0479F034 60000000
047C3144 60000000
047C3E04 C025FFB4
047E4CC0 38030000
04816DE0 4E800020
048604E4 4E800020
048A1A04 00000000
CC000000 00000000
04530DBC 9421FFC0
04589870 7C030040
0458989C 7C030040
0460B39C 9421FFE0
04678700 9421FFE0
046898E0 3867FF38
04701934 9421FFC0
0471A290 9421FFE0
04790870 48045801
047960E8 408203A4
04796494 40820018
0479F034 90810054
047C3144 4BFFA475
047C3E04 C0231A00
047E4CC0 38030001
04816DE0 9421FF80
048604E4 9421FFD0
048A1A04 3F800000
E0000000 00000000

04535904 4E800020
04590094 2C030001
045900C0 2C030001
0463C7BC 4E800020
0467CB88 4E800020
0468DD68 38600000
047082D8 4E800020
0471E6C0 4E800020
0479987C 48000010
0479F0F4 480003A4
0479F4A0 48000038
047A8040 60000000
047D1BA4 60000000
047D2854 C025FFB4
047EEFD0 38030000
0482A8F4 4E800020
04864914 4E800020
048A6734 00000000
CC000000 00000000
04535904 9421FFC0
04590094 7C030040
045900C0 7C030040
0463C7BC 9421FFE0
0467CB88 9421FFE0
0468DD68 3867FF38
047082D8 9421FFC0
0471E6C0 9421FFE0
0479987C 4800FA35
0479F0F4 408203A4
0479F4A0 40820018
047A8040 90810054
047D1BA4 4BFFA475
047D2854 B01E00FC
047EEFD0 38030001
0482A8F4 9421FF80
04864914 9421FFD0
048A6734 3F800000
E0000000 00000000

04535284 4E800020
0458FA14 2C030001
0458FA40 2C030001
0463BE28 4E800020
0467C1F4 4E800020
0468D3D4 38600000
04707944 4E800020
0471DD2C 4E800020
04798EE8 48000010
0479E760 480003A4
0479EB0C 48000038
047A76AC 60000000
047D1210 60000000
047D1EC0 C025FFB4
047EE63C 38030000
04829F60 4E800020
04863F80 4E800020
048A5894 00000000
CC000000 00000000
04535284 9421FFC0
0458FA14 7C030040
0458FA40 7C030040
0463BE28 9421FFE0
0467C1F4 9421FFE0
0468D3D4 3867FF38
04707944 9421FFC0
0471DD2C 9421FFE0
04798EE8 4800FA35
0479E760 408203A4
0479EB0C 40820018
047A76AC 90810054
047D1210 4BFFA475
047D1EC0 B01E00FC
047EE63C 38030001
04829F60 9421FF80
04863F80 9421FFD0
048A5894 3F800000
E0000000 00000000

0452395C 4E800020
0457E0EC 2C030001
0457E118 2C030001
0462AAD4 4E800020
0466AF30 4E800020
0467C110 38600000
046F6680 4E800020
0470CA68 4E800020
04787C3C 48000010
0478D4B4 480003A4
0478D860 48000038
04796400 60000000
047BFF64 60000000
047BA480 C025FFB4
047DD390 38030000
04818CB4 4E800020
04852CD4 4E800020
04894B94 00000000
CC000000 00000000
0452395C 9421FFC0
0457E0EC 7C030040
0457E118 7C030040
0462AAD4 9421FFE0
0466AF30 9421FFE0
0467C110 3867FF38
046F6680 9421FFC0
0470CA68 9421FFE0
04787C3C 4800FA35
0478D4B4 408203A4
0478D860 40820018
04796400 90810054
047BFF64 4BFFA475
047BA480 C0231A00
047DD390 38030001
04818CB4 9421FF80
04852CD4 9421FFD0
04894B94 3F800000
E0000000 00000000

XXXX: Controller Address
ZZZZ: Button value

Code creator: Ro
Code credits: JoshuaMK (Kill Lakitu address), 1superchip (Remote Object Freeze addresss), Vega (POW Check address)

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  Total No Invincibility [Fishguy, Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:27 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

Total No Invincibility [Fishguy, Ro]

Removes every form of invincibility in the game. You will be able to get hit while in Star, Mega and Bullet by anything that normally gives damage; items, objects, other players Star/Mega/Bullet (but you can't hit them) and more, as well as addition of some fixes and improvements to the code. Recommended to use with "No Team Invincibility" (https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2147).

