The Basics of Wii Cheat Codes & the Gecko Code Handler
(10-30-2018, 02:41 PM)xXCrazySniperXx Wrote: So insert ASM codes don't count as lines of the code section above it? Just making sure.

The top line of an ASM code (C2/C0 line) doesn't count for the total lines of code designated by the code itself.

C2000000 00000004
39E00001 39C0000A
7C571378 7D107214
3FC08000 63DE1500
7FB8C850 00000000

The 4 means 0x4 amount of lines underneath. Number value is always in Hex. So 10 lines would show as 00000000A.

You never need to worry about this though when compiling ASM. The compiler does this for you. Don't even attempt ASM until you are seasoned enough with the gecko code documentation, and messing around with RAM fill/writes. Reread the Make Codes on Dolphin guide. Specifically Chapter 1.

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RE: Simplified MKW Cheat Code Documentation - by Vega - 10-30-2018, 08:44 PM

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