02-01-2020, 05:11 AM
(01-20-2020, 12:24 AM)TheNinjaKingOW Wrote:Sorry for the very late reply, I simply never saw this question Anyways, yes! Most everything you can think of is possible. The real question is in weather or not the idea is feasible, which in this case it very much is. I think Vega has already found flags for this, I will try to look into this option for you soon.(11-27-2019, 07:52 AM)JoshuaMK Wrote: Thanks for the feedback! It does actually apply to all players/cpus, it's just that there is a file internally that forces the CPUs to all cap out at a certain speed. You can either edit the said file, or use Bean's Speed Modifier code, which requires editing the track's STGI section in the KMP. This can be done through Wiimm's SZS Tools.Can this be set to be activated when 150cc is selected? It can pretty much replicate 200cc CTGP at that point!
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.