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Posted by: cosmiic - 05-02-2019, 01:16 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (1)

hey, i'm cosmic. i started playing mkw competitively not that long ago and i hack for fun on the side. i'm trying to learn more than the basic activators and such about making codes and i just thought this would be the right place to come (:

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  Join Any Friends' Regional/Continental Race [Star]
Posted by: Star - 04-20-2019, 04:04 PM - Forum: Online Non-Item - No Replies

Join Any Friends' Regional/Continental Race [Star]

This code will allow you to join any friends' regional/continental race, regardless of your region.

C2655D6C 00000004
280000FF 41A20010
818D9400 818C0084
7D806378 981B25F0
60000000 00000000

C265A1F4 00000004
280000FF 41A20010
818D9400 818C0084
7D806378 981B25F0
60000000 00000000

C2659860 00000004
280000FF 41A20010
818D9400 818C0084
7D806378 981B25F0
60000000 00000000

C264850C 00000004
280000FF 41A20010
818D9420 818C0084
7D806378 981B25F0
60000000 00000000

Code Creator: Star
Code Credits: Riidefi

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  Perfect License Unlocker + VR/BR Modifier [Vega]
Posted by: Vega - 04-18-2019, 08:42 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - Replies (10)

Perfect License Unlocker + VR/BR Modifier [Vega]

This code will do one or both of the following...
1. Unlock Everything for all 4 licenses FOR ALL YOUR DATA SAVES (with whatever Star Rank you want)
2. Set VR+BR for all 4 licenses FOR ALL YOUR DATA SAVES
3. You also have ability to choose whether or not to apply 100% Wii Wheel Stat (for those who want Golden Wii Wheel); FOR ALL YOUR DATA SAVES

Instructions for filling in U,W,X,Y,Z values:

Set your 'user option' (the U value)
0 = Unlock Everything + choose Star Rank, Set VR & BR
1 = Unlock Everything + choose Star Rank, no VR & BR changes
2 = Set VR & BR, do NOT unlock

If you chose to do option 0 or 1, please also set what Star Rank you want (the X value). Regardless of what rank you select, you will have the gold icons/trophies for all the licenses.
0 = 3 Stars
1 = 2 Star
2 = 1 Star
3 = A Rank (0 stars)
4 = B
5 = C
6 = D
7 = E
8 = F

Please also set whether or not you want 100% Wii Wheel Stat (the W value)
0 = No, leave it alone
1 = Remove 100% Wii Wheel Stat
2 = Yes, set 100% Wii Wheel Stat

If a license slot doesn't have a license made, the code will make a new blank license for that slot (with no Mii applied). That way all 4 License Slots for all your Data Saves will have everything unlocked.

If your user option (U value) is 2, just set the X value to anything random, doesn't matter as the code will NOT do any unlocking.

The YYYY value in the code is the VR rating and the ZZZZ value is the BR rating. If your user option (W value) is 1, then set the YYYY/ZZZZ values to anything random, it doesn't matter as the code will NOT apply the VR/BR changes.

Example YYYY/ZZZZ value:
270F = 9999 VR/BR

Instructions on using the code:
All you have to do is boot MKWii. After a few seconds (your TV screen may show some visual glitches, this is normal), you will automatically be returned to the Wii Main Menu. And... that's it!!! You're done. You only need this run this code once. Congratz.

NOTE: If using this on Dolphin, the automatic return to the Wii Menu will likely fail (emulation freezes/glitches) but the code will still take effect.

C20095F4 00000042
3BE0000U 3BC00X00
3B80000W 3F600002
637B8000 3F408150
3F208016 3B003430
3B180001 2C18343A
41820020 2C183467
41820020 2C18353A
41820020 28183561
418101B4 48000018
3B003461 48000010
3B003530 48000008
3B003561 4800002D
2F746974 6C652F30
30303130 3030342F
35323464 34335858
2F646174 612F726B
7379732E 64617400
7C6802A6 B3030016
7C771B78 38800001
632CADBC 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C03FF96
41A2FF78 2C030000
41800144 7C761B78
7F44D378 7F65DB78
632CB15C 7D8803A6
4E800021 7C03D800
40820124 7EC3B378
632CB2E4 7D8803A6
4E800021 387A0008
3C800000 60848CC0
38A00004 3CC0524B
60C65044 90C30000
2C1C0000 4182001C
38000000 2C1C0001
4182000C 3C000001
6000869F 900300C0
2C1F0001 41820010
93A300B0 2C1F0002
41820040 3800FFFF
90030030 3C00031F
6000FFFC 90030034
38E301AF 38000020
7C0903A6 84070060
540000BE 60000080
54000626 7C00F378
90070000 4200FFE8
34A5FFFF 7C632214
4082FF84 7F43D378
389BFFFC 3D80801D
618C1C00 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C030000
4182005C 3C9A0002
90647FFC 7EE3BB78
38800002 632CADBC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800038
7C761B78 7F44D378
7F65DB78 632CB220
7D8803A6 4E800021
7C03D800 40820018
7EC3B378 632CB2E4
7D8803A6 4E800021
4BFFFE30 3D80801A
618C87B8 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000

C2009634 00000042
3BE0000U 3BC00X00
3B80000W 3F600002
637B8000 3F408150
3F208016 3B003430
3B180001 2C18343A
41820020 2C183467
41820020 2C18353A
41820020 28183561
418101B4 48000018
3B003461 48000010
3B003530 48000008
3B003561 4800002D
2F746974 6C652F30
30303130 3030342F
35323464 34335858
2F646174 612F726B
7379732E 64617400
7C6802A6 B3030016
7C771B78 38800001
632CAE5C 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C03FF96
41A2FF78 2C030000
41800144 7C761B78
7F44D378 7F65DB78
632CB1FC 7D8803A6
4E800021 7C03D800
40820124 7EC3B378
632CB384 7D8803A6
4E800021 387A0008
3C800000 60848CC0
38A00004 3CC0524B
60C65044 90C30000
2C1C0000 4182001C
38000000 2C1C0001
4182000C 3C000001
6000869F 900300C0
2C1F0001 41820010
93A300B0 2C1F0002
41820040 3800FFFF
90030030 3C00031F
6000FFFC 90030034
38E301AF 38000020
7C0903A6 84070060
540000BE 60000080
54000626 7C00F378
90070000 4200FFE8
34A5FFFF 7C632214
4082FF84 7F43D378
389BFFFC 3D80801D
618C1CA0 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C030000
4182005C 3C9A0002
90647FFC 7EE3BB78
38800002 632CAE5C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800038
7C761B78 7F44D378
7F65DB78 632CB2C0
7D8803A6 4E800021
7C03D800 40820018
7EC3B378 632CB384
7D8803A6 4E800021
4BFFFE30 3D80801A
618C8858 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000

C2009590 00000042
3BE0000U 3BC00X00
3B80000W 3F600002
637B8000 3F408150
3F208016 3B003430
3B180001 2C18343A
41820020 2C183467
41820020 2C18353A
41820020 28183561
418101B4 48000018
3B003461 48000010
3B003530 48000008
3B003561 4800002D
2F746974 6C652F30
30303130 3030342F
35323464 34335858
2F646174 612F726B
7379732E 64617400
7C6802A6 B3030016
7C771B78 38800001
632CAD7C 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C03FF96
41A2FF78 2C030000
41800144 7C761B78
7F44D378 7F65DB78
632CB11C 7D8803A6
4E800021 7C03D800
40820124 7EC3B378
632CB2A4 7D8803A6
4E800021 387A0008
3C800000 60848CC0
38A00004 3CC0524B
60C65044 90C30000
2C1C0000 4182001C
38000000 2C1C0001
4182000C 3C000001
6000869F 900300C0
2C1F0001 41820010
93A300B0 2C1F0002
41820040 3800FFFF
90030030 3C00031F
6000FFFC 90030034
38E301AF 38000020
7C0903A6 84070060
540000BE 60000080
54000626 7C00F378
90070000 4200FFE8
34A5FFFF 7C632214
4082FF84 7F43D378
389BFFFC 3D80801D
618C1BC0 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C030000
4182005C 3C9A0002
90647FFC 7EE3BB78
38800002 632CAD7C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800038
7C761B78 7F44D378
7F65DB78 632CB1E0
7D8803A6 4E800021
7C03D800 40820018
7EC3B378 632CB2A4
7D8803A6 4E800021
4BFFFE30 3D80801A
618C8778 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000

C200973C 00000042
3BE0000U 3BC00X00
3B80000W 3F600002
637B8000 3F408150
3F208016 3B003430
3B180001 2C18343A
41820020 2C183467
41820020 2C18353A
41820020 28183561
418101B4 48000018
3B003461 48000010
3B003530 48000008
3B003561 4800002D
2F746974 6C652F30
30303130 3030342F
35323464 34335858
2F646174 612F726B
7379732E 64617400
7C6802A6 B3030016
7C771B78 38800001
632CAEF8 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C03FF96
41A2FF78 2C030000
41800144 7C761B78
7F44D378 7F65DB78
632CB298 7D8803A6
4E800021 7C03D800
40820124 7EC3B378
632CB420 7D8803A6
4E800021 387A0008
3C800000 60848CC0
38A00004 3CC0524B
60C65044 90C30000
2C1C0000 4182001C
38000000 2C1C0001
4182000C 3C000001
6000869F 900300C0
2C1F0001 41820010
93A300B0 2C1F0002
41820040 3800FFFF
90030030 3C00031F
6000FFFC 90030034
38E301AF 38000020
7C0903A6 84070060
540000BE 60000080
54000626 7C00F378
90070000 4200FFE8
34A5FFFF 7C632214
4082FF84 7F43D378
389BFFFC 3D80801D
618C1FFC 7D8803A6
4E800021 2C030000
4182005C 3C9A0002
90647FFC 7EE3BB78
38800002 632CAEF8
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800038
7C761B78 7F44D378
7F65DB78 632CB35C
7D8803A6 4E800021
7C03D800 40820018
7EC3B378 632CB420
7D8803A6 4E800021
4BFFFE30 3D80801A
618C8BB4 7D8803A6
4E800020 00000000

Code creator: Vega
Code credits: RiiDefi (Helped w/ NetCalc function), Megazig (all other functions)


#Address Ports
#800095F4 = NTSC-U
#80009634 = PAL
#80009590 = NTSC-J
#8000973C = NTSC-K

#Compilation Region Setting
.set region, '' #Fill in E, P, J, or K within the quotes for your region when Compiling! Lowercase letters can also be used.

