Coding Questions and other Quandaries
Codes don't always have to make a game easier.

Normally, the game decreases your Elements quantity by 0x1 (0x3F800000 floating point).


Monster Mayhem: Build and Battle Wii (U)

Element Decrement By Modifier

C21CB76C 00000003
3D608000 3D80ZZZZ
918B03C0 C04B03C0
EC211028 00000000


Original code line
0x801CB76C fsubs f1, f1, f2

Changed to:

lis r11, 0x8000 #ASM Load upper half word of EVA address to store modifier value to
lis r12, 0xZZZZ #ASM Load modifier value to store in EVA
stw r12, 0x3c0 (r11) #ASM Store modifier value at EVA address 0x800003C0
lfs f2, 0x3c0 (r11) #ASM Load f2 with value to be subtracted
fsubs f1, f1, f2 #ASM Subtract it


0x4000 = 0x2
0x4040 = 0x3
0x4080 = 0x4
0x40A0 = 0x5

Anything above 0x5 is just silly!!!

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RE: Coding Questions and other Quandaries - by Hackwiz - 05-27-2022, 01:35 PM

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