True Velocity Meter [Vega]
Update: Was able to find a velocity reading that i can use on any slot. It was nearby the XYZ position in memory for said player. This one is a bit different than the one in my original post. I guess you can call it Standard Velocity while the one in my original post is True Velocity.

Example: On the 1st TF green belt let yourself ride on the belt without any engine speed, both velocity readings are similar (small amount of velocity cause you are moving). But if you happen to hit the side of the stomper which stops you during the ride, the Standard Velocity reading still shows the same velocity reading (doesn't factor in the stomper hit), but the True Velocity shows a quick spike down in velocity as it's suppose to.

The Standard Velocity has to be one I'm seeing in a lot of TT vids recently as its easy to grab in memory since its right by the XYZ's.

UPDATE 2: Ported rest of code, moved thread. Thx again Chip for the help.

Messages In This Thread
True Velocity Meter [Vega] - by Vega - 07-23-2021, 12:52 PM
RE: Grabbing a specific player's velocity - by Vega - 07-23-2021, 10:53 PM

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