How to Install Dolphin Emulator
How to Install Dolphin Emulator

Intro & Requirements

Dolphin Emulator is software installed on your computer that emulates the Nintendo Wii and its games.

This tutorial will install the latest Developer Version of Dolphin onto your computer. There are what is known as 'Stable' versions for installation. However, those versions aren't stable at all, and they are very outdated.

Computer Requirements:
  • 8 GB RAM or higher
  • A "semi decent modern" Processor. Something such as a "standard" i5 that's no older than 5 years would be the ideal minimum. I'm not a processor guy, so cut me some slack. Basically, if you have a modern computer, you're good to go.

Installing For Windows:

NOTE: For Windows 10 or later

The development versions require the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 to be installed.  Link -

Go to the Download page of the Dolphin website -

Scroll down to Development Versions. The version listed at top is the most recent. Click on the blue Windows x64 button to download. The download package will be in 7z format, you will need some third party archiver/extractor (such as WinRAR). Extract the download. You will see an application named Dolphin.exe. This is the application you would run to launch Dolphin. 

Launch the exe file. Dolphin should boot. If Dolphin fails to boot, you will need to use Google or search on the Dolphin Forums ( to remedy the problem as it can be a result of various issues. You could try one of the Beta Versions instead that were present at the very top of the Dolphin Download page. These versions are released every fews months and are more stable than the Development versions.

Dolphin will now boot. If you have a directory where your Games (ISO's/WBFS's) are located and you don't see a list appear on Dolphin. Double click anywhere in the large open area. Then a prompt will appear. Navigate and select the Directory of where your Games are located. Your Games will now appear. Double click on the desired Game to launch it.

Your Game should run at 60fps. Be warned that sometimes in the first minute or so, there may be some hiccups and what not. This is normal. But after a few minutes max, everything should run smooth. If not, or you game can't run at 60fps at all, you will need to seek help on the Dolphin Forums (

Installing For Linux (Ubuntu or Debian only)

For Linux installations of Dev versions of Dolphin, Dolphin must be built from source.

NOTICE: For Ubuntu, you must be on version 22.04 or later. For Debian, you must be on Debian 12 or later.

The information on this thread is from this Dolphin wiki page. Link -

Refer to that wiki page if you are stuck on a step.

Let's begin.

1. Update, Upgrade, etc, etc.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

The above command will update and upgrade everything for your Linux OS plus delete/wipe any unneeded cache and/or dependencies

If you had to perform any upgrades, be sure to reboot your computer - sudo reboot

2. Install the Necessary Dependencies

sudo apt update

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake ffmpeg libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libevdev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libpangocairo-1.0-0 qt6-base-private-dev libqt6svg6-dev libbluetooth-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

sudo apt install libudev-dev libsystemd-dev || sudo apt install libeudev-dev #distros without systemd like AntiX must use eudev instead

The above command may take about 10+ minutes to complete depending on your Internet connection.

3. Download the Github Repo

This will install the Dolphin's Github Repo as the directory 'dolphin" in your Home directory. Adjust the cd terminal command if you wish to have the Repo installed elsewhere.

cd $HOME
git clone
cd dolphin

At this point you are in the dolphin directory. Do NOT close your terminal.

4. Add necessary submodules

git -c submodule."Externals/Qt".update=none \
-c submodule."Externals/FFmpeg-bin".update=none \
-c submodule."Externals/libadrenotools".update=none \
submodule update --init --recursive \
&& git pull --recurse-submodules

The above will take about 5+ minutes depending on your Processor Speed

5. Build & Install Dolphin

This will build dolphin globablly so any User on your Linux system can launch it.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

After 10+ minutes of time for the compilation, you will be prompted for your password. Type in your password and press Enter! Dolphin will now be installed. The installation may take some minutes.

6. Booting Dolphin

At this point Dolphin has been installed. Let's launch Dolphin.

cd $HOME

Dolphin Emulator will launch. If not, try rebooting your computer/laptop and try again. If it still fails, post your issue on the Dolphin Forums (

Congratz. If you have a directory where your Games (ISO's/WBFS's) are located and you don't see a list appear on Dolphin. Double click anywhere in the large open area. Then a prompt will appear. Navigate and select the Directory of where your Games are located. Your Games will now appear. Double click on the desired Game to launch it.

Your Game should run at 60fps. Be warned that sometimes in the first minute or so, there may be some hiccups and what not. This is normal. But after a few minutes max, everything should run smooth. If not, or you game can't run at 60fps at all, you will need to seek help on the Dolphin Forums (

7. Future Use and Other Notes

Please do NOT change the location or names of the folders/directories of where your Dolphin files are stored. This can cause Dolphin to break.

Please also note that even though it's possible to upgrade Dolphin by re-cloning the GitHub repo and what not, if you have your Dolphin working 100%, then i do NOT recommend upgrading unless it is needed to fix an issue/bug. It's a pain in the rear end to get this thing installed and working 100%, let's not risk it.

Here's a link to learn how to apply Cheat Codes -
Here's a link to install your own NAND (for Online play requirements) -
UPDATE: Aug 9, 2019  Exclamation

THIS IS FOR Debian 10 Dolphin Users Installing From Source--

My old Dolphin build (some 82XX version) finally broke when I updated the computer to Debian 10, not surprised. I decided to install the latest Dev version from Source today (version 10829 at the time during install).

It appeared to compile fine. However, I get a segmentation fault no matter what when trying to boot dolphin. Luckily I have some archived versions of Dolphin for Linux (since the Dolphin site only keeps archives for Windows, MAC, and Android). 

I had dev version 10413. Compiled it, and it works! So I have no idea why the latest version didn't work. There's no way I can diagnose this problem.

So if you are on Debian 10 like me, and your Dolphin works fine, UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If your dolphin is not working, regardless of the situation, you can try the current latest dev version, it might fail. If so, contact me, I can give you the source package for 10413.
Hello. Just a question. for the windows installation guide, what is the purpose of the first link? Thanks
It's a package dolphin needs to run iirc
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.
That link use to be on the Dolphin Downloads page. It was recommended by the Dolphin team to install on Windows if you wanted to run a dev version of Dolphin.
Just a note for installing dependencies on Ubuntu, it seems that in 20.04 they renamed `libwxgtk3.0-dev` to `libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev`, which caused me a bit of a headache
Note added

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