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Guide to perma patch ISO with GCT File |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:39 AM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin
- Replies (3)
Guide to perma patch ISO with GCT File
Please note that this guide is designed for Linux. You can still do this on Windows but you need to change the path to directories accordingly.
Guide assumes a GCT file has already been made. Guide also assumes you are somewhat familiar with WIT & SZS Tools. This also works for WBFS files.
1. Make a copy of your ISO, rename it whatever helps you know its a copy ready for editing.
2. Open a terminal & cd to the location of your copied ISO
3. wit extract ExampleTest.iso /home/yourusername/Test (do not create Test folder beforehand or else WIT will show an error, the wit command will create the folder for you)
4. Main.dol is located in /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys/main.dol (you will not have a DATA folder if your ISO/WBFS is fully scrubbed)
5. Take your gct file and place it in the /sys directory alongside the main.dol
6. cd /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys
7. wstrt analyze main.dol
8. No patches should be present, original version of main.dol should be found
9. wstrt patch main.dol --add-section nameofgctfile.gct
10. wstrt analyze main.dol
11. Three items should be listed - VBI Hook address, Section T1 modified, and Additional section T2
12. Move the gct file out of the /sys directory and back to wherever you had it before
13. cd /home/yourusername
14. wit copy ./Test /home/yourusername/ExampleDone.iso
15. add ISO to USB, congratz
-Ocarina must be OFF or GCT file will not work
-Having a separate standard GCT file in your codes folder while ocarina is ON will also render the GCT file within the main.dol useless.
Guide to "Victory Live Replay" for TT Video Recording |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:39 AM - Forum: Other
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1. Whatever character is used in the TT you plan on recording, be sure you have that character unlocked. Same goes with the vehicle and track.
2. Complete a TT on said track fast enough to unlock the expert staff ghost.
3. Edit your ISO to replace the expert staff ghost with the TT ghost you plan on recording. Guide to replace expert staff ghost - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=31
4. Make a GCT file with the Live Replay Code. Link to Code - http://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1035
5. Race against the Expert Staff Ghost (you will copy it moves), wait for at least a split second then pause.
6. Exit back to the course selection screen (don't go back to main menu).
7. Now instead of choosing to race the expert ghost, choose Solo Race.
8. Now the character will race with live replay code as if it was a Live TT.
9. Once the character finishes the race, it will make an actual Victory result/celebration along with the 3lap/flap times flashing in red because you beat the temporary PR that was set earlier to initially unlock the expert staff ghost from Step 3.
10. Congratz! Some notes....
- This obviously won't work if the recorded TT is slower than temp PR used to unlock expert staff ghost.
- Flap won't flash red if the temp PR had a better flap time.
Softmod any Wii (3.0 - 4.3) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:38 AM - Forum: HBC & General Wii Softmodding
- Replies (3)
Softmod Any Wii
NOTICE: This is a full blown Softmod Guide that will patch many of your Wii's IOS's among other things (such as MIOS/Gamecube-related patches). If you are simply just wanting to install the bare minimum to play MKWii on a USB stick, then read this guide instead -> https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1614
READ this entire guide TWICE before attempting. I am not responsible if you end up bricking your Wii.
What you NEED:
A Wii on system menu 3.0 or higher. This Guide is NOT for the Wii Mini or the Wii U.
NOTE: You will need an SD card. If you are below system menu 4.0, you can only use SD cards 2GB or less in size. I recommend buying the Sandisk 2 GB standard SD card. If you are on 4.0 - 4.3, I recommend buying a Sandisk 4GB SDHC (which are actually cheaper than the 2GB cards because of supply & demand). You can view this thread HERE for other options on SD card compatibility.
Another note about the SD card size: In this guide, you will eventually be recommended to do a NAND backup (if possible). Your SD card needs to be at least 1 GB in size to do the backup.
IF YOU ARE ON SYSTEM MENU 3.0/3.1, then you will need an older Wii Remote (one that does NOT say Motion Plus on it). I highly recommend you do a standard update (via Wii Settings) to 4.3. The softmod for a 3.0/3.1 system contains some extra needed steps, it would be easier for you just to update the Wii.
Your Computer OS will also need to be able to unzip plain-jane .zip files.
New batteries in your Wii Remote
Do a full format (FAT32) on your SD card to wipe it clean.
