Coding Questions and other Quandaries
I came up with a workable button activated code:

2873ef10 00000040 #Activator Press & hold L for JMA
c2179fa0 00000001 #Insert asm at 0x80179fa0
60840000 00000000 #ASM ori r4, r4, 0
e0000000 00000000 #halfway terminator
2873ef10 00000000 #Activator No buttons pressed for normal jump
c2179fa0 00000001 #Insert asm at 0x80179fa0
60840001 00000000 #ASM ori r4, r4, 1
e0000000 80008000 #Full terminator

The key to why its locking up is because the ori r4, r4, 1 operation
is also used 4 times during the attack routine (only once for the jump).

That's enough for 2night.


With some more work, I would think a non-button activated code would be possible.

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RE: Coding Questions and other Quandaries - by Hackwiz - 12-16-2021, 01:58 AM

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