#Macros and Statements
.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro call_isfs address
ori r12, r25, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro call_nolink address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') #RMCE
.set ISFS_Open, 0xADBC
.set ISFS_Read, 0xB15C
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB220
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB2E4
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A87B8
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229490
.set NET_Calc, 0x801D1C00
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') #RMCP
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAE5C
.set ISFS_Read, 0xB1FC
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB2C0
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB384
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8858
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229814
.set NET_Calc, 0x801D1CA0
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') #RMCJ
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAD7C
.set ISFS_Read, 0xB11C
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB1E0
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB2A4
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8778
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229734
.set NET_Calc, 0x801D1BC0
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') #RMCK
.set ISFS_Open, 0xAEF8
.set ISFS_Read, 0xB298
.set ISFS_Write, 0xB35C
.set ISFS_Close, 0xB420
.set Wii_Menu, 0x801A8BB4
.set Egg_Alloc, 0x80229B88
.set NET_Calc, 0x801D1FFC
.else # Invalid Region

#Register Notes:
#r31 = User Option
#r30 = Star Rank
#r29 = VR+BR
#r28 = Wii Wheel % Option
#r27 = Data Save Size (0x28000)
#r26 = Pointer to read/write Data Save (0x81500000)
#r25 = ISFS Macro Upper 16 bits
#r24 = Data Save ASCII Edit
#r23 = File Address Pointer
#r22 = fd

#No need to backup anything. Code end in blr. Set User parameters
li r31, 0x0 #User Option, zero used just for compilation
li r30, 0x200 #User star rank option, one used just for compilation
lis r29, 0x270F #VR, random value for compilation
ori r29, r29, 0x270F #BR, random value for compilation
li r28, 0x2 #User wii wheel stat option, one used just for compilation

#Set Size & Heap for Data Save (set it at 0x81500000); has to be 32-byte aligned btw for ISFS Write & Read
lis r27, 0x0002
ori r27, r27, 0x8000
lis r26, 0x8150

#Set ISFS Macro Register, Setup/Check ASCII Mega Loop
lis r25, 0x8016

#41 = 3431 = RMCA
#42 = 3432 = RMCB
#43 = 3433 = RMCC
#44 = 3434 = RMCD
#45 = 3435 = RMCE
#46 = 3436 = RMCF
#47 = 3437 = RMCG
#48 = 3438 = RMCH
#49 = 3439 = RMCI
# first step
#4a = 3461 = RMCJ
#4b = 3462 = RMCK
#4c = 3463 = RMCL
#4d = 3464 = RMCM
#4e = 3465 = RMCN
#4f = 3466 = RMCO
# second step
#50 = 3530 = RMCP
#51 = 3531 = RMCQ
#52 = 3532 = RMCR
#53 = 3533 = RMCS
#54 = 3534 = RMCT
#55 = 3535 = RMCU
#56 = 3536 = RMCV
#57 = 3537 = RMCW
#58 = 3538 = RMCX
#59 = 3539 = RMCY
# third step
#5a = 3561 = RMCZ

li r24, 0x3430 #This is 1 before "41" in ASCII for Data Save ID

addi r24, r24, 1

cmpwi r24, 0x343A
beq- first_step

cmpwi r24, 0x3467
beq- second_step

cmpwi r24, 0x353A
beq- third_step

cmplwi r24, 0x3561
bgt- launch_menu #Data Save checklist completed, we're completely done

b start_isfs_open

li r24, 0x3461
b start_isfs_open

li r24, 0x3530
b start_isfs_open

li r24, 0x3561

#r3 = File Path
#r4 = 1 for Read Permissions
bl open_datasave
.string "/title/00010004/524d43XX/data/rksys.dat"
mflr r3
sth r24, 0x16 (r3) #Update the file path with new ascii, no need for data cache flush. IOS_Open (within ISFS_Open) does it for us before file information is sent to the IPC Interface
mr r23, r3 #Backup file path address pointer
li r4, 0x1
call_isfs ISFS_Open
cmpwi r3, -106
beq- mega_loop #FFFFFF96 = File not found, try next Ascii
cmpwi r3, 0 #If negative value (not -106), then error occured.
blt- launch_menu
mr r22, r3 #Backup fd

#r3 = fd
#r4 = Address Pointer to dump Data to
#r5 = Amount of Bytes to read/dump
mr r4, r26
mr r5, r27 #Backed up size arg from Egg Alloc moved to r5
call_isfs ISFS_Read
cmpw r3, r27
bne- launch_menu

#r3 = fd
mr r3, r22
call_isfs ISFS_Close

#Pre-Loop Config
#r3 = RKPD
#r3 + 0x30 = Unlock doubleword bits (set to 0xFFFFFFFF031FFFFC)
#r3 + 0xB0 = VR+BR word
#r3 + 0xC0 = WIi WHeel % word
#r3 + 0x20F = Cup word
addi r3, r26, 0x0008 #This is the exact spot for RKPD of License 1
lis r4, 0
ori r4, r4, 0x8CC0 #Each License is separated by a gap of 0x8CC0 bytes, can't load this amount via Li. Load it via Lis then Ori.
li r5, 4 #For 4 Licenses
lis r6, 0x524B
ori r6, r6, 0x5044 #RKPD Magic ASCII

#License Loop

#No point checking for an existing license since all new licenses will be made, just force make it all. Exiting licenses will not be corrupted by this, it's just rewriting over the same word value that was already present.
stw r6, 0 (r3)

#Check Wii Wheel Option
#0 = Do not modify %
#1 = Reset it to 0 (remove wii wheel icon)
#2 = Set to 100% (gold wii wheel icon)
cmpwi r28, 0
beq- check_user_option
li r0, 0
cmpwi r28, 1
beq- update_wheel
lis r0, 0x0001
ori r0, r0, 0x869F #Apply Wii Wheel 100% Stat
stw r0, 0xC0 (r3)

#Check User Option
#0 = Unlock everything, set VR+BR
#1 = Unlock everything, do NOT set VR+BR
#2 = Do NOT unlock, set VR+BR
cmpwi r31, 1
beq- do_unlocks
stw r29, 0xB0 (r3) #Write VR+BR
cmpwi r31, 2
beq- decrement_license_loop

#Unlock everything
li r0, -1
stw r0, 0x30 (r3)
lis r0, 0x031F
ori r0, r0, 0xFFFC
stw r0, 0x34 (r3)

#Apply Star Rank; setup Cup Loop
#Cup word contents
#Bits 0 & 1 = Trophy Cup color. 0x0 = Gold, 0x1 = Silver, 0x2 = Bronaze, 0x3 = No Cup
#Bits 2 thru 18 = Unknown
#Bits 19 thru 23 = Star Rank. 0x0 = 3 stars, 0x1 = 2, 0x2 = 1, 0x3 = A, 0x4 = B, 0x5 = C, 0x6 = D, 0x7 = E, 0x8 = F
#Bit 24 = Completion flag
#Bits 25 thru 31 = Unknown
addi r7, r3, 0x1AF #0x20F - 0x60
li r0, 32 #Loop 32 times for 32 cups per license
mtctr r0

#Cup Loop
#Load word with update address
#Set Gold Color Trophy
#Set Completion Flag high
#Remove previous Star Rank
#Set new Star Rank
lwzu r0, 0x60 (r7)
rlwinm r0, r0, 0, 0x3FFFFFFF
ori r0, r0, 0x0080
rlwinm r0, r0, 0, 0xFFFFF0FF
or r0, r0, r30
stw r0, 0 (r7)
bdnz+ cup_loop

#Decrement License Loop
subic. r5, r5, 1
add r3, r3, r4 #Increment by 0x8CC0 to move onto next license
bne+ license_loop

#r3 = File Contents Address Pointer
#r4 = Amount of Bytes to use for Calculation
#r3's return value = new Checksum
mr r3, r26 #Move backed up Heap Address Pointer to r3
addi r4, r27, -4 #Subtract 0x4 from data save size alloc to get byte size amount, 0x27FFC
call_link NET_Calc
cmpwi r3, 0
beq- launch_menu

#Write new Checksum
addis r4, r26, 0x0002 #Add 0x00020000 to Pointer
stw r3, 0x7FFC (r4) #Store CRC32 Word to spot (which is final word location of entire contents)

#r3 = File Path
#r4 = 2 for Write Permissions
mr r3, r23 #Move backed up file path address pointer to r3
li r4, 2
call_isfs ISFS_Open
cmpwi r3, 0
blt- launch_menu
mr r22, r3 #Backup fd

#r3 = fd
#r4 = Address Pointer where String Data that will used for writes is located
#r5 = Amount of Bytes to Write to File
mr r4, r26 #r3 already set by ISFS_Open return value. Move backed up Heap Address Pointer to r4
mr r5, r27 #Move backed up Byte Write Size to r5
call_isfs ISFS_Write
cmpw r3, r27 #r3 should return r5's aka r27's value. If not, then error occured.
bne- launch_menu

#r3 = fd
mr r3, r22
call_isfs ISFS_Close
b mega_loop #Start Loop all over again

#Return to Wii Menu. No need to free the Heap.
call_nolink Wii_Menu


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  480p Graphics Fix [Leseratte]
Posted by: Leseratte10 - 04-16-2019, 04:10 PM - Forum: Visual & Sound Effects - Replies (1)

480p Graphics Fix [Leseratte]

The user "Extrems" apparently found a bug in the Nintendo SDK that causes 480p graphics to not look as good as they could, and made a patch for libogc (more info: https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.ph...8#p1361158 )

I just implemented that patch as a cheat code for Mario Kart Wii, but I don't have a 480p display config ready so I can't test if it works properly. At least it doesn't crash the game. Anyone want to test that cheat code with a 480p config and see if it improves video quality?

