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Coin Magnet [Unnamed] |
Posted by: Unnamed - 07-23-2024, 01:00 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle
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Coin Magnet [Unnamed]
Coin Runners only
Editing KMPs to move coins (and maybe start positions) has in my eyes two disadvantages: First you have to waste time to find the correct configuration of where to put them, and second you will not be able to play normal games anymore, unless you find a way to toggle between custom track files.
This is a much easier way to do "coin KMP" now, with this code! Simply press your activator and you will attract the coins like a magnet. Of course, this is only working for free coins. Works offline and online.
NOTE: You mustn't press any other buttons when pressing your button(s) to make the code work.
C27815F0 00000013
3D608034 A16BXXXX
280BZZZZ 40820080
8168FFD0 3D80808D
618C78EC 7C0C5800
4082006C 3D60809C
814BD110 818B8F68
898C0B84 814A0020
1D8C0004 7D8C502E
818C0000 818C0008
818C0090 818C0004
814C0068 816C006C
818C0070 91480000
91680004 91880008
91480034 91680044
91880054 9148009C
916800A0 918800A4
9148016C 91680170
91880174 C0250008
60000000 00000000
C2785A20 00000013
3D60803Q A16BXXXX
280BZZZZ 40820080
8168FFD0 3D80808D
618CC774 7C0C5800
4082006C 3D60809C
814B18F8 818BD728
898C0B84 814A0020
1D8C0004 7D8C502E
818C0000 818C0008
818C0090 818C0004
814C0068 816C006C
818C0070 91480000
91680004 91880008
91480034 91680044
91880054 9148009C
916800A0 918800A4
9148016C 91680170
91880174 C0250008
60000000 00000000
C278508C 00000013
3D608034 A16BXXXX
280BZZZZ 40820080
8168FFD0 3D80808D
618CB8C4 7C0C5800
4082006C 3D60809C
814B0958 818BC788
898C0B84 814A0020
1D8C0004 7D8C502E
818C0000 818C0008
818C0090 818C0004
814C0068 816C006C
818C0070 91480000
91680004 91880008
91480034 91680044
91880054 9148009C
916800A0 918800A4
9148016C 91680170
91880174 C0250008
60000000 00000000
C2773DE0 00000013
3D608033 A16BXXXX
280BZZZZ 40820080
8168FFD0 3D80808C
618CAC0C 7C0C5800
4082006C 3D60809B
814BFF38 818BBD68
898C0B84 814A0020
1D8C0004 7D8C502E
818C0000 818C0008
818C0090 818C0004
814C0068 816C006C
818C0070 91480000
91680004 91880008
91480034 91680044
91880054 9148009C
916800A0 918800A4
9148016C 91680170
91880174 C0250008
60000000 00000000
XXXX: Controller Adress
ZZZZ: Button
Q: Higher CA (PAL only)
Q = 5 for GCN controller
else Q = 4
#### Hook Adresses ####
### 807815F0 (NTSC-U)
### 80785A20 (PAL)
### 8078508C (NTSC-J)
### 80773DE0 (NTSC-K)
## The Hook adress seems like to be in a function that loads the coordinates of objects and then do some calculations (no Idea what lol), we can use this adress for our code. ##
## (Function name is BoxColManager_calc according to symbol map) ##
### RaceData ###
## 809B8F68 (NTSC-U)
## 809BD728 (PAL)
## 809BC788 (NTSC-J)
## 809ABD68 (NTSC-K)
### PlayerBase ###
## 809BD110 (NTSC-U)
## 809C18F8 (PAL)
## 809C0958 (NTSC-J)
## 809AFF38 (NTSC-K)
### CoinIdentifier ###
## 808D78EC (NTSC-U)
## 808DC774 (PAL)
## 808DB8C4 (NTSC-J)
## 808CAC0C (NTSC-K)
lis r11, CA_upper
lhz r11, CA_lower ## CA means controller adress
cmplwi r11, _button
bne skip
### r8 helds the pointer to the coordinates of the current object
lwz r11, -0x30 (r8) ## load Identifier adress of current object.
lis r12, CoinIdentifier_upper
ori r12, r12, CoinIdentifier_lower ## load Identifier adress of coin.
