Draw text to Screen Add Borders [SwareJonge]
I might as well try to explain. It really isn't that hard, if you are only wanting to change basic text output.

Go down to the source of the code.

Look for..

.string "DEGUG\0\0"

The contents in between the two quotations if what you want to edit. Remove the slash-zeroes btw.

Edit in w/e text you need, underneath that add in this line...

.align 2

Now go to the very top line...

.set region, ''

In between the quotation marks, put your region letter
e = ntsc-u
p = pal
j = ntsc-j
k = ntsc-k

Download and install pyiiasmh3 - https://mkwii.com/showthread.php?tid=1529

Open up pyiiasmh

Now with your modified/updated source, copy the entire thing, paste it in the large lefthand box.

Change code type to 06/16

The address/offset is 800014B0

Compile the code. Now you need to just add the 04 ram write you see for your region
04009640 4BFF7E70

04009680 4BFF7E30

040095DC 4BFF7ED4

04009788 4BFF7D28

And that's it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Draw text to Screen Add Borders [SwareJonge] - by Vega - 01-17-2021, 08:21 PM

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