EDIT: Apparently the code is only useful on older Wiis, as on newer Wiis and on WiiU Nintendo seems to have fixed their bug in hardware.

C21BCD3C 00000002
38600003 98610019
60000000 00000000

C21BCDDC 00000002
38600003 98610019
60000000 00000000

C21BCCFC 00000002
38600003 98610019
60000000 00000000

C21BD138 00000002
38600003 98610019
60000000 00000000

Code created by: Leseratte10
Code contributor(s): Extrems (found bug and made libogc patch)

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  Random Track Selection For Offline [Vega]
Posted by: Vega - 04-14-2019, 02:37 PM - Forum: Offline Non-Item - No Replies

Random Track Selection For Offline [Vega]

Offline only. Does not work in Grand Prix.

This code will give you the ability to have a "random" feature for track selection. Just select any track at the track selection screen. When the Race/TT/Battle begins, it will be a random track that is loaded. For TT's this also effects the loading of the ghost preview screen.

This code makes use of memory addresses 0x8000149E and 0x8000149F. Make sure no other codes in your GCT/Cheat-Manager are using those addresses.

C0000000 00000009
3D808000 896C149E
280B001F 41A10008
3960001F 396B0001
280B002A 41A00008
39600020 996C149E
896C149F 396B0001
280B0020 41A00008
39600000 996C149F
4E800020 00000000
C2825F74 00000002
3FE08000 8BFF149F
93E31758 00000000
C28529C8 00000002
3F808000 8B9C149E
93861758 00000000

C0000000 00000009
3D808000 896C149E
280B001F 41A10008
3960001F 396B0001
280B002A 41A00008
39600020 996C149E
896C149F 396B0001
280B0020 41A00008
39600000 996C149F
4E800020 00000000
C28409D4 00000002
3FE08000 8BFF149F
93E31758 00000000
C283D0E8 00000002
3F808000 8B9C149E
93861758 00000000

C0000000 00000009
3D808000 896C149E
280B001F 41A10008
3960001F 396B0001
280B002A 41A00008
39600020 996C149E
896C149F 396B0001
280B0020 41A00008
39600000 996C149F
4E800020 00000000
C2840040 00000002
3FE08000 8BFF149F
93E31758 00000000
C283C754 00000002
3F808000 8B9C149E
93861758 00000000

C0000000 00000009
3D808000 896C149E
280B001F 41A10008
3960001F 396B0001
280B002A 41A00008
39600020 996C149E
896C149F 396B0001
280B0020 41A00008
39600000 996C149F
4E800020 00000000
C282ED94 00000002
3FE08000 8BFF149F
93E31758 00000000
C282B4A8 00000002
3F808000 8B9C149E
93861758 00000000

List of Sources-

1st ASM (C0 ASM Track Byte Cycler);



#  Memory Address & Value Notes  #
# 0x8000149E = Battle Track Byte #
#  0x8000149F = VS Track Byte  #
#  0x00 thru 0x1F = VS Tracks  #
# 0x20 thru 0x29 = Battle Tracks #

#                    Register Safety Notes                        #
#        r3 safe for use, gets overwritten next address          #
# r4 safe for use, gets overwritten by default instruction at end #

# Load Battle Track Byte #

lis r12, 0x8000
lbz r11, 0x149E (r12)

# Battle Track Byte 1st Comparsion Check #

cmplwi r11, 0x1F
bgt+ _skipinitial #If greater than 0x1F, the battle cycle has already started

li r11, 0x1F #If not greater than 0x1F, begin the start of byte cycle, set value to 0x1F since the next instruction adds 1 to itself, value 0x20 is lowest byte value out of the battle tracks

addi r11, r11, 1 #Increment the Battle Byte by 1

#  Battle Track Byte 2nd Comparison Check  #
# If 0x2A, reset the cycle back down to 0x20 #

cmplwi r11, 0x2A
blt+ _dontreset1

li r11, 0x20

# Store Updated Battle Byte to Exception Vector Area #

stb r11, 0x149E (r12)

# Load VS Track Byte, Increment It #

lbz r11, 0x149F (r12)
addi r11, r11, 1

#  Compare VS Track Byte to 0x20 (first battle track)  #
#                If 0x20, reset the cycle              #

cmplwi r11, 0x20
blt+ _dontreset2

li r11, 0

# Store Updated Track Byte, Default Instruction #

stb r11, 0x149F (r12)

#blr Uncomment if compiling with WiiRDGUI, adjust compiled code accordingly




2nd ASM (Load updated VS Track Byte to replace selected Track):

lis r31, 0x8000
lbz r31, 0x149F (r31) #Load Track Byte
stw r31, 0x1758 (r3) #Default Instruction, Store Track Word Value to Memory


3rd ASM (Load updated Battle Track Byte to replaced selected Track):

lis r28, 0x8000
lbz r28, 0x149E (r28) #Load Track Byte
stw r28, 0x1758 (r6) #Default Instruction, Store Track Word Value to Memory

Code creator: Vega

Print this item

  List of Certain Functions with Arguments Plus Descriptions
Posted by: Vega - 04-05-2019, 06:23 PM - Forum: Coding & Hacking General Discussion - No Replies

List of Certain Functions with Arguments Plus Descriptions

This is a list of functions I have used in codes I have made or attempted to have made. Arguments, descriptions, and return values are provided. If you are wanting to view a list of many many more functions (not as detailed as this), view this thread HERE. There's no need to have essentially two symbol map type threads in the Resources sub-forum, hence why this thread is in Hacking General sub-forum.

ISFS Specific Return Values (r3)

For any function that has the term ISFS in it, they all have the same return value numbering. Here's a list of those values (shown in decimal form):
-1 = Permission Denied
-2 = File/Directory already exists
-4 = Invalid Register Argument
-6 = File/Directory not found
-8 = Resource busy
-12 = ECC error
-22 = Could not allocate Memory
-101 = Invalid Register Argument
-102 = Permission Denied
-105 = File/Directory already exists
-106 = File/Directory not found
-107 = Too many fds open
-108 = Memory is full
-109 = Too many fds open
-110 = Pathname is too long
-111 = fd already open
-114 = ECC error
-115 = Directory not empty
-116 = Max directory depth exceeded
-118 = Resource busy
-119 = Fatal error

Function: memcpy

Summary: Copies Data from a spot in Memory to another spot; useful for very large amounts of data

Address (region-free):

r3 = Destination Start Address
r4 = Source Start Address
r5 = Amount of Bytes to Copy Over

Return Value:
r3 = Remains the same


Function: sprintf

Summary: Formats a String (C/C++ style) and stores string to desired memory location

NTSC-U 0x80010ECC
PAL = 0x80011A2C
NTSC-J = 0x80011950
NTSC-K = 0x80011A94

r3 = Address Pointer where Formatted String ASCii-Hex will be written to
r4 = Address Pointer where non-formatted ASCii-Hex String is located, must end in NULL
r5 thru r10 = Non-Float Values to be formatted
f1 thru f8 = Float Values to be formatted

NOTE: You must use single precision (lfs instruction) if loading floats from memory into FPRs

If using Float Values ,then this instruction must be required after the lfs (before the function call) - crset 6 (same as creqv 6, 6, 6)

If NOT using Float values, its recommended (not needed) to use this instruction right before the function call - crclr 6 (same as crxor 6, 6, 6); This tells the sprintf function not to backup Floats to the stack since no Floats are used.

Here is a handy page for printf formats - https://alvinalexander.com/programming/p...eat-sheet/

Return Value (r3):
Value matching amount of bytes written to r3 (does not include the auto appended null byte at end) = Success
Any negative value = Error


Function: sscanf

Summary: Reads data from a Formatted C/C++ String.

NTSC-U too lazy to port lol
PAL = 0x80013040
NTSC-J = too lazy to port lol
NTSC-K = too lazy to port lol

r3 = Address Pointer where Formatted String ASCii-Hex is located at, must end in NULL
r4 = Address Pointer where non-formatted ASCii-Hex String is located, must end in NULL
r5 thru r10 varies depending on how many formatted values you need to read from the Formatted String (i.e. % items)
r5 thru r10 are pointer to where the dump the read data

r3 = Pointer to memory where the following string is at - "Bob is 25 years old"

For reading the "25" part of the string, set r4 pointer to point to this string "Bob is %d years old"

r5 will then need to be a pointer to dump the "25" to. %d is used because 25 is in decimal form. Let's say r5 is 0x80001500. After sscanf is called, at 0x80001500 will be the word value 0x00000019 (25 in decimal).

Haven't personally tested, but float values (i.e. %3.1f) should not use pointers. They should get placed directly into the FPRs, starting at f1.

NOTE: You must use single precision (lfs instruction) if loading floats from memory into FPRs

If using Float Values ,then this instruction must be required after the lfs (before the function call) - crset 6 (same as creqv 6, 6, 6)

If NOT using Float values, its recommended (not needed) to use this instruction right before the function call - crclr 6 (same as crxor 6, 6, 6); This tells the sprintf function not to backup Floats to the stack since no Floats are used.

Here is a handy page for printf formats - https://alvinalexander.com/programming/p...eat-sheet/

Return Value (r3):
Items of Data that were successfully read = r3
If r3 = 0, no reading/conversions were done. If r3 is a negative value then r3 or r4 args were incorrect.


