Timer Speed Modifier [mdmwii]
04531130 3803XXYY
04535C78 3803XXYY
045355F8 3803XXYY
04523CD0 3803XXYY
[XX Values]
00 = 1x Forwards Timer
FF = 1x Backwards Timer
FE = 2x Backwards Timer
[YY Values]
02 = 2x Faster
04 = 4x Faster
- This code modifies your actual time.
- If the timer reaches 99:59.999 online, your race will end.
Code Creator: mdmwii
04531130 3803XXYY
04535C78 3803XXYY
045355F8 3803XXYY
04523CD0 3803XXYY
[XX Values]
00 = 1x Forwards Timer
FF = 1x Backwards Timer
FE = 2x Backwards Timer
[YY Values]
02 = 2x Faster
04 = 4x Faster
- This code modifies your actual time.
- If the timer reaches 99:59.999 online, your race will end.
Code Creator: mdmwii