The Basics of Wii Cheat Codes & the Gecko Code Handler
Hello. Great simplification for this documentation so inexperienced people like me can understand this better. I have a question however. For the "Execute ASM" codetype, should I insert it under the finished C2 code or above it? I wanna try to write simple instructions so I can at least understand how it works.


C2531130 00000002
3803000F 38030001
60000000 00000000
C0000000 00000002
4E800020 00000000


C0000000 00000002
4E800020 00000000
C2531130 00000002
3803000F 38030001
60000000 00000000

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RE: Simplified MKW Cheat Code Documentation - by 420 Matt - 08-09-2018, 07:07 PM

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