Function: swprintf

Summary: Formats a String (C/C++ style) using 16-bit ASCII (instead of 8 bit) and stores string to desired memory location

NTSC-U 0x80016CB4
PAL = 0x80017814
NTSC-J = 0x80017738
NTSC-K = 0x8001787C

r3 = Address Pointer where wide Formatted String will be written to
r4 = Number of characters to fill in the formatted string that will be written to r3's address, note its pretty hard to calculate this, thus you can just put this as a crazy high number because the function itself will autocap to the max of the formatted string. Thank you Seeky!
r5 = Address Pointer where non-formatted String is located, must end in NULL
r6 thru r10 = Integer Values to be formatted
f1 thru f8 = Float Values to be formatted

NOTE: You must use single precision (lfs instruction) if loading floats from memory into FPRs

If using Float Values ,then this instruction must be required after the lfs (before the function call) - crset 6 (same as creqv 6, 6, 6)

If NOT using Float values, its recommended (not needed) to use this instruction right before the function call - crclr 6 (same as crxor 6, 6, 6); This tells the swprintf function not to backup Floats to the stack since no Floats are used.

Here is a handy page for printf formats - https://alvinalexander.com/programming/p...eat-sheet/

Return Value (r3):
Positive Value = Success; amount of halfwords written
-1 = Error; r4's value was too low. Formatted string will still be there but the function is letting you know its incomplete


Function: DirectPrint: SetupFB

Summary: Sets up a Frame Buffer to allow later use of DirectPrint: Printf & DirectPrint: StoreCache

NTSC-U 0x800223E0
PAL 0x80022480
NTSC-J 0x800223A0
NTSC-K 0x800224E0

For r3, 2 instructions must bed used to get the Render Mode of mpVideo from RKSystem, the first instruction slightly differ per region:

NTSC-U = lwz r3, -0x5CA8 (r13)
PAL = lwz r3, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-J = lwz r3, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-K = lwz r3, -0x5C80 (r13)

Then execute the 2nd instruction (region-free): lwz r3, 0x0 (r3) 

r3 now contains the RenderMode

Return Value (r3):
Any negative value = Error


Function: DirectPrint: Printf w/ DirectPrint: StoreCache

Summary: Both functions should be executed back-to-back hence why they are coupled together. These functions will preform a printf-style function that draws on the TV Screen; DirectPrint: SetupFB must already have been called beforehand

Addresses (Printf first, StoreCache second)

NTSC-U = 0x80021DF0, 0x80021DD0
PAL = 0x80021E90, 0x80021E70
NTSC-J = 0x80021DB0, 0x80021D90
NTSC-K = 0x80021EF0, 0x80021ED0

Arguments (for Printf only, StoreCache has no arguments):
r3 = X Coordinate (Starts Far Left)
r4 = Y Coordinate (Starts Very Top)
r5 = 0 for No Text Wrap, 1 for Text Wrap (Wrapping allows the text to enter into a new line if it reaches the edge of the screen)
r6 = Address Pointer to ASCii-Hex String that will be Drawn on Screen
r7 thru r10 = Standard printf format non-float arguments
f1 thru f13 = Standard printf format float arguments

NOTE: You must use single precision (lfs instruction) if loading floats from memory into FPRs
Another NOTE: If using Float Values ,then this instruction must be required after the lfs (before the function call) - crset 4*cr1+eq

Google printf Format for a list of format characters/symbols for use in the ASCii-Hex String.

Return Value (r3):
Any negative value = Error


Function: ISFS_CreateDir

Summary: Creates a new directory on the NAND

NTSC-U = 80169DD4
PAL = 0x80169E74
NTSC-J = 0x80169D94
NTSC-K = 0x80169F10

r3 = Address that points to the File Path w/ new Directory that will be created
r4 = 0x0 (u8 attributes)
r5 = 0x3 (owner permissions)
r6 = 0x3 (group permissions)
r7 - 0x3 (other permissions)

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values

Return value -105 will never occur on Dolphin for a Directory that already exists. It will instead return 0.


Function: ISFS_Delete

Summary: Delete a file or directory (recursively) from the NAND.

NTSC-U = 0x8016A6EC
PAL = 0x8016A78C
NTSC-J = 0x8016A6AC
NTSC-K = 0x8016A828

r3 = Address that points to file path

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_CreateFile

Summary: Creates a new file on the NAND, must use a pre-existing directory

NTSC-U = 0x8016ABD4
PAL = 0x8016AC74
NTSC-J = 0x8016AB94
NTSC-K = 0x8016AD10

r3 = Address that points to the File Path w/ new File that will be created
r4 = 0x0 (u8 attributes)
r5 = 0x3 (owner permissions)
r6 = 0x3 (group permissions)
r7 = 0x3 (other permissions)

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_Open

Summary: Opens a pre-existing file on the NAND to allow you to later read from it or write to it

NTSC-U = 0x8016ADBC
PAL = 0x8016AE5C
NTSC-J = 0x8016AD7C
NTSC-K = 0x8016AEF8

r3 = Address that points to the File Path
r4 = Permissions (Use 0x1 for Read, or 0x2 for Write)

Return Values (r3):
Success = File Descriptor Value Returned
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_GetFileStats

Summary: Gets the file's size (in bytes). Can be useful before calling ISFS_Read if the file size is unknown.

NTSC-U = 0x8016AF3C
PAL = 0x8016AFDC
NTSC-J = 0x8016AEFC
NTSC-K = 0x8016B078

r3 = File Descriptor (value that was returned from ISFS_Open)
r4 = Memory Address to dump file size value (word) to. Address must be 32 byte aligned aka is address divisible by 0x20?)

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_Seek

Summary: Only recommended for reading/writing in a particular region of a very large file when not reading/writing at the very beginning of said file. Use after Open, before Read/Write.

NTSC-U = 0x8016B0CC
PAL = 0x8016B16C
NTSC-J = 0x8016B08C
NTSC-K = 0x8016B208

r3 = File Descriptor (value that was returned from ISFS_Open)
r4 = Offset from Location Mode aka where
r5 = Location Mode aka whence; 0x0 for Start of File, 0x1 = Current Spot of File, 0x2 = End of File

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_Read

Summary: Read a file on the NAND to dump it's contents to a spot in Memory

NTSC-U = 0x8016B15C
PAL = 0x8016B1FC
NTSC-J = 0x8016B11C
NTSC-K = 0x8016B298

r3 = File Descriptor (value that was returned from ISFS_Open)
r4 = Address that points where the File's data will be dumped to (must be 32 byte aligned aka is address divisible by 0x20?)
r5 = Amount of Bytes of Data to dump from the File

Return Value (r3):
If r3 value's equals r5, then Success.
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_Write

Summary: Write to a file on the NAND.

NTSC-U = 0x8016B220
PAL = 0x8016B2C0
NTSC-J = 0x8016B1E0
NTSC-K = 0x8016B35C

r3 = File Descriptor (value that was returned from ISFSOpen)
r4 = Address that points to the string of data that will be used to write to the File (must be 32 byte aligned aka is address divisible by 0x20?)
r5 = Amount of Bytes of Data to write from the string

Return Value (r3):
If r3 value's equals r5, then Success.
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: ISFS_Close

Summary: Close a file after reading from it or writing to it. This function must be done after the read/write.

NTSC-U = 0x8016B2E4
PAL = 0x8016B384
NTSC-J = 0x8016B2A4
NTSC-K = 0x8016B420

r3 = File Descriptor (value that was returned from ISFS_Open)

Return Value (r3):
0 = Success
View ISFS List at top for negative values


Function: OSFatal

Summary: Stops the game and displays a desired message on the TV screen. BG color, FG color, and text are all modifiable.

NTSC-U = 0x801A4E24
PAL = 0x801A4EC4
NTSC-J = 0x801A4DE4
NTSC-K = 0x801A5220

r3 = Address Pointer to Foreground (text) color
r4 = Address Pointer to Background color
r5 = Address Pointer to String of ASCII Text

Extra Notes:
RR = Red Value, GG = Green Value, BB = Blue Value

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: OSShutdownSystem

Summary: Standard shutdown of the Wii.

NTSC-U = 0x801A84CC
PAL = 0x801A856C
NTSC-J = 0x801A848C
NTSC-K = 0x801A88C8

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: OSRestart

Summary: Reboots the game.

NTSC-U = 0x801A85E8
PAL = 0x801A8688
NTSC-J = 0x801A85A8
NTSC-K = 0x801A89E4

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: OSReturnToMenu

Summary: Returns you to the Wii Menu.

NTSC-U = 0x801A87B8
PAL = 0x801A8858
NTSC-J = 0x801A8778
NTSC-K = 0x801A8BB4

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: OSGetTime

Summary: Returns a 64 bit Time value base, that you can use later with the function OSTicksToCalendarTime to grab the data&time from the Wii's CPU.

PAL = 0x801AAD5C
NTSC-J = 0x801AAC7C
NTSC-K = 0x801AB0B8

Arguments: None

Return Values (r3, r4):
r3 = Upper 32 bits of Time Base
r4 = Lower 32 bits of Time Base


Function: OSTicksToCalendarTime

Summary: After you have executed the OSGetTime function, immediately execute this function to get the date&time.

r3 = Upper Time Base
r4 = Lower Time Base
r5 = Memory Address to Dump Date/Time to (have at least 0x28 space allocated to dump to)

Dumping Locations (all dumped as logical words):
r5 = Seconds
r5+4 = Minutes
r5+8 = Hours
r5+C = Day of Month
r5+10 = Month (read notes below)
r5+14 = Year (read notes below)
r5+18 = Day of Week (read notes below)
r5+1C = Day of Year (read notes below)
r5+20 = Milliseconds
r5+24 = Microseconds

For the month, January starts off as 0.
For day of week, Sunday starts off as 0.
For day of year, Jan 1st starts off as 0.