We need to first install HBC . Depending on your system menu version, choose the correct link below.
NOTE: If you already have HBC installed, and you do NOT have Bootmii installed, you still need to follow the correct thread below to re-run the Hackmii installer to install Bootmii, just simply skip the 'Install the Homebrew Channel' option once you are at the main menu of the installer.
Install HBC on 4.3 - HERE
Install HBC on 4.2 - HERE
Install HBC on 3.0 - 4.1 - HERE
Follow the guide on the thread that is for your system menu version. HOWEVER, do not exit the Hackmii Installer after installing HBC. We will need to also install BootMii. Bootmii is a form of 'brick prevention'.
To Install Bootmii:
If you listened to the above instructions, you should still be in the Hackmii Installer. Navigate back to the Main Menu (where the options 'Install Homebrew Channel' and 'Install Bootmii' are listed).
Select 'Bootmii...'
Select 'Install Bootmii as boot2' if possible. If not, then select 'Install Bootmii as an IOS'. Click Yes, Continue.
Bootmii will mount the SD card and write some files. Then click “Install Bootmii now?” Click Yes, Continue. Once Bootmii is installed, click Continue.
Click Prepare the SD-card, click yes, continue. Once done, click Continue.
Click Return to Main Menu
Click Exit (you will be brought back to HBC). You should now see a blank HBC channel with bubbles floating in the background.
If your Wii does NOT have GCN ports, SKIP to chapter 3. It is useless to do a NAND backup because it is impossible to restore your NAND because a GCN is required for that action if ever needed.
If you installed Bootmii as an IOS, press the Home Button. Click the option Launch Bootmii.
If you were lucky and you installed Bootmii as Boot2, you won’t have the Launch Bootmii option within HBC. Simply power off the Wii and turn it back on, Bootmii will appear automatically.
If you have a GCN, plug it in now.
If you don't have a GCN plugged in, you have to use the console buttons to navigate through Bootmii.
CONSOLE NAVIGATION BUTTON KEYS: Power = Right, Eject = Left, Reset = Select
Press these buttons in this order: Power, Power, Power, Reset, Reset
(Or select the very far right option, then select the first option)
The NAND backup will now begin. Green blocks will start filling in the gray grid. Takes about 7-10 minutes. Once the backup is finished, Bootmii will verify the backup. There is an option to skip the verification, but do NOT skip it. Allow the verification to be fully completed before exiting.
NOTE: It is normal to have factory bad (black) blocks. Most Wii's average 5 – 10 bad blocks.
Once verification has been completed, hit any button to exit.
To exit bootmii press these console buttons in this order – Power, Power, Power, Reset, Reset. (Or select the far right option, then the first option)
Wii will now reboot to the Wii Main Menu.
Take SD card out of Wii and put in computer.
Backup these files for safekeeping:
Format SD card to FAT32 (quick format)
Remove all GCN controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices, discs from your Wii. Don't lose power to your Wii at any time. If it is thundering and lightning outside, wait another day to softmod.
Download the mod pack that applies to your current System Menu.
CAUTION: Both modpacks include System Menus for all 4 regions plus the AnyRegionChanger HBC app; this allows you to region change if you desire. However, I do not recommend it. This guide will not teach you how to region change the Wii, as it is pointless. Korean & Japanese system menus might look cool but they offer no actual benefits. Wii Region Changing will brick your Wii if you mess up. When you get to "PART 2: INSTALL 4.1 SYSTEM MENU", choose the system menu region that matches your current system menu region!
Choose the correct Mod Pack based on your system menu version -
List of Mod Packs:
(For sys menus 3.2 – 4.3)
SoftmodWiiMod.zip (WiiMod) - Add me on discord (vega8365).
(For sys menus 3.0 & 3.1)
SoftmodMMM.zip (MultiModManager aka MMM) - Add me on discord (vega8365).
Extract/unzip the SoftmodWiiMod.zip file.
You will see 2 items: apps folder and wads folder.
SoftmodMMM.zip users will see 4 items: The 2 items listed above plus a mmmconfig.txt file and a IOS36v3551.wad file.
Copy & paste those items to the root of your SD card.
Put SD card back into your Wii.
