This code will display this message's ID number in the milliseconds timer during a race. I'm not joking. This code will legitimately display 297 in the milliseconds part of the timer.
C27ED9F8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27F84F8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27F7B64 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27E68B8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
Here's to a great July 14th!
C27ED9F8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27F84F8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27F7B64 00000001
3B800129 00000000
C27E68B8 00000001
3B800129 00000000
Here's to a great July 14th!
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.