For the year, if you want just the last two digits (2019/0x7E3 -> 19/0x13) use this equation..
Assume Year is placed into r5...
li    r6, 100
divw  r7, r5, r6
mullw  r6, r7, r6
subf  r5, r6, r5

r5 now equals last two digits of Year

Return value (r3): If any negative number, then error.


Function: _OSShutdownToSBY

Summary: Shuts down the Wii to 'Red' light mode (completely off) even if your Wii is configured to shut down to 'Yellow' light mode

NTSC-U = 0x801AB8C0
PAL = 0x801AB960
NTSC-J = 0x801AB880

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: _OSHotReset

Summary: Reboots the Wii

NTSC-U = 0x801AB938
PAL = 0x801AB9D8
NTSC-J = 0x801AB8F8
NTSC-K = 0x801ABD34

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: _OSLaunchTitle

Summary: Launches desired Wii Channel

NOTE: It CAN load the Homebrew Channel, but CANNOT load the Region Select Channel.

NTSC-U = 0x801AD960
PAL = 0x801ADA00
NTSC-J = 0x801AD920
NTSC-K = 0x801ADD5C

r3 = Upper 32 Bits of Title ID (ASCii-Hex)
r4 = Lower 32 Bits of Title ID

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: OSLaunchTitleI

Summary: Launches desired Wii Channel

NOTE: Cannot load Homebrew Channel

NTSC-U = 0x801ADEC0
PAL = 0x801ADF60
NTSC-J = 0x801ADE80
NTSC-K = 0x801AE2BC

r3 = Upper 32 Bits of Title ID (ASCii-Hex)
r4 = Lower 32 Bits of Title ID
r5 = 0x03010000
r6 = 0

Return Value (r3): None ofc...


Function: SCGetSimpleAddr

Summary: This will dump your Country Code, Region Residence Code, and Globe location from SYSCONF to a desired address. You will need at least 0x1008 blocks/bytes of free space.

NTSC-U = 0x801B1FD4
PAL = 0x801B2074
NTSC-J = 0x801B1F94
NTSC-K = 0x801B23D0

r3 = Address Where Country Code byte will be stored to (must be 32 bit aligned)
r3 + 0x1 = Address Where Region Residence byte will be stored to
r3 + 0x1004 = Address Where Globe Location word will be stored to

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 1, then success. If not, then unable to get Simple Address Data from SYSCONF.


Function: SCGetProductArea

Summary. This will dump your Console Area (3 Byte Capitalized ASCII) to a speicific address in Memory.

NTSC-U = 0x801B2300
PAL = 0x801B23A0
NTSC-J = 0x801B22C0
NTSC-K = 0x801B26FC

r3 = Address to Dump Console Area too

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 1, then success. If not, then unable to get Product Area from setting.txt.


Function: SCGetProductCode

Summary: This will dump the product code at a specific address in Static Memory. Once the product code is dumped, it will stay there until the Game is turned off

NTSC-U = 0x801B2384
PAL = 0x801B2424
NTSC-J = 0x801B2344
NTSC-K = 0x801B2780

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 1, then success. If not, then unable to get Product Code from setting.txt.


Function: SCGetProductSN

Summary: This will dump the Serial Number at a specific address in Dynamic Memory. It will only be there during the DWC process of connecting to Wifi, then it will be cleared.
NTSC-U = 0x801B23C0
PAL = 0x801B2460
NTSC-J = 0x801B2380
NTSC-K = 0x801B27BC

Arguments: None

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 1, then success. If not, then unable to get SN from setting.txt.


Function: NCDiGetWirelessMacAddress

Summary: This will dump your MAC Address at a speicific address in Dynamic Memory. It will only be there during the DWC process of connecting to Wifi, then it will be cleared. However, you can change the first argument (r3) to dump it to a different spot if needed and not have it cleared.

NTSC-U = 0x801D0CD0
PAL = 0x801D0D70
NTSC-J = 0x801D0C90
NTSC-K = 0x801D10CC

Arguments: r3 = Address to dump MAC to

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 0, then success. If not, then error attempting to get MAC from dev/fs.


Function: NETCalcCRC32

Summary: Calculates a CRC32-bit checksum. This function is required if you are wanting to make a code to modify MKWii's data save file (rksys.dat)

NTSC-U = 0x801D1C00
PAL = 0x801D1CA0
NTSC-J = 0x801D1BC0
NTSC-K = 0x801D1FFC

Arguments (r3, r4):
r3 = Address Pointer to start of Contents in Memory to be used for the CRC32 Calculation
r4 = Amount of Bytes to be used for the CRC32 Calculation

Return Value (r3):
r3 = CRC32-bit checksum calculated from contents (word)


Function: EGG::Heap::alloc

Summary: Creates a block of empty memory for available use.

NTSC-U = 0x80229490
PAL = 0x80229814
NTSC-J = 0x80229734
NTSC-K = 0x80229B88

Arguments (r3, r4, r5):
r3 = Size of Memory Block in Bytes
r4 = Alignment of Memory Block (if not sure, use 0x20 for 32 bit alignment)

For r5, 2 instructions must be preformed. The first instruction (get pointer from System Heap) will vary per region...
NTSC-U = lwz r5, -0x5CA8 (r13)
PAL = lwz r5, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-J = lwz r5, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-K = lwz r5, -0x5C80 (r13)

Second instruction for r5: lwz r5, 0x0024 (r5)

r5 thus has the Heap to allocate memory block in

Return Value (r3):
r3 = Pointer to Beginning of new Heap to use


Function: EGG::Heap::free

Summary: Free the block of memory that was created from EGG::Heap::alloc

Addresses (r3, r4):
NTSC-U = 0x80229800
PAL = 0x80229B84
NTSC-J = 0x80229AA4
NTSC-K = 0x80229EF8

r3 = Return value from EGG::Heap::alloc (Pointer to Beginning of Heap)

For r4, 2 instructions must be preformed. The first instruction (get pointer from System Heap) will vary per region...
NTSC-U = lwz r4, -0x5CA8 (r13)
PAL = lwz r4, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-J = lwz r4, -0x5CA0 (r13)
NTSC-K = lwz r4, -0x5C80 (r13)

Second instruction for r4: lwz r4, 0x24 (r4)

Return Value (r3):
If r3 = 1, then Success. Heap is freed. If not, then some sort of error occured.



Print this item

  Graphical In-Game Item Spy Online [Vega]
Posted by: Vega - 03-31-2019, 09:12 PM - Forum: Online; Item - No Replies

Graphical In-Game Item Spy Online [Vega]

NOTE: It's recommended to also include this code to eliminate frame flickers -> https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1530

Works Online only.

This code will place a graphical image on the bottom on your screen. The screen will contain the held items (in inventory) of every player in the race. The listing of the items will be ordered by the player slot number. The items presented will be shown in their hex value...

Hex Item Image Values:
00 - Green Shell / No Player on Slot
01 - Red Shell
02 - Banana
03 - Fib
04 - Shroom
05 - Triple Shrooms
06 - Bomb
07 - Blue Shell
08 - Shock
09 - Star
0A - Golden
0B - Mega
0C - Blooper
0D - Pow
0E - TC
0F - Bill
10 - Triple Greens
11 - Triple Reds
12 - Triple Nanas
14 - No Item / No Item Available

NOTE: This code makes use of the following memory addresses...
0x80001500 thru 0x80001518
0x81660000 thru 0x8166002F
0x81670000 thru 0x81670003

Make sure no other codes in your GCT/Cheat-Manager are using those addresses.

C200A3F0 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA358 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009640 0000001D
3D808167 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08166
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C0ECC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C0ECC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1DF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1DD0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C265EE14 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
60000000 00000000
C265EE30 00000004
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
3D608167 920B0000
60000000 00000000

C200A430 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C2480 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009680 0000001D
3D808167 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08166
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1A2C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1A2C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1E90
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1E70 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C265E18C 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
60000000 00000000
C265E1A8 00000004
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
3D608167 920B0000
60000000 00000000

C200A38C 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23A0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C20095DC 0000001D
3D808167 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08166
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1950
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1950
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1DB0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1D90 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C265D7F8 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
60000000 00000000
C265D814 00000004
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
3D608167 920B0000
60000000 00000000

C200A538 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA380 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C24E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009788 0000001D
3D808167 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08166
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1A94
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1A94
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1EF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1ED0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C264C4A4 00000003
88030001 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
60000000 00000000
C264C4C0 00000004
88100011 1D960004
3D8C8166 900C0000
3D608167 920B0000
60000000 00000000

List of Sources:
1st ASM (When Game loads StaticR.rel, Get Render Mode & Call Direct Print Setup Frame Buffer)



#       Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r0, 0x0014 (r1)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223E0
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x80022480
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223A0
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800224E0
.else # Invalid Region

# Start Register Safety #


# Get Render Mode (RKSystem->mpVideo()->pRenderMode) #

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
lwz r3, -0x5CA8(r13)
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
lwz r3, -0x5C80(r13)

lwz r3, 0x0044(r3)
lwz r3, 0x0 (r3)

# Call nw4r::db: DirectPrint_SetupFB #
#         r3 = Render Mode           #

call_link nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB

# End Register Safety; Default Instruction #





2nd ASM Source:



#      Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

#                  Memory Address Notes:                  #
# 0x80001500 thru 0x80001512 - Formatted 1st Half of String #
# 0x80001512 - Null Byte appended from 1st Call of Sprintf  #
# 0x80001512 thru 0x80001517 - Formatted 2nd Half of String #
# 0x80001518 - Null Byte appneded from 2nd Call of Sprintf  #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro call_nw4r address
ori r12, r14, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r12, 0x0 (r3)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE

.set sprintf, 0x80010ECC
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1DD0

.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP

.set sprintf, 0x80011A2C
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1E70

.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ

.set sprintf, 0x80011950
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1D90

.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK

.set sprintf, 0x80011A94
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1ED0

