Accessing UIElements for PlayerIcons on Minimap
In case you might want to hide/show particular PlayerIcons yourself:

1) at 0x807ea318 the pointer to the array of the Elements is stored in r3
2) each element has a length of 0x1cc
3) Element for n-th Player is then stored at r3 + (n - 1)*0x1cc
4) the type is inhereted from UIElement so the bit to hide is 0x80 (1 = hide, 0 = visible)
5) each frame CtrlRace2DMapCharacter_calcSelf is called and the bit is set to 1 if the player's a ghost and 0 if not. So you want to NOP those instructions at 0x807eb2c4 and 0x807eb2d0 (otherwise they will interfere with you manually setting the bits)

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RE: Accessing UIElements for PlayerIcons on Minimap - by tefo7 - 02-06-2023, 07:32 PM

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