Get Square Root of Any Hex Value: PPC ASM
Ye I've been pondering the idea of partially leaving the MKWii community. Most likely will go to Black Ops 4 on the PS4, just want a game I can play by myself time to time and camp/troll others for fun. Something to do with my spare time.

I have a few other MKWii codes in mine to do, but they require Starlet permission and I don't want to go into the realm of learning ARM Assembly + IOS modifications for these codes to work by any loading method.

Other Wii games don't interest me, so making codes for other games is basically a no go for me. I have a feeling my PPC journey is coming to an end.

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RE: Get Square Root of Any Hex Value: PPC ASM - by Vega - 01-14-2020, 08:36 PM

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