Addresses for groundtype and progress in Timetrails
Hello there!

For 1)
There are two codes on the forums that keep track of checkpoints

For 2)
This code deals with on-road vs off-road

The "RAM locations" for any values corresponding to checkpoints and offroad are in dynamic memory. Meaning they are at a diff spot every race. Your best bet is to set Instruction Breakpoints on the code addresses I linked you. For the checkpoint codes, the default instructions will point to exactly in memory where the checkpoint counter is.

For the offroad code, it's gonna take more effort to track that down. The offroad value may not be a hex value in memory but a bit flip within a hex value, which will be a pain to find. I don't know how much coding/ASM knowledge you have. If it's not much, maybe someone like JoshuaMK can help. Personally, due to work, I am too busy to take most requests.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Addresses for groundtype and progress in Timetrails - by Vega - 02-03-2020, 03:17 PM

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