045633C0 60000000
0456E330 60000000
0456E34C 60000000
0456D8F4 60000000
04563390 48000020
0456E4A4 48000010
04579AF4 48000040
0457A3E4 48000040
04579F78 48000020
04703254 48000028
047033E4 4800003C
048170C8 48000038
048179D8 38000000
048179EC 38800000
04579AD4 60000000
0458E8A8 60000000
047D61A4 60000000
047D6310 38000000
047D74D8 60000000
047D8630 60000000
0456AED4 38000000
0456AEEC 60000000
0456AEF4 60000000
C256AEE4 00000004
80C4000C 80640008
80040014 70000002
4182000C 38C00000
38600000 00000000
C256AEE8 00000004
80E5000C 80050008
81640014 716B0002
4082000C 38E00000
38000000 00000000
C257A0B4 00000003
9003000C 39800000
B19C0194 558C023E
9983000E 00000000

04567740 60000000
04573180 60000000
0457319C 60000000
04572744 60000000
04567710 48000020
045732F4 48000010
04580358 48000040
04580358 48000040
045807DC 48000020
04709BF8 48000028
04709D88 4800003C
0482ABDC 48000038
0482B4EC 38000000
0482B500 38800000
04580338 60000000
047A93E4 60000000
047A9550 38000000
047AFA84 60000000
047B0BDC 60000000
0456FD24 38000000
0456FD3C 60000000
0456FD44 60000000
045950CC 60000000
C256FD34 00000004
80C4000C 80640008
80040014 70000002
4182000C 38C00000
38600000 00000000
C256FD38 00000004
80E5000C 80050008
81640014 716B0002
4082000C 38E00000
38000000 00000000
C2580918 00000003
9003000C 39800000
B19C0194 558C023E
9983000E 00000000

045670C0 60000000
04572B00 60000000
04572B1C 60000000
045720C4 60000000
04567090 48000020
04572C74 48000010
0457FCD8 48000040
0457FCD8 48000040
0458015C 48000020
04709264 48000028
047093F4 4800003C
0482A248 48000038
0482AB58 38000000
0482AB6C 38800000
0457FCB8 60000000
04594A4C 60000000
047A8A50 60000000
047A8BBC 38000000
047AF0F0 60000000
047B0248 60000000
0456F6A4 38000000
0456F6BC 60000000
0456F6C4 60000000
C256F6B4 00000004
80C4000C 80640008
80040014 70000002
4182000C 38C00000
38600000 00000000
C256F6B8 00000004
80E5000C 80050008
81640014 716B0002
4082000C 38E00000
38000000 00000000
C2580298 00000003
9003000C 39800000
B19C0194 558C023E
9983000E 00000000

04555798 60000000
045611D8 60000000
045611F4 60000000
0456079C 60000000
04555768 48000020
0456134C 48000010
0456E3B0 48000040
0456E3B0 48000040
0456E834 48000020
046F7FA0 48000028
046F8130 4800003C
04818F9C 48000038
048198AC 38000000
048198C0 38800000
0456E390 60000000
047977A4 60000000
04797910 38000000
0479DE44 60000000
0479EF9C 60000000
0455DD7C 38000000
0455DD94 60000000
0455DD9C 60000000
04583124 60000000
C255DD8C 00000004
80C4000C 80640008
80040014 70000002
4182000C 38C00000
38600000 00000000
C255DD90 00000004
80E5000C 80050008
81640014 716B0002
4082000C 38E00000
38000000 00000000
C256E970 00000003
9003000C 39800000
B19C0194 558C023E
9983000E 00000000

Code creator: Fishguy (Base code), Ro

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  Upside Down Player [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:26 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item - No Replies

Upside Down Player [Ro]

This code makes you (only you) upside down. The way the code was made is extremely bad and you slide a lot with it. You can only properly move and turn with "Turn in Place" (https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2135) and "Turn in Air" (https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2136).