.else # Invalid Region

#      Check to See if a Race is Active:      #
#        Load Status Word from Mem 81          #
# If not zero, we know to execute the Draw Code #

lis r12, 0x8167
lwz r12, 0x0 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0x0
beq- dont_execute

# Start Register Safety #


#                      Sprintf #1                      #
#    r3 = Address Pointer to Dump Formatted String    #
# r4 = Address Pointer to String that needs Formatting #
#        r5 thru r10 = Non Float Format Args          #

bl printf_string

.llong 0x2530325820253032 #1st String for 1st Sprintf - "%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X "
.llong 0x5820253032582025
.llong 0x3032582025303258
.llong 0x2025303258200000

mflr r4
li r5, 0x20
stb r5, 0x1D (r4) #This is needed because the final 0x20 gets nulled out for second sprintf, so we always need to 'recover' it before first sprintf

mr r29, r4 #Backup String Address Pointer to r29

lis r30, 0x8166
lswi r5, r30, 24 #Load the first 6 slot Item Words into r5 - r10

lis r3, 0x8000 #Set Address to Dump String To
ori r3, r3, 0x1500
addi r31, r3, 0x0012 #First Formatted String Ends at 0x80001512 (null), so add 0x18 to r3 for start of 2nd string on 2nd call of sprintf. Put result in r31 for global variable storage thru function calls

call_link sprintf

# Check Sprintf #1 Return Value #
#  If negative, error occured  #

cmpwi r3, 0x0
blt- _error

#                      Sprintf #2                      #
#    r3 = Address Pointer to Dump Formatted String    #
# r4 = Address Pointer to String that needs Formatting #
#        r5 thru r10 = Non Float Format Args          #

mr r4, r29 #Move backed up string address pointer to r4
li r5, 0x0
stb r5, 0x1D (r4) #The space in the ASCII string near the end is not needed, null it out, string is now ready for 2nd call of sprintf

mr r3, r31 #2nd String will be dumped to exactly where null byte of 1st string of ended at
addi r30, r30, 0x18 #Add 0x18 to r30, now address points to beginning of second half of the 12 player item slot listing
lswi r5, r30, 24 #Load slot's 7 - 12 Item Words into r5 - r10

call_link sprintf

# Check Sprintf #2 Return Value #
#  If negative, error occured  #

cmpwi r3, 0x0
blt- _error

#              DirectPrint Printf & Store Cache              #
#                  Purpose: Draw on Screen                  #
#            r3 = X coordinate (starts far left)            #
#            r4 = Y coordinate (starts at very top)          #
#                  r5 = 0 No Wrap; 1 Wrap                    #
# r6 = Address Pointer to String that will be Drawn on Screen #
#              r7 thru r10 printf format args                #
#          f1 thru f13 printf float format args              #

li r3, 0x30
li r4, 0xDA
li r5, 0x1
addi r6, r31, -0x12 #Make r6 have 0x80001500, beginning of entire formatted string

lis r14, 0x8002 #For nw4r macro

call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf
call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache

# End Register Safety #


# dont_execute label; Default Instruction #





3rd ASM Source:
lbz r0, 0x1 (r3) #Default instruction
mulli r12, r22, 0x4 #Multiple Player slot by 4, store in r12. Thus lower 16 bits of r12 will hold second half of mem81 address
addis r12, r12, 0x8166 #Add 0x8166 to upper 16 bits of r12. The player slot will increment/separate the address by 0x4 depending on slot value
stw r0, 0x0 (r12) #Store current read player's item to r12 plus offset 0x0193 (address for that player's item is now finalized)


4th ASM Source:
lbz r0, 0x0011 (r16) #Default instruction
mulli r12, r22, 0x4 #Multiple Player slot by 4, store in r12. Thus lower 16 bits of r12 will hold second half of mem81 address
addis r12, r12, 0x8166 #Add 0x8166 to upper 16 bits of r12. The player slot will increment/separate the address by 0x4 depending on slot value
stw r0, 0x0 (r12) #Store current read player's item to r12 plus offset 0x0193 (address for that player's item is now finalized)
lis r11, 0x8167 #Set 1st Half Address for Race-Status Word Check
stw r16, 0 (r11) #We need anything not zero at 0x81670000, store r16 to that spot

Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Star & RiiDefi (Draw Text to Screen Code); Bully (Both Item Spy ASMs)

Print this item

  Graphical In-Game Item Spy Offline [Vega]
Posted by: Vega - 03-31-2019, 09:10 PM - Forum: Offline; Item - Replies (1)

Graphical In-Game Item Spy Offline [Vega]

NOTE: It's recommended to also include this code to eliminate frame flickers -> https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1530

Works Offline only.

This code will place a graphical image on the bottom on your screen. The screen will contain the held items (in inventory) of every player in the race. The listing of the items will be ordered by the player slot number. The items presented will be shown in their hex value...

Hex Item Image Values:
00 - Green Shell / No Player on Slot
01 - Red Shell
02 - Banana
03 - Fib
04 - Shroom
05 - Triple Shrooms
06 - Bomb
07 - Blue Shell
08 - Shock
09 - Star
0A - Golden
0B - Mega
0C - Blooper
0D - Pow
0E - TC
0F - Bill
10 - Triple Greens
11 - Triple Reds
12 - Triple Nanas
14 - No Item / No Item Available

NOTE: This code makes use of the following memory addresses...
0x80001500 thru 0x80001518
0x81500000 thru 0x8150002F
0x81510000 thru 0x81510003

Make sure no other codes in your GCT/Cheat-Manager are using those addresses.

C200A3F0 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA358 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009640 0000001D
3D808151 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08150
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C0ECC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C0ECC
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1DF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1DD0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C278EEF8 00000004
801D008C 1D9B0004
3D8C8150 900C0000
3D608151 93AB0000
60000000 00000000

C200A430 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C2480 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009680 0000001D
3D808151 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08150
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1A2C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1A2C
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1E90
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1E70 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C2797F04 00000004
801D008C 1D9B0004
3D8C8150 900C0000
3D608151 93AB0000
60000000 00000000

C200A38C 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23A0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C20095DC 0000001D
3D808151 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08150
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1950
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1950
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1DB0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1D90 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C2797570 00000004
801D008C 1D9B0004
3D8C8150 900C0000
3D608151 93AB0000
60000000 00000000

C200A538 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA380 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C24E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009788 0000001D
3D808151 818C0000
2C0C0000 418200D0
9421FF80 BC610008
48000025 25303258
20253032 58202530
32582025 30325820
25303258 20253032
58200000 7C8802A6
38A00020 98A4001D
7C9D2378 3FC08150
7CBEC4AA 3C608000
60631500 3BE30012
3D808001 618C1A94
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800060
7FA4EB78 38A00000
98A4001D 7FE3FB78
3D808001 618C1A94
7D8803A6 4E800021
2C030000 41800030
38600030 388000DA
38A00001 38DFFFEE
3DC08002 61CC1EF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
61CC1ED0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C27862C4 00000004
801D008C 1D9B0004
3D8C8150 900C0000
3D608151 93AB0000
60000000 00000000

List of Sources:
1st ASM (When Game loads StaticR.rel, Get Render Mode & Call Direct Print Setup Frame Buffer)



#       Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r0, 0x0014 (r1)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223E0
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x80022480
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223A0
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800224E0
.else # Invalid Region

# Start Register Safety #


# Get Render Mode (RKSystem->mpVideo()->pRenderMode) #

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
lwz r3, -0x5CA8(r13)
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
lwz r3, -0x5C80(r13)

lwz r3, 0x0044(r3)
lwz r3, 0x0 (r3)

# Call nw4r::db: DirectPrint_SetupFB #
#         r3 = Render Mode           #

call_link nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB

# End Register Safety; Default Instruction #





2nd ASM Source:



#      Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

#                  Memory Address Notes:                  #
# 0x80001500 thru 0x80001512 - Formatted 1st Half of String #
# 0x80001512 - Null Byte appended from 1st Call of Sprintf  #
# 0x80001512 thru 0x80001517 - Formatted 2nd Half of String #
# 0x80001518 - Null Byte appneded from 2nd Call of Sprintf  #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro call_nw4r address
ori r12, r14, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r12, 0x0 (r3)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE

.set sprintf, 0x80010ECC
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1DD0

.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP

.set sprintf, 0x80011A2C
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1E70

.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ

.set sprintf, 0x80011950
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1D90

.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK

.set sprintf, 0x80011A94
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1ED0

.else # Invalid Region

#      Check to See if a Race is Active:      #
#        Load Status Word from Mem 81          #
# If not zero, we know to execute the Draw Code #

lis r12, 0x8151
lwz r12, 0x0 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0x0
beq- dont_execute

