Randomized CC Online [TheNinjaKingOW]
This code randomizes what CC the game chooses online, you must be the host of the room to have this code work. The code uses a simple C0 randomizer that changes the byte value every frame. 

c2659d7c 00000003
3d808000 618c01b0
8b8c0000 9b9d003f
60000000 00000000
c0000000 00000004
3d808000 896c01b0
396b0001 280b0004
41a00008 39600000
996c01b0 4e800020

c2661CB8 00000003
3d808000 618c01b0
8b8c0000 9b9d003f
60000000 00000000
c0000000 00000004
3d808000 896c01b0
396b0001 280b0004
41a00008 39600000
996c01b0 4e800020

c2661324 00000003
3d808000 618c01b0
8b8c0000 9b9d003f
60000000 00000000
c0000000 00000004
3d808000 896c01b0
396b0001 280b0004
41a00008 39600000
996c01b0 4e800020

c264FFD0 00000003
3d808000 618c01b0
8b8c0000 9b9d003f
60000000 00000000
c0000000 00000004
3d808000 896c01b0
396b0001 280b0004
41a00008 39600000
996c01b0 4e800020

Special thanks to XeR, Vega, and Seeky for Basic help

lis r12, 0x8000 <--- Randomizer with applied values
lbz r11, 0x01b0 (r12)

addi r11, r11, 1

cmplwi r11, 0x04
blt+ dont_reset

li r11, 0x0

stb r11, 0x01b0 (r12)
  lis r12, 0x8000      } <---- Adds address of randomizer into r12
  ori r12, r12, 0x1B0  }
  lbz r28, 0(r12) <----- Takes byte from r12 and sets it in r28
  stb r28, 63(r29) <---- Stores byte from r28 to 63 + r29
~MarioKartWii.com #1~

Messages In This Thread
Randomized CC Online [TheNinjaKingOW] - by Zeraora - 01-20-2021, 02:21 AM

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