Snowing in All Courses [Ro]
Snowing in All Courses [Ro]

Snow from DK Summit will be present in all tracks - snowing in all courses. To remove snow in DK Summit, change 01 to 00. Can be used with "Display Mushroom Gorge Clouds in Specific Slots" (and modifying it to be every slot) and it looks like a cold snow day.

0468CCF8 38000001
04692800 38000001

04691180 38000001
04696C88 38000001

046907EC 38000001
046962F4 38000001

0467F528 38000001
04685030 38000001

Code creator: Ro

Messages In This Thread
Snowing in All Courses [Ro] - by _Ro - 01-25-2025, 08:46 PM

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