C2597350 00000004
3D8042B4 91830088
3980003A 9983008C
99830094 80030008
60000000 00000000

C25A2388 00000004
3D8042B4 91830088
3980003A 9983008C
99830094 80030008
60000000 00000000

C25A1D08 00000004
3D8042B4 91830088
3980003A 9983008C
99830094 80030008
60000000 00000000

C25903E0 00000004
3D8042B4 91830088
3980003A 9983008C
99830094 80030008
60000000 00000000

Code creator: Ro

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  No Item Clear After Finish [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:21 PM - Forum: Online; Item - No Replies

No Item Loss v2 [Ro]

Unlike XeR's version, this code is one line and allows items to be dropped after race ends.

047ADF94 4E800020

047BC9F4 4E800020

047BC060 4E800020

047AADB4 4E800020

Code creator: Ro

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  No Team Invincibility [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:17 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

No Team Invincibility [Ro]

Removes team invincibility, allowing to hit teammates and yourself, as well as other things like shells targetting, passing TCs and more... Does NOT include point gaining.

04535050 60000000
04533EE8 60000000
0456AF40 60000000
0456E45C 60000000
0456D804 60000000
0479A42C 60000000
0479A448 60000000
047A15BC 60000000
047A1714 60000000
047D5738 60000000
047D6644 60000000
047D65A8 60000000
047D8630 60000000
047A923C 60000000
047D98F8 60000000

04539B98 60000000
04538A30 60000000
0456FD90 60000000
04572634 60000000
04572654 60000000
047A3438 60000000
047A3454 60000000
04708A54 60000000
047AC3BC 60000000
047A8978 60000000
047A9884 60000000
047A97E8 60000000
047B0BDC 60000000
047B7C9C 60000000
047B1EA4 60000000

04539518 60000000
045383B0 60000000
0456F710 60000000
04571FB4 60000000
04571FD4 60000000
047A2AA4 60000000
047A2AC0 60000000
047080C0 60000000
047ABA28 60000000
047A7FE4 60000000
047A8EF0 60000000
047A8E54 60000000
047B0248 60000000
047B7308 60000000
047B1510 60000000

04527BF0 60000000
04526A88 60000000
0455DDE8 60000000
0456068C 60000000
045606AC 60000000
047917F8 60000000
04791814 60000000
046F6DFC 60000000
0479A77C 60000000
04796D38 60000000
04797C44 60000000
04797BA8 60000000
0479EF9C 60000000
047A605C 60000000
047A0264 60000000

Code creator: Ro

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  No Toadette Hair [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:07 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - No Replies

No Toadette Hair [Ro]

Removes Toadette hair. Can be used for character replacement without needing to add hair model (which if missing, crashes). Can add hair to other characters by changing compare or making hook for multiple characters, as long as hair model is added.

047B9F50 38000000

047C89B0 38000000

047C801C 38000000

047B6D70 38000000

Code creator: Ro

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  Battle Blinking Invincibility in VS [Ro]
Posted by: _Ro - 03-08-2024, 07:05 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

Battle Blinking Invincibility in VS [Ro]

After getting hit, you will be blinking invincible for a period like in Battle.

04563104 4800001C
0457B168 48000020

04567484 4800001C
045817CC 48000020

04566E04 4800001C
0458114C 48000020

045554DC 4800001C
0456F824 48000020

Code creator: Ro

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