Rapid Fire/Hop [Vega]
Bump. Had some people on Discord wanting a Rapid Hop code. All that is needed on this code is to modify what bit gets flipped high in the Input State Structure. Thus simply adding in another value for the user to fill in now allows them to choose Rapid Fire or Rapid Hop. There are other bits that can be implemented but they are useless, but if anyone cares, here is the Input State structure, credits to Seeky.

uint16_t buttonActions; // bit flags:
      0x1 = accelerate
      0x2 = brake + reverse (used for SSMT)
      0x4 = use item
      0x8 = hop + drift
      0x20 = rear-view camera

Messages In This Thread
Rapid Fire/Hop [Vega] - by Vega - 07-18-2021, 10:34 PM
RE: Rapid Fire/Hop [Vega] - by Vega - 10-11-2021, 01:02 PM

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