cmpw r12, r11 ## compare them, if they are not equal, this object is not a coin, skip code
bne skip
# if this is a coin, get the player coordinates and store them to the coin coordinates.
lis r11, RaceData_upper ## same as PlayerBase_upper
lwz r10, PlayerBase_lower
lwz r12, RaceData_lower
lbz r12, 0xB84 (r12) ## load player slot of local player
lwz r10, 0x20 (r10)
mulli r12, r12, 4
lwzx r12, r12, r10 ## load player base of local player
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lwz r12, 8 (r12)
lwz r12, 0x90 (r12)
lwz r12, 4 (r12) ## get pointer to coordinates
lwz r10, 0x68 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x6C (r12)
lwz r12, 0x70 (r12) ## load each coordinate in register
stw r10, 0 (r8)
stw r11, 4 (r8)
stw r12, 8 (r8)
stw r10, 0x34 (r8)
stw r11, 0x44 (r8)
stw r12, 0x54 (r8)
stw r10, 0x9C (r8)
stw r11, 0xA0 (r8)
stw r12, 0xA4 (r8)
stw r10, 0x16C (r8)
stw r11, 0x170 (r8)
stw r12, 0x174 (r8) ## we need to store each player coordinate to four different spots.
lfs f1, 8(r5) ## Default instruction
Code Creator: Unnamed
Code Credits: Vega (for Player Coordinate Pointer Chain)
Green Shell Character (Always Koopa Shell Lose Anim) [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 07-20-2024, 03:21 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Green Shell Character (Always Koopa Shell Lose Anim) [Ro]
Another silly and useless code. This code forces Koopa to do the losing animation, which is him going inside of his shell and never appearing again, thus, it looks like you're driving a green shell character. I had this idea after I had a memory of me recording that animation as a kid and pretending it was a custom character.
You can customize this code to affect more characters, change the desired animation or just use Force Character Animation (https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2208) to force every character to do a specific animation.
Second C2 hook is a fix to remove throw anim.
C27BD5D8 00000004
83E30000 83FF007C
2C1F000E 40820008
3880000A 7C9F2378
60000000 00000000
C27C3DB0 00000004
80030004 807E0000
8063007C 2C03000E
40820008 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000
C27CC038 00000004
83E30000 83FF007C
2C1F000E 40820008
3880000A 7C9F2378
60000000 00000000
C27D2810 00000004
80030004 807E0000
8063007C 2C03000E
40820008 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000
C27CB6A4 00000004
83E30000 83FF007C
2C1F000E 40820008
3880000A 7C9F2378
60000000 00000000
C27D1E7C 00000004
80030004 807E0000
8063007C 2C03000E
40820008 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000
C27BA3F8 00000004
83E30000 83FF007C
2C1F000E 40820008
3880000A 7C9F2378
60000000 00000000
C27C0BD0 00000004
80030004 807E0000
8063007C 2C03000E
40820008 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000
Code creator: Ro
Code credits: mdmwii (Character Animation Modifier and IDs)
Force Character Animation [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 07-20-2024, 03:17 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Force Character Animation [Ro]
This code will force every character to a desired animation. Replace XX with the animation ID. Can be modified to affect specific character(s), code example here: https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2209
047BD5D8 3BE000XX
047CC038 3BE000XX
047CB6A4 3BE000XX
047BA3F8 3BE000XX
00 = Turning
01 = Boosting/Splitstream
02 = Drift left
03 = Drift right
04 = Wheelie
05 = Accelerating/Driving
06 = Reversing/Looking Backwards
07 = Idle
08 = Win (two arms, 1st)
09 = Win (one arm, => 2nd)
0A = Lose
0B-0E = Freeze
0F = Another idle
10-13 = Freeze
14 = Hit Success/Cheer
15 = Throwing Item Forward
16 = No animation (Multiplayer/LOD?)
17 = Throwing Item Backward
1A = Damage/Out of Bounds
1B-1C = No animation (Multiplayer/LOD?)
1D = In air
1E = Trick
Code creator: Ro
Code credits: mdmwii (Character Animation Modifier and IDs)
Request: Disable CPU Rubberband Effect |
Posted by: Vega - 07-17-2024, 07:29 PM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (3)
For context, during offline VS Races, the CPUs will drive much faster if you are in 1st place. Can somebody make a code (or provide any address/documentation) to disable & enable this at will?
I would take a quick stab at this but I can't get Dolphin to work on my main computer.
