Ultimate wheel help
Hi guys, i've been struggling to get this working, I have the ultimate wheel hack to select any item and this works great, but I only want it to spawn one item not unlimited.  Ideally I would just like it to drop immediately and then clear inventory, so for examble press left on dpad - drop banana, right - throw shell etc  Any help would be appreciated.

D27E4DDC 00000002
3FE08000 93BF1500
3BE00000 00000000
28341462 FFF70008
8000000F 0000000F
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FFFB0004
8000000F 0000000B
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FFFE0001
8000000F 00000009
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FFFD0002
8000000F 00000001
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FBF70408
8000000F 00000007
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FBFB0404
8000000F 00000008
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FBFE0401
8000000F 00000002
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FBFD0402
8000000F 00000000
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 BFF74008
8000000F 00000006
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 BFFB4004
8000000F 0000000A
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 EFFF1000
8000000F 0000000C
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 FFEF0010
8000000F 0000000D
8000000E 00000001
E0000000 00000000
28341462 7FFF8000
8000000F 00000003
8000000E 00000001
E2000001 00000000
48000000 809BEE20
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000014
DE000000 80008180
48100000 80001500
DE000000 80008180
9421000F 0000008C
9421000E 00000090
E0000000 80008000
This part below is responsible for writting the item IDs and amount to the item pointer (obtained from the ASM code at the start of the code)
48000000 809BEE20
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000014
DE000000 80008180
48100000 80001500
DE000000 80008180
9421000F 0000008C
9421000E 00000090
E0000000 80008000

Since that part of the code is always running (outside of activator), it will always write the item ID and amount. Putting these inside of each activator is not an appropriate way and would make the code extremely long.

If you don't mind about the activators, you can use my Item Cycler code which allows you to cycle through all items with D-Pad Left/Right (https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.php?tid=2377) and replace 41820050 with 60000000 - You will cycle through items but it will disappear once used. Pressing the cycle button again will give you the item again

If not, I can build you an item hack that does what you want, with your buttons
Your cycler is great, but I was hoping to just have a single button press assigned to each item, and ideally just drop/throw immediately if that is possible. so d-pad left - drop banana, d-pad up throw shell, etc etc

On a totally different request, at the end of the 32 race vs match, have it auto select to start another 32, so it will basically race forever until stopped
You press D-Pad Left, you get a Banana in your slot and immediately throw it? Then press the same button again to do it again?
That's right, how my original code is but only has one item and when selected automatically throws it.
Your code is basically done, I just need to fix an obscure issue specific to goldens, where they are "thrown" instead of used.

Now I need more information:
* Are the status items (Goldens, Star etc) meant to be used or actually dropped on the ground?
* Should I prevent you from getting and using these items if you already have an item on slot? (Legit item)
* Should I prevent you from getting these items in a state where you can't use items? (Example: In damage, countdown etc), since you'll get them in your slot but not use them
1. Used, so all items to act as intended, drop banana, throw shell, use star etc
2. If I have an item just replace it
3. This one's interesting, if there's no way to force it being used anyway, or getting the item after the state finished, just do it the easiest way you can do it doesn't break anything
I'll likely have the item only be obtainable if you're in a state you can use it, but I'll look what I can do
This is what I got so far:

* Can only get and use items in race (can't in countdown or after finish)
* Can't get items in states that can't use them (damage, cannon etc)
* Couldn't find a fix for golden, so for now, it will not auto use when obtained (Still looking for a solution)

Please test and tell me what you think and if I need to do changes

C278ED0C 0000001B
A01D000C 819D0000
818C0004 818C0014
718C0002 418200C0
3D80809C 818C8F70
818C0028 2C0C0002
408200AC 48000035
4004000A 40080006
80000003 0010000D
00010009 00020001
0004000B 04010002
04040008 04080007
1000000C 00000000
7D8802A6 3D608034
A16B1462 A14C0000
2C0A0000 41820058
A08C0002 7D435839
7C0A5800 4182000C
398C0004 4BFFFFD8
7C972378 899D00B2
2C0C0000 40820038
387D0088 38A00000
3D80807A 618CDEE0
7D8903A6 4E800421
2C17000A 41820008
38002000 39800001
48000008 39800000
999D00B2 00000000
Mate this is absolutely spot on!! Golden doesn't matter, but bullet bill isn't working. Also can the items mapped to the plus sign and home buttons be remapped to C and Z if possible, they work but obviously bring up Wii menus when pushed.

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