# Start Register Safety #


#                      Sprintf #1                      #
#    r3 = Address Pointer to Dump Formatted String    #
# r4 = Address Pointer to String that needs Formatting #
#        r5 thru r10 = Non Float Format Args          #

bl printf_string

.llong 0x2530325820253032 #1st String for 1st Sprintf - "%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X "
.llong 0x5820253032582025
.llong 0x3032582025303258
.llong 0x2025303258200000

mflr r4
li r5, 0x20
stb r5, 0x1D (r4) #This is needed because the final 0x20 gets nulled out for second sprintf, so we always need to 'recover' it before first sprintf

mr r29, r4 #Backup String Address Pointer to r29

lis r30, 0x8150
lswi r5, r30, 24 #Load the first 6 slot Item Words into r5 - r10

lis r3, 0x8000 #Set Address to Dump String To
ori r3, r3, 0x1500
addi r31, r3, 0x0012 #First Formatted String Ends at 0x80001512 (null), so add 0x18 to r3 for start of 2nd string on 2nd call of sprintf. Put result in r31 for global variable storage thru function calls

call_link sprintf

# Check Sprintf #1 Return Value #
#  If negative, error occured  #

cmpwi r3, 0x0
blt- _error

#                      Sprintf #2                      #
#    r3 = Address Pointer to Dump Formatted String    #
# r4 = Address Pointer to String that needs Formatting #
#        r5 thru r10 = Non Float Format Args          #

mr r4, r29 #Move backed up string address pointer to r4
li r5, 0x0
stb r5, 0x1D (r4) #The space in the ASCII string near the end is not needed, null it out, string is now ready for 2nd call of sprintf

mr r3, r31 #2nd String will be dumped to exactly where null byte of 1st string of ended at
addi r30, r30, 0x18 #Add 0x18 to r30, now address points to beginning of second half of the 12 player item slot listing
lswi r5, r30, 24 #Load slot's 7 - 12 Item Words into r5 - r10

call_link sprintf

# Check Sprintf #2 Return Value #
#  If negative, error occured  #

cmpwi r3, 0x0
blt- _error

#              DirectPrint Printf & Store Cache              #
#                  Purpose: Draw on Screen                  #
#            r3 = X coordinate (starts far left)            #
#            r4 = Y coordinate (starts at very top)          #
#                  r5 = 0 No Wrap; 1 Wrap                    #
# r6 = Address Pointer to String that will be Drawn on Screen #
#              r7 thru r10 printf format args                #
#          f1 thru f13 printf float format args              #

li r3, 0x30
li r4, 0xDA
li r5, 0x1
addi r6, r31, -0x12 #Make r6 have 0x80001500, beginning of entire formatted string

lis r14, 0x8002 #For nw4r macro

call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf
call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache

# End Register Safety #


# dont_execute label; Default Instruction #





3rd ASM:
lwz r0, 0x8C (r29) #Default Instruction, r0 holds current Player/CPU's Held Item
mulli r12, r27, 0x4 #Multiple Player Slot value in r27 by 0x4, put result in r12
addis r12, r12, 0x8150 #Add 0x8150 to upper 16 bits of r12. The player slot will increment/separate the address by 0x4 depending on slot value
stw r0, 0x0 (r12) #Store current Player/CPU's Held Item value to address of r12
lis r11, 0x8151 #Set 1st Half Address for Race-Status Word Check
stw r29, 0x0 (r11) #We need anything not zero at 0x81510000, store 29 to that spot

Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Star & RiiDefi (Draw Text to Screen Code); Bully (Item Spy ASM)

Print this item

  Learn PowerPC for Wii Cheat Codes Index
Posted by: Vega - 03-30-2019, 09:23 PM - Forum: PowerPC Assembly - Replies (6)

Learn PowerPC for Wii Cheat Codes Index

This is a gigantic index of threads that will take any absolute beginner and teach them much of the PowerPC Assembly Language for the purpose of creating Wii Cheat Codes. This is NOT a "general" PowerPC tutorial. There are certain concepts that are taught in a different manner that is suited specifically for Wii Codes. However, you can use this to learn PowerPC regardless.

All threads must be read in listed order. This will NOT be something you learn in just a day or two. It will take some time. Be patient and read thoroughly. For most of the threads provided, there are also video links as well. However, some of the video links have become extremely outdated and you should only watch the video(s) if absolutely necessary.

Requirements before you start:

  • Have a modern computer
  • An ISO/WBFS file(s) of whatever games you want to make codes with, on your computer

Even though this is a Mario Kart Wii based site, you can use these tutorials to help you make cheat codes for other Wii games.

You will need what is called the 'Dolphin Emulator' installed on your computer before you begin. You will also need to know a few things about running/playing Dolphin plus installing a program called 'Dolphin-memory-engine'. Here are 3 threads you need to read and complte first...
After you have completed those 3 threads and you can run MKWii (or your desired Wii game) at 60 fps with the Dolphin-memory-engine working, then proceed.

If you have unresolved issues with Dolphin Emulator, it's best to ask on the Dolphin Emu forums - https://forums.dolphin-emu.org If you have unresolved issues with Dolphin-memory-engine, post an issue at this link - https://github.com/aldelaro5/Dolphin-mem...ine/issues

Now let's begin!  Smile

N00b Level Threads

The Basics of Wii Cheat Codes & the Gecko Code Handler
Summary: An introduction to cheat codes , the code handler, memory, and various basic cheat code formats
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwuth4rSaTs

Fill in XYZ Values
Summary: This is required for codes that require you to 'activate' them or 'deactivate' them
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQHsUEnziHs

Create Activators and Deactivators
Summary: Teaches you how to make your own activators and deactivators on a code that doesn't have them
Video - https://youtu.be/VOl8nOHmFyE

Port Codes
Summary: Teaches you how to make basic cheat codes work in any 'version'/'region' of Mario Kart Wii
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mHTJtTmtAc

Beginner Level Threads

How to Make your own Cheat Codes
Summary: Yep, this is it. How to make your own real codes from scratch!
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mFyLqdT3hQ

Assembly Tutorial
Summary: This thread is linked within the 'How to Make Your own Cheat Codes' thread. Scared to learn ASM? Fear not! This thread by far is the best guide anywhere on the web to teach you basic PowerPC Assembly Code for MKWii Coding.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eadIKQltU1I

2nd part of 'How to make your own Cheat Codes' Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Eg2j5iWwc

Register Safety for the Beginner
Summary: Proper safety etiquette for ASM Codes
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-f7DCwnWy4

Basic Debugging/Analysis of ASM Codes
Summary: Teaches you how to set certain Dolphin Debug features/shortcuts and how to step-by-step codes. Also includes an introduction to Exceptions (crashes).
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voLRpFTw0Ys

Basic GVR Usage in ASM Codes
Summary: Teaches you how to add better features to simple ASM Codes
Video - None

Intermediate Level Threads

ASM Tips n Trix
Summary: Still having some trouble writing ASM after learning it? Fear not! Here are some tips to make things easier
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeEUsqrdOWg

Using the Exception Vector Area
Summary: Once your ASM codes get a bit less basic, you may need to store data/values at a unused spot in Memory. This thread will teach you how.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S6NTN10GbE

More info about Comparisons and Branches
Summary: Clearing the confusion on compare and branch instructions for Beginner Coders
Video - None

Creating Loops
Summary: How to create a list of repeating instructions in ASM
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49YY9U0StKU

Expert Level Threads

Logical Operations
Summary: Explains binary values within Hexadecimal, and about using PPC instructions to modify binary values
Video - None

Working with Floats
Summary: I hate them, but maybe you will like them. All about floating points and how to use them in codes.
Video (only on Chapter 5) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlNyQ_gKZQ8

Make Codes Execute on Set Intervals
Summary: Want to modify a code to go off/on automatically per a set timed interval, this thread will teach you how
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rv0zpwa1I4

Calling Functions
Summary: Call basic static functions within the game using ASM
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43QGQHaSYa4

C0 Codetypes
Summary: In depth overview of the C0 (Execute ASM) Codetype.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrUUYe79zL0

All about Cache
Summary: Attempts to simplfy the complexity of the Cache
Video - None

Pr0 Level Threads

Branch Link (BL) Trick
Summary: An optimized way to copy over large amounts of data in Power PC ASM
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnGBQo0UZ34

About Creating Stack Frames
Summary: Create Stack Frames to store registers/data to for backup
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWds-FUB6MY

Using Assembler Directives
Summary: Teaches you the in's & out's of Symbols, Macros, and Statements in an ASM Code's source
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_GusHn7CWI

All About Bit Rotation
Summary: Teaches you the ins & outs of Bit Shifting, Clearing, Rotating, etc.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbWiS7fjHqY

Utilizing the Condition Register
Summary: A full deep dive into the Condition Register and all of its tricks
Video - None

Paired Singles
Summary: The hardest aspect of PowerPC Assembly to learn in my opinion. Have fun!
Video - None


Welp, there you go. Not many people in this community have the patience to learn all of this.

Best of luck! Thanks for reading!

Print this item

  Graphical SpeedBar [Vega]
Posted by: Vega - 03-23-2019, 02:16 PM - Forum: Time Trials & Battle - No Replies

Graphical SpeedBar [Vega]

NOTE: It's recommended to also include this code to eliminate frame flickers -> https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1530

Shout outs to Star & RiiDefi for Draw Text To Screen Code!

This code will output your vehicle speed view a graphical image depicting an interactive bar. The bar length will vary depending on your vehicle speed. The bar works in an exponential manner, NOT linear. The higher the speeds, the more the bar will change depending on differences at the higher speeds.

NOTE: This code makes use of the following memory addresses...
0x80001660 thru 0x80001689
0x815F0000 thru 0x815F0003

Make sure no other codes in your GCT/Cheat-Manager are using those addresses!

