MSG Editor (change any text) [WhatisLoaf]
This code replaces any number of texts with your own custom text.
It's basically the same code as the one used to change the title in the custom top 10 code.
As such I've modifed both so they don't interfere with eachother.

The program can be found here:
Some explanation on how to use it:

A common use case for this is changing the "Personal Record" text to "World Champion" in the MK channel.

Just like the top 10 code, this is not really meant to be compiled manually but below is the source code for an example that replaces 2 message texts.

#Address Ports
#NTSC-U = 805C12A8
#PAL = 805CDDC8
#NTSC-J = 805CD6A4
#NTSC-K = 805BBD88

mflr r11

bl set_address

# all strings are placed here back to back
# it's important to include 0000 at the end of every string to terminate it properly

mflr r12
cmpwi r14, 0xIIII # message ID 1
bne- next_id
mr r3, r12 # replace the address with our address
cmpwi r14, 0xJJJJ # message ID 2
bne- function_end
addi r3, r12, 0x0001
stw r3, 0x20(sp)
mtlr r11

Messages In This Thread
MSG Editor (change any text) [WhatisLoaf] - by WhatisLoaf - 11-12-2020, 07:02 PM

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