PART 1a: INSTALLING IOS 236 (for MMM Modpack users only)
If you are not using the MMM Modpack, skip to Part 1b)
-Launch the Homebrew Channel, then launch IOS 236 Installer
-IOS236 Installer v6 will load. Press 1 to start the application
-The installer will now want a IOS36 revision 3351 to use, you will be defaulted on the option – <Load IOS from SD card>, simply press A to select your SD card.
-Installer will complete some preparations, press A to start the install
-IOS236 installer will now say that step 1 is complete and you are now on step 2.
Do NOT press 1, it is a trick from the installer to stop piraters. If you Press 1, the installer will remove your IOS236; and if you re-run the app, it will say that it knows you are running it a second time and will block you from installing IOS236.
PRESS THE 2 button! IOS236 installation is now complete, hit any button to exit back to HBC
NOTE: If a wad fails to install, try to install that wad again. If the wad still fails, press B to go back to the main menu, select reload ios, reload ios236, then try to install the wad that is giving you trouble again. DO NOT PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEP UNTIL ALL WADS INSTALL
-Launch the Homebrew Channel, then launch Wiimod (MMM modpack users, launch Multi Mod Manager)
NOTE to MMM Modpack users: If you did the IOS 236 installation correctly, on the MMM Main menu screen it will say that IOS236v65535 was loaded. If not, you did the IOS 236 installation incorrectly, this needs to be done or else you don't have the access rights to install the wads to your Wii.
We are now going to install all the wads. There's a total of 54 wads we are going to install. You must follow this guide exactly because the wads must be installed in a certain order!!! Never Uninstall IOS, or System Menu, you will brick your Wii
You should be at the Main Menu of WiiMod/Multi Mod Manager
-Use the D-Pad on your Wii remote to scroll down to Wad Manager.
-Press A on Wad Manager.
-The contents of the wad folder of your sd card will appear (2 directories along with 25 wad files).
First, we want to install those 25 wads.
-Press (1) to select 25 wads for installation. Then press A to proceed.
-25 wads will now install. Will take a few minutes.
-After completion, press any button to continue.
NOTICE: If you already on system menu 4.1, you obviously don't need to install a 4.1 system menu. Simply proceed to PART 3.
NOTICE: If you are on 4.2/4.3, installing 4.1 is not needed but it is recommended. If you are too worried about accidentally installing the wrong region of menu and bricking the Wii, then just proceed to PART 3.
NOTICE: If you are on 3.0 - 4.0, then this step is required.
-Select the directory "System Menu-4.1X-vYYY" -press A
American Menu, X = U, YYY = 449
PAL Menu, X = E, YYY = 450
Japanese Menu, X = J, YYY = 448
Korean Menu, X = K, YYY = 454
-Press (1) to select 3 wads for installation - Press A to proceed.
-3 wads should install without error.
-Press any button to continue
-Press B to exit the System Menu directory
-Select "IOS-Update" -Press A
-Press (1) to select 26 wads for installation - Press A to proceed.
-26 wads should install without error
-Press any button to continue
WiiMod Users: Press the Home button to exit to HBC
MMM Users: Press the Home button, you are now at MMM Main Menu, press it again to exit to HBC
Launch Priiloader
Read the warning, Press + (plus button) to install.
When finished, Priiloader will tell you to Press the A button to exit back to Loader. Press A.
You should now be back at HBC. Press AND HOLD the Reset button on the Wii console, keep holding reset- priiloader will load. It is a black screen with some white text that read System Menu on top that is highlighted in yellow.
Select "System Menu Hacks"- Press A
Enable these 5 hacks:
"Block Disk Updates"
"Block Online Updates"
"Remove Diagnostic Disc Check"
"Move Disc Channel"
“Auto Press A at Health Screen”
Select Save settings -Press A. Settings will now be saved.
Press B to go back to the main priiloader screen
Select System Menu at the very top.
Wii will now boot to the Wii Main Menu
SD card out of Wii and into computer. Quick Format to FAT32.
CHAPTER 5: APP PACK (Optional)
If you would like my personal SD card setup that I use, you can use my 'AppPack'. Add me on discord (vega8365).
Extract/unzip the download. In the folder called AppPack is all the files you add to the root of your SD card.
Of course, you can use your own SD card setup.