06001670 00000010
25336420 6B6D2F68
0A000000 00000000
C200A3F0 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA358 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009640 00000016
3D80815F 818C0000
2C0C0000 41820098
9421FF80 BC610008
3D808000 816C1660
C1AB0024 FDA06A10
FDA0681C D9AC1664
806C1668 7C671B78
7C6319D6 38800370
7C6323D6 3BA00000
2C030000 41820020
39E0007C 61901678
9DF00001 3463FFFF
4082FFF8 9BB00001
48000008 9BAC1679
38600009 388000D0
38A00001 61861670
3FE08002 63EC1DF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
63EC1DD0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C27E4C9C 00000007
3D80809C 818CD110
818C0020 540B103A
7D8C582E 818C0010
818C0010 3D608000
918B1660 3D80815F
93EC0000 807FEE20
60000000 00000000

06001670 00000010
25336420 6B6D2F68
0A000000 00000000
C200A430 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C2480 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009680 00000016
3D80815F 818C0000
2C0C0000 41820098
9421FF80 BC610008
3D808000 816C1660
C1AB0024 FDA06A10
FDA0681C D9AC1664
806C1668 7C671B78
7C6319D6 38800370
7C6323D6 3BA00000
2C030000 41820020
39E0007C 61901678
9DF00001 3463FFFF
4082FFF8 9BB00001
48000008 9BAC1679
38600009 388000D0
38A00001 61861670
3FE08002 63EC1E90
7D8803A6 4E800021
63EC1E70 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C27EEFAC 00000007
3D80809C 818C18F8
818C0020 540B103A
7D8C582E 818C0010
818C0010 3D608000
918B1660 3D80815F
93EC0000 807F3618
60000000 00000000

06001670 00000010
25336420 6B6D2F68
0A000000 00000000
C200A38C 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA360 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C23A0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C20095DC 00000016
3D80815F 818C0000
2C0C0000 41820098
9421FF80 BC610008
3D808000 816C1660
C1AB0024 FDA06A10
FDA0681C D9AC1664
806C1668 7C671B78
7C6319D6 38800370
7C6323D6 3BA00000
2C030000 41820020
39E0007C 61901678
9DF00001 3463FFFF
4082FFF8 9BB00001
48000008 9BAC1679
38600009 388000D0
38A00001 61861670
3FE08002 63EC1DB0
7D8803A6 4E800021
63EC1D90 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C27EE618 00000007
3D80809C 818C0958
818C0020 540B103A
7D8C582E 818C0010
818C0010 3D608000
918B1660 3D80815F
93EC0000 807F2678
60000000 00000000

06001670 00000010
25336420 6B6D2F68
0A000000 00000000
C200A538 00000007
9421FF80 BC610008
806DA380 80630044
80630000 3D808002
618C24E0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 80010014
60000000 00000000
C2009788 00000016
3D80815F 818C0000
2C0C0000 41820098
9421FF80 BC610008
3D808000 816C1660
C1AB0024 FDA06A10
FDA0681C D9AC1664
806C1668 7C671B78
7C6319D6 38800370
7C6323D6 3BA00000
2C030000 41820020
39E0007C 61901678
9DF00001 3463FFFF
4082FFF8 9BB00001
48000008 9BAC1679
38600009 388000D0
38A00001 61861670
3FE08002 63EC1EF0
7D8803A6 4E800021
63EC1ED0 7D8803A6
4E800021 B8610008
38210080 81830000
60000000 00000000
C27DD36C 00000007
3D80809B 818CFF38
818C0020 540B103A
7D8C582E 818C0010
818C0010 3D608000
918B1660 3D80815F
93EC0000 807F1C58
60000000 00000000

List of Sources:
1st ASM (When Game loads StaticR.rel, Get Render Mode & Call Direct Print Setup Frame Buffer)



#       Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_link address
lis r12, \address@h
ori r12, r12, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r0, 0x0014 (r1)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223E0
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x80022480
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800223A0
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB, 0x800224E0
.else # Invalid Region

# Start Register Safety #


# Get Render Mode (RKSystem->mpVideo()->pRenderMode) #

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
lwz r3, -0x5CA8(r13)
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
lwz r3, -0x5CA0(r13)
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
lwz r3, -0x5C80(r13)

lwz r3, 0x0044(r3)
lwz r3, 0x0 (r3)

# Call nw4r::db: DirectPrint_SetupFB #
#         r3 = Render Mode           #

call_link nw4r_db_DirectPrint_SetupFB

# End Register Safety; Default Instruction #





2nd ASM (Convert Speed Float, Calc Bar Length, Write Bar Amtn to Gecko ASCii String, Draw it to Screen)



#      Register Notes:      #
# No need to backup r0 or LR #

#                                    Mem Address Notes:                                        #
#                              0x80001660 = Speed Float Word                                  #
#                0x80001664 = Converted Hex 1st Word of Double Word Float                    #
#          0x80001668 = Converted Hex 2nd Word of Double Word Float (Speed in Hex)            #
#                0x80001670 = Gecko String ASCii, r6 Arg for Direct Print                    #
#            0x80001678 = 0x0A ASCii byte for Entering into new Line for Speed Bar            #
#                              0x80001679 = Start of Bar                                      #
#                0x80001688 = Last Bar byte at its highest amount possible                    #
#          0x80001689 = Last Null of Bar byte string at its highest amount possible            #
# 0x815F0000 = "Status Word" If not zero, Draw Code will execute, auto clears after every race #

# Macros & Statements #

.macro push_stack
stwu r1, -0x80 (r1)
stmw r3, 0x8 (r1)

.macro pop_stack
lmw r3, 0x8 (r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x80

.macro call_nw4r address
ori r12, r31, \address@l
mtlr r12

.macro default_instruction
lwz r12, 0x0 (r3)

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1DD0
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1E90
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1E70
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1DB0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1D90
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf, 0x1EF0
.set nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache, 0x1ED0
.else # Invalid Region

#      Check to See if a Race is Active:      #
#        Load Status Word from Mem 81          #
# If not zero, we know to execute the Draw Code #

lis r12, 0x815F
lwz r12, 0x0 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0x0
beq- dont_execute

# Start Register Safety #


# Pointer Load, Float Load, Conversion, Storage #

lis r12, 0x8000 #Set 1st Half Address of Exception Vector Area
lwz r11, 0x1660 (r12) #Load Pointer
lfs f13, 0x0024 (r11) #Load the Speed Float from the Pointer
fabs f13, f13 #Convert Float to handle negative values approriately; aka fix Reverse Speed reading
fctiw f13, f13 #Convert Float to Word Integer, use Standard Rounding; aka fix Funky Kong 96/97 issue
stfd f13, 0x1664 (r12) #Store the whole converted float to 0x80001664 (using this instead of a li then stfiwx will save us one instruction total)

# Calculate Bar Amount to Write to Memory #

lwz r3, 0x1668 (r12) #Load Vehicle Hex Speed Amnt into r3

mr r7, r3 #Copy hex value to r7 for DirectPrintf's 1st format Arg

mullw r3, r3, r3 #Raise Vehicle Hex Speed to the Power of 2

li r4, 0x370 #Load 0x370 into r4 for upcoming divw instruction
divw r3, r3, r4 #Divide Vehicle Hex Speed by 0x370

li r29, 0x0 #Clear out r29 for Bar End or else Bar will never decrease when speed decreases

# Check if Bar Amnt is Zero. If so, we don't need to Write the Bar, skip upcoming Loop #

cmpwi r3, 0x0
beq- skip_loop

# Set ASCii Symbol (divider), Setup Loop Store Address #

li r15, 0x7C
ori r16, r12, 0x1678

#                            Loop                              #
# Write Approriate Bar Amount Based on finalized Hex Speed Amnt #

stbu r15, 0x1 (r16)
subic. r3, r3, 1
bne+ the_loop

# Store NULL (Bar End) after last Byte of Bar #

stb r29, 0x1 (r16)
b draw_toscreen

# Store NULL to what would be first Bar Byte #

stb r29, 0x1679 (r12)

#              DirectPrint Printf & Store Cache              #
#                Purpose: Draw on Screen                    #
#            r3 = X coordinate (starts far left)            #
#          r4 = Y coordinate (starts at very top)            #
#                r5 = 0 No Wrap; 1 Wrap                      #
# r6 = Address Pointer to String that will be Drawn on Screen #
#              r7 thru r10 printf format args                #
#            f1 thru f13 printf float format args            #

li r3, 0x9
li r4, 0xD0
li r5, 0x1
ori r6, r12, 0x1670 #Gecko String Write Address

lis r31, 0x8002 #For nw4r macro

call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_Printf #r7 already set from earlier
call_nw4r nw4r_db_DirectPrint_StoreCache

# End Register Safety #


# dont_execute label; Default Instruction #





3rd ASM (Store Memory Pointer)

# Macros & Statements #

.set region, '' #Must set region value, or else source will not compile

.if (region == 'E' || region == 'e') # RMCE
.macro default_instruction
lwz r3, -0x11E0 (r31)
.macro set_playerbase
lis r12, 0x809C
lwz r12, 0xFFFFD110 (r12)
.elseif (region == 'P' || region == 'p') # RMCP
.macro default_instruction
lwz r3, 0x3618 (r31)
.macro set_playerbase
lis r12, 0x809C
lwz r12, 0x18F8 (r12)
.elseif (region == 'J' || region == 'j') # RMCJ
.macro default_instruction
lwz r3, 0x2678 (r31)
.macro set_playerbase
lis r12, 0x809C
lwz r12, 0x0958 (r12)
.elseif (region == 'K' || region == 'k') # RMCK
.macro default_instruction
lwz r3, 0x1C58 (r31)
.macro set_playerbase
lis r12, 0x809B
lwz r12, 0xFFFFFF38 (r12)
.else # Invalid Region

# Set Region-Specific Player-Base #


# Pointer Level Loading #

lwz r12, 0x0020 (r12) #Load Word from 1st Level Pointer

slwi r11, r0, 2 #Shift the bits of r0 by 2 to the left, result in r11. This is the same as multiplying by 0x4. r0 is current player slot.

lwzx r12, r12, r11 #Load into 2nd Level Pointer
lwz r12, 0x0010(r12) #Load into 3rd Level Pointer
lwz r12, 0x0010(r12) #Load into 4th Level Pointer

# Store Final Pointer #

lis r11, 0x8000 #Set up 1st Half Address of Exception Vector Area
stw r12, 0x1660 (r11) #Store Pointer Address to 0x80001660

# Set Status Word in Mem81 for Draw Text ASM #

lis r12, 0x815F #Set up 1st Half Address of dynmaic Mem81
stw r31, 0x0 (r12) #Store r31 to 0x815F0000, we simply need a value not zero to be stored here. This will make the Speed Bar ASM only trigger during races.

# Default Instruction; Region-Specific #




Code creator: Vega
Code credits: Star & RiiDefi (Draw Text To Screen Code); Chadderz (source fixes to Mdmwii's OG Speed source), Mdmwii (original Speed-O-Meter)

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