Coding Questions and other Quandaries
Manhunt 2 Wii (U) View In game Stats Rev. 1

Appears the game IS keeping track of stats for Style Points in the Wii version.

Dpad L - Kills/Style Points
Dpad U - Executions/Envoromental
Dpad R - Melee/Hides
C + Dpad L - Spotted/Time (ms)
C + Dpad U - Max Style/Style Points

0050f18b 00000001 #ASM This forces branch to the DrawMemUsage function. Got this at TCRF
041b46f0 38a00002 #ASM One of the arguments for the SetFontColour function. Made easier to read. Default 0x38a00001 [li r5, 0x1]
2853e80a 00000001 #ASM Button activator D-pad L
0444fff8 4b696c6c #ASM ASCII string Stat Label "Kills Ttl." Replaces "Mem. Usage"
0444fffc 73205474
02450000 00006c20
04450008 5374796c #ASM ASCII string Stat Label "Style Pts." Replaces "Mem2 Usage"
0445000c 65205074
02450010 0000732e

c21b470c 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a50638 00000000
###ASM insert 0x801b470c lwz r5, 0x30a8 (r5). Normally loads Mem 1 usage.
lis r5, 0x8056 #Load Upper half word of desired stat address
ori r5, r5, 0xF000 #Load lower half word
lwz r5, 1592(r5) #Load it up for display. in this case, its the number of Kills.

c21b4754 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a506a8 00000000
e0000000 00000000
###ASM insert 0x801b4754 lwz r5, 0x30a8 (r5). Normally loads Mem2 usage.
lis r5, 0x8056 #Load Upper half word of desired stat address.
ori r5, r5, 0xF000 #Load lower half word
lwz r5, 1592(r5) #Load it up for display. In this case, its Style Points
#####This is repeated for the rest of the stats so for brevity sake, lather, rinse, repeat...

2853e80a 00000008 #ASM Button activator D-pad U
0444fff8 45786563 #ASM ASCII string Stat Label "Execute" Replaces "Mem. Usage"
0444fffc 75746564
02450000 00002020
04450008 456e7669 #ASM ASCII string Stat Label "Enviroment" Replaces "Mem2 Usage"
0445000c 726f6d65
02450010 00006e74
c21b470c 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a50600 00000000
c21b4754 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a5061c 00000000
e0000000 00000000
2853e80a 00000002 #ASM Button activator D-pad R
0444fff8 4d656c65
0444fffc 65205474
02450000 00006c20
04450008 48696465
0445000c 73205474
02450010 00006c20
c21b470c 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a50654 00000000
c21b4754 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a50670 00000000
e0000000 00000000
2853e80a 00004001 #ASM Button activator C + D-pad L
0444fff8 53706f74
0444fffc 74656420
02450000 00002020
04450008 54696d65
0445000c 20286d73
02450010 00002920
c21b470c 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a5068c 00000000
c21b4754 00000002
3ca08064 80a51970
60000000 00000000
e0000000 00000000
2853e80a 00004008 #ASM Button activator C + D-pad U
0444fff8 4d617820
0444fffc 5374796c
02450000 00006520
04450008 5374796c
0445000c 65205074
02450010 0000732e
c21b470c 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a506b0 00000000
c21b4754 00000002
3ca08056 60a5f000
80a506a8 00000000
e0000000 80008000

Anyways, you should get the idea of what I'm doing. Lots of repetition.

Any ideas on how to shorten this thing? 64 lines as it is.

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RE: Coding Questions and other Quandaries - by Hackwiz - 02-11-2023, 08:28 PM

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