DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 NTSC Unlocking hidden music slots
Thought I'd test something out, didn't get any useful results so far but:
I added a bunch of new .adx files to the end of wzs3us2.afs using AFSPacker and edited the songs_order.dat to contain the new entries. After checking ingame it seems as though these new entries actually showed up but they're all locked. I'm not actually sure if these locked songs are the ones I added or if its just random sounds or blank since I can't play them back, however if they actually are the new .adx files then that means you could theoretically add as many songs to the game as you'd like and not just be limited to 43 which is pretty awesome. But yeah it looks like the only way around this hurdle is to actually find out how to unlock these slots

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RE: DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 NTSC Unlocking hidden music slots - by Seedonator - 07-10-2023, 01:01 AM

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