Coding Questions and other Quandaries
Manhunt 2 - Wii (E) Walk Through Walls (Press and hold +)

0411b0fc 40820028 #ASM Default code so you only WTW's when you
2853ee8a 00000010 #ASM Press and hold the + button
0411b0fc 60000000 #ASM When held, it NOPs out the original branch instruction
e0000000 00000000 #ASM Halfway terminator
2853ee8a 00002010 #ASM Press and hold the Z and + button (needed for running)
0411b0fc 60000000 #ASM When held, it NOPs out the original branch instruction
e0000000 80008000 #ASM Full terminator

From the symbol map:

8011b0f8 Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity fcmpu cr0,f2,f1

8011b0fc Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity bne- ->0x8011B124

8011b100 Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity lwz r0, -0x3C38 (r13)
8011b104 Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity stw r0, 0x0090 (r22)
8011b108 Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity mr r3, r21
8011b10c Test__12CCharColDataFP7CEntity bl ->0x8011B8B4

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RE: Coding Questions and other Quandaries - by Hackwiz - 12-31-2022, 06:20 PM

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