Change User Record Game Letter/ASCii Hex [Vega]
Change User Record Game Letter/ASCii Hex [Vega]

This code will allow you to set a spoofed game letter/ascii hex digit (4th digit of game ID) on your USER record/packet. If someone is reading USER packets in a WW, they will not know the true MKW Disc/ISO that you are on.

04661080 380000XX

04663164 380000XX

046627D0 380000XX

0465147C 380000XX

XX = Game ID 4th letter
45 = American MKW (E)
4A = Japan MKW (J)
4B = Korean MKW (K)
50 = PAL MKW (P)

lbz r0, 0x0003 (r3) changed to li r0, 0xXX

Code creator: Vega

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