Well, that's it. Your Wii has a Full Softmod and has adequate brick-protection. You can now play games via ISO/WBFS (from a USB stick). A newbie tutorial to add ISO/WBFS files to a USB stick can be viewed HERE
If you don't have an ISO/WBFS file for your game, this tutorial HERE will teach you how to create one from your official disc.
Homebrew Channel by Team Twiizers
Bootmii by Team Twiizers
Hackmii by Team Twiizers
Original softmod guide by Mauifrog
Certain updates on softmod guide by Guides Bot
Bannerbomb by Comex
Letterbomb by Team Twiizers
PriiLoader by DacoTaco
How to Install HBC (BannerbombV1; for Menus 3.0 - 4.1) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:38 AM - Forum: HBC & General Wii Softmodding
- No Replies
What is the Homebrew Channel/HBC?
The Homebrew Channel is a hack/exploit installed on your Wii as a Channel. It allows you to hack your games and/or console.
NOTE: You will need an SD card. If you are below system menu 4.0, you can only use SD cards 2GB or less in size. I recommend buying the Sandisk 2 GB standard SD card. If you are on 4.0/4.1, I recommend buying a Sandisk 4GB SDHC (which are actually cheaper than the 2GB cards because of supply & demand). You can view this thread HERE for other options on SD card compatibility.
1. You need BannerbombV1 - Add me on discord (vega8365).
2. Extract/unzip the file. There is now a BannerbombV1 folder
3. Format SD card to FAT32 (quick format) to wipe it clean
4. Copy paste all the contents within that folder to your SD card
5. Insert SD into Wii, power on Wii
6. Go to Wii Settings – Data Management – Channels
7. Click on the SD card tab on the top right
8. You will be prompted if you want to load Boot.dol/elf. Click Yes.
9. WiiMod will load, navigate down to Wad Manager and Press A
10. You will be notified that a Fake Sign Patch may be required. Just press any key to continue.
11. You will be prompted to select the Storage Device, it should already be on “Wii SD Slot”, if it’s not navigate left/right to find that option.
12. Press A to continue
13. Press 1 to mark all wads for installation
14. Press A to install the 2 wads
15. IOS58 and IOS61 will install
16. Press any button to continue
17. Press the Home button (you will booted to the Wii Main Menu)
18. Put your SD card back into your computer
19. Right click on boot.dol and select Delete. You MUST delete this file.
20. Right click on hackmii and select Rename. Rename the file to boot.elf
21. Put the SD card back into your Wii
22. Go to Wii Settings – Data Management – Channels
23. Click on the SD card tab on the top right
24. You will be prompted if you want to load Boot.dol/elf. Click Yes.
25. Hackmii Installer Loads
26. Scam warning appears. Once Press 1 appears, Press 1 on wiimote
27. Install the Homebrew Channel
28. Once HBC is installed, Exit back/continue to the menu where you were initially at after the Scam Warning. Click Exit.
29. Now you will be at a blank HBC. Power Off Wii. Format SD card again to FAT32 to wipe files. Congratz!
How to Install HBC (BannerbombV2; for Menu 4.2) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:37 AM - Forum: HBC & General Wii Softmodding
- No Replies
What is the Homebrew Channel/HBC?
The Homebrew Channel is a hack/exploit installed on your Wii as a Channel. It allows you to hack your games and/or console.
NOTE: You will need an SD card. View this thread HERE for SD card compatibility. For system menu 4.2, I recommend buying a standard Sandisk 4GB SDHC card. You can find them easily online anywhere and they are actually cheaper than the 2GB cards (due to low supply of 2GB cards)
1. You need BannerbombV2 - Add me on discord (vega8365).
2. Extract/unzip the file. There is now a BannerbombV2 folder.
3. Format SD card to FAT32 (quick format) to wipe it clean
4. Copy paste all the contents within that folder to your SD card
5. Insert SD into Wii, power on Wii
6. Click the SD-ICON at the Wii Main Menu
7. You will be prompted if you want to load Boot.dol/elf. Click Yes.
8. WiiMod will load, navigate down to Wad Manager and Press A
9. You will be notified that a Fake Sign Patch may be required. Just press any key to continue.
10. You will be prompted to select the Storage Device, it should already be on “Wii SD Slot”, if it’s not navigate left/right to find that option.
