Item Rules
- Cannot get Triple Bananas/Shells while holding Triple Bananas/Shells
Please note that even if you lose part of your triple bananas/shells, these rules still apply.

- Cannot get Blooper for the first 15 seconds of a race.
- There cannot be more than 1 Blooper in play simultaneously
- Once a Blooper is used, 15 seconds must elapse before another Blooper can be available for play

Thunder Cloud
- There cannot be more than 1 TC in play simultaneously

- There cannot be more than 3 Bob-ombs in play simultaneously

Blue Shell
- Cannot get Blue for the first 30 seconds of a race
- There cannot be more than 1 Blue in play simultaneously

POW Block
- Cannot get POW for the first 20 seconds of a race.
- There cannot be more than 1 POW in play simultaneously
- Once a POW is used, 20 seconds must elapse before another POW can be available for play

Golden Mushroom
- There cannot be more than 2 Goldens in play simultaneously

Mega Mushroom
- Cannot get a Mega while in a Mega
- There cannot be more than 2 Megas in play simultaneously

- There cannot be more than 3 Stars in play simultaneously

Bullet Bill
- There cannot be more than 1 Bill in play simultaneously

- Cannot get Shock for the first 30 seconds of a race.
- There cannot be more than 1 Shock in play simultaneously
- Once a Shock is used, 30 seconds must elapse before another Shock can be available for play

Mushroom Bug/Shroom-Glitch
- On your 16th, 18th, and 20th+ item, you will always receive a Shroom.
Wow, interesting.
When I realize we don't really think about it when we are playing online.
I actually think about it a lot. Like second nature. It's a good way to notice suspicious players/possible cheaters.
I have recently found out the following things:

1. I hooked the POW timer address and the timer is 20 seconds (after race start and between POWs)
2. i found and hooked the blooper timer address and the timer is 15 seconds (after race start and between the bloopers)

I also found the Blue Shell timer address. The timer is 30 seconds (only after race start)

One more question: Should I post a "No Blue Shell Delay" and a "No Blooper Delay" code? For the sake of completeness.
I have the item timers documented here by the way
I did have the timer functions documented too but apparently I forgot to put them on there :/
(08-07-2020, 07:37 AM)Unnamed Wrote: I have recently found out the following things:

1. I hooked the POW timer address and the timer is 20 seconds (after race start and between POWs)
2. i found and hooked the blooper timer address and the timer is 15 seconds (after race start and between the bloopers)

I also found the Blue Shell timer address. The timer is 30 seconds (only after race start)

One more question: Should I post a "No Blue Shell Delay" and a "No Blooper Delay" code? For the sake of completeness.

Yes please. And are you sure about the POW 20 second rule? I swear I tested this in game ages ago and was not able to get a POW (via shared item test) before 25 seconds once the race began.
Ok, I have thought a "No Blooper delay" code is usless, because the Time between Bloopers is very small (Blooper stays for round about 4 seconds and Ink for 6 or 7 seconds), but ok, with the code you can then pick the Blooper (you don't have to fire it).

And regards of POW-Timer, I have made a Screenshot showing me picking a POW right after 20 Seconds (Screenshot 1.5 seconds after Box was touched), but definetly under 25 seconds.

Sorry for the bad Quality I have used my N3DS (I wonder why I haven't used Stars "Screenshot"-Code).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Oh I forgot about this, I was planning to check my Ghidra when I got home for the itemslotdata stuff. Lightning timer is 1800 frames, blue shell timer is also 1800 frames but isn't reset when one is pulled, blooper is 900 frames, pow is 1200 frames. Basing this off of ItemSlotData::updateTimers at 807bb9ec pal (which sets the initial values and then decreases them by 1 every frame), ItemSlotData::resetBlooperTimer at 807bb9d4 pal, ItemSlotData::resetPowTimer at 807bb9e0 pal and ItemSlotData::resetLightningTimer at 807bb9bcpal (also 807bb9c8 pal is one to reset blue shells but goes unused)
Got the thread updated. Thx guys.

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