Item Box Respawn Timer Modifier [Unnamed] |
Posted by: Unnamed - 07-15-2024, 11:23 AM - Forum: Offline; Item
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Item Box Respawn Timer Modifier [Unnamed]
This code will change the respawn time of the Item boxes. Like most Offline Item codes works online too, but only for you.
C28153C8 00000002
3980TTTT 919B00B8
901B00B0 00000000
C2828EDC 00000002
3980TTTT 919B00B8
901B00B0 00000000
C2828548 00000002
3980TTTT 919B00B8
901B00B0 00000000
C281729C 00000002
3980TTTT 919B00B8
901B00B0 00000000
TTTT = Timer in frames
Code Creator: Unnamed
Code Credits: Anarion
Force Character/Vehicle Color Modifier [Ro] |
Posted by: _Ro - 07-15-2024, 08:07 AM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects
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Force Character/Vehicle Color Modifier [Ro]
This code calls the N64 Sherbet Land frozen color so character/vehicle has the "white frozen color" at all times and allows you to modify the color to any of you want. If you don't use the line that modifies the color, the color will be frozen-like, very similar to "Platinum Runner". This code works for all players and in every course.
C269A6E8 00000006
93C10088 9421FF80
BC610008 807F0118
3D808058 618CB174
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
60000000 00000000
C269EB70 00000006
93C10088 9421FF80
BC610008 807F0118
3D808059 618C1998
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
60000000 00000000
C269E1DC 00000006
93C10088 9421FF80
BC610008 807F0118
3D808059 618C1318
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
60000000 00000000
C268CF18 00000006
93C10088 9421FF80
BC610008 807F0118
3D808057 618CF9F0
7D8903A6 4E800421
B8610008 38210080
60000000 00000000
04880084 RRGGBBFF
RRGGBB: Hex RGB color value. Original is C8C8C8
Code creator: Ro
Miniturbos and Inside Drift |
Posted by: Frosty815 - 07-11-2024, 08:08 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion
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I've got a few questions about modding vehicles. I'm able to edit the stats on cars and bikes turning them into inside drift. However, on outside drift bikes when you drift tightly the blue flashing becomes invisible. Is there any way to fix that? Also, are there codes for purple mini-turbos (like the ones found in RetroRewind) and/or a code that allows bikes to gain orange mini turbos? I found a thread that discussed that but not a code, however it seemed like everyone thought it would be possible. Anyone have any codes or ideas? Thanks!
CPU bot (Online) [marito_yo] |
Posted by: marito_yo - 07-10-2024, 04:41 PM - Forum: Incomplete & Outdated Codes
- Replies (2)
CPU bot (Online) [marito_yo]
Outdated by [CPU Bot (Online) v1.5]
Works for every game mode, modified for online usage without crashing
Note: seems to be more reliable with Karts than Bikes. The bot likes to drive off often
0452AA1C 60000000
C2721E40 00000003
80630038 2C030000
40820008 38600001
60000000 00000000
0452F564 60000000
C2726270 00000003
80630038 2C030000
40820008 38600001
60000000 00000000
0452EEE4 60000000
C27258DC 00000003
80630038 2C030000
40820008 38600001
60000000 00000000
0451D5BC 60000000
C2714618 00000003
80630038 2C030000
40820008 38600001
60000000 00000000
Code creator: marito_yo
Code credits: Dea00 [CPU bot[Dea]]
Request: f_itembox never respawns |
Posted by: JimmyKazakhstan - 07-07-2024, 05:31 AM - Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests
- Replies (7)
I'm working on an update for the Mario Kart DS Mission Mode Pack For Mario Kart Wii Mission Mode, a mod that recreated the Missions from Mario Kart DS. I asked about something for it here previously and the matter is now resolved! But I'm hoping to fix another issue.
An issue with the previous version of this mod was how easy moving itembox missions were. In Mario Kart DS, there's a few missions where you had to chase moving itemboxes and go through all of them to complete the mission. These type of missions were able to be recreated within MKW mission mode, but it's way too easy.
Moving Itemboxes are the KMP Object "f_itembox". They work as far as getting points for going through them, but they make the mission way too easy since they respawn way too fast and the player can just wait for them. There's no setting in the KMP that controls the respawn time for them.
Is it possible to create a code that would prevent this type of itembox from respawning once they've been collected? Other than this issue, this type of mission can be perfectly recreated. Any help would be appreciated!