11. Press A to continue
12. Press 1 to mark all wads for installation
13. Press A to install the 2 wads
14. IOS58 and IOS61 will install
15. Press any button to continue
16. Press the Home button and exit to the System Menu
17. Put your SD card back into your computer
18. Right click on boot.dol and select Delete. You MUST delete this file.
19. Right click on hackmii and select Rename. Rename the file to boot.elf
20. Put the SD card back into your Wii
21. Click the SD-ICON at the Wii Main Menu
22. You will be prompted if you want to load Boot.dol/elf. Click Yes.
23. Hackmii Installer Loads
24. Scam warning appears. Once Press 1 appears, Press 1 on wiimote
25. Install the Homebrew Channel
26. Once HBC is installed, Exit back/continue to the menu where you were initially at after the Scam Warning. Click Exit.
27. Now you will be at a blank HBC. Power Off Wii. Format SD card again to FAT32 to wipe files. Congratz!
Guide to replace Expert Staff Ghost(s) in ISO |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:37 AM - Forum: Other
- Replies (3)
Guide is designed for use in Linux. Guide assumes you are somewhat familiar with WIT & SZS Tools. NOTE: This also works for WBFS files.
1. Go to http://maschell.de/ghostdatabase/ to choose a ghost to download. You can use a different site but be sure the ghost has it's correct name for MKWii. If you aren't sure download a ghost from the site above matching the track of the ghost you are using and see what the name is for the ghost you downloaded.
2. Download the ghost.
3. Make a copy of your ISO, rename it whatever helps you know its a copy ready for editing.
4. Open a terminal: cd to the location of your copied ISO
5. wit extract ExampleTest.iso /home/yourusername/Test (do not create Test folder beforehand or else WIT will show an error, the wit command will create the folder for you)
6. Navigate to the /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/files/race/TimeAttack/ghost2 folder (you will not have a DATA folder if your ISO/WBFS is fully scrubbed)
7. Remove any ghost(s) you want and then add in the replacement ghost(s).
8. cd /home/yourusername
9. wit copy ./Test /home/yourusername/ExampleDone.iso
10. add ISO to USB stick, congratz!
How to Install HBC (letterbomb; for System Menu 4.3) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:36 AM - Forum: HBC & General Wii Softmodding
- No Replies
What is the Homebrew Channel/HBC?
The Homebrew Channel is a hack/exploit installed on your Wii as a Channel. It allows you to hack your games and/or console.
NOTE: You will need an SD card. View this thread HERE for SD card compatiblity. For system menu 4.3, I recommend buying a standard Sandisk 4GB SDHC card. You can find them easily online anywhere and they are actually cheaper than the 2GB cards (due to low supply of 2GB cards)
1. Make sure your Wii Date & Time Settings is on today's date.
2. Format your SD card to FAT32
3. Go to this link HERE. Enter in all the fields correctly. Be sure the "Bundle Hackmii Installer for Me" is selected.
4. Complete the I'm Not a Robot Captcha
5. Click on Cut the Red Wire
6. A Letterbomb.zip file will download
7. Extract/unzip the file
8. Move the private folder and boot.elf file to your SD card
9. Insert SD card into Wii, power on Wii
10. At the Wii Main Menu, click the Envelope on the bottom right
11. Now click the left arrow to go back to yesterday's date, and then click the right arrow to go back to today's date
12. Click on the envelope w/ bomb picture.
13. Hackmii installer loads
14. Scam warning appears. Once Press 1 appears, Press 1 on wiimote
15. Install the Homebrew Channel
16. Once HBC is installed, Exit back/continue to the menu where you were initially at after the Scam Warning. Click Exit.
17. Now you will be at a blank HBC. Power Off Wii. Format SD card again to FAT32 to wipe files. Congratz!
How to Fill in X,Y,Z Values for Cheat Codes |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:36 AM - Forum: Coding (Non-ASM) and Dolphin
- Replies (7)
How to Fill in X,Y,Z Values for Cheat Codes
This page will teach you how to fill in X,Y, and Z values of a code. For demonstration, we will be using the NTSC-U Remove Tagname code. You can find many many cheat codes in the Codes Forum HERE
A list of X,Y, and Z values can be found in this thread HERE
NTSC U Remove Tagname Code:
048A4414 2EDBE6FF
E0000000 00000000
048A4414 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
XXXX = Your Controller address, all XXXX values will differ depending on Player/Port 1,2 3, etc and what region your MKWii game is (NTSC-U, PAL, etc) For demo purposes, we will be using the GCN controller via port 1 for this code. Since the code is for NTSC-U, we will need the NTSC-U XXXX value for GCN port 1. That value is 3E80. Let's go plug in our XXXX values now.
048A4414 2EDBE6FF
E0000000 00000000
048A4414 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
The next step is to fill in the Z values. We will do the Y values last since there are two different methods for applying Y values. ZZZZ = Your Button values. These are region-free, but they differ depending on what controller you are using. Wii Wheel and Wii Chuck are the only controllers that share the same Z values. We want our Start button to activate the code and our L button to deactivate. ZZZZ value for Start button is 1080, and for L button is 00C0. Let's now plug in our ZZZZ values.
28343E80 YYYY1080
048A4414 2EDBE6FF
E0000000 00000000
28343E80 YYYY00C0
048A4414 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
It's time for the YYYY values. There are two methods to achieve the YYYY values depending on how you want to turn on/off your code(s).
Method #1 - Turning on/off your code while no other buttons are being pressed.
Method #2 - Turning on/off your code while other buttons are being pressed.
Method #1 is the easiest. You simply plug in 0000 for YYYY and you're done. Your completed code with method #1 looks like this...
28343E80 00001080
048A4414 2EDBE6FF
E0000000 00000000
28343E80 000000C0
048A4414 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
Method #2 requires a hex equation. That equation is YYYY = FFFF - ZZZZ. For assistance, you can use a Hex Calculator. Here's a good one - https://www.calculator.net/hex-calculator.html
For Start button, our equation is FFFF - 1080 = YYYY. YYYY thus equals EF7F.
Do the same equation for the L button and your result for YYYY is FF3F. Plug in the Y values and you will have finished your code via Method #2.
28343E80 EF7F1080
048A4414 2EDBE6FF
E0000000 00000000
28343E80 FF3F00C0
048A4414 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
Guide to access Wiimmfi (ISO) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:11 AM - Forum: Other
- No Replies
NOTE: You need HBC installed before doing this guide. Tutorial to install HBC is HERE
NOTE: You need a Wii with a softmod that's capable of running ISO's/WBFS's. My complete Softmod Guide can be found HERE
NOTE: This guide assumes you already know how to add ISO's/WBFS's to a USB stick and know how to launch ISO's/WBFS's
1. Download the MKW-specific patcher - HERE
2. Extract/unzip the download
3. There will now be a folder called mkw-wiimmfi-patcher-v6 containing some files/directories.
4a (Window Users): Move clean ISO into mkw-wiimmfi-patcher-v6 folder. Right click on patch-wiimmfi.bat file and run it as Admin.
4b (Linux Users): Move clean ISO into mkw-wiimmfi-patcher-v6 folder. Open a terminal. Within terminal, navigate to that folder. Run this command: sudo chmod a+x patch-wiimmfi.sh. Now run this command: sudo ./patch-wiimmfi.sh
5. The patcher will run. Once completed, the new ISO will be in a new folder called wiimmfi-images.
6. If this is your first time ever connecting to Wiimmfi, you will receive error code 23899. This means you must wait 7 days to actually get online, activation is automatic. Wait the 7 days, you should now be able to play online.
Guide to access Wiimmfi (official disc) |
Posted by: Vega - 02-15-2018, 12:11 AM - Forum: Other
- Replies (1)
NOTE: You need HBC installed before doing this guide. Tutorial to install HBC is HERE
1. Click on this link HERE to download the Auto-Wiimmfi-Patcher
2. Extract/unzip the download. Move the apps folder and bslug folder to your SD card. SD into Wii, Power on Wii. Insert MKW Disc
3. Make an Internet connection for your Wii in your Wii Settings
4. Go back to Wii Menu. Launch Homebrew Channel and launch the Wiimmfi Patcher app
5. Use a License that had an FC made on Wiimmfi already or use a License that doesn't have an FC registered yet. Connect to WiFi. If this is your first time ever connecting to Wiimmfi, you will receive error code 23899. This means you must wait 7 days to actually get online, activation is automatic. Wait the 7 days, you should now be able to play online.